Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Friday, July 27, 2007

The Omnivore's Dilemma book giveaway!

Omnivore's DilemmaNow that the book club for The Omnivore's Dilemma is at an end, I want to pass along my hardbound copy of the book to some lucky reader.

Nothing special is needed, just add a comment to this post and you'll be entered in the drawing for the book. I'll draw one lucky winner on August 1st.

On August 1st, I will also announce which book we will be reading for the next book club (that starts in September) so get your votes in now!


The Edison, Higgins Family said...

Ohh, Ohh, can I have it! Please, please!

Anonymous said...

Whoa - I would so enjoy that book - I've been reading your book club posts - Our small public library doesn't have it and couldn't get it on Inter-Library Loan from the larger ones. I would definately donate it to them after I'm done reading it.

Joanna said...

Oh! pick me! This book has definitely been on my list for a while!

Coach Paulette said...

I can't believe I haven't read this one yet, but I definitely want to!

Oldnovice said...

I kept forgetting to stop by the library, (add other excuses for why I haven't read the book), so it might be that the only way I'd read the book is if you send me a copy.

Anonymous said...

Okay, did I read this wrong? It's a drawing, as in random, right? So, I'm not gonna beg here that you pick me as the most worthy recipient of the book. But I will say that if I am lucky enough to receive it, I will pass it on once I've read it. :)

Anonymous said...

Dang, I messed up the link.

Nancy said...

I would love to have the book! I'm a new reader on your blog--I think I found it through No Impact Man a month or so ago. I love it--thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Sweet! I didn't have a chance to read it so I was feeling rather left out of the book club *blush* But I live in Europe!! Is that possible?

Anonymous said...

Cool! I'd definitely like to be entered... Thanks!

Meghan said...

Thanks for passing it on!

Ananda Devika said...

I'm still in the middle of reading the book, so i missed out on all the book club fun...there was quite a line for it at the public library. :)

oopuy said...

I can't wait for the new book but also would love to catch up on the old!

Crunchy Chicken said...

chile - yes, the drawing is completely random. The way I do drawings around these parts is I assigned each of yous a number and then run it through a random number generator. It's not very sexy.

But, if people feel that begging will help out their chances with the random number generator gods, then go for it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for passing the book on. I'd love to get the chance to read it. I think it's great that you're passing it on, and I think that whoever gets it next should do the same, and so on (though I must admit, I am hoping I'll get it!). Then, it will be a truly eco-friendly book, yay for less printing on virgin paper!

Have you guys heard that the new HP book is printed on sustainably harvested paper?! Now that is one big impact!


Unknown said...

you say "But, if people feel that begging will help out their chances with the random number generator gods, then go for it! "

ok... pick me, pick me, pick me!!!

Great Giveaway - thanks!!!

christy said...

nothing like a free giveaway to draw the lurkers out of the woodwork! i have been lurking awhile and enjoy your posts...thanks for the chance for your book!

Unknown said...

I, too, found your site through No Impact Man. Didn't find it in time for the last book club, but look forward to the next one!

Valerie Roberson said...

beg...beg beg beg
thanks for the offer!

Lara said...

Me too! **begging random number generator** Looking forward to next book club (hoping it is AVM because I have that book!).

Paula said...

This book is on my "to read" list, but I haven't been able to get it from the library. Also, my "to read" list is VERY long.

Catherine said...

Add me to the drawing please!


Anonymous said...

Please add me. I've been on the waiting list at our library for ever.


Skulleigh said...

I'd love to be in the drawing for this.

*crosses fingers and toes*

Anonymous said...

count me in!

LS said...

I recently found your blog via the 90% reduction group. I can't wait to be here for the next book club selection.


Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the drawing! Thanks for the chance to get this book secondhand.

Anonymous said...

I would love to read that book! I have requested that our library purchase that book at least FIVE times and it hasn't worked yet. I refuse to buy a copy because I like to recyle and reuse.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your site for months and really enjoy your daily updates about your greening life.

(And after reading comments about this book in other posts, I'd love to finish my summer reading list with it.)

Late Bloomer said...

Wow - what a great idea (both the online book club and the giveaway). Perhaps I should try that with some of the books that I've enjoyed.
In any case, I would love to be included in the draw AND I hope "Garbage Land" comes out the winner in the poll, but will happily participate in teh next book club regardless.

Thanks Crunchy!

Theresa said...

I would love to read that book but I should recuse myself from the raffle because I won the Diva Cup not too long ago :)

Deb G said...

I'd like to enter tooo! Looking forward to seeing what book is picked for the next book club, 'cause I'm buying that one.

Trina said...

I would like to be put in for the drawing please. This books has been on my list of "want to read" for awhile now.

Jan said...

Me too please! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Crunch!

Toss me in the random search! I've wanted to read this one for a long time.

just ducky said...

Oh, random number are so handsome...have you lost weight? You look absolutely fantastic! I aspire to be just like you when I group up. Can I call you Random for short? (...she said hoping that the random number generator is swayed by dripping flattery...)

Anonymous said...

i would like a chance to read the book : )

Anonymous said...

didn't mean to check 'anonymous'!
please enter me for a chance to win!

Monice said...

I'd love it, too.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've entered yet so please include me as well! :)

jocoiner [at] gmail [dot] com