Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Giveaway: Heated blanket for your frozen buns

Freeze Yer Buns Challenge 2008Are you starting to feel the freeze with your participation in the Freeze Yer Buns Challenge? Are you wishing you had more than a hot water bottle to keep you warm at night because you turned off the heat?

Well, I'm going to be doing a series of giveaways to help you stay warm while keeping your energy costs miserly.

Today's giveaway is a Sunbeam Luxurious Herringbone Heated Blanket (Twin Size). This blanket includes a 10 hour auto-off back-lit digital control with multiple warming settings. It also features a preheat setting to warm up cold sheets before bedtime and a warming system that can sense and adjust to deliver consistent heat. You can machine wash and dry it as well and the color is "seashell". The list price on this product is $99.

Sunbeam claims that you can save up to 10% a year on your heating bill by turning on your heated blanket and setting your thermostat back 10% to 15% for 8 hours while you sleep. The benefit here is that you are heating locally rather than the whole house.

Caveats: this blanket is 70% polyester and 30% acrylic, so if you have issues with synthetic fibers, consider yourself warned, or, should I say, "warmed"? Also, some people have concerns with using electric blankets and EMF, but it is up to you to determine if the alleged risk is worth it. I suspect there's just as much a health risk burning oil heat in the house every night all winter, but that's up to you. There's also the pre-heat option if you don't want it going all night.

Okay, now that I've alerted you to the obvious, if you want to be entered in the giveaway, add your name to the comments of this post. This giveaway is open until Friday, November 14th, 6:00 pm PST. I'll be doing a random drawing and announcing a winner Saturday, November 15th.

Good luck!

Related posts:
Freeze Yer Buns Challenge 2008
Bun warmin' bed warmers


Sylvia said...

Whee! I'm the first poster? Great! I could use a little warmin in this old house set to 58. As a side note, your post inspired me to make yogurt a few days ago, and ricotta is on the menu for tomorrow... Yum and thanks! eowyn (at) bigpanda #dot# com

Two Flights Down said...

My husband and I were just discussing a heated blanket. We've already been freezing our buns off at night!

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is awesome! I want a heated blanket so badly! :) Thank you very much for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Oooo, yes please!

Michelle said...

I live in Minnesota and we have yet to turn our heat on. Brrr. The highs this week are in the 30's. We have been layering up, using our wood burning fireplace and baking a lot! I would let me daughter snuggle with that blanket!

Robin said...

Well, I think my husband and I can manage, but my daughter sleeping in her room all by her lonesome could stand some extra warmth! Thanks for the giveaway---

~B. said...

Oh yes! I could use one too!

Crystal Adkins said...

OH please enter me for this, I am constantly freezing and hubby says we can't turn the furnace up anymore b/c it costs too much lol, this would make him stay off my back about the thermostat lol!

Crystal Adkins said...

Oops sorry I forgot my email

Hannah said...

Count me in.

I've been freezing my buns here--with a heater that won't work! Our house was colder than 45 degrees yesterday, which is a bit lower than I am ready for--but the repairman had a medical emergency. This is definitely the easy way to save power: have no choice.

Cactus Jack Splash said...

We have actually been doing well with the freeze your buns challenge. Thermostat has not gone above 60 degrees and the fireplace has been used at night when we turn down to 55. We have a nice wool blanket on each bed along with quilts and flannel sheets. No one has complained yet, in fact our little guy thinks that it is warmer outside this year because it is cooler in the house.
I know that my one son who is in the basement would like a heating blanket, he gets the worst of it I think.

Nancy said...

That sounds wonderful! Please enter my name too.

Jenn said...

This is our second freezing our buns off winter. I found last year great fun and quite a challenge.
My niece (24) who lives with me has not enjoyed it quite as much. She's a trooper and doesn't complain but she'd LOVE this blanket...

Anonymous said...

Sure, I'm in. But - when we lose power, how's the blanket for warmth THEN?

Fern, in ice storm prone Maryland...

Anonymous said...

You are very generous Crunchy. This would be awesome!

Sarah said...

I HOPE I WIN!!! We need a decrease in our energy bill!!

Judy T said...

I'm in. My hubby and I have a mattress warmer. We haven't had to put it on yet but it's great for crawling into a toasty bed. I like it better than a blanket because he can't steal it! :) But my daughter would love a blanket. She has been complaining about the cold and she does have the coldest room in the house.

Anonymous said...

Add me to the list please! Right now we bury ourselves under five blankets - this would be very welcome!

Humble wife said...

Hmm...I guess I will enter too:)

Olive said...

what a great idea! my husband likes them UNDER the flat sheet which i think is great. nothing better than sliding into a warm bed. another idea - flannel sheets! those are really allowing us to stick to the challenge without any problems! we are down to 60 at night

Stacy said...

Count me in! We are trying to keep the thermostat low - 60 during the day and 62-64 at night...but as it keeps getting colder - we are tempted more and more to turn it up. We don't own any heated blankets - it would be the perfect thing to help us stay warm!

Ashley said...

While I couldn't fully participate in freezing my buns (my grandparents demand the heat, just to keep it warm enough for the birds)... we went ahead and decided to close off the vents to the rooms not in use. Including mine (my room never gets warm).

Aside from an electric blanket, I highly suggest investing in a warm blanket. Consider it an excuse to get one of those warm fuzzy ones (we dug out our blankets and started putting them to use).

Alisha said...

Count me in - I need an electric blanket!

Anonymous said...

My buns are pretty frosty so this would be lovely!

Lee in KY

Karen said...

We're hanging in at 63 degrees, 60 at night. But it hasn't really gotten cold here yet in Iowa...

Anonymous said...

My hubby's been hankerin' for a 'lectric blanket. =0)

ali said...

We have our night time heat set to 59 so a heated blanket would be nice!

KLund said...

Would love this. We turn our heat completely off at night (feel ill and wake up with a headache if we leave it on). I already have a quilt and 2 comforters on the bed, pretty soon, that won't even be enough. Our room seems to be the coldest room in the house.

Anonymous said...

Because Dan's medical bills are reaching at least $2000 a month, we have completely turned off the heat for now. (~56 at night, ~60 during the day). A nice toasty blanket sounds very happy right now. Oh how I hope the random number g-ds smile upon me!

EJ said...

I was given an electric blanket many years ago. I used to preheat my bed. One afternoon it started smoldering- I had folded it under the bed. Luckily I was at home and disconnected it before it caught on fire entirely.
I now use hot water bottles to warm my bed.
Thanks for the offer, but count me out.

Anonymous said...

We could use some warmth! We've set the thermostat back to 55 at night (BRRR!)

C said...

My feet are praying I win this - my little microwave rice pack wouldn't last long enough last year!

TMC said...

blankets, blankets and more blankets! Can't have enough!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the offer, crunchy! i would love to be put in the draw :)

Jenn said...

oooh - I hope I win this one! I still don't have any heat - my landlord says he's going to install some, but it hasn't happened yet. I'm still walking around in 20 layers and running the oven with the door open when it is cold.


Anonymous said...

We are not officially in the freeze your buns contest because I am sure my husband has no desire to participate. He would talk about how the kids need to be warm. But I do have the heat turned down to 70 according to the thermostat (which is not really 70) which is 5 degrees cooler than last year. So far... the heater has only clicked on one day and we are already in the middle of November.

But... I would like to enter the contest to give the blanket to the mother of my step children. Their bedroom is so cold that they have to put on a portable heater at night to try to keep warm.

Ashley // Our Little Apartment said...

Ahhh! You are the greatest!! :)

Please enter me in this awesome contest.

Cravings said...

I would really like to win this for my aunt. She doesn't like to waste heat on the whole house so this would be perfect to keep her warm. What a great giveaway.

Beaweezil said...

Sign me up, the dog isn't quite cutting it some nights lately!

Anonymous said...

Count me in! Last night I heated up my trusty "Heaven Scent" to keep me cozy. A blanket would be great!


abbasmommy said...

Hi! I live in Canada! It's way colder up here....pick me!

Anonymous said...

I must say the hardest time Freezing Our Buns is when you (I) feel a cold coming on, and your (my) toddler is already deeply asleep for the night, and you (I) have a really good book and a cup of lovely tea, and you (I) really really would like to take a hot bath, but you know that when you (I) step out: ouch!
(Also, we're also doing the Riot 4 Austerity so there's really no chance of me filling that huge tub...)
Otherwise, we're loving every minute of it! Thanks, Crunchy!

Anonymous said...

Count me in.

Anonymous said...

I would love to have this blanket for my son. His bedroom is the coldest for some crazy reason...

Anonymous said...

I was just saying to my husband last night that we need to pre-heat the bed!


Anonymous said...

We haven't started the stove yet on the floor where are bedroms are, so we're getting a little chilly at night. A heated blanket sounds wonderful. Brrrr!

Sareen said...

I have been holding onto the babies at all times so we both can stay warm. Now I could get some work done! Count me in.

Anonymous said...

count me in!

Nadine said...

Was just thinking about how to keep warm this winter...even more so for my father...if chosen as winner I will give this to my father who is always cold...

Great site...I am on here every day



Sharlene said...

Well considering I am moving to Southern California this weekend I would feel completely selfish entering this giveaway. my goal is to not use my heater all winter!

Anonymous said...

Count me in as well :)


Michelle said...

This would probably allow me to keep the heat off at night entirely! Great idea for a giveaway!

a/k/a Nadine said...

Throw my name in the pot too. I had an electric blanket when I was younger and it was so nice and toasty.

Allie said...

Oh, I'd love this!

Roxi Phillips said...

I have an electric lap blanket and love it! This cold blooded wife is much nicer to her hot hubby in the winter because of this blankie. I've been thinking about getting one for my bed... awesome!

Loving your blog. Spending time catching up on old posts. Daughter and I are thinking of going nearly paper free in the bathroom!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, add me in! It gets cold up here in Bham!

Ann Ever said...

it sounds great!

Myra said...

I've never had a heated blanket but sure could use one to cuddle up with my 14 mo. old daughter, Caramel. She's like me...likes cool surroundings but warm under the blanket. Thanks in advance for offering such a great giveway.

:o) said...

What a great idea...I'm in!!!


Live/Love/Life said...

Planning on a harsh winter here.
Electric blanket will help, til we lose power during a storm..
: )

Toronto Girl said...

I live in Canada. Wanna talk freeze your buns off :)

kamewh said...

This would be wonderful!! We are set at 63 in the day and 60 at night :)

Anonymous said...

Sure, count me in! Thanks for the opportunity

Anonymous said...

I live in north-eastern Ontario and I'm fortunate to have individual heat controls in three areas of my little apartment. With being south facing, I get the sunshine all day and haven't had to put the heat on yet in the living room. The bedroom never has the heat on because the bed is shoved up against the rad. LOL ... and the bathroom, I only have the heat on for a few minutes before I have a shower. It's still fairly nice weather .. but the cold, she is a comin'. :-)

Julie Andrea

Anonymous said...

This would be so wonderful!! My heating blanket died last winter and I've been trying to hold off buying another one in an effort to stick to my only by the bare essentials...and iced coffee, I can't lie...but it's only a dollar at my favorite local coffee haunt! I digress, this would be great!! Thanks! :)

Melissa in Maryland

Robj98168 said...

Me oh ooohhh Me! My dog had to be put to sleep and I need a warnm blanket to make up for the loss of puppy heat!

Anonymous said...

Brrr!! Canadian winters-do I ever need this blanket!

Elaine R

Doreen said...

This sounds great!! :) purposedrivenlife4you (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Wow, this sounds wonderful. I'd love a chance to win this!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in for the drawing!


Phyllis Sommer said...

count me's getting cold here in the windy city!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to put my name in as we are freezing in Canada with the temperature set lower.

lauren said...

Sounds great. Sign me up!

Rose said...

another Canadian here... I would love this blanket!

alberta_rrrose (at) yahoo (dot) ca

Jen ( said...

I'd really love a blanket. Our heat is on 58 during the day and 55 at night. Brr!

Lily said...

I'm loving the pre-warmed sheets idea =-)

Anonymous said...

Consider me in!

Allie said...

Ooh, we had an electric blanket back in the day and it was really nice. It started buzzing loudly and we realized it was past it's lifespan. But I did love it.

Composed said...

What awesome thoughtfulness and kindness, Crunchy. Count me in, please. :)

Emily and Jeanne said...


Robyn said...

oh, me! I made hte decision to not turn the heat on until at least Dec. 1st. My husband doesn't think we can do it, but I think we can, especially if we had a heated blanekt to add to the mix. Maybe my hands wouldn't get so cold. I think I need to start wearing gloves to bed. :0)

Maria Elena Rodriguez said...

Count me in too!

Kelly said...

Count me in - even is Floridians get chilly...!

Anonymous said...

Put me down for a blankie!!

Jess said...

I would take it ;) Great giveaway!!

hoorayparade said...

Count me in!!!

Melissa Anderson said...

We could definitely use this!

Anonymous said...

I'd love a chance to win this for my son especially who is always cold even with extra clothes on now that the heat is set much lower. Thanks.