Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Garden porn

Yeah, you. You know who you are.

You get your piles of seed catalogs in early January, pore over them like porn during lock-down, and can't stop thinking of those glossy spreads of juicy melons, succulent Big Boy tomatoes and Yamato Extra Longs.

Problem is, it's still January. So, you start fantasizing about grow lights. Next, you'll be lusting over greenhouses and cold frames, with thoughts of running your fingers across their cold, hard bodies.

You are a gardening perv. Just admit it.

What are your favorite seed catalogs to get off on?


Glenda said...

Ha, I had to chuckle when I saw this post pop up in my reader. Earlier tonight my hubby and I sat down with the seed catalog and decided what to order ;-). We live in west-central Texas and can start planting by mid- to late-March (probably late-March this year, seeing as how our winter is already harder than usual), so it's really not too early for us to be ordering seeds and transplants.

Kristi said...

Gasp! How did you know I've been pouring over seed catalogs? ;-) And, erm, thinking about if I can use the Xmas light timer for my grow lights? Wondering if the window by the side of the road with the "Free" sign would work for a cold frame? Sigh. Ok, I'll admit to it.

My fav catalogs: Fedco, and Territorial, but am seriously considering the anti-Monsanto and local(ish) Irish Eyes in Ellensburg.

The Mom said...

I'm going off for a relaxing vacation to bring my garden porn with me. I love to dream of my perfect garden. If only it would be the way that I plan it.

Delora said...

With a new baby due in a couple weeks, I just don't see myself getting seedlings started on time this year. I haven't been able to bring myself to browse my favorite catalogs, or I fear I may get all emotional at the thought of little untended seedlings... (damn pregnancy hormones).

Faves include the FedCo catalog, Tomato Growers Supply, the Seeds of Change catalog (though I don't order from them), and Bluestone Perennials.

Peak Oil Hausfrau said...

If you don't have the Baker Creek seed catalog, you don't have REAL garden porn. Get it, pervos!

Anna Marie said...

I have previously ordered from Heirloom Seeds online, and have been pretty well pleased. I'll probably order from them, and Baker Creek as well.

And I all ready have my hoop house up and my first seeds sown- let's just hope I'm not jumping the gun!

Greenpa said...

Boggling. 8-)

Where DO you find those photos? And how is it YOU see it, when so many do not?

cracked me up. :-) And oh, the questions that run through the mind...

Cave-Woman said...

Seeds of Change and Burpee. Wonderful stuff.

Erika said...

I totally second Peak Oil Hausfrau... Heirloom, OP seeds, a HUGE variety, and AMAZING pictures! Just gotta make sure the stuff they sell will grow in your area (esp. PNW... darned mild weather...hehe), and did I mention, I compared, like 10 different companies last year, and Baker Creek had the cheapest shipping to boot?!


P.S. You know you're a garden perv. when all the magazines in the house are seed catalogs - from multiple years....

Joelle said...

Seeds of Change has gorgeous pictures. I like Park Seed too, mostly because I was a finalist in their gardening contest when I was a kid.

Brad K. said...

Peak Oil HausFrau, Erica,

Dittos on the Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds catalog. I just got my first - wow. Gorgeous photos, layouts, and great information. I think the Melitopolski watermelon looks intriguing. Along with a bunch of other things!

Stone Fence Farm said...

Ditto on the Baker Creek catalog. I placed my order. Johnny's is also fun to look at.

Anonymous said...

As many have said: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. Actually this catalog just depresses me because I can only container garden and looking through it makes me really frustrated. Used to really like Seeds of Change, but then they started packaging their seeds in plastic rather than paper AND the plastic seam always busted open losing all my seeds.

Robj98168 said...

OK You got me. I read garden porn. I am A garden Perv. My favorites are Territorial Seed Co, Seeds of Change, Raintree Nursery, and Burpee's. Online it is Irish Eyes at at those Melons!

Deb said...

LOVE the Baker's Creek catalogue---it's well photographed garden porn :) They are also anti-Monsanto which is a huge plus for me.

EnviRambo said...

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds!

I received my first copy this year. Beautiful! I even caught my husband fondling it. I had to take it away from him for fear he might soil it.

Hannah said...

Don't miss this graphic carrot:

Crunchy Chicken said...

Raven - Nice! Is that a hermaphrodite carrot? It's got some womanly hips, there.

Spot-On said...

garden perv? guilty as charged!

Kate said...

Fedco, Seed Saver's Exchange, and Johnny's. Fedco in particular doesn't bother blowing sunshine up anyone's skirt. They have opinions about what they offer, but they tell it like it is so that I can choose.

If I can't get what I want from one of those three, I'll go to Seeds of Change if I must. Haven't been too impressed with their customer service over the years.

Yeah, I'm a garden perv. That's me.

Sharlene said...

Finally moved back into a house with a spot to grow things. What a concept. Now my garden porn habit will finally have some legitimacy. And I am not sick cuz I visited the garden section today. It may be January but its 70 here and I wanna start planting dangit!

Renee Unplugged - said...

Ok, I admit it.
Hello everyone, my name is Renee, and I'm a seed catelog addict.

I can already taste the tomatoes...having been deprived last season due to the horrible blight here on the east coast...