Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Keeping Chickens and Canning & Preserving book giveaway

I've been waiting for a good time to do a giveaway of these two books and this is the perfect opportunity. Since it's Urban Homesteading Giveaway Week, today's items up for grabs are the two, wonderfully pictographic books by Ashley English. As part of the Homemade Living series from Lark Books, they are a great way to start your library of homesteading books or add to it.

The first book, Keeping Chickens with Ashley English, includes detailed information from selecting a breed to where to get them, housing options, feeding, health, hatching and raising chicks and recipes. This book also includes profiles of people who have taken on the chicken-rearing challenge as well as two projects with exploded woodworking illustrations and photos: a simple nesting box and a mobile chicken tractor.

The second book, Canning & Preserving with Ashley English: All You Need to Know to Make Jams, Jellies, Pickles, Chutneys & More, will inspire you to begin canning and, if you are already a canning queen (or king), get you champing at the bit in anticipation for this year's harvest.

Topics include necessary tools, canning basics, safety and ingredients as well as recipes for, well, jams, jellies, pickles, chutneys and more. She wraps it up with seasonal recipes like Fig and Thyme Jam, Beet and Sage Relish and Rhubarb and Amaretto Chutney. Ashley will help take the fear out of canning for newbies and give new spark to recipes for seasoned canners.

How to enter
If you are interested in entering the random drawing for these two books, please add your name to the comments of this post. You have until midnight PST this Friday, February 25th to enter. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. Good luck!

Make sure you check out Sunday's post where you can enter to win a swanky looking rain barrel I'm giving away.

Note: There are affiliate links in this post. Consider yerself warned.


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Betsy (Eco-novice) said...

These books sound awesome. I hope I win! betsy (at) eco-novice (dot) com.

Unknown said...

Chickens and Canning! Yes, please!

Widget27 said...

I love homesteading book! great idea said...

I love canning, and am always looking for better and new ways to do so! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Lynda said...

I could use a new canning book, and a Keeping Chickens book would be great to give to my new to chickens friend...sign me up.

Anonymous said...

Yeehaw! I'm about to move to the first place I can have chickens and do canning, so I'm in! Thanks for the giveaway. :)

Rebecca said...

My very favorite canning experience was four summers ago, when my husband & I discovered an urban feral grape vine in the back of an abandon house. It had twined itself over a fence & small building, and was taking over a serious tangle of blackberry and long-neglected apple trees in the right-of-way.

The grapes were green, ripened all at once, and we picked bushes and bushels of them. I processed them all in two days - and they had seeds! Two each. We made grape jelly, and it was soooo good. We gave nearly all of it away for Winter Solstice gifts.

We've gone back every summer since then to harvest them. Then, sadly, someone moved into the house and tore out all the wildness... the day we went looking for grapes and found severed vines and dead unripe grapes actually broke my heart... it was such a beautiful life form, and the good folks who moved into that humble house probably had no idea what they were taking down.

I'm always on the lookout for feral fruit! Seattle has lots - and I'm excited about another canning season... but please, can we just have spring soon?

Maureen said...

Those books look gorgeous.....pick me pick me!!!

Chris K. said...

Yes, please!

Kathy Lee said...

I have dreamed of raising chickens, and have made many a batch of organic jelly. Would love to learn how to raise chickens.

fragmentaerie said...

That canning book sounds awesome =)

Desiree said...

I would love love love the chickens book;) I have several canning books,

Love the site, just found it. said...

I've been thinking about getting hens, and my hubby's taught me how to can...I've got my fingers crossed on this giveaway! Thanks! Here's hoping :-)

shelby-knitz said...

ooh they sound great!

FA Neophyte said...

As someone who is trying real hard to talk my partner into chickens someday, the Keeping Chickens book looks like a great resource to help convince him. Fingers crossed! :)

Daryl at Vermont Cottage said...

I would love these books! Please enter me in the drawing :).

esp said...

Those both look like lovely books!

Unknown said...

I could use a canning book, hoping to get enough out of the garden this year to can. The chicken book would be wonderful for when I get chickens in a bit.

Carolyn Schaub said...

Love it!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Love the giveaway.

Tara B.

brad said...

yes please!

Brittany said...

Sounds great! I would especially love the canning book! I'm always looking for new recipes!

Unknown said...

Chickens and canning, oh my! LOVE it!

Farmer Pinky said...

Great giveaway!

Frugal Pursuit said...

I am looking to expand my horizons so these books sound like just the ticket. Thank you!

Michelle said...

I asked for chickens for my birthday, so this book would be handy (not sure how I will do with the chickens, so I could use the canning book as back up - love to cook!).

Rachel (Hounds in the Kitchen) said...

I have paged through both of these at the bookstore and they are beautiful! I would love to win.

MrsKezner said...

Have recently moved my three city chickens to the country to give them a proper garden to feast on... along with their 20 friends that are on the way!

Earthdrummer said...

Definately need these!!
Enter me w/ urban homestead love!!

Rivenfae said...

OOooo I could really use those!

The Pleasures of Homemaking said...

I could use both of the books especially the canning and preserving one! Thanks for another great give away!


Brad said...

Just discovered this blog. Please include me in the drawing!

fitsandstarts said...

They look like great books! I can't keep chickens yet, but hope to someday. :) Thanks for a great blog!

viggie said...

Great choices! I'd love to be entered

Natalie said...

I remember being excited by a review of the canning and preserving book. Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic - these books look wonderful (and have been on my wish list for rather a long time now).

Jenny said...

Please count me in too! I have plans to raise chickens and hopefully get some new zoning laws in my suburban neighborhood on keeping them. There has been talk about homesteaders being zoned "microfarm" in the urban & suburban areas near me in order to bypass the laws. Thanks for all your inspiration.

Judy T said...

Ooo, pick me. We're thinking about getting chickens this spring. This would be a fabulous addition.

Jenny said...

I would love both books! Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Great library additions. Great author. Shelly King

Jennifer said...

Would love to win these books!

(Urban homesteading, urban homesteading.....)

Sarah said...

I would love to win. I could always use another book on homesteading!

Anonymous said...

I SO badly want to learn to can, and any extra info I can get about raising my lovely hens would be a treat!! Thanks for the giveaway.
heidi b.

Anna said...

Thanks so much - I love keeping chickens and am a novice canner as well! :)

Chile said...

We're thinking about trying to squeeze in some chickens, so I'd love that book! Honestly, I have enough other canning books so I'll pass on that to give others the opportunity to learn to can.

DramaMama said...

Both are topics we have decided to begin soon! The books would be helpful...thanks!

Sheryl said...

These would be great in my library.

Tara said...

Great books! And if I don't win the giveaway, I'll plan on checking them out at the library. Thanks Crunchy!

Seth said...

Fun books! We met some friends at church who keep chickens and we always buy eggs from them when they have a surplus. Two other friends (one long distance) have also started keeping chickens so I have been considering it myself since we have a huge yard.

My wife has fond memories of helping her mother with the annual apple picking and applesauce canning along with other seasonal fruits.

Elizabeth said...

Pick me! Pick me! :)

Unknown said...

I love both my chickens and canning!

Jacky Hackett said...

I have been looking for a good canning book, this one looks great. Glad to have found your blog this weekend. Guess something good did come out of the whole TM fiasco.

Anna @ Blue Dirt said...

Either of these books would be great! We have chickens and love to can!

dc said...

Heck yes, I'd love to win these books!!

Friar Dude said...

Nice choice. I'm interested in both topics. This is my first year attempting to begin homesteading (with a passion). Thanks for the offer.

Dmarie said...

hey, thanks for yet another chance to win...always looking for new reading/new ideas!

Jamie said...

Great books and both are on my list to purchase so *fingers.crossed*!

Jennifer said...

How cool! I am always looking to add more books to the "homestead" library.

Emily said...

We are going to be getting chickens as soon as we can and this would be a great resource!

Anonymous said...

These books look wonderful. I love to can and so this would be icing on the cake for me!

lizo said...

Oh I need this... getting land on whidbey and clueless about canning and chickens, but know they are in my future.... pick me pick me!

Jenell said...

Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!

Christina said...

Thank you for your time and effort that takes to share a part of yourself in such a wonderful blog.

I feel as if reading this blog and others is like learning the skills my Grandmother would have taught if she had not passed.

Thank you for helping me become a more well rounded empowered woman.
Warmly, Christina

Unknown said...

Please, oh please, oh please!!! Pick me!!

Chris said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carrie at Rhubarbsky said...

Yes, please!

Chris said...

Oo, add me!
We are moving abroad soon and I want to raise chickens and expand my garden to help support ourselves!
Awesome, giveaway, thanks!

Angie said...

I'd love to win these books! Thanks.

rachelbess said...

I'd like to win, thanks!

Unknown said...

chickens and canning - two of my new year's resolutions to get started on this year! Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

You had me at chicken...

debmoulton said...

Mmm, fresh eggs and home-canned goodness. I am feeling lucky!

Chard Lady said...

Count me in!

Alyse said...

I would love to expand my homesteading library. Thanks for the giveaway!

Mary Ann L said...

Both books look great! Please enter me in the giveaway and thanx for doing it.

ashlee said...

as a practicing novice at both chickens and canning, these would be amazing books win!

Erica/Northwest Edible Life said...

Oooh, we are thinking of taking the plunge on chickens in the next month or so. I'd love those books.

Robin said...

Two of my very favorite things!

ahumphrey04 said...

Maybe I should look at "Keeping Chickens" My 8 hens have been on strike since August...either that or hang a soup pot in the coop as a reminder! (I kid, they are forever pets until they go to the Happy Scratching Grounds)
It's been so fun to read all these blogs!!

dee dee said...

I would love these books!!!!

Deb said...

I would love to read these books.
Thank you.

deborah150 at hotmail dot com

Lesley said...

I would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway!!

El Gaucho said...

I hope I win, I hope I win. Thanks for the great book giveaway!!!

Amy in Tacoma said...

I'd love the canning book!

Unknown said...

I want to learn to raise chickens, but chutneys sound good too LOL

dandelionlady said...

I'm a novice when it comes to chicken, though I'm planning on getting some very soon, so this would be perfect. When it comes to canning, my title is She Who Cans. I'd love to get my hands on some of those fancy recipes though, mine tends to the simpler end of the spectrum.

Unknown said...

Too bad about not being able to enter (Canadian) but thanks for the great titles.

Love the new look of the blog.

tawnya said...

Canning! I'll be all about the canning this summer...

Hippy Goodwife said...

oooh! Lovely books! Pick me! pick me!

CountryintheBurbs said...

Fun! Count me in please! *Tammy*

Amy said...

Ooooh, sign me up, please!

Michelle said...

I would love the canning book. It's something I want to learn, but it seems so daunting.

Jennie said...

Ooooh I'm wearing hubby down on the whole chicken thing. This book could help the cause.
:-) Count me in!

Andrea Hall said...

chickens & canning - two things I intended to learn about this summer anyway!

Maria said...

I love raising my hens and I love to can and I don't have either of these books yet! Thank you

Jess said...

Canning is on my list of things to learn that just seem overwhelmingly intimidating. Would love to win the book!

Mitty said...

That canning book looks gorgeous!

Jen said...

Fantastic! I've always wanted to have chickens.

Jenette said...

Yay! The chicken book would be perfect timing as my girls are coming March 3 :)

Anonymous said...

OH gosh, I really want the book on canning....and hey, I have been thinking about chickens all winter.

Tory in DC

Chris said...

Chris in Montana would love to win.

Kate said...

Please count me in for a chance to win. And thanks for the chance!

Able-Bodied Girl said...

how perfect! we're embarking on a chicken adventure sometime this year or next, and canning is something i'm trying to do more and more. This would be great :)


I'm a novice homesteader here in Seattle - I could put those books to great use! Thanks for the giveaway! Love the new look of Crunchy Chicken ...

HotchaByrd said...

Please and thank you.

Sarah C said...

I am very interested! I'm hoping to add chickens to my set up next Spring!

Robj98168 said...

Wow Books! YIPPEE! :P

sheilaryan said...

I've noticed both of those books before and would love to kick my meager skills up a notch with some expert advice!

betsy bee said...

Yes! Canning and Chickens please! I would love to take my homesteading skills to these next levels! :)

PigPennies said...

That cover art is awesome. I would love these books!

Tom Riley said...

I don't want the books, I just wanted to say the by-line in your blog title put a smile on my face

Kim said...

Not quite a rain barrel, but another really awesome giveaway! :-) Thanks for the chance!!

Amy said...

I'm trying to teach myself how to can & have almost convinced my husband to let me keep some chickens. I could sure use some instruction!

AutumnRose said...

I'm in! :-)

Lola said...

Pick me!!!

M. said...

I've been eyeing Keep Chickens for a while, and I'd love a new canning book to add to my always growing cookbook collection!

Tinker said...

What great giveaways you're having - I would love to have either of these books. Thanks for the opportunities!

Unknown said...

We keep talking about getting chickens so the book would be great to win and I've been canning more and more since our garden gets larger each year. Pick me!

KAS said...

I would soooo love to win the canning book - have been wanting to start canning but feel I have a lot to learn before I can do it properly.

Unknown said...

We've been talking about getting chickens and I've been canning more and more since our garden gets larger each year. Pick me!

sarah said...

I need help with both of these things!

Isaac said...

Ashley rocks and the books are great!

Jen said...

Awesome give away.

John and Melissa said...

Sounds like some good reading!

Colleen said...

Ashley's books are awesome!
Please enter me!

Simple Mama said...

Oh please count me in! Love your blog!

Brynne said...

Trying to convince my partner that chickens would be a good addition. He is not buying it...maybe these books will help. :)

brad said...

new page design looks great!

book with chickens, also great!

Kirsten said...

these look like great books :-)

Donna said...

The books look great. I will be getting baby chickens mid March.

Geraldine said...

Fantastic idea. I love chickens and canning.

Geraldine M.
Lexington, KY.

J and E said...

I love these book so so much!

Unknown said...

I am in love with Ashley English and her Small Measures blog! I am just starting out with canning and preserving, and someday hope to have my own backyard chickens!

Christine Chitnis said...

I love Ashley...big fan of her blog and her Design*Sponge column. I would love a chance to win her books! I already raise chickens, but I want to get into bees next!

Christine said...

i've been meaning to start canning for some time now. Using this book would be a great place to start!

Grace said...

Please enter me into the drawing. I have been casting a covetous eye on both of those books. Chickens and home canning are my passions.

Rebecca said...

I'm planning to start canning this summer in Brooklyn- would love some tips!

dayodestin said...

this is great--thanks!

Angela Mazur said...

Please include me in the drawing. :) Thanks!

Julie said...

For sure! My hubby and I have just recently been talking about getting chickens. Fresh eggs, yum!!

Cindy said...

Love you blog! The books look wonderful.

Meg said...

I love Ashley's Keeping Bees book. I would really love to check out these, too!

Nicholas said...

Such a great series of books - it would be lovely to have a copy of my own!

Carissa said...

Gorgeous, informative books! Would love to win...

Anonymous said...

I've been itching for a copy of that canning/preserving book for a while now, and we've got dreams of chickens somewhere down the road, so that ones definitely on our list too...

Jessica said...

Yes, please! I would love the canning book and (as I'm in an apartment) I know just to whom I'd lend the chicken book until we are in a house!

Unknown said...

OOOOH! I am dying to start canning!

jake said...

could use the canning book

Amy said...

I would love to win these. Thanks!

wanda barrett said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Lizzie Bordello said...

I am always looking for new books on preserving the harvest. This year I will finally have my own garden, for the first time, so this would be particularly useful! I wonder if it has a peach/pepper jam recipe... :)

Anonymous said...

These look like amazing books that I could really use to start canning.

junebug said...

That canning book looks great!

Mr. and Mrs. Hoosier Homesteader said...

I would love these books!

Amy said...

winning these would help me cross them off my amazon wishlist!

Unknown said...

The canning book looks awesome!

Kristi Muller said...

Oh, I would love the canning book. Both of them, actually, they look fantastic!

Kristi Muller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Green Zebra Market Garden said...

I'm a big fan of these books. I love the photography. I can't wait to pick up the two newer books at the library!

Anonymous said...

And this one also!

Melissa said...

ohhh i have been eyeing up these books for a while! thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I would love these books! Thanks!

GroovyMoments said...

Thanks for an awesome giveaway! I would SO love to win these. Just had my first canning adventure this past fall - it's time to try again! :) ~Janie

Ericabee said...

I would love these books! I just started beekeeping last spring and canned jelly for the first time last summer. It would be great to have them as resources!

Jenna Gayle said...

Oh, I'd love to have the Chicken book!!

rachelfox said...

I would love either books, but especially the Chicken book. Great giveaway!

Mary B said...

Love her blog, thanks!

Heidi said...

These have been on my wishlist for a long time! bennetthp (at) gmail (dot) com

Caron said...

Both books look great! I have been dreaming of backyard chickens for a while now... Thanks so much!

Tracy said...

These books sound great!

Amy Estrada said...

Sounds good to me!

Robb & Nancy said...

I would love to win these books. Trying to do more canning & preserving each year.

Anonymous said...

Ashley's books are awesome! Count me in. Love your site!

Stephanie said...

Please let me win the chicken book!! Fingers crossed!

Artful Gathering said...

I'd love to win one of Ashleys books. Thanks for the chance, dawn

tish said...

wish wish wish!! Thanks!

KatieB said...

Hoping to win the keeping chickens book.

Unknown said...

Please enter me in the giveaway. We started raising chickens over the summer and this book would come in handy.

penryn said...

I would love to win these! I've been dying to read them!

artemis said...

We used to have "Keeping Chickens" until my dog ate it---true story! (We joke that maybe that doesn't bode well for the chicken project...) If we had a new copy, though, I'd promise to keep it way up high. ;)

Daisy Driver said...

My husband got me the preserving book for Christmas and I must say, great read! Can't wait to try some of the recipes.

Snacky French said...

we are looking forward to getting some chicks in the near future. would be a great book to read!

Wholegrain said...

I need to learn all I can about chickens and canning when we move into our new place. Fun things in our future.

Jessica G said...

Beginner canner here and soon-to-be chicken keeper. It's like you created this just for me! :)

Jessica Garrett

Unknown said...

I need you to come and convince my husband that we need chickens.

Anonymous said...

The books sound fabulous!

-Heidi said...

I think I'm caught up now... thanks for offering such great giveaways!

DK said...

My local library actually has the canning book and I checked it out recently to see what it had to offer and the recipes look pretty awesome.

Lindsay said...

I could use some more reading material. . .

Haley said...

I would love to have these books. Thanks for the giveaway

Renee said...

Love that chicken book, I've taken it out of the library many times. Didn't know she had a canning book too, fabulous! I will have to work on my librarian to get that one as well.

Rachel Koniar said...

That would be great! Both books have been on my wish list for a while.

Anonymous said...

This would be wonderful to win!

Kelsey said...

I would love to have my own copies of these books.

Jennifer said...

Excellent, count me in!

Shawn Burkett said...

This would be wonderful to win!

Lisa said...

How exciting! I've been meaning to check out this series...

Amy Korst said...

Please enter me!

Jason said...

sounds like great books

JizzleK said...

Count me in on the drawing!

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