Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Roll out the rain barrel giveaway

Let's start Urban Homesteading Giveaway Week with a bang, shall we?

For those of us who practice urban homesteading in close proximity to the neighbors, sporting a butt-ugly rain barrel can be a concern. I personally like the looks of the traditional rain barrels, but many neighbors (and homesteaders) do not. Even if the neighbors can't see the barrels, many people don't want their yards to look like an Ed Begley, Jr. experiment so they seek out something a little more subtle. Beautiful even.

That's what I did when I got our rain barrel (pictured at left). Not only did it look more like a large, earthen urn but it included a planter on top.

I drilled holes in it, lined it with barrier cloth, filled it with potting soil and planted strawberries and cyclamen to add some visual interest. The raised strawberries worked out great because it kept the slugs, critters and chickens away and produced all summer long.

If you don't want to use it as a planter, you can use it as a birdbath instead. In either case, it looks much better than a giant pickle barrel and, no doubt, the neighbors will be less likely to give you funny looks. Funny looks that they can save for when the dairy goats move in.

For today's giveaway, one randomly selected winner will receive a 50 gallon Algreen Rain Barrel (pictured at right). It's a little smaller than my 65 gallon one, but the principles are the same. It features:
  • Molded plastic that won't chip, crack, or fade
  • A 4-foot garden hose with shutoff nozzle
  • A screen guard and removable crown planter
  • Measures 23 x 33 inches
How to enter
If you are interested in entering the random drawing, please add your name to the comments of this post. You have until midnight PST this Friday, February 25th to enter. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. You do not need to be an urban homesteader to enter this giveaway - just someone who needs a rain barrel.

Good luck!

Note: There are affiliate links in this post. Consider yerself warned.


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Rivenfae said...

WOW that is a Cool Rainbarrel.

Hey I wanna enter Rivenfae here

Lynda said...

I'm the neighbor with the ugly pickle (olive) barrels repurposed into rain barrels! Thank goodness my neighbors are my kids, one on each side. I would love a nice fancy-dancy rain barrel.


Anonymous said...

would love!

Rebecca said...

Wow, style and practicality. Nice!

Sunshine Boatright said...

OMG! Would totally love one of those! Especially since it's pretty enough that the landlords wouldn't be able to say anything. ;) Living in the desert, that would totally come in handy (especially weeks like this week where it'll be raining most of the week). Sunshine here (and yes, that's my name). ;) Love your blog by the way. Was just recently turned onto it by a friend. :)

Katy Wolk-Stanley said...

Would love to have an awesome rain barrel.


Kim said...

For real!?! This might go down in history as the coolest giveaway ever. :-)

Jamie said...

Fantastic! Thanks for the chance to enter!

Jason said...

I sure could use one of these!

Erica/Northwest Edible Life said...

Color me entered! What a fantastic way to start UHW. Badass.

SustainaMom said...

I would LOVE to have a bee-yoo-tiful rain barrel! (please!) :)

Unknown said...

I love the looks of these! No need to hide that with bushes and such. Great give away.

Shelly King

twokniveskatie said...

count me in! that is so cool!

kate @

Surviving and thriving on pennies said...

I think the only thing I need now is a rain barrel and some chickens. I'll work on warming my husband up for chickens if you enter me in this contest. Thanks crunchy!

Joy said...

So cool! count me in!

:o) said...

This would be perfect for my garden...and great use of our abundant PNW rain! ♥♥♥

Maureen said...

Wow...that is gorgeous...I want it!

Tracey S said...

Would love to have that barrel. I live in a very dry area and would love to use it to conserve a bit of water.

Unknown said...

Nice looking rain barrels. Good enough to have out front. Gotta look into get ting a few of those.

*~*Laura*~* said...

I am in LOVE with this rain barrel!! How awesome is that!! Count me in!!

Hippy Goodwife said...

I would love to have a fancy rain barrel!

Chris said...

Chris could use this

Bryna said...

I have been despairing about ever being able to afford a rainbarrel that looks ok enough to pass muster with my landlord. Finally, an answer: I must win this giveaway :)

Thanks so much for your wonderful blog. Hoping I win!

Anonymous said...

That rain barrel would be very happy at my little house! Thanks.

steph said...

/i could use this!

Beth Quick said...

Love it. Entering ;)

Unknown said...

I would LOVE that!

Michele said...

Love it . That is something I could use without anyone complaining ..

Falafel and the Bee said...

That is a fantastic giveaway! My husband has really wanted a rain barrel for so long...and I love the way this one looks!
Thanks for the chance to win!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's a cute rainbarrel, and I do need one!

fragmentaerie said...

Marya wants this rain barrel. Oh yes indeed she does.

Megan said...

I love your blog. I'd love to win a rain barrel!

LatigoLiz said...

Enter me, please! :D

Sara M said...

Very nice rain barrel! Would love to win.

Sara M said...

Very cool rain barrel! Would love to win.

Melissa said...

That has to be the prettiest rain barrel I've ever seen. :)

Unknown said...

Sign me up!

michelleb said...

Awesome! You know, collecting rainwater is technically illegal in Colorado (complicated water rights in the desert!)but I think this stealth beauty would make my thievery a little easier!

Girl on Bike said...

That's a great idea. I could totally see that in my front yard.

Enter me in! Kendra P.

MKD said...

we have what would be considered an "ugly" rain barrel!! I would love this!!
*crossing my fingers*

Erika said...

This will make hubs happy! He won't consider a rain barrel because he is convinced they're all ugly!

Unknown said...

Love this!!

MeShell said...

Deanna, no need to put me in the drawing as we already have 2 of rain barrels, I just want to tell you how much i LOVE your blog!! You are a riot girl!

meg- grow & resist said...

oooh, I want! This would collect the rain off the chicken coop perfectly! And since I am the crazy chicken lady I insist their set up is pretty! =)

Anonymous said...

Oh! Lovely barrel!
We left ours at our house when we moved so a new one would be lovely.
Jessjgh1 at gmail

Anna @ Blue Dirt said...

All this talk about pickle barrels might make my husband think that cucumbers instead of rain should reside in said barrel.

Anonymous said...

We have been wanting to get a couple of these, but have never been able to find a nice one!

Unknown said...

Absolutely luv this! Using a rubber storage tub now to water flowerboxes on our townhouse deck. This would look so much better, & match the chiminea. :)

Tina Leavy said...

oh yeah! I'd love to win this for my urban farmette :0)

Sheryl Dutton-Ramos said...

OOOOOOH MAMA LIKE! I was planning on a DIY plastic rain barrel for my yard but that is a BEAUTIFUL design!
Add me to the drawing!

Ed said...

Yes please for the rain barrel. Pickle barrels are their own kind of cool but this one would even get the approval of SWMBO!


Issa said...

Ooh! Pick me, pick me! :-)

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous! You find the coolest stuff!

Thank you! Liberty

bjburchett said...

Please enter me in the drawing! I want a couple rainbarrels so bad! My dear hubby isn't sold on having ugly barrels sitting at the corners of the house yet. But if he sees this one, he's sure to give in! your blog.

Emily M said...

We are going to be moving into our first house soon and this would be a great addition!

HotFlashHomestead said...

Would love to enter the drawing and would put it to very good use!

Unknown said...

Me, me. me :) Terri P.

Sylvia said...

Thanks for the giveaway- that's a purdy rain barrel for sure!

AmazinAlison said...

Would love to win a stylish and functional rain barrel! Thank you for the opportunity. :)

Nic, SD said...

Count me in :) It's lovely

Kristi said...

This would be perfect for me! Sign me up! Thanks!

Luis Tobon said...

I would love this gorgeous rain barrel. Sign me up for the contest.


Colleen said...

How Beautiful!
I would love it. So stylish!

April Alexander said...

Deanna - We get loads of rain in N. CAL and we don't have a rainbarrel. I want this!! Thanks for the give away!

Cindy said...

what a cool giveaway! Thanks for putting this on :)

Jan Derksen said...

LOVE the rain barrel, HATE that I can't enter cuz I'm in Canada!!!

Heidi said...

love this barrel!


Unknown said...

Trailing vines, and one of those pretty rain-chains would be a pretty setup.

Jen said...

Yes please I would love that barrel like one of my own chiildren.

Carley said...

Nice! Also, I like the new look!

esp said...

ooohhh...this urban homesteader would love that fancy rain barrel.

I like the new blog look, too!

robbie said...

Love the design - I could get away with that in my neighborhood!

Renee said...

Ooh, wow. This seems like a good time to de-lurk! Found your blog via Sharon Astyk, and am really enjoying going through the archives.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I am looking for a new rain barrel at the moment to replace an old ugly barrel one that came with the house. I really like the looks of that one and the hose is a must. Plus it will definitely keep the rat snake out, which is always an unpleasant surprise.

Jonalynn said...

I've been looking for a nice rain barrel for years. I'd love to win this one!

Tara said...

Such a beautiful barrel! Much nicer than the blue ones from the carwash...

Kim said...

Great looking rain barrel! If I don't win, where can I get one? ~ Kim

Carol said...

We sure could use a rainbarrel! We live on townwater, had a partial drought last year, and garden didnt fare well at all on townwater!


Lisa said...

Funny looks that they can save for when the dairy goats move in. Bah-ha-ha-ha-ha!! Excellent and clever as always, Crunchy!

I don't need a rain barrel and don't need an entry in this excellent giveaway (which is good because the random integer generator hates me anyway). I just wanted to comment on the hilarious line, the awesomeness of this giveaway, and my liking of the blog's new look! Thank you for always inspiring!

Earthdrummer said...

My yard would love this!!

Jamie said...

Very cool. I'd love to have it!

The Curtis Family said...

I would love to win the rainbarrel! Our raised bed vegetable garden is going to be downhill from our house, and this would be perfect for watering during the summer.

Unknown said...

I love this rain barrel design! I hope this makes more people want to add this to their landscaping. With recent population increases here in Texas, we're gonna need them! Thanks for posting this. :) I can't wait to spread the word.

Sarah said...

I would love this! What a great idea!

Bullwinkle said...

I would love this - the front yard, right by the front door needs a prettier solution.

Darcy@SomewhatMuddledMusings. said...

What a great way to start off the week - thanks!

Anna said...

Love it!!! Thanks!

DramaMama said...

Much better than my hubby attempting to create something hideous out of a farm barrel!

Unknown said...

yay for rain barrels!

Carolyn Schaub said...

I so need one of these!

Farmerlady2 said...

Very attractive! Would like in my yard. :)

Mama Mama Quite Contrary said...

My husband and I were just talking about getting these so I'm entering!

Q said...

I'm wayyyy up in Canada so don't bother including me in this. But, I like how many times you used the words urban homesteader. You sassy girl you.

Fleecenik Farm said...

Very Cool! So pretty:)

Kimberly said...

That is the coolest rain barrel I've ever seen. I would SO love to give it a home.

Amy said...

The Ed Begley Experiment would be a great band name, but I digress. I'd love to win this. I have had this bookmarked since I bought my house. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Natalie said...

Pick me! Pick me!!

FLL Team - The Flaming Rubber Duckies said...

LOVE the rain barrel giveaway!

Sheila Rumble

owlfan said...

I'd love to win a lovely rainbarrel. I have one but it is a bit ugly. I would move it around to the back of the house and have this lovely one out front.

Unknown said...

I just recently discovered your blog. Just in time, I guess! I have wanted a rain barrel for a long time.

Sandy said...

Hey, I'm an Urban Homesteader! I could totally use your rain barrel! Count me in!

Stephanie said...

I would love a rain barrel.

Nora Love said...

I teach Kindergarten/1st grade. We are working towards a food filled garden. As teachers we have been wanting a rainbarrel. Our building is shared and so need to keep up appearances in order to please everyone. The children could learn so much through the use of this rainbarrel!

Leslie Richman said...

Enter me please! :)

Janie said...

Nice rain barrel...I use a garbage can!

Jennifer said...

That's a great looking rain barrel. We have a pickle barrel style but have hesitated putting it in the front yard.

Heather said...

This would be awesome!

NCBill said...

Just what I need!

nancydv said...

I know that the whole "Urban Homesteading" trademark situation has created lots of ill will, but I think a lot of positive will come out of it, too. Like connecting with all the Urban Homesteaders out there! And finding out about really cool things like this (coolest ever!) rain barrel. I am an Urban Homesteader in Charlotte, NC and just put in an asparagus bed yesterday. My new little asparagus babes would love this! Thanks so much for giving this away.

El Gaucho said...

Awesome, what a great giveaway. Fingers crossed.

Julie said...

Don't need the rain barrel but did want to comment on your new look which is very eye catching. Simple and effective.

Simple Mama said...

That is a cool looking rain barrel. My neighbors would be impressed, as would my flower bed.

Carolyn said...

I love the rain barrel!

-Heidi said...


Jenell said...

Some day I'd like to have a large water cistern, but it's small steps for me.... Thanks for the chance to enter this giveaway, Crunchy!

The Pleasures of Homemaking said...

That's such a pretty one! We have three rain barrels in our backyard but we are selling our house and leaving them for the new owners (because the downspouts have been cut and the barrels are set up to water the flowers etc). So this would be lovely to win to use in our new home! Thanks!


Dea-chan said...

I'd love to enter! New apartment, new plans!

Cathy said...

Wow, what a great contest. Count me in. Thanks

Kristy said...

I have been wanting one of these for a long time now. I would love to win!

Kacey Long said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

Wow, yeah...I could really use that. Thanks for the contest.

Sarah said...

That's a fine looking rain barrel.

Kate said...

Awesome! Please count me in for a chance to win. And thanks for your generosity.

viggie said...

What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for doing this.

sgrambled said...

I would love a rain barrel- they are not exactly encouraged in my 'hood, this would be great.

Woodwife said...

I'd love that. It's such a cute shape too.

Jen said...

I have been meaning to get a rain barrel. This looks fantastic!

Tara said...

Yay! Non-rain barrel rain barrels for urban homesteaders (sorry, just had to get that in - without the TM.) Would love one for my front yard.

KellyJ said...

We've been wanting one of these!

Brad K. said...

Here I am, humming along to "Oh, Playmate" (, and hoping for a rain barrel. Maybe next summer a cellar door .. with (root) cellar!

Please, please!

Kelsey said...

I would love to win a rain barrel.

Kristina said...

I like that rain barrel. I do like the old barrels and wouldn't mind having some old whisky barrels, but this is just lovely.

Robin said...

What an awesome rain barrel - and one that does not offend the landscape!

Robin said...

What a lovely rain barrel - and one that does not offend the landscape!!

Laura said...

I would love a rainbarrel like that.

Mr. and Mrs. Hoosier Homesteader said...

We could get a lot of use out of that. Add me (Mary) to the list!

Judy T said...

Oh, count me in. We got a couple of barrels from the local dairy/cheese house but they aren't nearly as stylish as this.

Cindy in Maine said...

Pick me, please! I'd love a nice rain barrel like this one!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'd love to win a rain barrel! Exciting!


Unknown said...

I could really use one of these here in Illinois- Make the neighbors notice!!

SuzOH said...

My neighbors can't really see my back yard, but I would love to have a rain barrel, and a nice looking one is important, my back yard is small, so everything counts.

Becca said...

We've been wanting a rain barrel, but the HOA is picky about what they will allow. This one is perfect! Thanks for offering the chance to win it.

Gigi said...

Oh, I wish that I could write the appropriate "Ode to a Rain Barrel" as I have been lusting (yes lusting) after one for years. Please, please pick me!!!

Bham Meg said...

We get some rain up here in the 'Ham. :) Want!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up, Crunchy! Somewhere in Montana...

Anonymous said...

That is a pretty nice rainbarrel. It would actually look pretty in my front yard.

I like the new look.

Robyn M. said...

Wow would I love that! I'm in!

Leanna said...

What a fabulous rainbarrel!

loridean said...

I need a new one front the front of the house, would love to win one!

gail said...

this would really come in handy!

gail said...

this would really come in handy!

Ben Barlow said...

Very nice. Please enter me

Sue said...

Wow what a great giveaway, Im Sue and I want. Thanks

A.K. McCormick said...

Just started subscribing to your blog and I would love to enter for the rain barrel. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Ooo! I want! I think this may be the only way to get my husband to agree to a rain barrel!

CJ in Nebraska

Diann said...

This is a wonderful giveaway! I would love to win it!

Holly said...

My high desert home needs to harvest some water!

Jenn T. said...

Wow! What a nice looking rain barrel. I would SO love to have this in my back yard :)

Melanie said...

I love the urn style rain barrels - they look nice and serve a purpose. I would love to put one at every valley of my roof where I get runoff when it does rain here in AZ. Thanks for the chance at one!

TraceyT said...

Count me in. Thanks!

Mimi said...

OMG...I want this so bad....I'm not allowed to have normal rain barrels becuase of my HOA.....but this one is so nice no one would notice....and oh the saving on the water bill...I expanded the garden and I have been worried what the bill was going to look like....OMG...I am so excited about this give away.

A Payne said...

Been wanting a rain barrel for ages.

Maria said...

I would LOVE to win this!!!


Anonymous said...

Coolest contest ever!

Sonya Lynn said...

Sonya Lynn

Anonymous said...

I so need one of these!

Sarah said...

My family and I would love to win one of these rain barrels!

DK said...

My folks live way out in the sticks and have been using big blue plastic 55 gallon barrels to collect their rainwater, but those wouldn't go over so well here in the city where I live.

iheartgardening said...

Count me in Deanna. Thnk u

Nichole from Seattle

AutumnRose said...

What a beautiful rainbarrel...would LOVE to own one!

Anonymous said...

Oh, count me in - it is perfect!

susan heggestad said...

Thanks for having the best giveaways - this is one of the few homesteading necessities that we haven't yet tried...

Courtney said...

I'd love to win this, since I'm the neighbor who is planning to put in the uglier-than-a-pickle-barrel blue 55 gallon barrel rain barrel this spring. :)

Unknown said...

I'd love to win!

Chard Lady said...

Oh, I'd love to win this

equa yona(Big Bear) said...

Wow, I stay away for a couple of days and you change the whole look! Very nice. That is a very fine rain barrel and I would like one fer shur.

Gone2theDawgs said...

Way cool! This is Tammy at Wrensong Farm. :)

equa yona(Big Bear) said...

I just went to the Algreen site and found that this name is a huge misnomer. They use NO recycled plastic in these, so I will withdraw my name from the give away. My neighbors will just have to suck it up when I get a used pickle barrel.

sarah said...

We would love (and very much need) to have this rain barrel!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I want this purty rain barrel.


BigHappyFamily said...

I'd love a rain barrel. Please?

circulating said...

so beautiful and so at the top of my wish list... thanks for the chance... :))

StephCat said...

we need a rain barrel!

debmoulton said...

Nice giveaway! I'm feeling lucky, too!

Mitty said...

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! I love it! Our neighbors all have lovely, classy yards which put me to shame while I attempt to control the weeds in my shaggy herb garden.

Christina said...

These are awesome, would love one!

Catherine said...

What an awesome rain barrel. Would love to win it! Just found your blog and am loving it.

Sophie said...

That is just the prettiest rain barrel I have ever seen, so sweet. I do need one oh so much :)

Anonymous said...

I have been longing for one of these for my tiny urban backyard. I have to lug water outside and down two flights currently to keep the herbs and strawberries alive.

This might just save my life!

Tory in DC

Anna in Atlanta said...

My neighbors next door have one like this, and I've been envious since. It's really nice (and expensive, compared to the plastic pickle barrel).

Matriarchy said...

I am planning to install 6 barrels this year, and this one would be great in a one of the more visible spots. I hope I win! --Tracy

Carolyn said...

Just found your blog through another blogger & have lots of reading to do on previous posts!

Wouldn't mind a fancy-pants rain barrel either!

Thanks! Carolyn Renee

Carolyn said...

I'd like to enter the giveaway!

Carolyn Renee

zenglassfusion said...

Living in the Colorado Rockies we could totally use one of these for our dry season!

Natalie said...

What a stylish rain barrel - great idea for a giveaway. I'd love to win.

John and Melissa said...

Love that rain barrel!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I would love to own that rain barrel. It's raining right now and all those rain drops are going to waste!

Mary U said...

Just thinking about looking for a rain barrel - good timing! It's great!

Robj98168 said...

That is one swanky rain barrel!

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