Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Q-Tip Reduction Act

Stick me in your ear... you know you want to...Okay, there really is no such thing as the Q-Tip Reduction Act. But perhaps there should be.

I'm right there with you on ear cleanliness. I wash and scrub in the shower and then follow up with the requisite Q-Tip poke and prod. But, are my ears really getting cleaner with that final step? And, what about those claims about not putting anything smaller than your elbow in your ear? Will I keel over one day from an ear-wax impaction induced stroke?

It seems kind of a waste to use two Q-Tips per day on already clean ears, so I've cut down my usage to one. I know - it's shocking. And I'm still not comfortable with it. I figure, if I can use a DivaCup, I sure as hell can limit my dependence on swabs. But, I think it will be a while before I can comfortably stop my Q-Tip addiction altogether.


Niobium said...

I hear ya on the Q-tip addiction. Like yourself, I've gotten down to one per day.

It's about time for me to buy more shampoo and conditioner, but...

I heard on NPR a few months back that every component of shampoo comes from petrolum: most of the ingredients, the bottle, and the ink. Even shampoo from the Co-op is petrolum based.

So I don't know what to do. Suggestions?

Christy said...

WOW! You use Q-tips everyday? How waxy are your ears? My son's ears drip wax and I still only clean his with Q-tips once a week. Mine I do a couple times a year but I don't make much wax.

Anonymous said...

Niobium: I use baking soda and water to wash my hair and rinse with apple cider vinegar and water. It's awesome, I've been doing it for 2 years or so.

As far as q-tip use, my mom works for an Ears Nose Throat specialist. They really discourage the use of Q-tips. The reason you become dependent on them is that when you remove the wax (which is supposed to be there) it makes your body create more to replace it. It's a vicious cycle. If you stop it does stabilize. This is of course first hand knowledge from a former Q-tip addict.:)

Anonymous said...

I am right there with ya on the Q-tip addiction. I cut down to one a day about a year ago. I've tried skipping a day but I discovered I'm rather OCD about the cleanliness of my inner ear workings.

Anonymous said...

Alas, due to a predilection for ear infections, I must use a Q-tip after each shower (1 only), just to get my inner ear dry. Otherwise, ear infections and sinus infections soon follow. I have tried to wean myself, but a week of illness is too high a price to pay. Maybe I could make my own Q-tips? Hmm. It's just cotton wound on the end of a stick. Maybe I can make a re-usable Q-tip stick, and grow a cotton plant in my container garden...

Debbie said...

This is so interesting, I have never once used a Qtip to clean my ears, and I'm not sure why I would. It's fascinating to know that people use them every day. You don't actually poke them in your ears, do you? that's so dangerous. My ears basically get clean when I wash my hair (I guess; how would I know if they weren't clean?). Anyway, good job giving up something wasteful!

Piddler said...

Hey CC,

Totally off the subject, I made tacos today, using one of those little packs of "seasoning" to flavor the meat. As I was throwing the packet away I realized that there is probably a way to make my own of this out of spices in my cupboard (the same ones I use to make chili). Does anyone have a recipe for this; does it need thickener?


Crunchy Chicken said...

I don't have waxy ears, it's just a weird habit. More post-shower moisture control than anything.

piddler - here's a recipe for taco seasoning that you might want to try.

Niobium said...

Thanks Chelee.

Can you be more specific with the measurements of each ingredient?

Anonymous said...

Hello. My name is Cosette and I am addicted to Q-tips.

I'm a one a day girl, right after the shower so maybe it's a moisture thing like Chunky says. Like Rachel, I've too discovered I'm a little weird about the cleanliness of my ears.

Q-tip boxes say they can be used for a variety of reasons, but I only use them for the one thing I'm not supposed to.

Anonymous said...

This should have been the topic of your poll, cc! "How many Q-tips do you use per week?"

I am a once-a-week girl, and I don't just use them in the canal so much as all the nooks and crannies of my outer ear, to get all the dead skin & such.

Village Green said...

Try towel drying around and in the ears as best you can, then doing a doggie head shake to dislodge any drops within. I've cut down on Q-tip usage a lot since trying this. Every now and then, I can feel the wax build up and then do the Q-tips, maybe once a week.

Crunchy Chicken said...

lori - I so wanted to make this post into a poll, but I've been trying to control myself.

QT said...

I use one Q-tip each day, and I HAVE to clean my ears after a shower. HAVE to. A towel will not fit in there. I am not mining for gold, but I just don't feel right without doing this.

anna j said...

too many ear infections later, i don't dare go without a q-tip after a shower or a bath. one a day for me.

Wendy Bredhold said...

This is hilarious. I can't believe my unsustainable Q-tip addiction has never even crossed my mind, as I've changed so many of my other habits! Like Crunchy, I use (one) as moisture control every single morning. I'll try skipping tomorrow and see how I feel...

Anonymous said...

Alternative q-tip...for those addicted or medical necessity...

Get roll of organic cotton wool (if there is such a thing). Pull off a piece about 2 inches and really thin. Gently wind it around a ERASER end of a pencil and twirl in your ear GENTLY. Throw away cotton. Voila!

My dad who had damaged eardrums always wears ear plugs while showering and then gently dries/cleans his ears with the above method.


Isle Dance said...

Ooooo...I didn't think I could stop Qtip use - yet I'm not sure when or how it started! Then one day, I ran out of them. Problem solved. It helps to take a little cloth (thin, like an old hankie) and swab. Ahhhh. Relief.

Wendy Bredhold said...

I'd like to report that I skipped my Q-Tip today and towel-dried to no ill effect!

Also, Crunchy - I am co-sponsoring Low Impact Week over on my blog, if you want to link me.


Frisky said...

ooooh, i'm such an addict. i might swab twice a day or more - which is strange, because i'm not obessive about cleanliness in any other capacity. maybe i'll try toweling or a handkerchief to cut down.

Anonymous said...

I, too, am a q-tip addict. I've actually reduced my use from once a day to every other day and i'm trying to cut back on that. Seems strange, I know. I'm surprised other people think about these things, too! lol It's mostly about the moisture, not the wax. Now, after reading some of these comments, I wonder if I could have saved my kids so many ear infections if I'd used q-tips on their ears every day after bathing?

Anonymous said...

I have never in my memory had an ear infection and my 4 kids have not had them either and we never use Q tips in our ears.

Anonymous said...

I actually only clean my ears once a week. Maybe I should clean them more. The thought never really occured to me. Also, I usually stick that q-tip right into my ear to get all the extra wax out. But, today I poked a little too far. My ear hurts so badly that I can't even concentrate on anything but the pain. I can't even describe how much pain I'm in. So I guess that's why they say not to stick them in your ear.

Anonymous said...

For about two years now since my boyfriend, I have been using q tips. Not because of cleanliness, but just because it feels good. I get REALLY itchy ears too, it feels so good.
I know it's wrong though.