Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Green Book Week - Affluenza giveaway

Green book week!Have you been following along with the Affluenza book club discussion posts, itching to get your grubby paws on a copy but didn't want to buy it for yourself because it goes counter to the whole message from the book?

Have you been dutifully participating in April's Buy Nothing Challenge and want to read more about how consumerism affects us all?

Did the reader submitted interview with David Wann (one of the authors of Affluenza), make you desperate to read his seminal work before diving into Simple Prosperity?

Are you ready to read more from this life-changing book? Are you ready for me to stop asking so many goddamned questions?

Affluenza: The All-Consuming EpidemicWell, now's your chance to get a copy of the book, guilt-free. Sure, it's a mildly used copy (I'm real gentle on my books), but isn't that better than buying it new?

All you need to do to enter the giveaway is add your name to the comments section of this post. The contest ends Friday, May 2nd, at 6:00 pm PST. I'll announce the winner on Saturday! Time's up!


Jennifer said...

I would love this... they didn't have it at my library OR my used book shop!


Jenn said...

I've been meaning to read this for ages, but have been reluctant to buy my own copy for the reasons you mention. I'd love to get in on the draw, though.

Kim said...

haha! When I first read your post, I thought you said "Sure, it's a MILDEWY used copy..." And thought I'd fall over laughing while wondering if you'd dropped in one of those ubiquitous Seattle rain puddles or something, but still decided to pass on. :-D

Then I re-read that line and realized that's not what you meant, AT ALL. Anywho, I'd love to be entered (actually, I'm feeling a little selfish, because I'd kind of love all the books you're parting w/ this week, and just might enter everyday.)

ajg said...

Oh, I'd love to read this book.

Jeana said...

Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

Sure, sign me up.

P~ said...

This ones all me crunchy... I can feel it, LOL.
sign me up

Melissa said...

Count me in!

EM said...

I'm in! Have read the reviews from other green bloggers and I'm curious about the book.

miss muffet said...

please sign me up!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to read this :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

United Studies said...

I would be very interested in reading this book. Love your blog, by the way!

Anonymous said...

Count me in Crunchy! Debbie C

Hannah said...

Count me in, too. Like Jennifer, my library doesn't have this one. Thanks!

Wendy said...

I would love to read this book. I'd get it at the library, but my tiny municipal library doesn't have a copy of this particular book (in fact, my personal library is more diverse and more up-to-date). I'd buy it, but I kind of made a promise I wouldn't ;). Please add my name to the pool.

connie said...

I'm in for this one. :]

anna j said...

me too, me too! :D

BerryBird said...

Me, too!! It sounds like a great read.

laurel said...

Yes, YES to all those questions!!!!

Sam said...

Count me in

EcoBurban said...

Oh... pick me, pick me! Best wishes to your crunchy hubby this week!! I hope everything goes wewll!

Anonymous said...

I would love this book! I've requested that my library system purchase it, but that could take months!!


Kay's Spot said...

Oh, Pick me .. Pick me! I'd LOVE to read this book and then share it with a million of my neighbors who think they could never do with less, and therefore, think I am crazy to even attempt to Buy Nothing for a whole month!

Tara said...

I'd love to read this.

ctdaffodil said...

Ooohh Please sign me up for this one. I'll read and donate to our library. They have used their $$ for new book acquisitions for the year.

Frostknit said...

Count me in, please!

jayedee said...

please throw my name into the hat for this awesome giveaway! thanks and good luck to everyone!

Anonymous said...

Enter me. I have been trying to get this one from but so far it has not been available. Thank you much.

Anonymous said...

Can I sign up? I've been oggling this book for weeks..

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaways! I've been looking for summer reading. Sign me up please :)

Anonymous said...

Please add me to this drawing :-)

Lisa Zahn said...

I'd love to have this book! Thanks for the chance, Crunchy...

Jess said...

I would love to have a chance to read it...sign me up ;)

Anonymous said...

I would love to read this book, and I know my husband would too. One copy to share would be great! Thanks for the contest.

Kerry said...

I'd love this I think I'm 2 years in on the library waiting list!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in! I'd love a copy of this book. Jennifer M.

Anonymous said...

I would love to read this book. I started at a teaser at the library.

Surly said...

I would love to read this book. I love that its not new even more. I promise to pass it along when I'm through...

Segwyne said...

Please sign me up.

scifichick said...

I would love to read this book.

Unknown said...

Would LOVE this... our library has had slim pickings and this one was not there :(

Stacy said...

I would love this book. There is a huge waiting list at the libray.

Anonymous said...

I'd love it! I saw it at B&N, but passed since I was doing the buy nothing challenge (I have been good!).


emerzim said...

Me! I've been trying to find this book without spending money on it. Now might be my chance...

Laura Kaeding said...

Oh man, I would love this. Your bookclub summaries left me wanting more, and I haven't been able to find this book here. Thanks!

feather nester said...

Yay! Would love to win this! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'd love a copy. My library doesn't have it, so I've just been reading your review.

camp mom said...

Sign me up-the waiting listat library is way long!

lauren said...

Count me in!

lauren said...

I just commented to sign up, but I realized there may be more than one lauren, so sign me up as Lauren H.


Sally said...

Word is that this contest end on my birfday ... just saying. :)

jlpicard2 said...

Count me in too. My library doesn't have it or I would borrow it.

MamaFeelgood said...

I want this book so that I can pass it on to family members. I was lucky enough to have it at my local library but I would love for some others to read it.

Unknown said...

I'd love to have this book! Please enter me in the draw.

rachelbess said...

I'd like to win! I haven't read the book yet, but am hoping to. :)

Memarie Lane said...

I'm just glad I'm pregnant so I don't feel compelled to even consider a diva cup.

Stephanie said...

Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

I have been interested in reducing my consumerism for a while now so I am very interested in the book. Please enter me.

Carla said...

Okay, Crunch - this is next on my list to read & my Library DOESN'T have it - so please add me to this book giveaway. Thanks!
Carla in North Idaho

tigers fan said...

I would love to read it

Ellen said...

I just read it (library) so don't enter me, but I just wanted to say that his next book is SO GOOD TOO (library again). Seriously, Crunchy, this is life changing stuff. THanks for passing them on-what a great idea! I have a (like new) copy of Farewell My Subaru, if anyone wants it. If you're thinking of moving to biofuel, this is a great and funny book!

LizKnits said...

I'd love to read this one!

Michelle said...

I promise to share it with my friends! I have requested that my library order it...x

ruchi said...

I'd love to read it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks fo the chance to win all this cool stuff!

gpc said...

Yes, yes! I would love to not buy this book!


Anonymous said...

This is the best website. Free giveaways, challenges (that I fail, but attempt nonetheless). And great information from a great hostess. Sign me up for the give away, thanks.

JR said...

Sign me up! I haven't found it at the used bookstores or the libraries and am dying to read it!

Janelle said...

Enter me, please!

Anonymous said...

please count me in :)

Anonymous said...

Entering the drawing. Thanks!

melkeys said...

I would LOVE to read this book and then pass it on to someone else!

Anonymous said...

I would love to add this one to my library! I haven't bought books in months (no spend challange and all) and am going through withdrawal!

Anonymous said...

hey crunch
i'd like to be put in the draw for this books, thanks!
i've been meaning to read it for a while, especially since the interview with wann.

Anonymous said...

You can count me in! I'm even willing to send it back to you when I'm done reading it so you can give it away again. (Or I can mail it directly to another person of your choosing.)

barefoot gardener said...

Ooh, I am so in!

Kimberly Gische said...

count me in

Jenny said...

OH, ME, ME, ME! I want to read it!

Anonymous said...

Would love it. Lisa M.

Melissa said...

I'd like to sign up too...thanks for sharing :)

MikeandCharlsie said...

I would love to win this book!!!!

Cassan (n.) said...

I would love to win this book, especially since I have decided not to buy books anymore.

Anonymous said...

De-lurking to say: Yes! (To all of the above questions. with the possible exception of wanting you to stop asking so many questions. ;)

And to say best of luck to you and your husband. Stem-cell transplant stuff sounds like a real crappy ride. Take care of you and him and the little ones.

*Turning lurk mode back ON. Until there are more books in the offer, that is* >_>

Anonymous said...

Count me in, please... I've been thinking longingly of this one as you've discussed.

Anonymous said...

yes, yes, yes! I've been waiting to get this from the library but the wait is 8 months long.

hoorayparade said...

I haven't been able to get any good books from my library at all lately. They are either all checked out or they just plain don't have them.

I am excited about these giveaways!

Ginny said...

Count me in, looks great!

Anonymous said...

This book is definitely at the top of my reading list but I'm at the very bottom of the library wait list! Great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to read affluenza! Thanks for the opportunity!

Anita said...

Yeah! I've been wanting to read this... Just hadn't found it! Please add me to the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to take it off your hands!

Anonymous said...

I would love to read this. Thanks; count me in!

Anonymous said...

This book sounds awesome. I think I would learn a lot from and get lots of support.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like such an awesome book. I think I could learn a lot from it.

Humble wife said...

I am interested also!

yucaree said...

what a great week of giveaways. thank you for giving us the chance to read the book without buying a brand-spanking-new-resource-depleting copy.

i'm new to your blog and i really love it! it's a month too late but i'm going to make may my buy nothing challenge month.

TheDisturbedOne said...

I like books, count me in.

Anonymous said...

Count me in. I've been wanting to read this book.

Niffer said...

You can't win if you don't play. Sign me up.

Anonymous said...

I tried to purchase this book tonight at Borders but they didn't have it in stock. Then I thought, I should really buy a used book

...and here's your giveaway!!!!

Anonymous said...

sign me up, please

Anonymous said...

Me too please! I read it via Interlibrary Loan early in your challenge, but couldn't really play along since it had to be returned in just a few weeks, so I had to plow through it fast and then send it back. If I win the drawing I will donate it to my local library branch so that we have a copy for others to read!

Miss Kris said...

Yes please!

Unknown said...

Enter me!


Clare K. R. Miller said...

Oh, I'd love to read it!

Lola and Ava said...

I just finished S.P. and LOVED it. I'm sure this one just as good.


ashley said...

I need something to read while sitting at home with no electricity during the eco-throw down challenge!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up- haven't read this one actually-can read it and then donate it to the library......

Anonymous said...

Please add me to the list of contestants! I am very interested in reading the book and it would be super nice to have a gently used copy. Also, I would definitely pass on the goodness! Thanks.

Emily said...

You and your husband are in my prayers. I think you're a real hero for continuing to post so regularly!

Anonymous said...

I'd love it!

Sweetpeas said...

Your husband, and your family, are in my prayers!

This book has been intriguing me, count me in.

Skulleigh said...

Oooh, I tried getting this through interlibrary loan and never did. Please put me in the hat!

Margot said...

Yay giveaways!

Anonymous said...

count me in!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up! I have a copy from my library that I am reading but would love to get one for my 'keep up with the Joneses' parents!

Anonymous said...

Yes please Crunchy. My county librarys suck. They dont have a copy in the whole of Dorset England, and I'm trying not to spend anything (as I only came accross the spend nothing challenge a week or so ago- but it's going great thanks for asking).

Anonymous said...

yes, please! :)

.ambre. said...

looks like a great book!

Piddler said...

Pick me! Pick me!

Blessing to you and your family this week.

Beaweezil said...

I'm delurking to jump in on this one. I found your blog recently from Sharon's. Thanks, I'm enjoying catching up on your conversations.

pink dogwood said...

count me in please - thanks :)

sarah said...

woot! adding my name.

raych said...

I feel so greedy. Count me in for this one too.

cindy24 said...

Add me in. would be great to read after doing the buy nothing month.

Unknown said...

I've been wanting to read this, count me in.

Amy said...

Tossing the hat in.

Anonymous said...

Woot! Count me in!

Maddie Can Fly said...

I really, really hope that I'm picked for this book. I have lots of people that need to read this after me.

Anonymous said...

I would love to have a copy of this book!

Anonymous said...

I feel bad. This is my first comment and it's a "gimme!" But I would love to win this book! Thank you!

Hippie Housewife said...

I'd love to be entered!

Walking Green said...

i would love this one! can't find anywhere!