Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Interview Ed Begley, Jr.!

Ed Begley, Jr.Okay, peeps. It's the day you've been waiting for! Today begins the day wherein you get to start submitting your interview questions for Ed Begley, Jr. He has been kind enough to agree to answer some of our questions.

For those of you who want some background, Ed Begley, Jr. is a star of TV and film and most recently has had his own show on HGTV, Living with Ed. He is a long-time environmentalist and lives according to those values. The next season of Living with Ed will begin next month.

For everyone who submits a question, you'll be entered in a drawing to win merchandise from the Living with Ed store. So, feel free to submit questions regarding his show and/or the upcoming season as well as your interests about his environmentalism.

You can enter in more than one question, but you'll only get one chance in the drawing. There will be 2 winners in the drawing, each allowed to select 1 or more items from the Living with Ed site, as long as the total does not exceed $30.

You have until July 31, 2007 to submit your questions. Once all questions have been submitted, I will cull them down and submit a subset of them to Ed.

Now, go forth and good luck! (And for other bloggers out there who think their readers would be interested in the interview and contest, feel free to direct them here.)


Anonymous said...

How exciting. Here are my questions.

1) Do you ever have days where you think "What's the point. No one else is doing it." And how do you get past those thoughts.

2) If you were to pick the single most important thing someone could do to help the environment, what would it be.

Anonymous said...

Fun! Thanks for doing this Crunchy Chicken! Here are my questions:

1.) What was the first thing you conciously did to "fix the planet"?

2.) What do you hope to do/buy/not use this year to live greener?

April said...

1. When did you first start getting interested in caring for the environment. What does your passion stem from?

2. Do you have a hard time motivating your family and friends to make changes that will benefit the environment? How do you deal with it? What are some tips for motivating others in a way that is positive?

Isle Dance said...
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Isle Dance said...

I love watching Ed calmly extract thought out of others just by doing his thing. Here is my question for Ed:

Dear Ed,

What was your "Ah-ha!" moment? If there have been multiple, which "Ah-ha!" moments do you hold most dear?

Thanks for doing all that you do! :)

-Isle Dance

Breanna said...

I have two questions I would love to have answered:
1. What advice does he have for those of us who cannot afford solar energy technology, but want to be a part of the solution?

2. How are those recycled glass counter tops working out for him?

e4 said...

Some more questions for Ed:

1) Has "Living with Ed" changed your relationship(s) at home?

2) Do you find the show to be a motivator to do even more?

3) Are you aware of the "peak oil" concept? If so, can you share any thoughts on it?

4) Are you a pessimist or an optimist about the future?

Anonymous said...

1) We are trying to green our daughter's cooperative preschool, and while greening the building and teaching the children about recycling has been easy, carrying these good habits outside the classroom into our school events has met some resistance. We have many picnics and events throughout the year and want to cut out all disposable cups, plates, and utensils. While purchasing stainless steel utensils and washing them after each event isn't overwhelming, lugging home 125 dirty plates and cups to wash seems quite daunting. Any inexpensive, simple suggestions?

2) A big fan of the show, I've been very impressed with Ed's daughter, Hayden, and would love to know more about his child-rearing philosophy.
One of my favorite parenting books is 'Why would I want the toy when I can have the box?," by Rex Bowlby. Are there any parenting books or children's literature Ed and Rachelle are especially fond of?

GorDon7 said...

I did not have a chance to write a question in time, but I do know Ed will be making an appearance on March 28, 2008 in Portland Oregon at the Better Living Show. So I will have my chance there.

Details are at