Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Skirtin' the action

The CrunchWell, here it is. My first sewing project is complete. I managed to put together an A-line skirt complete with zipper, hook and eye, and trim. Surprisingly enough, it actually fits okay. I guess I shouldn't be surprised though because, based on the instructions in the book I was using as a reference, you don't use a pattern but use your measurements as a guide.

The book I used for this is Sew What! Skirts. The skirt I sewed is an amalgam of a couple different "samples" they have in there.

Anyway, it survived the washing and drying and appears to be fairly solid, although since I don't yet trust my sewing skills, the first time I wear it I'll make sure I have some sort of backup in case a seam decides to loosen itself.

For those of you interested in using recycled materials, here is a great toddler dress that uses a man's shirt as the base fabric. I really want to make this for Emma and I have a shirt that will do nicely.

First skirtFor those Jane Austen fans, or those just enamored with the dresses from the Regency Era, this site sells patterns (as well as through Simplicity) that will hook you up.

I'm getting so cocky with this whole sewing business that I'm thinking of making one of these while I'm at it.


Isle Dance said...


Anonymous said...

Wow. I'm inspired! Very pretty!

Anonymous said...

You put in a zipper on your first project?! Color me impressed! : )

Looks great!

Anonymous said...

Ohh, that's cute!

Olive said...

that toddler dress is so awesome!! great job/major kudos on your first attempt!

Anonymous said...

The floral print and the skirt are great, but the model looks spectacular.

Anonymous said...

adorable. Love the fabric and A-lines are so fun in the sun.

Breanna said...

I love the skirt! I bought a pattern, but haven't worked up the courage to make my own clothes yet.

Christy said...

Geez! I'm impressed! This was your first time sewing? I haven't even attempted zippers yet and I've been sewing 6 months. I'm going to have to try a skirt soon, I just never wear them so I haven't bothered yet. I've got shorts and pants down though.

Anonymous said...

Great job! The toddler dress also looks like a fun project! Thanks for the link!

Deb G said...

Your skirt is beautiful! I've got the skirt book too, haven't tried anything in it yet. I've liked making skirts in the past and have been hoping the directions for making a self pattern were good-I'd say so by what you've created!

Anonymous said...

Hey Crunch,

I was on Ballard Ave today and just south of the Market, and around Ione is the New York Fashion Academy. apparently they have lessons and on Sun. from 10-2 they have a "garage sale." She had a bunch of vintage fabric and patterns and half finished tops from an estate sale. I got two cute 60's patterns for a buck each. Could be someplace to keep our eyes on to see what they get in the future. : )

Anonymous said...

Love your skirt!

That toddler dress ROCKS! Do you think I can con my boys in wearing them??? LOL!

You have inspired me to get a sewing machine!

thanks for such a great blog!

April said...

Oh, that's sew cute. Get it? Sew cute? Love the pattern.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love that pattern! Good work. Knitting stuff is one thing but sewing really requires a whole other level of craftiness and skill... are you going to delve into all the bamboo and organic unbleached cotton materials now?

Anonymous said...


I am glad we are related. You are one hot mama.

Also, the skirt is lovely.