Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Urban Homesteading Gift Basket Extravaganza

I thought I'd round out Urban Homesteading Giveaway Week with a gift basket of sorts. You've got the rain barrel, the fruit trees, books on chickens and canning and a composter to contend for. But, what about something to satisfy the urban homesteader in more ways than one?

The Giveaway
Today's giveaway gift basket includes:

1. The book that (sort of) started it all:
The Urban Homestead: Your Guide to Self-sufficient Living in the Heart of the City, by Kelly Coyne and Eric Knutzen. Plus, they are being harassed by them who shan't be named and, therefore, must be supported.

2. Subscription to the mother of Urban Homesteading:
A one year subscription to Mother Earth News, which has been writing about urban homesteading longer than some people have been living it.

3. Subscription to Urban Farm Magazine:
A one year subscription to Urban Farm because it's, well, about urban farming.

4. A $30 gift card for seeds n' stuff:
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds has the best damn heirloom seeds available out there. And, you can't be an urban homesteader if you aren't planting stuff, now can you?

How to enter
If you are interested in entering the random drawing for this gift basket extravaganza, please add your name to the comments of this post. You have until midnight PST this Friday, February 25th to enter. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. Good luck!

Make sure you check out the other giveaways going on this week:

Win a Soilsaver composter
Win a Raintree Nursery $50 gift certificate
Win a swanky looking rain barrel
Win the books, Keeping Chickens and Canning & Preserving

Note: There are affiliate links in this post.


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LatigoLiz said...

Enter! Enter! Enter! :D

circulating said...

what a week of celebration giveaways... thanks for the chances... :))

Lesley said...

Pick me!!

Issa said...

Oh, I'm in for this one. Especially for the Mother Earth News subscription!

meg- grow & resist said...

Oooh, I'm in! Fantastic basket of goodies!

April Alexander said...

I so deserve this basket!! ;) Seriously though, this is the mother of all giveaways, thank you!!

Aaron Wood said...


The Hipster Homegirl said...

Sounds awesome!!

Beth Quick said...

Entering ;)

Farmer Pinky said...

Count me in. Btw the links from Monday are wonderful. I've found some awesome new blogs to read.

fragmentaerie said...

count me in for the drawing

Troy said...

Put me on the list, so I can quit stealing Mother Earth News from my father in law...

-Heidi said...

Wow! You really do have the best giveaways! Urban homesteaders are the best!

Linda said...

Sweet giveaway ... count me in!

Tim said...

Awesome! I want in!

Mary Quite Contrary said...

Thanks for your early info on the UH TM issue and for this giveaway.
I am in a condo in Chicago and doing more veggies and making soap, but I never thought of myself as an urban homesteader. But I do now since I became part of this welcoming and supportive community that sprang up literally overnight.
Thanks. Mary

P.S. Just signed up for Mother Earth so if I win that I will pass for another entrant.

Anonymous said...

cool giveaway!

Unknown said...

I would be thrilled to win!!! I am sooooo wanting the Urban Homesteading Book!!! M.M.M. Crunchy Chicken does sound good!!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jack said...

Ooh, a giveaway that even a city boy like me take advantage of!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is a fabulously extravagant urban homesteading basket! :)

Anonymous said...

Entering me for the drawing, sayeth myself.

Unknown said...

sweet prize ^_^

Andrea Hall said...

More great stuff, wow!

Colleen said...

Wow...the giveaways this week have been incredible! Please enter me !

Anonymous said...

Oh. Holy. Moly. This is what I want to win!!!

Unknown said...

Sounds like an amazing basket, count me in!

Unknown said...

Pick me!

The 4 Bushel Farmgal said...

What a terrific grouping of resources! Please add my name to this giveaway.

Jenny said...

Add me too please! Great giveaways. Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

Yes please- Thank you!

Rivenfae said...

OOohhhh I really want this one.. I so could use that gift card right about now. Enter me!!!!

veronica said...

This is great! I just found your blog and have been pouring through the archives!

viggie said...

Awesome! Thanks for doing this you had really great giveaways

Farmerlady2 said...

The giveaways this week have been great! Thanks for the opportunity!

Keely said...

Count me in!

Kate said...

Cool beans! I've already ordered my copy of The Urban Homestead. But please count me in anyway. I'd love everything else in the basket. I've already got a giveaway of my own lined up for two copies of The Urban Homestead. If I win this, I'll just give away three copies instead of two. Thanks!


historicstitcher said...

Awesome! Enter!!!

Brittany said...

Count me in, please!

hippychick said...

Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great giveaway! That's a good motivation starter for the coming spring! Thank you!

Bullwinkle said...

Excellent give-away! Enter me!

C.L. said...

Sounds Amazing! Enter me!

Marissa said...

Wow wow wow! Hope I get picked. What a giveaway!! I just asked hubby for a composter for my birthday next month...

All of Us said...

I would love this! Thank you for the giveaways.

Jason said...


Sandy said...

Wow, this is the best giveaway yet! I'm in! Oh, PLEASE, random generator, pick meeeee!

Chris said...

Chris in MT would love to win these goodies. Thanks.

JizzleK said...

Count me in! Yeah!

Cathy said...

Thanks for all of these great giveaways. Count me in.

Jennifer said...

THis has been a great week of giveaways! Thanks!

Jennifer said...

Pick me!

Jonalynn said...

Great giveaway!! Count me in Please!!

Lil said...

Please count me in ! (and piok me ! ;))

Rachel Koniar said...

Yes Please! :)

Mama Mama Quite Contrary said...

I'd like to enter! Thanks!

Anna @ Blue Dirt said...

Great giveaway!

Cesar said...

Thanks for all the giveaways this week

robin said...

I would love that Mother Earth subscription... and the heirloom seeds!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I love a gift basket.

DramaMama said...

Ooh - I'm interested in the gift cert. for seeds! And the book is ALWAYS checked out from our library! I guess that's a good sign....?

Sarah said...

You've had some great giveaways this week! Please enter me as well.

Deoxy144 said...

Yes please!

Anonymous said...

MEN alone is worth the price of a ticket. Oh, await...

Anna said...

Yay!!! Oh, how I would love subscriptions to those magazines! :)

Friar Dude said...

That's a heck of a gift basket!!! All of which I've been wanting... nice job!

Natalie said...

What a great giveaway! Hope you pick me

Tara said...

Yay! Enter me, please. Thank you for a week of super giveaways!

brad said...

it's me again, and I'm still open to showing my support by allowing you to let me win free stuff.


AlohaKarina said...

WOW what a gift basket! Thanks for offering it and this is my entry! :)

Karina Chapman

Tree Huggin Momma said...

me ME ME Pick ME! Whooo Hooo Love the give aways :)

Adrienne said...

That sounds awesome! I'm in!

John and Melissa said...

Great gift basket!

Ben said...

Consider me entered.

Anonymous said...

I want to enter! Thank you so much!

Farmer Scott said...

I would love to win this! Every year I try to learn more and plant more in my garden.

Erica/Northwest Edible Life said...

Ooooh, good basket. Can I have it?

Annabanana said...

What an awesome giveaway ! If I were you , I'd want to keep it :). Please put my name on the list ...Thanks !

lori said...

oh, Yes please!

Sara said...

PICK ME Please!!!

Earthdrummer said...

Would LOVE this!! thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Green Bean said...

Me please! What a great giveaway!

Rue said...

Fingers crossed!

swiggett said...

My word, this is fabulous.

Unknown said...

Awesome give aways!

Sarah Hui said...

Oh I'm in! Awsome basket'

BigHappyFamily said...

Enter me! Thanks.

Jamie said...

WOW! I want! LOL.

Kim said...

You are awesome, and so is this give-away! I've been debating a subscription to Mother-Earth News forever!

Maria said...

A subscription to Mother Earth News would be so fun!

Anonymous said...

FUN! Thank you so much!

Angela Mazur said...

Please add me to the drawing. ^_^

Amy Estrada said...

What an amazing package! Crossing my fingers here...

Anonymous said...

WOW - count me in! Great giveaway!


MaMaBear in the Mitten

Megan said...

Yes, please!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh.....the subscriptions alone would be AWESOME!

Kelly said...

Awesome giveaway; thanks!

Unknown said...

This has been great awareness. Let's take back homesteading to the people where it belongs!

Jennie said...

What a great end to your giveaway week!
Once more, count me in!

Unknown said...

wow! what a gift basket!

NCBill said...

Just in time for spring, what a great idea!

Dave said...

Great giveaway - fingers crossed!

Alyse said...

This has been such a great week. Thank you for all the giveaways.

Heather said...

yes please!

Julie said...

Me too?

Delora said...

You keep upping the ante with awesome items. Love! (Hope I win!)

Maria said...

That is a great basket to win. Please enter me into the drawing!

Dea-chan said...

Want to win!

Londa said...

What a great collection of goodies. Please enter me :)

Thank you

Anonymous said...


Sarah said...

great giveaway. Thanks!

Sarah said...

ARGGGHHHH. I live in Canada.

Caroline in NH said...

What a great giveaway! Would love to enter! (Would love to win! Please, please!) Thank you for hosting this.

Judy Nielsen said...

Please enter me in.

Annie*s Granny said...

Blogger burped and gave me an error, so let's try this again.....

WOW! You've made this old granny's, week!

Lisa said...

Omigoodness yes please and thank you!

Laura said...

What a great basket. Pick me!

Carissa said...

Oh my lordy, this has to be the best giveaway ever!!!

dc said...

Wow, I'd love to win this, just got my renewal notice for Mother Earth News!

PS my word verification is: shout!

Robin said...

You have outdone youself!!

Jennifer said...

I'm in, don't have any of those books/subscriptions so this would be awesome!

Anna said...

Holy freaking toledo!!! Woo hoo- it's the urban homesteading motherload!!!

Lynda said...

Great Giveaway...count me in on this one too. Lynda

Anonymous said...

one more great prize!

Anonymous said...

Count me in! What an awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

one more great prize!

Casey said...

What a nice collection!!! Sign me up! " )

Hippy Goodwife said...

Again with the great giveaway!

Melanie said...

What a great gift basket! I don't have any of those yet and would love them all! Thanks for the chance to enter!

:o) said...

Count me in, too! Thank you ♥♥♥

Julia's Child said...

Wow! Good stuff.

Geraldine said...

Excellent! Geraldine M.

Sheryl said...

Love Baker Creek and all the others

Mary said...

Geez Louise - what a giveaway extravaganza! I love it! Thanks!

Mr. and Mrs. Hoosier Homesteader said...

I've been wanting to try out Baker Creeks seeds! Count me in.

Shannon said...

Sign me up - what a great giveaway!

Goodness said...

What a fabulous giveaway - so sad I missed the others :-(

Lindsey G. said...

Fingers crossed, thanks for a great giveaway!

ashlee said...

Oh the gift basket sounds great!

The Pleasures of Homemaking said...

This is wonderful giveaway! I'd love to be entered. Thank you!


Chris said...

Count me in! Thanks!!

LizKnits said...

What a great assortment of goodies to get us going for spring!

Jenny said...

Wow--so many awesome things in one basket!
Thanks for the chance to win.

Renee said...

Oooh, very nice! Sign me up, please!

Rosa said...

i resisted all the rest but PLEASE enter me in this one!

kirst306 said...

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and ideas with all of us!

Unknown said...

I love the combination! Perfect!

Kathy said...

Pick me me me me me please!!

Julie said...

What an awesome giveaway!

Lise said...

What a great gift basket!! Thanks for the chance. I'll be sure to put a big sticker on top of the forbidden titles if I win so I won't mess with any trademarks. :-)

Robj98168 said...

great giveaway again Crunchy

Amy said...

You have the best contests! And I love your blog, great read!

Lizzie Bordello said...

As far as I understand, they wrote that Urban Homestead book well before them who shan't be named filed their copyright, didn't they? Ugh. This makes me so upset.
But, I will instead think about Baker Creek seeds, and that instantly warms my heart!

LindaM said...

wow! The generosity is amazing.

CarmanAcresHomestead said...

What an amazing gift basket! Count us in!

Alicia @ Carman Acres

L said...

It would be a great book at add to my increasing collection of books on Urban Homesteading :)

Anonymous said...

Pick me! Pick me! Sheesh! I don't read my blogs for a week and look what I almost miss! TG I got to read a bit today!

Kristi said...

I have the book on Kindle, but would love the rest of the goodies! Thanks for having the giveaways!

Eralel83 said...

Sounds great!

Able-Bodied Girl said...

wow, you are amazing to do all these giveaways! i'm in!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Pick me Pick me!

Sheree said...

Oh my! this is the most awesome give away I have ever seen! definately count me in!

Justine said...

Great finale to a week of awesome giveaways. The homesteader in me is really hoping to win one of these wonderful items!

Unknown said...

Another awesome giveaway, what a week! Thank you.

dayodestin said...

thanks for another great giveaway!

Kimberly said...

I'd love to win seeds to plant!

Simple Mama said...

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for another awesome prize! Much appreciated.

Desert Lean-to said...

Count me in--thanks!

Sunshine Boatright said...

I'd love to be entered! :) And I love how putting the book in supports those being harassed by those blankety-blank-blanks! :)

The basket idea is awesome! :D

Unknown said...

Enter! Pick Me!!!!!! ME ME ME!!!!


Anonymous said...

Count me in as well, please!

Jasmine said...

Enter me PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

Chile said...

Of course I want in on this one! Thanks for all the great giveaways you're doing, girl!

artemis said...

Super combo!

DM said...

I love Urban Farm!

Sarah C said...

Wow, very interested! You've had amazing giveaways this week!

Woodwife said...

Enter me please :)

tawnya said...

All things perfect!

Tracey S said...

What a nice selection.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the drawing ... thanks you!! DebC

Maid of Star Stuff said...

There's so much urban homesteading goodness in this basket whoever wins is liable to get sued - but I still hope I win!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I'm in!

You run the best drawings!

Judy T said...

Oh, what a great give away!! I'm in.

twokniveskatie said...

thanks! kate

Anonymous said...

You are really going all out with these giveaways!!! -Shelly King

Unknown said...

oh please please pick me :)

Anonymous said...

Pick me! :)

The Cheap Vegetable Gardener said...

Count me in

Unknown said...

Fabulous giveaway!

AutumnRose said...

ooh yeah, count me in!

matgill4 said...

great giveaway idea

Jenn T. said...

Wow, I would love to win this :)

Zoë said...

Wow, thanks so much for these giveaways and all the work you've done this past week!

Catherine said...

Nice! Thanks for the goodies!

Valrico Veggie Girl said...

crossing my fingers!

Lesli said...

Since I'm notorious for not winning things, I'm not counting on anything, but who knows, maybe this will be the time it all turns around for me? This truly is an extravaganza, I would love it all! :)

Ashley M. said...

Excellent giveaway! Please, please pick me!!

Elizabeth :D said...

:D Thanks for doing this!

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