Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Monday, May 14, 2007

DivaCup dalliance

Monkey in space!Dear Diary,

Today is the first day I'm using my MonkeyCup. I trimmed the stem (I ended up cutting the whole stem off for comfyness), washed it with hot water and soap and proceeded to follow the enclosed directions. For some reason I kept getting stuck on the instructions to insert it "horizontally towards your tailbone". Canadians. Couldn't they have said "parallel" or "perpendicular"? That would have saved me some time.

Anyway, the directions also commented about how your muscles will hold it in there and not to place it too far up. Well, this also had me concerned. After having two kids, you pretty much could drive a freight train through there. But, I am the Queen of Kegels so it shouldn't be a problem, I hope.

I'm just praying that I don't launch the MonkeyCup into low orbit the next time I have a sneezing fit. So far, so good, though.

What's that? I don't have a diary? Well, of course not! Who has time to write in a diary when they're busy sharing their vaginal secrets with the world on their blog?


just ducky said...

Actually, I have to tell you...all the things you've mentioned are things I've wondered about. I am not a Diva-convert yet, but I'm checking different "user reviews" on the internet and trying to work up the courage...The two kids, the sneezing, even just going to the bathroom I'm afraid I'd launch it out of there...If it doesn't disturb you too much---let us know how it goes. It's kind of an expensive item if it doesn't work...

El said...

You are a very brave girl ; ) but I hope you know we all appreciate your "letting it all hang out" regarding this little consumer item. Considering this little item has the potential of stopping loads of pesticide-laden, down-the-john cotton waste, we are all watching with interest. And your words will certainly lead to more Diva purchases, so I hope they're offering you some kind of kickback...

Crunchy Chicken said...

el - sometimes I stop and wonder if I need counseling, but this stuff needs to be said because if I'm thinking about it or worrying about it, then so are thousands of other women contemplating using it. Especially since I was just as queasy at the thought as most of you out there :)

As for kickbacks, I have no relationship with Diva International. And this wouldn't be exactly objective otherwise, so I'm glad to say that I have no vested interest one way or the other. So if I got a problem with it, you'll hear about it!

QT said...

Thank you for the update. A few more weeks for me before I get the chance to try it out!

Anonymous said...

I *lurve* my DivaCup. The only problem that I have is that it doesn't hold up well on my 2nd day which is EXTREMELY heavy (think one super-tampon an hour). But the 1st and 3rd through 6th day, it works lovely!

P.S.: I puzzled over the "horizontal" part but ignore that and stick it in like you would with a tampon. ;)

Anonymous said...

i also love my diva cup. on my second day, i do generally have to empty it once at work (in a bathroom stall! *gasp*) but all in all it's way awesome to not need to think about where i'll be in 3 hours time. plus, even if it comes out empty or almost empty (think end of cycle), it doesn't hurt like a dry tampon would! go diva!

Skulleigh said...

LOL, don't worry - I've used it over a year (I typoed in my intro post and put 2005 instead of 2006, oops), and it's yet to launch out from sneezing :)

Possible TMI - you can keep it in through bowel movements as well. It does feel like it should get pushed out when you go, but then it goes right back up into place when you're done.

Anonymous said...

Well, my transition period (no pun intended) using Instead Softcups (sort of a disposable Diva Cup)was not a success (more leakage than I'd like). I still think I will try the Diva Cup though. I can always put it on eBay if it doesn't work, right?!?! Kidding, people, KIDDING!

Anonymous said...

Well, if you're like me, and these things creep you out a little (no offense), you can always use organic, chlorine-free, un-bleached tampons. Seventh Generation makes them, I'm sure others do, too, but I haven't looked.
Good luck, hope it works for you. Never know, maybe I'll get inspired and try it.
Could you get TSS from a Diva-Cup?

Anonymous said...

I've been using my "diva cup" for about a year now and I love it, but it did take some getting used to. Hardest part is finding a public bathroom with a sink in the stall so you can wash it out! I'm thinking this pursuit of enviro-friendliness might qualify for handicapped bathroom least that's how I justify it!

Anonymous said...

For those who want extra protection while using the Diva Cup or don't like cups or tampons, I have to plug this great site for all manner of WAHM-made menstrual products. I've tried many of the pads sold and they're wonderful -- as comfy as a soft pair of underwear. I can't believe I went so many years using disposable menstrual products!

Rechelle said...

Why why why do I always seem to stop by for a visit right when you are talking abou the Diva cup? Is God trying to tell me something? The furor among my friends is still raging - we have taken to calling it the Dixie cup.

Crunchy Chicken said...

rechelle - you must tell me what all the hub bub is about. I'm still at a loss as to what you guys are so squeamish about? You got a problem with inserting a largish plastic object in your vagina or something :)

HRDeane said...

That was a classic post! haha! I have just started blogging on an australian enviro site and I am always looking for new actions to take...I only knew about the Rad-Pads which I just ordered but not the Monkeycup!! Wow, thanks for that insight into the wonderful world of womens' bits!

Kim said...

I don't use the Diva, but I have used the Keeper since 2001. I imagine the details are nearly identical. In all those years, I have never experienced a launch!

Much luck to you.

oopuy said...

Crunchy, This is SO interesting. I've never heard of it before, but wow, I"m excited to hear your opinion by the end. I'm tempted to give it a try, but I'm interested to know if it stands up to physical activity. I do a lot of backpacking, swimming and yoga...would it stay in even during that? Any idea?

Skulleigh said...

+=Could you get TSS from a Diva-Cup?++

There haven't been any documented cases. You might check over the livejournal group for more info:

There's a lot of good info & tips there.

Marieke said...

Another veteran user here!

I've been using it for nearly a year and I LOVE IT! I don't think I could ever go back to disposables. I still use pantiliners for backup support (which is not needed as much as when I used tampons), but I'm going to make/buy some cloth liners soon.

Mamahi - I think I've only needed to change it in a public bathroom (not including at work - which is a single room bathroom, so it's not an issue), but I've hear others recommend carrying a small bottle of water for that purpose.

Lori v. - I tried Instead Cups too and they leaked like crazy and weren't very easy to use. You'll probably like the DC if you've tried Instead!

lrapps - I've never had an issue with "activity" leaking or any issue with the cup not staying place. Because the cup creates a seal that's unique to your body, the liklihood of leaks is much lower compared to tampons and whatnot. I would personally recommend it to people who are active and I think it'd be easier to use when backpacking because you don't have to hike in "supplies" and you could easily clean it with biodegradable cleansers (I think the DivaWash is one you could use - otherwise Dr Bronners would work too).

Ok, I better stop now - as you can see I'm a passionate DivaCup user. I've converted a few people already and convinced more who were on the edge ;D

ST said...

I know I've posted on here before about the Diva cup (recent convert, and very enthusiastic!), but I fully agree with everything that marieke (above) said.
Honestly, if I didn't think the women in my life were as squeamish as they seem sometimes, I would probably buy each and everyone one of them a Diva cup for their birthdays or something! Maybe they're all hiding in the closet, but I have yet to meet a woman who has tried the Diva cup/Keeper and not been satisfied.

Anonymous said...

Oh. Dear. I'm trying to get on board with you on this one...but oh...I just don't know. I applaud your valiant efforts though. And ... horizontal? The Hell?!

Cheryl said...

Yay! Congrats for making the switch! I recently replaced my 10 year old Keeper with a Diva cup, but I'm finding that it's not quite as comfortable as the Keeper. Maybe cutting the stem off entirely would help.
When I think about how much money (and paper, and cotton) I've saved in the past 11 years, as well as how trouble free the cups are to use, there's no way I could ever go back to tampons.

Kim said...

I used the Keeper for over a year and, due to misplacing it, I recently bought the Diva Cup. I love, love, love them! The Keeper was great, but the Diva Cup is even better - I think the material is slightly thinner so it's more flexible and even more comfortable.

I did try the Instead cups when I couldn't find the Keeper during the move, but thought those were awful. Much more complicated to insert and much less comfortable. I was always worried about slipping and leakage, where I never had any concerns with the Keeper and now the Diva Cup. Occasionally the clean up is a little more messy than others, but no longer worrying about the next bathroom trip, making sure I'm changing things often enough, and worrying about pads or tampons slipping around and leaking is worth the slight mess.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone had trouble (leakage) with the Diva-cup? I bought one about a year ago and tried using it for several months, but I always had major leakage and eventually gave up. Maybe I wasn't doing something right... I've also had 3 kids, so maybe I need a larger one... :)

Cheryl said...

Anonymous - Regarding leakage, do you give it one full turn after inserting it? That's supposed to create the suction that keeps it from leaking. I haven't had any problems with leaks, except for the odd one during the night on the first day or so.

veganbaby said...

My daughter even knows where the diva cup goes. She is 2. Of course she doesn't know what it is used for. She found my diva cup and tried to put it in her Gyna as she calls it.
I have been a diva cup user since after my first post partum period after her and it's great.

Anonymous said...

I totally love my new Diva cup. I work in a library with no private stalls. So far I've managed to empty my cup, pull the pants up, and then, when I am sure no one else is in the bathroom, run to the sink, clean it up and then go back into a stall to reinsert. heck, if someone sees me washing my diva cup, let her ask just what I am doing... It is always a small victory.

My sister had twins, and now can't keep anything up her "gyna". However, the diva cup works at night (when she is lying down). It stays in when tampons do not. I have the opposite concern. My diva rides up in the night and so I am afraid it will get too high... i use a tampon at night.
Should I get over that fear and go for it?

Thanks, crunchy, for this forum to go on about our love for divas...