Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Reader appreciation day!

Howdy there and welcome to Crunchy Chicken's reader appreciation day. (Yes, I love referring to myself in the third person.)

I just wanted to thank all of you for reading and commenting on my blog. I'm having a lot of fun sharing my (oftentimes) nutty approaches to saving the environment. Plus, having a couple thousand people to read books with, plan meals with and discuss bodily functions is more exciting than, well, doing it alone.

So, in honor of you guys, who help make my life sane when it's clearly not, I want to do something for you.

What's that, you say?

It's a giveaway! I'm giving away a $50 gift card to the seed catalog/supplier or nursery of your choice. All you have to do is enter your name in the comments section and the winner will be drawn at random.

I want to support you for growing your own vegetables and fruit trees and to help show you that making the investment is worth all the work. How many other hobbies do you have that turn dirt into something you can eat?

So, you have until Saturday (2/2/08) at 6:00 p.m. PST to enter [Contest closed!]. The winner will be announced on Sunday, 2/3.

Don't be late!


Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

wow - i'm first? how fun! thanks for the giveaway. i'm hoping to expand my garden from just pots last year to actually in the ground this year. :)

Anonymous said...

What an awesome idea! I love it! It would be really fun to have plants in my garden that reminded me of one of my favorite bloggers!

Anonymous said...

Sweet idea!! I'm starting my first garden this year.. and recently discovered your blog.. I'm loving going through the archives... and coincidentally I just bought a divacup and then saw your "challenge" which I think it is HILARIOUS because I was embarassed to tell even my husband (let alone the whole blogging world!!) that I bought one! LOL I think your site is awesome in what you are doing to raise awareness!!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, count me in! The ice storm wrecked major havoc in my orchard. Am trying to figure out if trying to raise fruit in my climate is worth it or not. Last year we had a late, hard freeze and got absolutely no fruit. Well, there was that one cherry, but some bird beat me to it. So, trees or no trees? But always a garden!

Burbanmom said...

Fabulous! Thanks, Crunchy! I just started reading through my seed catalogs last night! :-)

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog last week and I'm so glad I did! You have so many great ideas. Having a chance to win a prize is an extra bonus!

Anonymous said...

I'm about to order garden catalogs so we can plan what to plant this year. I really want to grow and preserve much more of our food after reading about the local foods movement. What a timely contest.

Deb in MA said...

Great idea! It's the gardening catalogs that get me through these long, dark, snowy Northeast winters.

Anonymous said...

I wanna grow blueberries! Doing lots of research now...we'll see! Thanks!

Amy said...

You totally rock! I love this idea. I, too, am planning my first garden this year and am already pouring over seed magazines. Thank you!!!

Kim said...

I just discovered your blog and absolutely love it. It's the blog I'd write if I were creative and motivated. I do cloth diaper, hang laundry out to dry, recycle, and belong to a CSA, so I'm trying. :)


Ananda Devika said...

Yea! My garden is still in the planning stages, as we are covered in ice here, but this would be so awesome!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for appreciating us! I am going to do some container gardening this year, and maybe plant raspberries or something.

I am not "entering" to win though, I have already be lucky enough to win one of your prizes!

Thanks for making my mornings! I love reading your posts first thing. It is a great way to start my day. :)


Joanna said...

I'm starting a garden for the first time this year too- and am overwhelmed with the choices in the couple seed catalogs I've received so far!

Unknown said...

oooh...great idea! And I need a gift certificate - we lost a couple of trees to the landscapers last year and need to replace them.

gpc said...

How sweet, and what great timing! I have been lusting after a number of seeds and my symptoms are only going to get worse now that our temperature has dropped FIFTY degrees! Think spring.

historicstitcher said...

Awesome giveaway!

I love reading your blog, even if I haven't gotten in on your challenges yet...(I do turn my thermostat down to 45F during the day and at night, and only let it go up to 65F for a few hours each day...)

Please count me on on the raffle! I need new seeds - I've been out of a garden for a few years, and my seed collection (yes, heirloom and all!) were ruined by my ex-. He put them in a metal trunk on the south porch in the summer right before I left! Cooked everything!

Anonymous said...

Count me in. I love the blog and would love to have some extra cash for the garden this year. In fact, that is almost exactly how much short I am in the garden budget!


Robbyn said...

Count me in! this is sort of like the Seed Lottery :)

The Unusual Farmchick said...

Count me in too please. This is the year I hope to order all heirloom- open pollinated seeds for future saving and trading.
seed lottery is right. LOL...

laurel said...

Oh, Crunchy, what a fabulous give away!! I just spent yesterday on the phone, picking the brains of the seed company people. I would love to get this gift certificate! My square foot gardening frame is going in next week!

Deb G said...

Your Welcome! I really enjoy reading your blog. As for the garden, I've had my seeds for weeks now, but I have fruit trees on my wish list :)

Melissa said...

Great idea! Love the blog.

Lisa said...

Count me in! Fun idea :).

Lisa Zahn said...

This is so cool! Today Sharon has linked to her post on where to buy seeds. You guys are "in sync"! Thanks for entering my name in the contest.

Lisa in MN

Wendy said...

What a very nice idea! I'm know I'm not in the minority when I say that we all appreciate what you do. You seem one of those rare people who, despite the difficulties in your own life, reach out to others in an attempt to make the world a better place. Even without all of your eco-friendly ideas, we can all take a lesson from you ;).

I read an article on suburban homesteading last night, which was very good - and meaningful to me, as that's what I do. I like that you're encouraging people to garden. We've been gardening since we bought our house (ten years ago), and it's been a fantastic experience - especially when I get to add my own tomatoes to my Yankee Pot Roast ... in January ;).

Jennifer said...

Awe, thanks! I've just been reading for 3 or 4 monts, but already I've learned so much. Thanks to YOU!

And yes, I would LOVE to have pplants... I am hoping to actually have a GARDEN this year instead of a dirt patch that I don't do anything to. (No lawn, either, though). :) I'm saving seeds, and maybe next week I will start a cold weather garden!

Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife said...

Just what I need to get started! We'll be moving to the country soon and I want to start a garden ASAP! Thanks!

I know I don't comment a lot, but I'm here... lurking about...

Anonymous said...

Excellent! We just bought our first home last summer and I've been considering putting in a little garden on our tiny property.

And let me throw a little appreciation back at you... I realize life isn't easy for you right now, but I am so grateful for what you do for all of us here on the blog.

buffalosoup (at) hotmail etc

Anonymous said...

Wow, you've drug me out of lurkdom with this one. Since I am posting now, I'll mention how strange it was to open your page the other day and find out that we both tackled making butter-in-a-jar on the same day (my first time, too- and I had been intending to try it for ages as well). Kepp up the good work and thanks!

emily said...

I want a drought tolerant shade garden!!!!!!!!

Cave-Woman said...

I'm moving to a place with enough sun to actually have a garden! I'm excited! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

We should be giving you something in appreciation for giving us such a thought-provoking, life changing blog. Because of you, the diva cup is my new best friend, I'm a cloth wipe addict, my house is freezing, my square foot garden is completely planned out, I read books I never would have thought to read (Hobby Farm, anyone), I'm a canning pimp, and most importantly, I'm far more aware of my family's impact on this earth. Thank YOU Crunch.

Nancy said...

Wow, what a nice thing to do! We are just starting to think about what we want to plant this year. I am so excited about it. Thanks so much for your blog--I've gotten a lot of great ideas from it, and things to think about.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog!!

~mel said...

Wow, what a generous gift!

I'm currently in the process of starting my first real garden at our new place, and about to order my seeds.

Thanks, Crunchy, for the great blog. I know life isn't easy for you right now, but I appreciate all you do here. I look forward to reading your posts each morning while drinking my (shade grown, fair trade organic) coffee. :-)

Anonymous said...

Crunch! You are the best! You could move in next door and be my neighbor and we could share the $50 gift card! (aren't I generous!)

I feel like we should be the ones sending you presents with all you do for us and everything you are going thru. Heck, I should send you $50 for that delightful picture of David Beckham you posted a few days ago. (shwew!)

Hope all is well with the Crunchy front. My garden is under about 2 inches of snow (which is traumatic in the Willamette Valley) so I can't hardly even think about yardwork right now!

Britta said...

I check in every day! Love your blog and wish your family the best.

Anonymous said...

What a welcome sight your contest was this morning. Immediately, my brain turned to the Victory Seed Catalog that I was reading last night while the wind howled outside. Here in the great Midwest (St. Louis area), we had a 50 degree temperature drop in about 3 hours. We had rain, hail, sleet and, finally, snow!! Geez!

Now, I sit and dream about winning this prize and Spring. LOL I have to echo the thoughts of one of your other readers...."how wonderful it would be to see plants that remind them of their favorite blogger".

Thanks, Crunchy!

Fanny said...

Me me me! I bought some seeds this weekend but I DEFINITELY need more! Thanks for doing this.

Oh, that girl again... said...

As an apartment-dweller, I'm looking forward to trying some container gardening - your potato experience made me believe it can be done!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Crunchy! When are we gonna have a blogger appreciation day?

Shelly in FL

Unknown said...

(Is the begging working, yet???)
J/K, well sorta...
What an awesome, AWESOME gesture and oh how pretty those seeds would look out on this years balcony garden!
Crunchy as always you rock & I love ya!!!
Sam @ Loving Green

Unknown said...

Crunchy you are the best you know - nutty or not.

Maritzia said...

Ohhhh...sign me up...

And just think, I've only been a reader for 3 days *laughs*.

Anonymous said...

Yeehoo! Count me in, Crunchy Chicken!
Thanks for the draw, but mostly for your awesome blog!

big and little

Theresa said...

This is so nice of you Crunchy! I'm expanding my garden this year and I have been salivating over my one and only seed catalogue, dreaming of Spring while coping with the -45 C temps here right now.

KatieB said...

This is a wonderful giveaway. Add me to the list.
Katie B

Ashley // Our Little Apartment said...

Wheee! Count me in - I hope I win -- I'm doing a garden with inner city kids again this year and I'd LOVE to be able to include some lessons on heirloom seeds and such! :)

Catherine said...

Put me in the list!

I'm so glad I found this blog. I just ordered a diva cup two days ago and signed up for my local CSA delivery (first delivery tomorrow!) thanks to Animal, Vegetable, Miracle.

I guess that makes you my Oprah.

MissAnna said...

I would give you back the gift card if you summarized what has/hasn't worked for you in your Seattle garden. I have a feeling my backyard is just too shady down in Renton as last year I only produced a few anemic beans, one very slow sunflower and a whole bunch of peas!

Karine said...

Thank you Crunchy! It is also more interesting for me to take new environmental choices and initiatives when I read about everything you are doing. Thanks!

Chile said...

Oh, oh, oh! Pick me! My sweetie just told me this morning he was going to place one last seed order. This would be perfect timing. (big cheesy grin)

Anonymous said...

Glad you're promoting growing food, Crunchy! If I win, I'll put it toward planting another row of vegetables for the local food pantry.

May said...

What a neat idea ^__^

Amber said...

I really enjoy your blog. I've mostly just been a silent participator in you challenges and haven't been able to participate in a book club yet (I'm either too late or haven't found the book on time). I am planning my first garden for this year and I'll be keeping up on your blog for more thought provoking and informative posts. Thanks for being so CRUNCHY!

Anonymous said...

Wow! If I haven't told you lately, we don't appreciate you nearly enough. I can't begin to tell you how you have brightened and inspired my world (you even had DH laughing with your recent "nut-job" poll). Thank YOU for everything that you've done!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to your blog we:
~read The Omnivore's Dilemma and started buying our meats from Polyface Farm
~read Animal Vegetable Miracle and planted our own food
~ and perhaps most notoriously, thanks to the Freeze Your Buns Off Challenge, you are known around our house as "that damn chicken woman" (all in good fun, I think!).
Anyway, we'd love to win the giveaway. Thanks for all that you've done to enrich our lives!

Anonymous said...

You have no idea how many plants we need in our back yard!! I'm feeling lucky!

Sheri said...

Great idea Crunchy!

I enjoy your blog.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Crunch - this is too hard to resist! I'm venturing out of lurkdom to enter this fantastic give away. I've got my spring wish list all made out already, too.
Carla in North Idaho

just ducky said...

Wow--62 comments and counting! That is quite impressive! This blog does a lot of good. You have great cause to be proud!

simplephat said...

sign me up!
simple in slc

Cynthia said...

My husband has been planning and replanning this years garden all winter!

ST said...

Oh! Count me in! Sounds like fun. :)

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Chicken - Have I told you how much I love you recently? Particularly when you talk about bodily functions and my garden porn. You are one of my daily reads. Excellent Job.

katecontinued said...

What a giving gal you are! I will be planting my one raised bed and then working to transform my tiny home's roof to a green roof of my succulents. Then I want to plant seedlings to containers within my 5 huge, rusty oil barrels. These post-oil re-use barrels of food planters I'll mount on wheels. Your gift certificate could make that sing!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I have been dreaming about my garden even though the wind chill in this area has been -35° today!

salmonpoetry said...

sign me up! i'll be expanding my little urban farm this spring into a community garden plot, the more the merrier!
thanks for the generosity you offer on this blog- your wisdom, humor, and cool giveaways like this!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing and fun giveaway! Perfect timing too, as I was just starting to plan what food we were going to grow this coming season. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm rebuilding all of my garden beds and turning most of my back yard into a lawn-free zone. :) I'm going to try to grow quinoa! Pick me! Pick me! My Seeds of Change shopping cart doth overflow!


Christy said...

Cool! I haven't ordered my seeds yet.

Tara said...

Oh, holy cow! What an awesome give-away. And just in time for the raised beds we're installing this year...

Anonymous said...

WOW! Thanks! I enjoy reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up! I have big plans for a vegetable/herb garden this year!

Annette said...

What a generous giveaway! Please enter me. Thanks!

Jenette said...

My husband and I are talking about starting a garden this year. I have gotten 2 bins of 'dirt' from my worm bin and are looking to expand from our 2 (yes I know pitiful) tomato plants. Seed catalog recommendations would be appreciated (USDA Zone 9b or Sunset Western Climate Zone 14).

Lesley said...

I'd love to join in too. :) I'm following your posts about building raised beds this year to start a garden! I just requested my seed catalogs and I can't wait to get them.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have enjoyed reading your comments. Sometimes it's nice to realize I am not alone in being a bit crazy.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your blog. Great ideas you have. Sign me up!


christy said...

thanks for a generous giveaway! my husband and i are plotting how to take over the backyard for gardening, while still leaving our 3 boys a little room to play. :)

Anonymous said...

We're apartment renters with no outdoors, but thanks! Love reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

i guess i'll throw in here too. i'm a relatively new reader (first comment), found you via greenpa.

i've enjoyed recently your writings and tha back and forth you seem to have with the three-holers out there. but i must admit in all my man'ness, i think i may have a bit of divacup envy. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's some appreciation. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog, I'm not just a lurker now.... It would be cool to get come seeds or such from a catalog, I have always just bought them from the hardware store....
Jo, from way down south

Niffer said...

I'm a sucker for a give away!!! Woo! Hoo!

Tracy G said...

Nifty! I hope to grow a few more plants this year—some beans and Swiss chard, for sure.

Coach Paulette said...

Wow Crunchy - what a nice giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

If you are interested - this week I'm giving away a handmade beaded bookmark and a quiet time care package! Enter by Friday if you want!

Laurie said...

Wow!...What a great way to get us lurkers into the mix :o) Count me in please!

Anna Banana said...

I'd spend the whole $50 on green onions and chiles. Can't grow enough! Thanks for blogging!

Rechelle said...

uh... uh...hello? Hello? anyone there? Hello? This is me... Rechelle and I would like to sign up for the seed giveaway? Hello? Hello?

Anonymous said...

Oh Crunchy! You are enabling my garden porn fantasies!

You go, girl!

Sign me up!


Anonymous said...

Money for seeds?!?! Or new bio-degradable ground cloth? Or a pretty lattice for beans? Oh man I can go on and on.

Crunchy it's very, very naughty of you to offer to push people's habits.

That's why I love ya!

LoveandSalt said...

Hi! I've been lurking here for some time, but the seed offer gave me that last push to sign on. I'll have my first fullscale garden this year, after starting slow with pots and a few plants here and there. (Also learning to find and eat wild food in Vermont where I live.)
Anyway, I think I might win because my birthday is coming, and because I am very very lucky!

Anonymous said...

Fun contest!

Donna said...

Very cool. Just found you today!

Jerry said...

I've been reading your blog for the last few weeks. Great stuff.

Anonymous said...

No rock!!

Thanks for the ever informative blog.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, ooh! I would SO love to have a little more cash to adapt my sun-drenched, 100-square-foot garden vision into something more suitable for my currently available space: shady, rocky, steeply terraced and full o' shrubs.

But I WILL have asparagus. I WILL.

Anonymous said...

Who can turn down free seeds? And it is great to know you have so many readers and so many gardeners among them.
Now, in addition to your other roles you are a philanthropist too.

Alan said...

Well, I haven't seen any other guys signing up for a chance on the seed coupon, so here I am. Maybe my solitary maleness will give me a better chance.

Olive said...

sign me up!! you are so sweet my dear

Susan M.B. Sullivan said...

Thanks Crunchy! Thanks for sharing the nuttiness. The nuttier the better.

Anonymous said...

Oohm me too please! Thank you for this blog! :o)

Anonymous said...

Me me me! =)

Anonymous said...

me, I want some seeds, can I have some seeds? Don't pick a random reader, just pick me!!
I love seeds, big seeds, small seeds kukui seeds, passion fruit seeds fancy seeds, flower seeds

Jenna said...

Nifty... and with the garden porn coming in waves to my mailbox daily its a very cool drawing idea!

(Honest... I block all the other catalogs but I need my green fix in the middle of these chilly winter blahs!)

Anonymous said...

Oh, how lovely! I plan on planting a vegetable garden this year - partly because of a reduction in income - but also because of the numerous benefits. I'm hoping to share harvest with several friends, each of us specializing in some vegies to swap. I'm new to your blog and am so inspired. I plan on buying a diva cup too!

Phyllis Sommer said...

ooh cool. count me in:-)

Bill Rosemurgy said...

can't wait to buy some seeds!

Village Green said...

Your post makes me think green green green! Outside, my garden is frozen into stillness, but soon things will be stirring once more.

Anonymous said...

Cool! I built my first 4x4 garden box last year and plan to do more this year. Seeds would be great!

Kelsie said...

I can taste those heirloom 'maters now...

Sherrie said...

Yee-haw, I'm always getting the itch to spend on seeds this time of year, and I have some new veggies in mind!

jlpicard2 said...

Awesome. I was feeling like a bit of a laggard for not ordering my seeds yet. It may just be justified :)

C said...

Throwing my hat in the ring. We are planning our first vegetable garden this year!!

Andrew said...

I enjoy your blog. Cheers!

Jan said...

Hey Crunchy, please add my name to the hat. Not too many things I'd rather win!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Count me in. I just discovered your blog a few weeks ago. I love the challenges. Thanks for the encouragement and the community this space provides.

girlonabike said...

Wow- thanks Crunchy Chicken! We love what you do for us- thanks for being such an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

That is so generous!! Thanks doing such a fun giveaway contest, Crunchy!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Boy, I was just getting ready to make a huge order so we can finally start the garden of our dreams. We have only waited 20 years to do this. I have tried a few tomatoes now and then but now we finally have a place we can really go to town! Just have to decide where to start tilling. ;o)

Unknown said...

pick me pick me!!

Jason C said...

very nice giveaway! We're starting some veggie gardening this year, too.


P~ said...

Yeah, I'm a gardening perv! I've been drooling over the seed catalogs. This would be perfect.
Sign me up.

A posse ad esse

Anonymous said...

New reader, love your blog; I'm just about to place my 2008 seed order, so count me in on the drawing!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely thing to do. I would love to plant a garden in your honor.

Fresh and Feisty said...

I just got my new seed catalog this week!

Anonymous said...

Erin -- thanks for this!

Melissa Anderson said...

I never win anything, but I'll try anyway!!

Sarah said...

Yay! Count me in :) I'm starting our first garden this year.

(Living the Fruity Life)

Sweetpeas said...

Yay! We're looking at moving in the next couple months & I'm going insane not knowing where we'll be or if we'll have an outdoor garden or a container garden and such, at least knowing where I'll find the money for seeds would be AWESOME!

MikeandCharlsie said...

Wow this would be great!

Hellcat13 said...

I'll de-lurk for this one :) We moved into our home 1.5 years ago, but were concentrating on inside renos last year, so the outdoors fell to the wayside. I'm looking forward to trying my hand at a veggie garden this summer!

Anonymous said...

Great idea for a giveaway! It could be that final push I need to get my garden going!

DC said...

137 comments already! Holy crap, I'd have a better chance of winning the multi-state lotto. That's okay, we really already have all the seeds we need for this season, so please don't put my name in the hat. I just wanted to say thanks for doing this. We all appreciate you too. We should have a Crunchy Appreciation Day where everyone pledges to live inside their freezers for 24 hours and to use cloth wipes in public restrooms.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, ooh! [raising hand] Me! Me!

Kristi said...

Oooh! Oooh! Pick me! Pick me! I've already ordered my seeds, but I still need to order 'taters. My new neighbors want to put up a fence, but I'd like to try and talk them into an edible hedge, instead. Filberts, blueberries, and roses, oh my?

UrbanHippieMama said...

I want to echo the idea that we should have a Crunchy Appreciation Day... I really enjoy your blog, and you have found a very special way to influence others and help us change habits.
That being said, unlike the previous poster, I would love for you to put my name in the hat. :) We are buying a new (OLD) home with a hugantic garden that I am SO excited and nervous to put to use!!! I'm going to need all the support and info and seeds I can get!!!

girlosun_9 said...

What a very cool give away . . . we are actually planting our own veggies this year and have started to pick up all the stuff associated with starting plants indoors :)

Jenn said...

Lovely offer - I'd love to get in on the drawing. I've been looking forward to getting a bit of a garden going for months now, and this would be a great help.

crstn85 said...

i want to create an herb garden this year. count me in.

Anonymous said...

Great idea! Do you mind if I steal the concept for my own blog?! Meanwhile, I can continue drooling over all the possibilities for the garden! Thanks for everything you do!

Going Crunchy said...

Sure, I'm happy to comment. Your blog has truly inspired me! But I DO NOT want to win $50.00 from you- - - - put it towards the own things going on in your life right now. I'll just consider a 50-buck-virtual-hug instead. Give your kids an extra carrot garden!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the thanks!

I read your blog everyday although I barely ever comment. I didn't know how much you like it--I will do it more often now.

Thanks for the giveaway. I had some failed tomatoes and some pretty good herbs a while back. It would be great to start again though.

Love to you and your family.

ps-I got a divacup! (after the challenge--during it I was too freaked out.) It's wonderful. I would have never dreamed of doing it had I not read about it here.

Anonymous said...

Pick me! Pick me!

Cheryl said...

Ooh, count me in, I've got an empty patch of ground to fill!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Seattle gardener recently transplanted to Holland and had to leave everything with dirt behind. Gotta start over!

Care said...

What a cool thing to do! I love to garden, though I am still working out all the kinks. (Who knew okra could be so tall?!?!) My kiddos and I work in our small, family garden every year. :)

Anonymous said...

What athoughtful giveaway. I'm just beginning a garden.

njones127 at tampabay dot rr dot com

CG said...

I'm in for seeds! It would probably have to be either Baker Creek or Italian Seed & Tool so if everyone else hasn't checked them out, do so. Or it could be my local fruit tree supplier, urban homestead. hmmm, what a nice fantasy decision

Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration, Chick! Keep up the fantastic green work!

Maybe this will inspire me to start planning my beds now... sigh!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Seeds, handsome young men and a contest! Gook Luck to all!

Anonymous said...

Great idea! Hope whoever wins has a great time gardening.

Some of my friends and I will be trading seeds this year, since some of those seed packets really have more in them than any one person can use.

Anonymous said...

This will be my first garden this year! It would be a nice bonus to add some raspberry bushes : )

Unknown said...

I read your blog and enjoy it, and I'd love to win the gift card. I'm putting in a garden this year, but trying not to spend too much money because it's a rental house and we'll probably only be here another year or two.

Diana said...

I would like to throw my name into the hat as well. I am wanting to start our fruit orchard this spring but don't have the funds. I can dream a little until the winner is choosen. Thanks for offering this!

cindy24 said...

Count me in. I am starting some planting this weekend!! A neighbor has a full winter (or whatever we call it in Los Angeles) garden. I need to catch up and start mine. Most of mine will be containers with larger growing plants at a friends. I created an entirely shaded front and backyard trying not to get the kiddos burned. Now I pretty much have my driveway and a small strip to plant a garden.

Anonymous said...

hey i have a request... as you said its soap making season and i really want to try cold pressed soap but dont know where to begin. could you PLEASE do a more indepth post on soap making. thanks, katrina
oh yeah and if youve never had black krim tomatoes, you must try them!!!! they are easily the best tomatoes ive had in my life!

mothersong said...

Oh, I hope I win this one. Fedco here I come. I just convinced my husband to start a little urban homestead experiment on our in town quarter of an acre. He's not that convinced, especially as I tried to talk him into rabbits for manure yesterday.
Saving $50 in seed will soften him up for the bunnies, maybe! :-)

Anonymous said...

seed catalogs and plant nurseries are my weakness-along with bookstores......but I tell myself it's all for a good cause.....

sarah said...

i never win anything, but i'm a sucker for seeds....
you brought me out of my lurker status!

Anonymous said...

I was just starting to plan my garden for this year.