Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Soilsaver Composter giveaway

Every backyard gardener needs a compost pile. But who wants a big, stinky mess to deal with? And, further, if you live in an urban area or are short on space, who wants to annoy the neighbors or be annoyed with a pile of kitchen and garden waste attracting bugs and critters?

In order to remedy that problem and jump start you in making your own compost gold, today's giveaway for Urban Homesteading Giveaway Week is a Soilsaver Classic Composter.

This composter promises that you'll be producing rich organic dark humus in 6 to 8 weeks from kitchen and garden waste. In addition it:
  • Works in all climates and can recycle up to 30% of household waste, helping reduce landfill cost, hauling cost and curbside pickup
  • Is made from 100% recycled material. Locking self-watering lid keeps varmints out and allows for easy entry
  • Has a heavy, dark wall construction that helps produce heat which helps the bacteria and micro-organisms breakdown waste to produce rich soil
  • Has two sliding doors allows easy access to soil.
  • Includes a free composting guide
  • Dimensions: 28"W x 28"D x 32"H
This composter is easy to use as well as easy on the eyes. Just add kitchen scraps and garden waste to the top of the bin and remove finished compost from the bottom of the bin. Turning is optional (if you want faster composting).

How to enter
If you are interested in entering the random drawing for this composter, please add your name to the comments of this post. You have until midnight PST this Friday, February 25th to enter. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. Good luck!

Make sure you check out the other giveaways going on this week:

Win a Raintree Nursery $50 gift certificate
Win a swanky looking rain barrel
Win the books, Keeping Chickens and Canning & Preserving

Note: There are affiliate links in this post.


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Beth Quick said...

You have great giveaway items! Entering yet another!

Lynda said...

I could use this, too! Lynda

Troy said...

This would be a fun thing to try, I've always wanted to see ho wthey worked.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for another great giveaway!

-Heidi said...

ooooh Sweet!

Colleen said...

Cool! Please enter me!

J Love said...

I would LOVE this! Been wanting one for so long... been using a cracked rubbermaid bin. Being green sure is hard when you're low on cash, and this would be amazing for the new garden space I've acquired for this summer!!! *fingers crossed* :-D

Thanks for the chance!!!

Anonymous said...

This looks great! jessjgh1 at

Anonymous said...

Just started trying to compost so this would be awesome!

Anonymous said...

I was going to say that I never win---you know---but that would be too tacky when the prize is a compost bin.

Anonymous said...

This is for my wife.

Kimberly said...

I'd love this. One reason I don't have a compost pile is that I just can't take staring at it.

Lesley said...

I've been wanting to start composting! This would help so much towards convincing hubby we should do it!

Lindsay said...

Oh man, I could really use this!

Sasha said...

This would get used to death at our house.

Andrea Hall said...

Wow, you do have great giveaways! Please enter me :)

Unknown said...

Please enter me. I've been wanting to try composting. This would be a great way to start.

Haley said...

Nice! I would love to add this to my yard for next years garden. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I sure could use the composter!!!! Have tried and failed before-I think this could really help :)

Robj98168 said...

Friday will probably mark the annual win my balls giveaway, after I go to the flower and garden show tomorrow. Cool giveaway this

Darcy@SomewhatMuddledMusings. said...

Another great giveaway item - one we'd LOVE to win!!!

brad said...

i would like to be randomly chosen for this prize. please feel free to randomly choose me.

Melissa Anderson said...

I really need something like this!

Unknown said...

Pick me! I could use this.

The Mom said...

Very nice! I'd love a shot at winning that.

Steph H said...

Much bigger and nicer to look at than my Rubbermaid tub. I'd love it!

Carolyn Schaub said...

Such great giveaways! I feel greedy!

El Gaucho said...

Yes indeed, you have some fantastic giveaways. Thanks.

Tara said...

What an awesome giveaway!

Renee said...

Well, heck! Another great giveaway I must enter. I've tried composting in a pile, and it never works for me (I'm a bad compost mom).

dayodestin said...

so great--I've been looking for an outdoor composter!

J. Walt Layne said...

I made one for myself, but I'd love to have a commercial one J. Walt Layne- The City Homesteader

Unknown said...

What wonderful giveaways this week. This composter would definitely get used here.

Jonalynn said...

I need this SO badly!! We are putting our house on the market and I have to get rid of my "unsightly" compost pile!

Kate said...

Wow, awesome giveaways! How do you do it? Please count me in for a chance at this one. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Love all of these giveaways!

Anonymous said...

I have tried so many composters with minimal results. The tumblers are awful. This one looks like it might do the trick.

hippychick said...

Thank you!!

Sarah said...

Our old composting setup is on it's last legs. I sure would like to win this one!

circulating said...

thanks for the chance...!!

Kelsey said...

This would be a great compost bin to keep out pests! I hope I win :)!

The Pleasures of Homemaking said...

Wow the giveaway items just keep getting better and better! Thank you so much for doing this.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the contest. Please let the random number generator favor me in this event. :)

Sandy said...

I have kitchen scrap garbage just waiting for that composter. My fingers are crossed!

Colleen Vanderlinden said...

Have been wanting one of these! You can never have too many composters :-)

pigbook1 said...

I can always use another composter!

A Payne said...

Great giveaways...thanks!

Farmerlady2 said...

What a great giveaway! I've been perusing the seed catalogs, lusting for a composter!

Jenny said...

While my upcycled pallets work fine--the neighbors are not liking it. This one would be great.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Anna said...

Oh, yay!!! Thanks for another chance at a great giveaway!

Unknown said...

This would be great for our family. We just started composing with a rubber maid tote.-aida

Anna @ Blue Dirt said...

Love composting or chicken feeding, whatever the case may be.

Tree Huggin Momma said...

As a true Urban Homesteader I had to give up my compost pile when my neighbors started complaining. It didn't smell, and we had no rodents, but they all claimed to be seeing rats. Mind you no evidence of rats, but hey that's the way it works in the City. I prefer direct compost methods to piles, but I would be willing to give a composter a try. :)

Joanna said...

Our compost pile attracts raccons, and I'd rather not have them around- this enclosed solution is great!

Shawn Burkett said...

What a great giveaway!

Catherine said...

This would be great. It would be more attractive than my "compost trash can" we use currently. :)

DramaMama said...

Our homemade barrel composter bit the dust last fall. We are looking into new, sturdier ones...this looks interesting...

Jacky Hackett said...

Composting is on my list to get start this year.

swiggett said...

Holey swiss cheese, batman, you are having some seriously drool-worthy giveaways this week. Please enter me into the composter one!

Marie said...

That is a great giveaway. Since the squirrels have eaten large holes in my stacking composter, and are trying to do the same to the spinner, I could use another one. Sigh me UP!

Unknown said...

I've composted a lot over the years but I've never tried one of these self contained units.

Mary Duncan said...

Another wonderful giveaway. This is an awesome compost bin. Would love to have it!

Jason said...

I could use that!

Maria said...

Another great giveaway - Thank you very much!

Angela Mazur said...

Sounds great! Please enter my name in the drawing. :)

Amy Korst said...

Please enter me! Very nice composter - nicer than what I'm using now. Thanks!

Robb & Nancy said...

I am definitely interested - we compost as a group and need additional space/place to compost

angie said...

i would love to win this!

JizzleK said...

Count me in on the drawing!!

sheryl said...

This would be great in my new garden space!

Andrea said...

For the love of all that's holy, I would love this! Then my husband wouldn't be tempted to just toss perfectly good leftovers simply because he hates our tiny little compost jar.

lori said...

pick me! pick me!

Mrs. Small House said...

I would love to try this!

Grace said...

Wow! I love your giveaways this week! Throw my name in the hat, please.

Jamie said...

I would love to have it!

Kelly said...

Yes please!

Stacy said...

Fabulous! We definitely need an upgrade on our composting methods! This would definitely help us out!

Carolyn said...

You've got me dreaming of dirt!

Keely said...

Another great item!

Brad K. said...

Me too! That composter looks great, and would make my garden even better!

Thanks for the chance!

Alyse said...

Another good giveaway. What a fun week this has been!

Anonymous said...

wow! could really use this...

Maria said...

Seriously great giveaways this week! I don't have a compost bin as the plan has been for my husband to build me one...someday. :)

Annie*s Granny said...

It's a winner....I hope I'm a winner!

Dea-chan said...

Definitely interested!

LJ Porter said...


SustainaMom said...

Awesome giveaways!

lizo said...

Awesome looking composter!! Pick me!


Karina said...

Definitely entering this contest! This would be a fantastic addition to my small yard (and for my flowers) in Pittsburgh!

NCBill said...

Now we can dish up the dirt on this issue!


This looks like a great home composter! Thanks for the giveaway!

desertortoise said...

What a great gift!

Jane said...

I don't have one. A great giveaway!

Angie H-P said...

I have one of those big smelly compost piles and would love to hide it in one of these pretty boxes.

Anonymous said...

Caro here--would love to win this. Thank you! :-)

Cesar said...

Thanks for the opportunity

:o) said...

This would sure beat the pile and tarp thing we have going on now!!!

Lizzie Bordello said...

Love the "turning is optional" part - that is the biggest problem with me for composting - I need lazy compost! :)

Luis Tobon said...

Another great giveaway. Count me in. It looks like a great compost bin.


Laura said...

Great giveaway! I can put this to good use for sure!

Mary said...

I'm in giveaway heaven! Thanks again. I'd love to give this bin a try.

Unknown said...

I could always use another composter! Thanks for the awesome giveaways!

Bham Meg said...

You have fantastic giveaways this week! Composter, I wants it! :)

michelleb said...

Great for cleaning up my messy pile. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Unknown said...

I love your recent giveaways!

rebecca said...

perfect size! great giveaway!

John and Melissa said...

I could really use this!

Carissa said...

Awesome! I could totally use one of these.

KalieW said...

Awesome, awesome, awesome! :) Ive always wanted this!

Marcy said...

This would be awesome.

Christina said...

Sign me up! This has been on my wish list! Thanks for the chance to win it!

Amy Ashton-Keller said...

My last composter died. I could so use a replacement!

Elizabeth said...

Ooh, goody!

sara said...

We could use a new compost bin!

Sarah said...

I'd add this to our school garden.

Shari said...

Wow! So many giveaways this week. Count me in for this one too!

Unknown said...

So exciting! Right now I have a home-made box...

Hippy Goodwife said...

You are full of great stuff this week!

Amy in Tacoma said...

I would LOOOOOVE this!!

Chris said...

Would love to try this - Chris

HotchaByrd said...

Yes, please.

Donna said...

Another great giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing giveaway week! I would love love love a composter. Thanks!

Tara B.

Earthdrummer said...

My kitchen scraps runneth over!! Would put this to very good use!!

Cat K. said...

I love this too! Looks way more effective than what we have put together, though I'm anxious to see if our makeshift pile has worked!

Amy said...

Oh how I would love to win this! We move to our new little farm in April, this would be fantastic to have there!

Chard Lady said...

I LOVE this style, really great for that little compost-pile in the city

loridean said...

This would be wonderful for the front yard!

loridean said...

This would be wonderful for the front yard!

april said...

This looks like a great composter!

Simple Mama said...

Oh gosh, please pick me internet Gods. I was just telling my husband we needed a different composting method.

karinajean said...

oh, right now we have a giant ugly pile in the back yard. it's hard to get to in the snow, so we have a bucket on the front porch. this would be MUCH nicer.

Leslie Richman said...

Enter me, please! :)

Anna said...

I have a tiny bucket that is perpetually overflowing (at least I can say I am eating/drinking my veg these days) and annoying my husband. This might annoy him more, but I am eager to try it!

Michael said...

Composter would be a great mother's day gift!

Eralel83 said...

This sounds great!!

steph said...

Oh my goodness, pretty please! I have been lusting for one of these for ages, but just don't have room in the budget. Come on random number generator! Mama needs a composter!

Mary said...

I soooo need this!

AutumnRose said...

I'm in on this one, too--can't miss such great giveaways :-)

Delora said...

Cost has kept me from purchasing a commercial composter, and my pile method isn't as effective as it could be. I would love to win this.

beany said...

I'm throwing my hat into the pile!

Michelle said...

I would love a composter for my backyard!

Wendy Warren said...

Oh, this is just what we need. Please enter me too! (Oh, you said to put my name here. Okay. It's Wendy.)

twokniveskatie said...

count me in. thank-you!

itsjustToni said...

Oh My Gosh! What a wonderful giveaway! Hubby and I were just looking at one of these and saying how much it would save our senior citizen backs! He has taken to (shudder) throwing away compostables from our Urban Homestead because we can't turn a pile anymore. Pick us, please!!!

my blog:

Stephanie said...

I have a friend who would love this so I am going to enter for her.

Sunshine Boatright said...

This is perfect! :) I would love to have something like this. I keep putting off composting because we're renting & the neighborhood is not conducive to it, but I get so bummed when I see all the things going in the trash that I KNOW would make great compost. :) You do have some amazing giveaways! :)

Tricia said...

Wow - the giveaways are awesome - love this too!

Unknown said...

I'm dying to have one of these. Another fun project that I can get my kid involved with!

Stacey said...

Waaaah! I wanna win this too!!

Unknown said...

Awesome! just found this blog!

Jason said...


Unknown said...

April Sanders sure could use a composter.

Deoxy144 said...

Oh! This would satisfy even our picky neighbors, count me in!

Unknown said...

Actually, my mom really needs one of these... *crosses fingers*


DM said...

I would love to have one of these. I miss my compost pile!

Chelsea Wipf said...

i need a composter so bad!

tawnya said...

We've been searching for a good composter for our needs. This one looks great.

Katie said...

Oooo, this would be so awesome to have!

LindaLea said...

Would love to win this! :)

Made With Love said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jesse said...

Awesome! just found this blog

Tangee said...

OMG I've been wanting to get a compost for quite some time now...but ya know, if I were to win (setting the intention that this manifests), I would give it to my mom because she's been wanting to learn about composting and I think this would steer her in that direction (along with encouraging and inspiring her to grow her garden finally and start to live a more organic, healthy lifestyle). Thank you for offering this giveaway! :o)
Warm wishes,
Tangee Veloso-Pueblos

Unknown said...

This looks great! Please enter me.

Kristina said...

Your giveaways just keep getting better!

Tara said...

Yay! A great composter - I'm in! :)

Take 2 said...

Wow, would be perfect - first the rain barrel/planter now this. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Cathy said...

Yeah, enter me please.

Barbara said...

This is a fabulous give away! Would love to win.


Anonymous said...

Pick me! Pick Me!

Simpler Times Homestead said...

I would love to get this. Sure would help compost chicken manure

Sarah C said...

I would love this!

Anonymous said...

Please! PICK ME! I've been looking at the tumbling composters but can't afford one right now.

CJ in Nebraska

John Hintermaier said...

Would love this.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sign me up!!

Andrea in Montana

Daisy Driver said...

Each day I say, no not today, I shouldn't enter another the I am sucked in by you wonderful prizes!

Unknown said...

I'll bet my neighbors would appreciate it if I upgraded my current forlorn compost stack :-)

Anjanette said...

We are just getting into composting! Have big plans for a huge backyard garden and would love to win this!

tory said...

Okay, this I can use. Since we mostly eat fresh fruit and veg that I grow, we really need the compost!

Tory in DC

Anonymous said...

This is a great giveaway! Count me in. :)

equa yona(Big Bear) said...

Sign me up, Ms Crunchy! I would love one of them ther composters.

Tracey S said...

I would love that composter.

Julie said...

What a great giveaway!

Unknown said...

This composter looks much nicer than my compost pile!

Sara M said...

Would love to win this composter!

Justine said...

In need of rich compost for my garden. Please enter me for this great giveaway :)

sarah said...

We could really use this in our garden!

Arlene Cottonaro said...

Yes please!

Jen said...

Me too.

Hannah Crum said...

I currently have a home made vermicomposter but can't get any dirt out of it - just tea - which is great, but I'd love some good rich soil! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Nic, SD said...

Definitely interested. Your giveaways are crazy-awesome!

Bryan said...

Cool, please enter me.

Linda said...

Very cool ... I could use this for sure!

Tim said...

This looks great!

Unknown said...

It's a heck of a lot better than Root Simple's tire, but the back and forth posting was quite entertaining, and she called it spot on ROFL

viggie said...

I tried making my own pile in a rubbermaid with air and drainage holes drilledin it. But apparently that's just not good enough for *some* compost lol cuz it's just not doing much in there.

historicstitcher said...

I totally need this!

robin elton said...

Our worms just can't keep up, would love a bigger composter!

Holly said...

Need something like this that is a little neater than the mess that is currenly going on. Looks great!

Friar Dude said...

This would com in handy for our first garden...

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