Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Green Book Week - In Defense of Food giveaway

Green book week!If you aren't submitting your name to this giveaway of the book, In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto you:

1. Already own and have read the book
2. Have a copy from the library and are reading it
3. Have a copy on loan from a friend and are reading it
4. Are completely insane

From Publisher's Weekly:
Examining the question of what to eat from the perspective of health, this powerfully argued, thoroughly researched and elegant manifesto cuts straight to the chase with a maxim that is deceptively simple: Eat food, not too much, mostly plants. But as Pollan explains, food in a country that is driven by a thirty-two billion-dollar marketing machine is both a loaded term and, in its purest sense, a holy grail.

In Defense of FoodThe first section of his three-part essay refutes the authority of the diet bullies, pointing up the confluence of interests among manufacturers of processed foods, marketers and nutritional scientists—a cabal whose nutritional advice has given rise to a notably unhealthy preoccupation with nutrition and diet and the idea of eating healthily.

The second portion vivisects the Western diet, questioning, among other sacred cows, the idea that dietary fat leads to chronic illness. A writer of great subtlety, Pollan doesn't preach to the choir; in fact, rarely does he preach at all, preferring to lets the facts speak for themselves.

Enough said. Add your name to the comments for a chance to win this fantastic new book from Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore's Dilemma.

The contest ends Friday, May 2nd, at 6:00 pm PST. I'll announce the winner on Saturday! Time's up!


Delora said...

Adding my name! I've been on the waitlist for a library copy for about 2 months now.

Jenn said...

Oh, I've been dying to read this one!

Michelle said...

I'm in! I would love to read this!

Kim said...

Oh, pick me (please oh please random number generator!) I am not insane, nor do I otherwise have my hands on a copy yet. :-)

ajg said...

I would love to read this book.

Jeana said...

Sounds good!

ashley said...

Another good book to read- add my name to the hat!

Melissa said...

I signed up yesterday too...hope that's ok - I've been on waiting lists for both of these for a while now :) thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Read and loved "The Omnivore's Dilemma," but my local library (in the UK) doesn't have "In Defense of Food." Then again, you may not want to ship to the UK. But I'll put my name down anyway and if I get drawn we can talk about whether it would be better for me to get a used copy from you in the States or a new copy from the UK branch of Amazon.

noradawn said...

Please add me! Thanks!

Michelle R said...

I had to return my borrowed copy to the library before I returned it. boo hoo!! add my name, thanks!

Kerry said...

YES YES YES PLEASE enter my name in this draw. I'm ashamed to say one of the side effects of "Buy Nothing month" was that we ate MORE meat - like gluttonous portions because we could "afford" it. Not good.

Anonymous said...

I'd love a copy of this book. Thanks for the chance, :-) Lise

Sam said...

I'd like to add my name to the list.

Also Crunchy, if you're interested I can swap Carla Emery's Encyclopedia of Country Living with you if you don't have it already. I don't want to carry it with me when I move.

camp mom said...

Count me in on this one! Days are cold and wet here so a god read would be great....

camp mom said...

oops meant good read-not god read!

Jamie said...

We are definitely interested in reading this one!

Anonymous said...

Crunchy, count me in. I've been waiting for a friend to finish her copy, but it has taken soooo long.
Debbie C

Jenn said...

Don't pick me...clearing out the clutter and all.
I did check it out from the library, loved it and gave it to my sister to read.

Joanna said...

I just finished The Omnivore's Dilemma and enjoyed it very much. I'd would love to read this book, too!

Unknown said...

i've been waitlisted at the library for months now.

Anonymous said...

Add me too! I'm still way far down the queue at the library for this one.

Howling Hill said...

oooh, ooh, Mr. Carter! Mr. Carter!

Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife said...

I'm not #1, #2, or #3... bordering on #4, but I want to make sure I don't go over the edge... so please enter my name! :)

Anonymous said...

Jeez! Don't out my insanity to the world.

laurel said...

if I don't win one of these books you are giving away, I am jumping off a bridge. Do you really want that on your conscience? Pick me!!!!! :)

EcoBurban said...

Add my name to the list. The darn library hold list is long and distinguished, so I would love your mildly used copy!

Katie said...

Count me in for this one. I haven't been able to lay hands on a copy at the library. Hope things are going well.

Anonymous said...

This one has been on my list for a while, just waiting for $$ to pay for it since library access here is a joke.

Unknown said...

Please add my name, thank ya

Hannah said...

I would love it, too! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Adding my name! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Count me in too please! Would love to read it and pass it on when I'm done.

Segwyne said...

Add my name, too, please. You have great books this week, so I fear I might enter each for each one.

Anonymous said...

Ooh - pick me, pick me! I don't want to be the last one on the team!

anna j said...

please add my name, too! i'm desperately loving "the omnivore's dilemma" and now have a great big crush on michael pollan's writing *wistful sigh*


Melissa said...

I'd love to read this!

Anonymous said...

I'm not insane!! Sign me up!

United Studies said...

Another interesting book I'd like to read.

Stacy said...

I so hope I win this book. I can't bring myself to buy another book this week. Last week I broke down and bought a book on making my own baby food and feel bad about that. I would love to win. My husband (the only sci-fi reader) even wants to read it.

Candace said...

Adding my name! I've wanted to read this for a while. :)

Anonymous said...

Add me to the giveaway. This is yet another I am waiting for from Bookmooch.

Jen said...

I've been waiting for a copy of this at the library for 2 months now. The book would be promptly re-given upon it's completion. My copy of Omnivore's Dilemma is slowly making it's way around as well. I love to watch it change the way people eat. It's inspiring. Thanks!

Lisa Zahn said...

Putting my name into the hat...Lisa Z

Anonymous said...

I have not read any of Michael Pollan's books. I did get to hear him talk about the "cornification" of America on Alternative Radio and he was terrific. So sign me up.
Cindy in FL

Anonymous said...

I loved the Omnivore's Dilemma and would love to read this one!

Megan D. Crow said...

please count me in :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, please!

Jennifer said...

Adding my name... would love to read it!

~plantain~ said...

Please enter my name also,
Thank you!!!

Wendy said...

I almost picked up a copy of this book yesterday at the bookstore, but I'm on a "no buying" compact :), and so I had to pass it up.

Thanks for offering your copy. Please add my name to the queue ;).

Karen said...

Karen ... I'm on the waiting list at the library, but if I can get it sooner, that'd be great!

Emily said...

You and your husband are in my prayers. I think you're a real hero for continuing to post so regularly!

TheDisturbedOne said...

I'm not comepletely insane, therefore I'm in for this.

Anonymous said...

I'm still on the waiting list at the library too, so count me in!

KatieB said...

Please add me to the drawing. Thank you.

shabadeux said...

Please add my name! That book sounds awesome!

Unknown said...

Add me too please - I would love to read it!

klj said...

please add me to the list! i am 100 on the waitlist for the library's copy.

Alyclepal said...

Please add my name. I'm working hard to educate myself about these topics. It's scary:>

Anna Banana said...

Please add my name. And hoping you pick Food Not Lawns for the next book club!

donna said...

Apparently, I live under a rock. I've not heard of this book. It sounds fascinating. I'll be looking for Omnivore's Dilemma at the library this week.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I both really want to read this book. We've heard so many great things about it. We are trying hard to make better food decisions for ourselves but I often feel overwhelmed by all the information out there. I would love to read Mr. Pollen's view on the matter!

just ducky said...

Add my name too, please!

krista said...

Adding my name, too! I've been wanting to read this since it came out. :D

Robin Shreeves said...

It's on my list of books to read. Having a copy might bump it up higher on the list!

scifichick said...

I would love to read this.

Humble wife said...

I am interested!

Simone said...

This book has been on my to-be-read list since it came out.

Connie said...

I'm putting my name in the hat for this one. It's the one I most want to read, right now.

Anonymous said...

This is the one I want to read!

The Simpleton said...

You left out one other possibility: that one has already read the gist of it in the NYT. Nevertheless, add my name. I can find people to give/lend it to who need to read it.

Theresa said...

Oh yes! I will throw my hat in the ring for this one!

jessy said...

pick me, pick me, pick me! :) (fingers crossed)

thanks, Crunchy!

MissAnna said...

Count me in too, please!

Jenna said...

Please enter me in your book give-away.

Sareen said...

I really would love this...

Carla said...

e. none of the above - only partly insane, not completely. Another book I want to read, so add my name to the pot for the drawing, Crunch.
Carla in North Idaho

amanda said...

pick me, pick me!! :)

barefoot gardener said...

Yep, put my name in, too.

Unknown said...

LOVE it... sign me up:)

Anonymous said...

Oh, sign me up! I've been reading your blog for months now! I've been eyeing this but haven't been able to justify buying it.

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

Rachel Pilcher said...

I've been lurking too long, time to post and add my name! I hope everything goes well for your husband. Hang in there!

Margot said...

Reading about food -- my favorite!

Stephanie said...

Please sign me up!

Jess said...

I want in too ;) What a great idea to give these away!!

Anonymous said...

Please sign me up too! I've heard a lot of buzz about this one and would love to read it for myself. Thanks for running these contests!

eladnarra said...

Ooo, sounds good! Doubt I'll win, but I might as well try!

k said...

I would love to enter! I have had it on hold at the library for a loonnnggg time! Thanks : )

shipssail said...

Adding my name!

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

please count me in. i would love to read this book. :) thanks!

hoorayparade said...

sign me up!

Jill said...

I'd love to be the winner of this one....

Kimberly Gische said...

count me in!

ruchi said...

Sign me up! I put the book on hold at my library right before you started the book club, and it STILL hasn't gotten to me yet. :(

Anonymous said...

Add me to the list.

Unknown said...

I would absolutely love to read this book. I saw a TED talk with Michael Pollan, and it was a real eye opener. I just finished Fast Food Nation about a month ago, and I know I cannot go back to living like I used to. Thankfully, I have been making gradual changes for about a year now (no fast food, I cook all our meals, etc). Since making these changes, I feel healthier, I have lost weight, and I am the happiest I have ever been in my life.

Anonymous said...

Oh, pick me please!

Erin C.

cindy24 said...

don't want to be insame

Anonymous said...

I'm in too!

(And sending good thoughts to your family this week...and pretty much all of the other weeks too but this one especially..hang in there!)

It's me said...

Read it, loaned my copy (keyword being loaned!) and it's now making its rounds somewhere. Need to re-read and stay MAD!

keysfamily said...

yes please!

Anonymous said...

I pick #4 - insane.

I try the best I can within the realm of my extremely tight budget. Reading this book would simply make me feel guilty that I can't do everything I should... just everything I can afford which is not much.

akimbo said...

Yay! This is on my wish list to buy. I never win anything!

esp said...

Adding my name -- this looks fascinating!

Anonymous said...

I would also like to read this.

Anonymous said...

Another I would love to read. :)

LizKnits said...

I've read this once (library version) but would love to have a copy to read over and over!

Anonymous said...

Well, I'll not be branded 'insane', so count me in! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm in! may the random drawing favor me.

Niffer said...

Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

I've read the Ominore's Dilema and I'm looking foward to this one!! Thanks for the chance!

momsathome said...

I would love to read this book and then share it with so many friends!! Thanks.

Unknown said...

Pick me, pick me!

Anonymous said...

Oh, count me in! The waiting list at my local library is gigantic for this one.

Anonymous said...

Just checking in to add my name!

KnitterMama said...

i really really want to read this book!

Jenny said...

I need this book!

a said...

The library seems to be all out!

yucaree said...

i'm just now getting around to reading "the omnivore's dilemma," which i'm really enjoying. so i would love to read this one too.

Miss Kris said...

This book is on my 'must read' list.

Caught Eating Butter said...

I can't wait to read this book!

Joanna said...

Yes please yes please

Cassan (n.) said...

Please add my name. I also feel like I have been waiting for this one for a very long time!

Anonymous said...

Add me to the list, please!

Anonymous said...

De-lurking *again* to say add my name to this one, too. You are giving away some *awesome* books this week!

Laurie in Mpls.

Anonymous said...

Add me! Thanks

Anonymous said...

why was I added anonymous?

Floozy said...

I'll jump in for a chance.

Ginny said...

Love a chance to win!

Miranda said...

Me! I want one.

Jess P. said...

Random number generator, please pick me!

mel said...

Fabulous! Count me in.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't find it at my library--would love a copy!

melpaco said...

Count me in please, thanks.

ikkinlala said...

This sounds like an excellent book - if Canadians may enter, I would love to.

Anonymous said...

I too have been on a library wait list for a long time for this one! Thanks for the opportunity.

Rose of Sharon said...

I'm not *completely* insane... count me in!

chacha said...

Count me in! Count me in!


tigers fan said...

I am in

Anonymous said...

I just finished omnivore's dilemma, and I can't wait to read this. But unless I win, I will have to wait until my name comes up on the library waitlist...

TheNormalMiddle said...

He's one of my favorites and I haven't read this one...Omnivore's Dilemma will be hard to beat.

Put my name in!

Piddler said...

Count me in.

Thanks, CC.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, ooooohh, add me too please! I love books. I love green books. And I really, really have been wanting to read this book! :) Thank you!

Anonymous said...

please, me up sign!

Dawn said...

me too, me too.

CatMominPhilly said...

meme. Liz. catmominphilly

Anonymous said...

Sounds good. Enter me in. Thanks!

lauren said...

Please count me in !

Lauren H.

Melissa said...

I NEED this book. NEED NEED NEED it.

Allie said...

I'd like to throw my name in the hat!

Anonymous said...

I've heard a lot of good things about this one!

robyn said...

In honor of my first ever attempt at container gardening and being more self-sufficient, I hereby add my name.

Unknown said...

add my name!

Morgan W

Anonymous said...

I so need this book!

greenmama said...

Me too!!

Anonymous said...

Please add my name to the drawing. I would appreciate it very much. Thank you.

Phyllis Sommer said...

okay you talked me into it:-) count me in!

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge Michael Pollen fan and while I do have this on my library hold list I'm like number 35 or something having my own copy would be great!!

Anonymous said...

add me in. Lisa M.

Brandie said...

I'm in! I have read Omnivore's Dilemma and LOVED it =)

Monice said...

I'd love it - I am just finishing Omnivore's Dilemma and I'm hooked! Wishing you and your family the best this week.

Sally said...

ME ME ME!!!!! We are here in RuralTown, where all the cool books go unpurchased by the library!!!

Anonymous said...

Of course! Would love to read it and then pass it along to others in my community.

Sunshine Alternative Mama said...

Adding my name as well. It seems awfully hard to find a library copy right now. Which is good; it means people are reading the book. But grrr to the patron of my closest library who was due to return it 4/12 and simply hasn't.

Wendi said...

Adding my name too. I would love to read this!

Anonymous said...

Please add my name!

Anonymous said...

Books!!! Just think they're wonderful!!!

:) jen b.

Anonymous said...

O.K. Count me in.

BerryBird said...

I am really looking forward to this book. Thanks for doing this!

Sweetpeas said...

I'd love to read this book!!!

pink dogwood said...

I have omnivore's dilemma and would love to have this one as well :)

Anonymous said...

Another book that looks wonderful! Please enter me in this drawing.

sarah said...

adding my name!!

raych said...

I definitely need to read this.

Anonymous said...

Please count me in for the book drawing!

Joyce Ann said...

I'm signing up!
Got to tell you, I just found your site!!!

Ilyeana said...

Definitely interested!

Louise said...

I'm in!

Unknown said...

I'm in. I've been wanting this ever since it came out.

Anonymous said...

I'm in too.


Amy said...

Tossing the hat in.

Natural Louisville said...

I want this book ... and even more, I finally want to win one of your blog giveaways!

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

Danica said...

Dear Crunchy,

Please choose me.

Love, danica

Inconsolable Underwing said...

Hello, Crunchy Chicken!

This is my first ever post to any blog. Nothing like a book prize to draw me out.

Maybe I'll win :-)

Hippie Housewife said...

Ooh, I've heard so many good things about this book!

Melissa Anderson said...

Count me in!

Britta said...

I was waiting until it came out in paperback, but I'm not picky! I'll take a free copy any day!

Walking Green said...

kuadd me in!

Anonymous said...

enter my name! enter my name!

Emily E

Sarah said...

I never win anything!