Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Green Book Week - Simple Prosperity giveaway

Green book week!For those of you hedging your bets on winning a David Wann book, here's your chance at another one.

This makes for a great follow-up to the book Affluenza.

"Simple Prosperity reads like a well-loved novel, engaging and educational. David Wann offers creative solutions to the challenges of over-consumption and makes it a thoroughly enjoyable read." Jill Cloutier, Producer, Sustainable World Radio

Simple ProsperityIn his bestseller Affluenza, David Wann and his co-authors diagnosed the debilitating disease of over-consumption. In Simple Prosperity he shows readers how we can overcome this disease by investing in a variety of real wealth sources. To recapture a more abundant and sustainable lifestyle, try:

*Creating a richer life story through personal growth incentives
*Forming higher-yield friendships and stronger bonds through social capital
*Taking preventive healthcare measures to build up wellness reserves
*Balancing the biological budget through "greener" currency
*Caring for people, not just cars, to improve your neighborhood wealth index
*Resolving that pesky carbon conundrum through energy savings
*Celebrating instead of desecrating! Cultural prosperity futures value the earth as a sacred place

As usual, add your name to the comments for a chance to win this great new book from David Wann. The contest ends Friday, May 2nd, at 6:00 pm PST. I'll announce the winner on Saturday! Time's up!

Bonus Note: If you are starting the Extreme Eco Challenge today, I haven't totally forgotten about you! I'll be posting about it soon...


Michelle said...

What an awesomely fun blog you have! I just got Affluenza out of the library tonight..Off to read!

Kim said...

Putting my name in for another, one of these just has to go my way, right. Thanks for directing some fun our way even if your reasoning is personal distraction. :-) On that note, sending happy thoughts and healthy vibes toward the Crunchy family. You're halfway through this week!

Kimberly Gische said...

Count me in!

Jeana said...

I hope things are going well with your husband's treatments.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to be entered, please :)

Kerry said...

I'm in, and my first job today as part of the extreme eco throwdown is to give away a bunch of books. So I promise if I win it, I'll pass it along when I'm done too!

Burbanmom said...

ooooh. Haven't read that one yet. Toss my name in the hat (er, spreadsheet, whatever). Thanks!

Anonymous said...

This is the only one of the give aways books I haven't read yet. Please enter my name.


JenHarper said...

Add my name to the hat please!

Unknown said...

I have had that book on my Amazon list for what seems a while.

Gah. I can't think of how to phrase the challenge this month. The boy comes home in like an hour. I need to get thinking how I can fit it all in.

Hannah said...

Count me in, too! Thanks.

Unknown said...

sounds good

shabadeux said...

This book looks so great! Count me in!

Robin Shreeves said...

Add me to the list, please!

Anonymous said...

Add me too! Thank you for doing this. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm working on Last Child in the Woods for the Bookworm challenge but I'd love to keep reading after that one! Please enter me...thanks!

Anonymous said...

Enter me too please. If I win I will be sharing this with my bookmooch buddies. (does that help my chances?)

Anonymous said...

Books!!! Yipppeeee!!!!

:) jen b.

Anonymous said...

oooh, I don't have this one. I hope everything is going well with your husband's treatment.

Anonymous said...

I'd really love to read this book.

Anonymous said...

Just hedging my bets!

Deb G said...

Me too! This one is on my to read list.

Hope things are going well....

Katie said...

Count me in as well!

Kate said...

what the heck? especially since for some reason this one is m.i.a. in our library system. . .

Anonymous said...

This book sounds good. Pleae enter me in the drawing!

Anonymous said...

Enter me please!

camp mom said...

Now that I've heard so much about this book just gotta read it! Tos my name in!

laurel said...

I would love to read this book! I gobbled Affluenza up!

Anonymous said...

Count me in! Thanks. Debbie C

BerryBird said...

Sign me up for this one, too.

Anonymous said...

I would love to read the book!

noradawn said...

Oooo! Pick me, pick me! Also, I'm thinking of your family often this week, praying all is going as well as possible.

Jennifer said...

Memememe! :)

Kay's Spot said...

Wow - this sounds like the book I've been wanting to read ... and then help those who like my idea of Buy Nothing Month, but thought they could never do it, because they "had to have something new every day." So, I am crossing my fingers that I win the book!!

barefoot gardener said...

I am so in!

Sweetpeas said...

This sounds like a great book! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

count me in!

Anonymous said...

i'd like to be put in the draw, thank you :)

Anonymous said...

Signing up...

Thinking of you and your family.

Lisa Zahn said...

I'd love it! Here's my name in the hat...

Anonymous said...

Haven't read this book and would love to!

You are halfway through the week Crunch! Hope and pray that you are all doing well....

frugallm said...

I would love this! I need some good ideas on going green besides take cloth bags to the grocery store!

pink dogwood said...

count me in :)

Anonymous said...

Please add me to this drawing as well.

United Studies said...

I love reading your blog! Hope all is well with you and your husband! God Bless....

krista said...

I read and thoroughly enjoyed Affluenza in college, and I'd really like to read this one, too, so I'm throwing my name in. :D

Anonymous said...

I'm in for another one. This is such a fun blog. I love it.
Jen M.

Connie said...

I'd like to put my name in for another as well...any of these titles would be great.

Cave-Woman said...

I really want to read this one. It looks hopeful. I could use a little hope with my environmentalism. (:

Anonymous said...

I'm reading Affluenza now, so I definitely want to be in on this drawing!

Anonymous said...

I'm reading Affluenza now, so I definitely want to be in on this drawing!

Unknown said...

sign me up :)

Anonymous said...

yes please, Amanda

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a really great book. Please sign me up!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great book


eladnarra said...

My library doesn't have this, and I've been wanting to read it ever since I saw it mentioned on your blog and read Affluenza. Please count me in!

Jamie said...

Count us in!

Pen of Jen said...

Me too!

emerzim said...

I'm looking for a good book to read. And this one sounds really good!

Jenn said...

I'd love to get in on this

sarah said...

ooh, this has been on my wishlist!

Phyllis Sommer said...

count me in!

just ducky said...

Ditto on the "add my name" thing...


Anonymous said...

Adding my name to the pot. Thanks Crunchy! I am serioulsy considering attempting to bike to work and I live in crazy Houston with no bike lanes. Thanks for continuing to inspire us Crunchy!

Megan D. Crow said...

please add me in :)

Piddler said...

Count me in, please.

I'm not entered in the Extreme Eco Throwdown but I am still making small changes. My latest is switching to bar shampoo. I buy my soap from a local goat keeper who makes Goat Milk soap. Upon comparing the ingredients in the soap to those listed on the shampoo bottle, I felt a lot better about the soap. I've only shampooed with it three times, but so far so good. It would be really cool to eliminate all those shampoo bottles lurking in our showers. I wonder, though, if I can find a replacement for conditioner? Very hard to get a comb through my longish wet hair without conditioner.

Anonymous said...

This looks like a great book. Count me in. -- Asrai

Anonymous said...

Add me to this list. This book is not available at my local library.

Anonymous said...

Please add me to the drawing! My library doesn't have this book and don't expect to any time soon (grumble!).

PKJ said...

Thanks for doing this!

Carla said...

I hate to be greedy, but I'd like to be in on this one, too. (sigh) But since the odds are not in my favor, I guess putting my name in on all of them is not such a 'bad' thing...
Carla in North Idaho

klj said...

entering again please

Anonymous said...

My first comment after months of lurking...

and all I have to say is, ooh! ooh! I want it! Sign me up! :)

raych said...

Count me in!

KatieB said...

Please add me to the drawing. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I would love to read this one, too. And I promise to pass it along.

Jess said...

Please add me to the list...I would love it!

Chile said...

Add my name to the draw for this one, please.

Anonymous said...

Please count me in for the book drawing!

Unknown said...

I would like to be entered, please! Thanks, Crunchy!

Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife said...

thanks for the chance... please enter me!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up for this one too!

I'm sending healthy vibes in your direction.

Anonymous said...

The thing that sounds great about this book is that it proposes solutions instead of just lamenting about the problems we all know exist. Count me in please :-)

Anonymous said...

ME! Erin C.

Anonymous said...

Adding my name for this one too!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in the running for this one, too. Yes, books are one of my few big weaknesses. :)

Laurie in Minneapolis

cindy24 said...

I'll enter this one too.

Anonymous said...

Hope to read this soon, even if I don't win this copy :) Keeping your family in my prayers. Please keep us posted on Mr. Crunchy.

Maeve said...

I'll put my name in for this one. :)

C and G said...

Oh oh FREE DRAWING??? Can I play too?

mothersong said...

I heart David Wann. I have this book on hold at the library. I really want to own it, but can't justify the purchase. Winning a copy would just be too cool!

Anonymous said...

I am interested

hoorayparade said...

yay books!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. I'm linking it to mine, even though mine is all about buying goodies for your girls. LOL

I, myself, and not the shopaholic that I appear to be and really have gotten quite good controlling my shopping urges.

Ilyeana said...


Louise said...

I Look forward to reading this....

homebrewlibrarian said...

I'm putting my name in because the local library does not have a copy. If I win, I'll read it and donate it so other people can learn from it too.

Kerri in AK

LizKnits said...

This one looks like a winner too!

Margot said...

I'm excited to read this book. I'm going to get it if I don't win it!

Anonymous said...

I'm entering for this one too! I have in defense of food and plenty already, so despite an initial thought that they'd be great to win and give away to people who really need the education, I'm being as un-greedy as possible and only entering for books I haven't already read!

Donna said...

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Please enter my name, and we are all thinking about you, your husband, and family.

Anonymous said...

Really hoping for this one.

Lisa M.

Anonymous said...

Please add me to the list.


Anonymous said...

Tossing my name in the hat! My library doesn't have it. - Erin E.

Stephanie said...

Please sign me up.

Dawn said...

Please add me too.

tigers fan said...

I am on this one too.

melpaco said...

Me too please, thanks!

Cassan (n.) said...

Please put my name in!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an exellent book!

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

Unknown said...

I'm in. Love your giveaways, Crunchy.

greenmama said...

Me too!!

Bebemiqui said...

Great giveaway! Count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com

Beaweezil said...

This sounds really interesting. If I don't luck out here I'll be sure to look this one up at the library. Thanks!

lauren said...

Maybe the third (drawing) time is the charm!

Sign me up!

Lauren H.

Segwyne said...

Please add my name, too. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Up sign please too me!

Amy said...

Tossing the hat in.


TheDisturbedOne said...

Count me in with the crowd.

Anonymous said...

You are seriously kick butt. Thanks for the opportunity

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

Wendy said...

Am I too late? I would love to be considered to receive a copy of this book. Thanks :).

Uniquely Yours said...

Thanks! I'd love a change to find more ways to become Green.

Anonymous said...

Yes, please!

Kristijoy said...

I'm in.

Anonymous said...

ok- I want to to read this one too- and have not- so sign me up-

Anonymous said...

Hope that things are going well for Mr. Crunchy and the rest of your family this week. My library does not have this book and I really want to read it so please count me in for the drawing.


Anonymous said...

I'm in! :)


Anonymous said...

I have this one waiting for me at the library, but thought I'd put my name in to try. If I win it, I can pass it along to others when I'm done.

Sareen said...

Count me in!

keysfamily said...

yes, please.

Anonymous said...

ooh! Pick me!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to sign up.
- Mike Lorenz

Anonymous said...

I hope it isn't too late to enter. This is the only book I really want. I'm thinking good thoughts for the Crunchy rooster.
Cindy in FL

Melissa Anderson said...

Count me in!

Britta said...

I know I'm a winner, I can feel it!

Walking Green said...

and again :)