Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pioneer Woman Cooks book giveaway

I've done one giveaway already for this book. Since the interest was so high for the first giveaway and since Ree offered up an additional three books, I'm having another giveaway. And, yes, people, you read correctly. Three books.

If you've read The Pioneer Woman's blog, you've seen the recipe section of her site and probably have fallen in love with the not only the recipes, but the pictures and everything else related to her life on a cattle ranch.

Ree was kind enough to send me a review copy back in October of her new book, The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Recipes from an Accidental Country Girl, a luxuriously picturesque book that there are not enough adjectives to describe. This book, which lists for $27.50, includes several of the recipes on her blog as well as a ton of new ones, all including the same sort of step-by-step pictures and instructions that you've grown to love. In addition there's a bunch of pictures from around the farm and information about the family (like, did you know that Marlboro Man's real name is Ladd?).

If you are not familiar with her blog (and, if not, have been under a rock?), then I urge you to go check it out if you are at all interested in life in the country. I must warn you, however, that her blog and life is not a sustainable existence so don't expect any stories of living off the land. This is a true working cattle ranch.

From the book description:
After years of living in Los Angeles, I made a pit stop in my hometown in Oklahoma on the way to a new, exciting life in Chicago. It was during my stay at home that I met Marlboro Man, a mysterious cowboy with steely blue eyes and a muscular, work-honed body.

A strict vegetarian, I fell hard and fast, and before I knew it we were married and living on his ranch in the middle of nowhere, taking care of animals, and managing a brood of four young children. I had no idea how I'd wound up there, but I knew it was exactly where I belonged.

The Pioneer Woman Cooks is a homespun collection of photography, rural stories, and scrumptious recipes that have defined my experience in the country. I share many of the delicious cowboy-tested recipes I've learned to make during my years as an accidental ranch wife—including Rib-Eye Steak with Whiskey Cream Sauce, Lasagna, Fried Chicken, Patsy's Blackberry Cobbler, and Cinnamon Rolls—not to mention several "cowgirl-friendly" dishes, such as Sherried Tomato Soup, Olive Cheese Bread, and Creme Brulee. I show my recipes in full color, step-by-step detail, so it's as easy as pie to follow along.

Now, I know a lot of you probably have some New Years resolutions to work on but, believe me, even though her recipes won't exactly be in Cooking Light anytime soon, they are totally worth the calories!

To enter the book giveaway, just add your name to the comments of this post. You have until Friday, January 15th, at midnight PST to sign up. I'll announce the three winners this weekend.


Renee J said...

Yea! Would love a copy of this book!

rmj8373 at gmail dot com


Manda said...

Pick me, pick me oh great random number generator!


LatigoLiz said...

I NEED this book. :)

Carrie at Rhubarbsky said...

Would adore a copy!

rhubarbsky (at) gmail (dot) com

Alyson O'Holic said...

My coworker looooooves the Pioneer Woman blog!


Carla said...

I drool every time I think about this book. I would love to have a copy.

Green Bean said...

Me me me!

Sparkless said...

Add me, I love Pioneer Woman, well I don't really know her but I love her blog and recipes.

Anonymous said...

Would love to have a copy.


rosiegirl said...

Oh please pick me. I would really love a copy.

jeannie said...

I'd love to win! Thanks for the contest. :)

Unknown said...

This looks like a fabulous cookbook!!! I love to cook. All homemade from scratch and using fresh items from my organic garden. I would luv to win the cookbook so I could enjoy some amazing new recipes.
Pick me please.

Toria said...

Does that include people outside the US?

I've made a couple of recipes from the PW website over the past few weeks and each of them has been fabulous.

Kimberly said...

I LOVE pioneer woman!!


Sadraki said...

I'd love a copy. Really trying to cook more this year and need some new recipes.

Anonymous said...

Her ranch dressing recipe and zucchini cakes are a summer standby around here. I have to say I would love to own a copy.

Anna said...

I on the VERY long waiting list at the library- I would love to have (nearly) instant gratification instead!

K@t said...

I would love a copy... spread the love to Australia

Unknown said...

My recipe collection needs some new life.

Judy T said...

Oh, pick me, pick me. I love cookbooks and would LOVE to have this one.

Anonymous said...

I made no exercise resolutions. Bring on the cream, Pioneer woman!

Terra C.

AnnMarie said...

AnnMarie Johnson paulukon at yahoo

Jenny said...

I am a horrible cook & her website is perfect for me with all the pictures & step-by-steps. I would love a copy of her book!

miss muffet said...

Unknown said...

I would love a copy of this book. Got my fingers crossed

Kate said...

Cool! Please count me in for a chance at this book. And thanks again!

Brady Balouga said...

Love her!!!

shabadeux said...

Ooo that sounds awesome!

shabadeux at gmail dot com

Sandy said...

Oooooooo, I hope it's me! You could break the "I never win anything" curse!

Lizz said...

C'mon number generator...mama needs a pioneer book! :-)

norapinephrine said...

Oh, I could use that book. My Texan hubby and child love southern recipes, but since I'm from Ontario, I rarely make any and not with too much success. Her book would definitely help. PS Don't you adore her mustangs and pooch ?

Hannah said...

yippee, yippee!

Amber F. said...

As an accidental sister-of-my-heart to a cowgirl, I've started to love the country more than my city existance. I would LOVE to win a copy.

Peak Oil Hausfrau said...

Hat in the ring!

Bucky said...

Me! Thanks.

Katie @ said...

Thank you. I've so wanted this book.

Paige said...

I've been wanting one of her cookbooks. Crossing fingers and toes and eyes and nose!

Michelle said...

Me too! This sounds fantastic. Thanks for offering it up, Crunchy, and thanks also to Pioneer Woman for offering up more!

Billie said...

I hope to get a get another chance at winning this book. It sounds great!

The Vegan Vagabond said...

I love her blog!

pigbook1 said...

What a wonderful give away! I would love her book!
pigbook1 at gmail . dot com

Unknown said...

Ooo, pick me! Pick me!

(Hey, I'm trying to be better about cooking from scratch and trying new recipes, so this wouldn't conflict with my New Year's resolutions at all :-) )

Michele said...

Oooh, my fingers are crossed!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance of winning!

Lee in KY

Maria said...

I never knew who Pioneer Woman was until I saw your first book giveaway. Now I would love this book!

Tree Huggin Momma said...

I entered the last give away so I will enter this one as well. Thanks

Jill said...

Thank you for another chance to win this!

snackpig said...

That's a fabulous blog! Thanks for another contest!

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

I came bye to tell you how funny your S Palin post was. It was funny. Gotta love those Moose Muffins.
Now I am in even more awe of you... as you seem to have won the blog-heart of the legendary Pioneer Woman. I bow in your presence.
I keep hoping to see her book in the store, but have not had the good fortune, so maybe (toes and fingers crossed) this is my chance.

Nancy said...

I'd love a copy!!

Brad K. said...

I need a good cookbook - my Mom's Ladies Home Journal Cookbook is getting pretty threadbare. Please?

Melissa said...

My friend has this book and it is great. Hope I win!

Sarah said...

I love Pioneer Woman. Her chicken spaghetti is awesome.

emerzim said...

I've tried some of her recipes and have not been disappointed.

Shackin' Up said...

pick me!


asrai said...

SO delicious looking. I nearly skipped over my blog feeder this morning to.

Lindsey said...

"Lindsey" would LOVE a copy. She also loves communicating in 3rd person!

Stacy said...

Pioneer Woman rocks! Would love to win her cook book!

squasebarth at gmail dot com

Elisabeth said...

I've just started trying her recipes (New Year's resolution to cook at home more) and they are divine. I would love to have this book! -Elisabeth S.

Celeste Lux said...

I love the Pioneer Woman and have been hinting to everyone that I want a copy of her far NOTHING. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity...and your GREAT blog.

owlfan said...

I would love to win this book!

Carpe Diem said...

Please enter me in the draw! Thank you!

erika said...

what a wonderful giveaway :) i'd love to be able to cook like pioneer woman! delish! thanks sooo much for the chance to win one!! love your blog so much too!

Sonja said...

I would love to have a copy!

Shannon said...

I would love this book! Thank you for the chance to win.

Elizabeth said...

Looking forward to it! :D

swiggett said...

oooo - sounds wonderful!
esrliverman (at) gmail (dot) com

marybeth at said...

Thanks! I'm Marybeth

Anonymous said...

Super nifty sounding book!

DK said...

Ooh, shiny new ranch life and cooking awesomeness. Yeee! I despised caesar dressing until I tried her recipe for it. Delicious!

wishful thinking said...

**fingers crossed**


Veronica said...

This book sounds really great! (at) gmail (dot) com

Tanya said...

would love a copy!

Sara said...

Oh I would love to win!

Hippy Goodwife said...

cool! I would love one!

The Farmer said...

I would love a copy of that book!

Amy Estrada said...

I would looove this!
-Amy Estrada

Emily said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erin said...

Please sign me up! Do I get extra chances to win since it's my b-day today!? ;)

Robbie said...

I'm a sucker for a good cookbook. Count me in!

Adrienne said...

I enjoy having a good laugh over the amount of butter in PW's recipes!

Kim said...

I lost all of my cookbooks (and my cat, my apartment in general and a bunch of other stuff) in a house fire two weeks before Christmas...So I would be stoked if the random number generator picked me!

(Hmm. That totally sounds I'm looking for additional sympathy points here...but I'm really not...)

Robj98168 said...

I am in, since I look like the Marlboro Man. OK the after pic, but hey

healinggreen said...

oooh yes please!

Kim said...

I love PW's website - having the step by step pictures really helps, too.

emily in edmonds said...

Add me, please. Those recipes sound delectable!

Do I get more points because my word verification is "cowesses"???

OneOldGoat said...

I would love a copy of this book. I've made so many of her recipes!

Beth aka oneoldgoat

Kay Guest said...

What a great giveaway! Everyone loves the Pioneer Woman, especially me! Here's hoping! chriskayrich at att dot net

MommyLydia said...

Everything I have heard about this cookbook is good!

schrefflerblog at gmail dot com

Surviving and thriving on pennies said...

Pick me! I love Pioneer Woman! This would make my day. I will think of it as a late birthday present since my birthday was on Sunday! Thanks for the chance to win it!

hannaqueensjunk at gmail dot com

Brandi said...

I would love to win a copy of this book.

cathy said...

HOping I win!

inkelywinkely said...

Oooh, it's a race!! I hope I win! (name *that* movie, LOL)..

ThiftedBliss said...

Ohhh yeah-diet be damned-count me in! I would love a copy of this book. Thanks!

Jan said...

A la Grey's Anatomy - "Pick me. Choose me." ha ha!


Q said...

That would be cool to own.

Thanks for all the sweet give-aways.

Gretchen said...

Yay! Two of my favorite blogs all in one place! hen


Always, Hannah said...

I wish I had a treasure troll so I could rub his belly for luck. This has been on my amazon wish list for a while.

DiElla said...

Count me in.

Melissa said...

Oh I love second chances!

Susan said...

Love your blog, love ree's blog. Would love the cookbook (I have too many cookbooks so I'm not buying new ones - only accept them if they are used or if they are a gift-have to draw the line somewhere).

Katy said...

Ooo I love her blog and photography! Reminds me of my time living in a small ranching town in Montana :)

Katy W.

Kristen said...

Glad to have a shot at this book!

aelfie said...

Me! My library is lame and doesn't have a copy!

aelfie at yahoo

Lori-Grace said...

In our home, I do all the baking, and my sweetheart does all the cooking. HE adores cookbooks, as much as I love crafty books. How happy would he be to have this gifted to him? (and how happy would I be to eat all the good stuff he makes from it!) Fantastic, and thanks for the giveaways :)

gehl said...

pick me

gehl said...

I love her blog and yours too!

sean said...

The reason I think a winning copy of this book should be awarded to me is I'm giving it to someone else. In the spirit of giving please consider me. Thanks

Kathy said...

Ohhhh I saw this at the bookstore. It's on my wishlist!! Need it, want it, what more can I say.

Unknown said...

What the hey, sign me up for the drawing, also.

Tegan said...

So excited you're doing another give away for this book!


COTAgreen said...

I would love this book!

Jenny said...

Oh please pick me!! pick me!!! What an awesome prize! Thanks for the chance to win!

Dusty Utah said...

Sounds good.
Robert Askin

Unknown said...

Me, please! Always love an opportunity to live vicariously . . .

Kromeheart said...

Yay! I have a bit of a cookbook obsession at the moment!

Alexis said...


Allie said...

Very cool. I'd love a copy of this book!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful woman! We, your lucky readers, sure do have it good! I would love to be entered for this drawing.

:o) said...

Ree's recipes look oh-so-good!!! I love cookbooks that have great photos...this one looks like a winner!

Amber said...

I LOVE her. Add me;)

Elizabeth said...

sign me up!

e.murray219 [at] gmail [dot] com

AnAppleADay said...

"Country Roads take me home. To the place I belong." John Denver.

Please pick me!

Debbie said...

Just leaving my name Thanks.

Debbie K

Patty said...

I love Ree and have been meaning to get this book! I would love a copy!

camelfam said...

I would love to check out this book :)

Jan said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

dc said...

I'd love one!

Jessica said...

Wow, three chances to win! I'd love to have a copy of this book.

Anonymous said...

I love her blog and would LOVE her book. Please enter me in the contest.

Thank you!!
Kaye C

lazy susie said...

I'd love it.


Chris said...

Wow! I would love to own this book. I am about to set off on a new adventure of living in a house for the first time in 25 years (been on a sailboat)My dream is to own a kitchenaid mixer and a great cookbook. ;)

Notwasted said...

I would love this book!

rezareb said...

I would be excited to get a copy (or just win anything, especially to do with cooking)!!

Lisa Tebben said...

Please enter me!
Lisa Tebben

PamG said...

My Okie husband is crossing his fingers that I win this, so I can finally cook something he will like.