Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

DivaCup winner!

Congratulations Jess! You are the winner of the DivaCup Challenge! Great job sticking with it!

Well, of the 18 people who originally signed up, only a few responded to my last DivaCup posting, so I only had a handful of people that are still with it (as far as I know). Along the way, it looks like we picked up a few "non-official" users, which is great!

Anyway, Jess, send me an email at and let me know which one of the following you would like as your prize:

1. Backup DivaCup (to use as a spare or give to your daughter)
2. DivaWash (2) - Natural body gel and cleanser for the DivaCup
3. Crunchy Chicken tote bag - I have one of these (not too surprisingly) and it's my favorite plastic bag replacement
4. Real Women Wear a Cup T-shirt - embarrass your kids!

I'd offer the DivaCup Inside logo on something, but Cafe Press slapped me for uploading the graphic. Oops!

Anyway, congratulations again and thanks to everyone who tried it out.

Oh, by the way, Happy Birthday to me!


Susanne said...

Happy birthday to you. I had mine just four days ago. I hope you have a nice celebration.

Jess said...

In the words of Stacy on What Not to Wear--- SHUT UP!!!!!!! I can't believe it. I saw Jess and said "yeah, I bet it's some other Jess who always wins things, not me...nope" and then I hovered my cursor over Jess and lo and behold it is golly. Thank you so much...Kahli's gonna freak about the shirt, LOL!!!! I'll email you my info.

Jess said...

Oh and...

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. You're our crunchy chicken... and we're so proud of you.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to susanne, and crunchy chicken!

Caroline said...

Happy birthday to you! Hope your birthday is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday. Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, oh Crunchy one.

Trina said...

Happy Birthday.

Hello... said...

Yeah, happy birthday other Leo! mine is up on august 10th. i'll be forty and your site convinced me to go to our rainbow grocery here in san francisco and get the diva cup. it's so expensive i waited to use their coupons and just missed my period, so i'll try it next cycle. now i'm a little sad that i might be over my period soon and won't get to use this for 30 years! really, i love your site that i found while looking for reviews on the diva cup (saw the keeper in the store earlier, but was more into the silicone version even though i'm not allergic to rubber). thanks again and congratulations to jess who won a backup! yay! i visited back to see who won and it looks like you need all the breaks you can get from clicking over to whatever i clicked onto. the poor women of katrina should've had these delivered en masse after having to camp and use outhouses! (the horror). anyhow, happy birthday and have a good summer, you all!--erika

Skulleigh said...

Congrats Jess, and Happy Birthday Crunchy! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! (Will you eat a local ingrediant-filled cake?)

Crunchy Chicken said...

stella - not really because we made a gluten free, casein free cake so my son could have some (we are trying him out on the GFCF diet to see if it helps him with some behavior issues he's been having - more on that later).

I'm sorry to say, it's been nearly impossible to do organic, local gfcf food - at least I haven't found the winning combination yet.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Crunchy girl!

Lamzeydievey said...

happy birthday crunchy and yay jess congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

I keep seeing this and might just go ahead and try it. When I clicked the DivaCup link, I had to giggle when I read the fine print unter the product info! It says: "*Image shown may differ slightly from
actual size, strength, and flavor."

Anonymous said...

ok, I took the plunge and my brand spanking new diva cup arrived today. One question: how the hell do you work this thing? Does it just take some practice to insert and remove? I'm having a few technical difficulties over here so thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Emily, just keep trying. It took me forever to figure it out. Re-read the directions over and over and remember that it doesn't sit as high as a tampon. The Diva Cup, ah so wonderful until you have to put it in or take it out.


Anonymous said...

I've been converted! Went on vacation to Spain for two weeks (I know...heaven!) and used only the diva cup. I'll never go back to tampons again. Now...what do I do with all those tampons?