Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Flip & tumble review & giveaway

flip & tumbleWell, after Monday's screed, I thought it was great timing to review some green products. And I might as well give something away while I'm at it.

I am regularly contacted by companies hawking their new, improved green products or books, most of which I generally ignore. This one, however, caught my eye. I mean, any company that has a tagline of, "for those oh #@*! moments at the checkout line" should at least be given a chance, no?

The flip & tumble is a bag that is designed for those of you who constantly forget to bring your reusable bags to the store. This little number can be stashed in your purse or backpack. It has a stretchy pouch that conceals it into a small ball when, in fact, it is a full size bag. It takes a few minutes to figure out how to origami it bag into it's compact, ball-like shape, but once you do, it's a cinch.

It reportedly holds 25 lbs, although I haven't yet tested it to that weight. It has a little felty shoulder pad that really doesn't do much and makes the strap look a little hokey, but I would imagine it would be uncomfortable without it. The stretchy pouch doubles nicely as a small cell phone holder and it really does hold a lot. When the bag is unfolded it measures 12" x 14" x 5". In it's origami shape, it's about 3" in diameter.

flip & tumble storageMy big problem with the bags is that I generally don't carry a purse and so I don't actually have anywhere to stash the balls. But, as you can see from the photo on the right, I have found the perfect place to store them. Plus, they serve a dual purpose - no disfiguring plastic surgery required. I'm sure you men out there have an equally suitable area for enhancement, I mean, storage.

Anyway, once the bag reaches the end of its life, you can even send it back to the company and they'll recycle it for you.

Since I know you aren't buying anything this month, I'm having a giveaway! If you are interested in trying out the flip & tumble, you can enter to win a pink one by adding your name to the comments. I'll have a random drawing on Thursday. Time's up!


HilLesha O'Nan said...

Sounds great. :)

cindy24 said...

Would love to be in for the bag.

Tara said...

I'd love to try it.

P~ said...

heck yeah, sign me up, I'm always forgetting my bag.

Jeana said...

Sign me up for the boob bag!

sweetp said...

me too

Anonymous said...

I would love to be in for it - it looks like fun!

Natural Louisville said...


Burbanmom said...

Do you have any in a size "D"?

Unknown said...

I'd love to try for one, I've been getting canvas bags/totes but never remember to bring them.

Anonymous said...

They look neat, but I've already got plenty of reusable bags. Hope whoever gets it can really use it!


laurel said...

You crack me up with your "storage" ideas.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win and try it out! Please sign me up!

Linz said...

I'm interested. They look cute!

JenHarper said...

Oooh, cute! Count me in! :)

Joanna said...

This looks really neat! Like other, I have a few bags, but often leave them at home.

Anonymous said...

Cool little thing - perfect for my purse or diaper bag, count me in!

Jamie said...

Looks great! How much are they anyway?

Anonymous said...

Ooh me! I've been eyeing chico bags lately since one of mine broke and it leaves me short one bag every time I go shopping.

Melissa Anderson said...

I would definitely like that. The other day we (my family of five) carried all of our stuff by hand out of the store so I could avoid using even one plastic bag!

Hannah said...

I've been storing the unbagged groceries in my bra. This sounds more comfortable. Sign me up!

KatieB said...

Please add my name to the hat for the drawing. I would love to try out the bag.

Shannon said...

I am horrible at remembering my bags - I generally end up carrying several items myself!

Kerry said...

My partner Papa Pan NEEDS these things! He would carry a softball in a pocket, but always forgets the bags in the car if he's just running about.

Jennifer said...

ooo... PINK! I'd love to try it.

Sarah and Jack said...

Oh, count me in!

Robin Shreeves said...

Put me in, please.

Surly said...

These look great - I need a small bag to carry in my purse

noradawn said...

Please count me in!

Anonymous said...

My very first reusable bag is starting to fall apart. Fixes # 1 and 2 prolonged its life considerably, but the end is near. I would love to replace with one of these.

equa yona(Big Bear) said...

Thanks for the new word! 'Screed', it even sounds insulting. And such a picture, you are tooooo funny. And no thanks to the pink bag-it just wouldn't be manly enough ya know.

Anonymous said...

10 canvas bags in my car and 3 out of 4 times I walk into the store without them. This sounds idea. Sign me up.

Oh, that girl again... said...

Not always forgetting them, but often enough that I'd love one!

Wendy said...

I don't normally enter drawings, because I never win, but this sounds interesting. I don't forget my bags when I'm headed to the grocery store, but there are times when I'm out and about and I don't have one of my bags with me and I end up carrying plastic home. You'd be amazed at how many people yearn to give customers a plastic bag. Plus, there's plenty of ... er ... room for me to carry them when I don't have my backpack ;).

Anyway, sign me up, please :).

C said...

I need to win this, seeing how I STILL have not made my own bags!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Reusable bags *and* bigger boobs. Count me in!

Megan said...

Yum, and in pink even!

I really think you should create a post detailing all the storage possibilities for those of us who are not so creative. I mean, they're in bags anyway, so why not utilize them more, right? ;)

just ducky said...

Dude! I've been coveting the flip and tumble for some time now...Please, oh for the love of all that is green, please add my name to the drawing!

Anonymous said...

Sounds nice.


Kristin said...

I can always use another bag!

Anna Banana said...

Please enter my name. Won't we need 2 if we're going to Store them as in the photo?!

jayedee said...

oh! oh! oh! pick me! pick me! lol

good luck everyone! (not really, i just want to SOUND like a good sport)

Chile said...

Add me to the drawing although pink would totally destroy my street cred. ;-)

Karen said...

Yeah! I love give-aways! AND I'm always forgetting my canvas bags!

Unknown said...

OK, so these were made for me! Especially since I am always looking for a way to remember my bags ;)
Sam @ Loving Green

Anonymous said...

Sign me up! I use canvas bags but I often stop for things walking home from work and never have a bag with me. These would be great.

Random Steph said...

A pink bag? Why not!!!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up. I always forget my bags.

Nancy said...

They sound neat. I do always forget my bags!

Theresa said...

Oh ya, count me in. I could use the

Anonymous said...

I could always use some fun-bags!

JoyceAnn said...

Hi ,
New to your blog ,it's wonderful. So much info , will be reading for awhile.

Please enter me in your drawing.

Jenna said...

Please enter me! I have reusable bags (they're what I generally carry my lunch with me to and from work). But because they don't fold up very well I often forget them on my way to the grocery store. This would be great stuffed in my glove box!

Anonymous said...

I'm in!!

rachelbess said...

Oooh I'd like to enter! Thanks! (Since I've been entering the trader joes raffle for months and haven't won anything yet some woman has managed to win twice.)

MissAnna said...

Definitely looks more fun than my whole foods bags :-)

Anonymous said...

hey crunch
i'd love to try it! put me in the draw.
thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Flip and tumble me in!

Jen said...

So I've been lurking here for a couple of weeks but have decided that since I have lots of room for "storage" that now is the time to out myself. Sign me up. :)

Anonymous said...

Put me in the flip and tumble bag with the other posters- just not in your shirt please

taikobaka said...

I need one! Er...two!

The DO said...

I've looked at these a few times... I'd really love to try one!

Anonymous said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

I'll give it a try!


Anonymous said...

I'm in!

(Wait a minute...if you're only giving away one, won't I look lopsided?)

EcoBurban said...

I already have many Baggus in my purse that I love (same concept, but folds flat, but not as good for those of us that could really, really use some cleavage!) so I hope whomever wins, will love it as much as I love my reusables!

Anonymous said...

Mom of 3, could definitely use a "pick me up" uh for groceries too!

Ilyeana said...

Ohh, me!

Ashley said...

Heck yeh! I'd love to win! My name is Ashley and you can reach me at


Jenette said...

Sign me up! I just talked my honey into using the canvas ones so I could have this one ... he wouldn't touch the pink.

Anna Marie said...

Yet another purpose for the pouches: juggling balls!

(And yes, I'd love one :D)

JessTrev said...

I'd love to win one, only you could make the pic so hilarious.

Unknown said...

You are awesome, Crunchy! Love your posts...and I could use some enhancement! (Not sure how one would fit into that need, but I could try to make that work!)

Anonymous said...

LMAO, I'll put 'em in my bra if I win. Put me in the drawing.

Kay Simmons, Community Garden Coordinator said...

I'd love one to keep on hand - unfortunatly I do not need any extra "enhancement storage," so I guess I'll have to carry a purse. sigh

Anonymous said...

Could always use another bag...

Anonymous said...

Throwing my name in the ring...

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog. I bought the book Afflenza (USED! from Powell's) and have now loaned it to my neighbor.
Thanks for considering me for your cool bag!

Anonymous said...

I so totally need a "bag" job. ;)

Kimberly P.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting good at remembering my bags, but these are so cool I need to throw my name in the hat.

Walking Green said...

Sign me up!!

ehmeelu said...

I have enough reusable bags for myself, but want to try to get my mother to start carrying them, so please enter me in the draw!

PKJ said...

I'm interested.

Anonymous said...

I'm in, too!

Megan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Megan said...

I'd like in, please!

Phyllis Sommer said...

these are way cute. i'm game for some bags! thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

this seems like something perfect for my diaper bag. If we didn't need it for shopping the tots could toss it around.mmm, I like the idea.

Anonymous said...

count me in: i'm glad to learn i'm not the only one who forgets to put the bags back in the car for the next grocery trip.....

Alyclepal said...

Please sign me up:>

Segwyne said...

If I win, will they hold up the saggies from 7+ years of nursing? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I am a fan of your blog, and have finally figured out why I couldn't leave comments before! Darn Internet explorer. Anyway, please put my name in for the bag contest. Thanks!

kathirynne said...

What a great giveaway!

MikeandCharlsie said...

These look great!!!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

That sounds handy.

Unknown said...

i'm up for enhancement- i'm not much of a purse carrier either and when i do, it's generally a cloth grocery bag;-) thanks!

Anonymous said...

OooOoo I would like to enter. Maybe I could it to even the girls out a bit ;)

Anonymous said...

**Insert a "use" somewhere in that previous comment.

Anonymous said...

Put my name in please!

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

I like the bag... the ball-up into a little something I can stash is a good bonus.
Also, "hello." I have not left a comment here in quite some time.

{VICKI} said...

first visit to this site and hey a giveaway.


Anonymous said...

What a neat product! I'm in!

melpaco said...

count me in too. :O)

christy said...

sign me up, but only if i don't have to wear it in my bra....

Melissa said...

very cool...sign me up!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up. That'll save me from making a bag.

lauren said...

Great timing! I just saw these on GreenGirlLA's blog and started to covet them, then I went to your blog and felt a sting of shame. Now I can win a Crunchy-sanctioned bag!
Sign me up :)
Lauren H

Joy Choquette said...

Cool! Count me in please!

MKD said...

This is another great idea & good packaging & handles!

owlfan said...

Great idea - and better looking than my current bags! I'd love to try it.

Anonymous said...

count me in!

Anonymous said...

Don't you think you should give away a pair for optimal enhancement? Otherwise we'll be lopsided ...

It looks similar to my Chico bags, which I LOVE - I keep one in the glove box and a couple in the outside pockets of my purse.

CatMominPhilly said...


Maggie said...

Please add me!-- Maggie

Skulleigh said...

Oh, pretty colors, I'd love one!

Robj98168 said...

Heh heh- at least now I know when I see a gal with ample bosoms, they are shopping bags! LOL baseball players must carry shopping bags too! Sign me up- I always wanted to look like a ball player!

Anonymous said...

sign me up :)

Sarah said...

Count me in. Would love to have a "back up bag" when I forget to haul the regulars in!

Allie said...

Those look great!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes! I am the woman with 3 dozen Trader Joe's bags in my trunk, but never a bag in hand when I get to the check-out. Please, please pick me!

Piddler said...

Wait, you're giving away two, right? I'll need two, you know, for balance...tee hee.

hmd said...

Cool! Please add my name to the pot!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for adding my name to your giveaway!

Erika said...

I LOVE pink!

Rechelle said...

Oh yeah - I could definently use one...I mean TWO of those.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe no one has commented on the process of removing the bag from "storage" while out in public at the checkout counter... All of a sudden "grocery store cashier" will become rather a coveted job!


Western Great Basin

Anonymous said...

I do so love reusable bags - and pink too, how devine. I'm in!


Ilissa said...

This is a great idea! I'd put them in the glove box of my car since I don't have any room in my purse.

Anonymous said...

My friend brought me something similar from japan: a tiny little tote bag that you can squish/fold a regular sized tote bag into! I have it attached by a length of chain (that bathtub drain type stuff you sometimes put keys on, or dog tags) to the outside of the Giant Tote Bag that Goes Everywhere. It's perfect!

Anyone wondering if these are useful... they are! I have mine, so Crunchy, please share with someone who needs it. But for those with ... ummm ... less need for chest-enhancing-storage ... and no room in the purse ... might I suggest the keychain strategy. :)

Jenn said...

Great idea!

shamrockmom said...

Sign me up for the giveaway. I love to take homemade healthy treats to my son's baseball games in reusable bags just for the sheer bliss of looking at the other botoxed, fake nail, SUV-driving mom's puzzled faces. They so don't get it! To paraphrase Bart Simpson: Eat my (organic cotton) shorts!p

Anonymous said...

How generous Crunch! Count me in if it's not too late!

rosiegirl said...

Groovy. Please count me in.

Anonymous said...

Yes Please! Thanks!

camp mom said...

sign me in on this one! Although i really don't need any enhancements-I could certianly use this!

Anonymous said...

I've found that hanging some of my canvas bags on door knobs helps me to remember, but count me in for the drawing. Debbie C

Amy said...

Cool ides. Thanks for the link!

molly said...

me too please!

Delora said...

I'd love to try one. I forgot my cloth bag on Earth Day for the love of pete!

Stacy said...

I would love the bag and my husband would probably like the bigger boobs.

kevnjacks said...

This looks great! :) [Though my kids might claim it, like they do my other reusable bags, and use it to lug their toys around the house!] Haha!

Nicki said...

I would love one of these! Just yesterday I forgot to grab my canvas bag for the grocery store and had to use a plastic one! $#@%!!!

Sweetpeas said...

I've been wanting to try one of these to see if the "stretchy" pouch is easier to re-stuff than the chicobags I have. And incidentally for those who don't carry a purse, the chicobags are the same concept but have a clip on them so they can be clipped to your keys, belt loop, etc.

Mickey said...

I link here from time to time from Allie's Answers and I dig your site. I don't actually want to be in the drawing because I do fine in the "no bag" department, so someone else could make better use of them.

Just wanted to be a part of the comment parade, I guess.

LizKnits said...

Enjoy your blog... even if I typically lurk. Thanks for offering up your reusable bag.

Simple Mama said...

These look great!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to try these. No more stuffing with tissue! ;-)

Melissa said...

Count me in if it's not too late!

mellycooks said...

Is it too late to throw my hat in? if not, add me.

Anonymous said...

Perfect for me. I'm always having those Oh *#%@! moments ;)

Laura said...

Cool bags! No need to sign me up for the draw. :)

I have a few of the "Workhorse Style 1500" and I love them. Aside from the name of course.
Similar design to the Flip&Tumble.
Both my boyfriend and I each carry one with us all the time, 'cause who knows when you might need a bag . Or know... an enhancement.

Laura Kaeding said...

ack I missed it. Hopefully whoever gets it, loves it!

Anonymous said...

I am a proficient forgetter. I have one chico bag that rolls up nicely and love it! The key is remembering it put it back into the glove box. Maybe I'll try the boob stash. I'll need one more to look even.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I have many, many of those moments so this oh sh*t bag would be perfect for me.

I am enjoying your blog. I even resisted buying clothes at the local store and hiked on over to the local thrift store to get some much needed tshirts for summer.

Tara said...

Oooo... can I still get in on this?