Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Giveaway: Fresh Food from Small Spaces

Fresh Food from Small SpacesTis the season for giving thanks and for, well, giving. So, from now until Christmas, I'll be reviewing and giving away 8 books and a bunch of stuff for the Freeze Yer Buns Challenge. This means that I'll be holding giveaways at least once and sometimes twice a week.

Today's giveaway is for the fantastic book, Fresh Food from Small Spaces: The Square-Inch Gardener's Guide to Year-Round Growing, Fermenting, and Sprouting.

If you don't live on a farm, have any acreage or, heck, even a backyard, this book will show you how to maximize growing your own food even if you only have a spare closet and a windowsill to work with. Of course, if you have a backyard there's a lot more you can do, but even if you have a shared space (condo or apartment), it's possible to squeeze in chickens and beekeeping if you pull a few strings.

In addition to teaching you the basics of gardening and composting, this book tells you which fruit trees work well in containers, how to sprout grains, beans, wheatgrass and sprouts in your kitchen, and how to cultivate mushrooms. There's also a chapter on making your own yogurt (the author even mentions my Euro Cuisine yogurt maker) and other fermented foods.

Finally, this book wraps it up with a section on how to survive during resource shortages that takes a well balanced look at a possible future living with less without going overboard. He even offers some tips on how to help build a sustainable future.

So, if you are short on space but long on dreams of self-sufficiency, this book is an excellent starting point to get you going. The only draw-back is that it will get you so excited to start some of these projects, you'll wish it weren't November.

If you want to be entered in this book giveaway, add your name to the comments of this post. This giveaway is open until Wednesday, November 19th, 6:00 pm PST. I'll be doing a random drawing and announcing a winner on Thursday, November 20th.

Related books:
All New Square Foot Gardening
Four-Season Harvest: Organic Vegetables from Your Home Garden All Year Long
Gardening When It Counts: Growing Food in Hard Times


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Carla said...

I would love to enter the giveaway. I need some inspiration for our little .25 acre city lot.

Am I the only one up freezing my buns at 3 am? Well, actually, just my mouse hand. The rest of me is buried under a quilt. :op

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a very handy book. Do you post overseas?

I read your blog often,


Becky said...

I'd love to enter. We have a small yard so any inspiration to find ways to grow our own goods will be helpful.

Troops 1909 and 5434 said...

I would like to enter the giveaway. I have his first book and a square foot garden to prove it.

esp said...

I'd love to enter the giveaway. I've heard really wonderful things about this book.

Jen G said...

That book sounds great. Count me in. I love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Book sounds very good.

Anonymous said...

Please, enter me!

Anonymous said...

I would love to enter, then I could figure out a way to have enough garden and the kids could have some backyard to play in.

Anonymous said...

This sounds perfect for people like me who want a farm but only have a couple of pots on a patio!

Anonymous said...

I'm in! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Ooo, yes please!

Anonymous said...

I'd also love to enter. We have a yard but also multitudes of trees and critters that eat everything.

Lisa said...

There is too much in this book for me to pass on a chance, even though I do have land to grow things on.

These days, every bit of helpful information is like gold!!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in!

Trisha said...

That book would be awesome! I attempted to grow basil and tomatoes last year but didn't do so well.

camp mom said...

count me in! Sounds like something I could use!

Adrienne said...

Please enter me! Thanks so much. Great blog!

beth said...

That looks so fun!

MiscellanyEsq said...

Please count me in.

The book sounds great! I just made a square foot gardening bed in my backyard and we bought containers for growing some stuff, too. So I'd definitely love to gain the knowledge in this book.

Rachel Koniar said...

Add me in! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

wow, this one sounds great! count me in and crossing my fingers!

TDP said...

Throw my name in there too!

Anonymous said...

Okay, sign me up. I have .1 acres, including the square footage of my house and a backyard largely shaded by a giant box elder tree. I am filling in all possible growing spaces, but could use some additional techniques and inspiration.

hmd said...

Please add my name. I started my first garden this year and need all the help I can get.

Brynne said...

This sounds like a book i could use!

jessjgh1 said...

Add me in. Hope this isn't a duplicate post... I lost one, I think. Jessica

JenHarper said...

I'd love to read this book. I need all the gardening help I can get.

heather in europe said...

this looks quite interesting, could use some inspiration now that the balcony garden has been put away for winter. :-(

Anonymous said...

I would like to enter the giveaway. It sounds like an interesting book to have.

Anonymous said...

i'd love to be fermenting and sprouting...on purpose!
please put me on the giveaway list.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great book, and one that I could really use.

Matriarchy said...

I am all about the small city yards, and I have this book on my wishlist, so I'd love to win it.

Bun-freezin-wise, we've had only a few days that required the space heater, but we've had to stop DD12 from using it on days that are only chilly.

Jenna said...

I've been eyeing similar books like this as I begin to plan for next years tackling of gardening, so I'd love to enter your giveaway.

Farmer's Daughter said...

Sounds like a great read, I'm always looking to do more. And I find that winter is a great time for planning. Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

Looks interesting, count me in!

Lee in KY

Rachel said...

I'm in! I have a small city plot and have done all I can with the back and am planning to turn the front into a victory garden next summer. Our soil isn't great quality though so I've been wondering if growing fruit trees in containers is an option. Sounds like this book would be v. informative!

Midge said...

I'll enter! We plan to turn the tiny front and back yards of our housing co-op into maximum productive space, and I'm in charge! I'm unsure of how to get started, so this will really help.

Michelle said...


Michelle said...

This looks like a great book!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up, please!

Composed said...

Throwing my name in the hat.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the book for me, we're renting a place with a tiled yard, and the one area that's not tiled doesn't get any sun, so no vegetation possible.

pink dogwood said...

Please count me in thanks

Stephanie said...

Please sign me up.

Anna Banana said...

My kind of book, please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks for your inspiring blog.

Anonymous said...

Add me to the list! I have a lot to learn.

Stacy Owings

Christibale said...

Awesome book. We are doing a lot on our .10 of an acre in the city.

Please enter me.

We're freezing our bunz down to 55 at night here!

Karen said...

Me, Me!

Anonymous said...

I would love this book! We're downsizing from the suburbs to a much smaller house and lot in the city. We're looking forward to getting creative with our gardening and this book might just be our ticket!

Anonymous said...

I would love this book. If I don't win, I will put it on my christmas list.

Anonymous said...

We have no dirt whatsoever in our yard, but we can squeeze in a few containers. I'd love to see the book and find out what the author suggests. --LJ

Oldnovice said...

Sounds interesting to me, as well. Count me in the running.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great book. We live in a mobile home and already grow a great deal of our food in raised beds.

Vanessa said...

I would love to win that book! I just moved into an apartment and feel somewhat stifled for what I can grow on my own.

:o) said...

That book sounds GREAT!!!

Chile said...

Add me. Not freezing yet here, though. It's the desert.

Anonymous said...

This book looks awesome. Put my name in the drawing.


Jen ( said...

This book sounds amazing! Count me in.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the drawing!


Live/Love/Life said...

Sounds Great. I have a tiny parcel...

Jenn said...

I live in an apartment with a small patio, and have been trying to figure out what to grow and how to grow it for awhile now - I'd love to get in on this drawing!

hoorayparade said...

Please, enter me!

Kathy said...

Sign me up! It sounds really interesting. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Yes, please!


jenna said...

This looks great - I can always use new ideas for living "smaller."

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered in this giveaway. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Please add me to the draw.

Robbie said...

I definitely could use some inspiration! Thank you!

Michelle said...

I managed to kill all my houseplants this year, so I'm not feeling terribly confident. I have a tiny little deck in the back of my apartment, and I really need some help before diving into any gardening attempts.

Anonymous said...

We have nothing that even resembles a yard, so this would be a big help!

Jan said...

Count me in! (Enjoy the blog!)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to enter the contest :)



cindy24 said...

Put me in. My garden is in my driveway and 1/2 of the strip between driveways. Could use some pointers.

Amanda said...

Enter me too!

Lisa Zahn said...

That sounds like a great book and perfect for my tiny yard.

Anonymous said...

urban apartment dweller here, so i'd like to be put in the draw. i tried to grow some things this summer, with very little success. this would be an interesting book to check out.

no4daughter said...

I love the concept of square foot gardening and would love to try it, with the help of this book, next summer. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

ya! Please include me!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the drawing.
Thank you,

Michele P. said...

we live in the city, with a very small lot and I would love to learn how to maximize my space for gardening and learn more about composting!

micaela6955 at msn dot com

nava said...

I would love to enter! Currently we have a little plot in the community garden, but are hoping that when we move we'll have a little yard of our own to use.

dee dee said...

This is right up my alley. I just finished a rewrite of my book "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vegetable Gardening" that will be released this winter. I garden mostly in pots because my yard is so small (.17 acres - mostly shade). This year I grew 6 huge kale plants (they were a give-away at a local garden center) in pots with geraniums...I'm still harvesting and it's really cold outside! I think your blog is terrific...

mudnessa said...

count me in, i did horrible this year on my patio. i have sweet basil growing and thats all, everything else failed miserably.

Kimberly Gische said...

I'm adding this book to my list to checkout from the library. Maybe this giveaway will save me the trip and get me started faster.

Anonymous said...

Count me in. Tiny city back yard....

Nancy said...

I'd love it. Thanks!!!

Valrico Veggie Girl said...

I'm just working on a garden here in Florida. This book sounds great.

DCM said...

Add me, add me! Thanks :)

Alison Kerr said...

Please enter me in the give away. I love the contents of this book :-)

Unknown said...

This book sounds awesome. Add me please (and I definitely still check it out if I don't win).

Keely said...

Yay for giveaways!

Sareen said...

Yay for this book! We canned so much this year we ran out of mason jars!

Anonymous said...

I would love to enter the giveaway. With only only a small back yard I can use all the ideas I can get. Does it give great tips on keeping the rabbits from eating everything?

Thanks for all your inspiration

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great book


EnviRambo said...

Yes, please! Need to see if my library has this one. I want it.

Anonymous said...

This looks like a great giveaway! You always have great giveaways and suggested readings!

Keri said...

This book would give me a kick in the butt to get a garden started already! =P

Anonymous said...

This book sounds great. Please add me to the list of me,me,mes.

Anonymous said...

I live in a 16th floor apartment. I'd love this book.

Anonymous said...

Yes, please! I could use the inspiration and ideas for our tiny gardens.

Anonymous said...

Please count me in! This book would come in really handy!!!


Anonymous said...

WooHoo! That sounds like a rockin book. Add my name into the mix.

Kim C

The Nurturing Pirate said...

I just started my square foot garden last week! (Such is the easy gardening life in SoCal.) I would love to read about the next step.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, ooh! Me, too, please!

Unknown said...

thankyou for this.

Anonymous said...

I'm always looking for new ways to maximize our space.

Anonymous said...

Count me in...

Amy said...

I would love an entry too, we have garden space now but a move next year may put us somewhere that we can't garden.


Anonymous said...

I appreciate your help with the research for creating an appropriate library Crunchy. Our yard is small so I think this book is one that really tickles my fancy!
Count me in!

Corie said...

Thanks for entering me as well. I've been inspired by your blog to continue to push the limits of how we can be better stewards of this planet we all belong to! (always 56 at night and 62 during the day!)


Humble wife said...

I am in too! One of the masses I suppose:)

Green Bean said...

Pick me, pick me!! I'm in the process of redoing my itty bitty yard and could use more inspiration.

scifichick said...

Please add me to the drawing!

Anonymous said...

Drop my name in the hat!

Looks like a great book. I will have to put it on my Christmas list if I don't win.

Allie said...

I'd love to be entered into this. My landlord has given me carte blanche to do any sort of gardening I want in the yard, so this would be a great help to get me started!

Anonymous said...

I do love the bountiful container book, but I'm always looking for new books about growing plants in small spaces. Count me in the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great book, count me in too!

Anonymous said...

This book is right up my alley. We rent and I would love some advice on how to actually grow food in the little bit of space we have.

Xiane said...

Oh yes! Please please enter me in your giveaway - I currently garden on an apartment balcony [not so much right now in Nov, obviously!] and I need all the help that I can get! :)

Thank you for your awesome blog and for offering this giveaway!

Anonymous said...

This sounds right up my alley!

Melissa said...

I'd love to check this book out!

Anonymous said...

Holy cow, 122 entries already?

I love garden books. And I have a small yard.

Mist said...

I'm a little shocked that I haven't come across this book before. Aaaaand, I just checked my library's online catalog, and they don't carry this book. I guess that means an entry from me!

Anonymous said...

count me in.

Anonymous said...

Would love to be entered for the book giveaway.


Amy Zook said...

Sounds wonderful. Sign me up!

barefoot gardener said...

Snap! I am SO in for this one.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I had an internet-free day yesterday, and am now number 130 on the list, but I would love to enter the drawing. I live in an apartment in the middle of Paris (don't worry, if I win, you can ship the book to my Dad in the States), and I'm desperately casting about for ways to increase our food-producing capacity.

Looks like it will be quite a drawing!

Thanks, Corinne

Bekki said...

As a renter, who hasn't had much luck with plants, I'd love some inspiration. I love the "square-inch" in the title. I bought Square Foot Gardening years ago, but... life took me in another direction.

Bekki (officially entering the giveaway)

Missy said...

The book sounds good. Count me in!

pigbook1 said...

Exactly the type of thing I have been looking for. We will see what kind of garden I can establish this year

jane said...

This looks like an interesting book, but I wouldn't ask you send it to the UK!

kassie said...

I'd love to enter. Sounds like a very interesting book. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Please enter me on the giveaway list. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

growing tomatoes etc on our garage roof!

vickycp said...

I'd like to enter!

Anonymous said...

Enter me please!

~B. said...

Sounds like a sweet book!

Unknown said...

thanks for the book recommendation. i've been trying to figure out how to extend my growing/working space.

Spot-On said...

enter me please! I'm currently redoing the back yard, added raised beds and looking for more ways to increase our growing space!

Sonja said...

Please enter me in the drawing! Thanks Crunchy!

Anonymous said...

Sounds exciting! I'd love to enter.

Adrienne said...

Please enter me and my tiny apartment with NO outdoor area!

Elizabeth said...

I would LOVE to win this book!

MissAnna said...

I'm in! Already trying to figure out what might grow in/around our new home!

Anonymous said...

Perfect inspiration for my little urban yard!

Anonymous said...

I have some space, but want to start small so as not to overwhelm myself (particularly with weeding). So count me in, and thank you!

Anonymous said...

Count me in!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great book, would love to check it out! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Me too, Me too!

Andrea said...

I usually don't enter giveaways since I don't feel like I need the things that are offered and would rather that someone else got a chance. This book actually sounds like one I would love (speaking as someone who is currently storing winter squash in her coat closet). Fingers crossed.

Cave-Woman said...

I would like to enter the giveaway. We will be embarking on our second garden this year, and I could withstand all of the help I can get.

Anonymous said...

Please enter my name in the giveaway, small spaces are definitely me. Thanks! Laurie

TheNormalMiddle said...

Add me please!!!

Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife said...

My name is Becky. There, I've added it to the list. :)

MichL said...

Ooooh! This is just what I need! Thanks crunchy!

Jennifer said...

This looks like a great book. If I don't win it I'll add it to my wish list. Thanks!

Laura said...

Please add me (Laura/sophielovespeanutbutter) to the long list! :)

dove947 said...

I'm new to your site; a good friend recommended it to me. What a nice welcome. I could really use a book like this. Even if I don't win it, I might buy it. Please add me to the drawing list. Thanks

Amanda said...

yes, please add me to the draw :)

anajz said...

I was just looking at this book. Thanks for offering it as a drawing.
Best wishes on your stats! I just recently changed my web address to my domain, so I definitely know what you are going through.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great book. Please add me to the drawing!

And yes, we're freezing our buns out here too. :-) Keeping the house somewhere around 60ish at the moment. Might make that warmer by a bit after my baby is born in early Februaryish though....

May said...

Oh man, I totally need that book! The most we did this year was growing a pepper plant in our apartment - and then the cat killed it.

Anonymous said...

Count me in please and thank you!

Jennilyn said...

Count me in! I'd like to be an apartment garden-grower- just don't know where to get started. Thanks!!

Toiling Ant said...

I live in an apartment and am experimenting with container gardening... this book would be great! Thanks!

Margy said...

I'm in - we have bees, would love to learn better gardening stuff!

Sweetpeas said...

I'd love to win this! We have land around us, but the critters (of some sort, not sure what) destroyed my plants less summer & w/ a baby due in April, I don't think I'll be up to figuring out the critter dilemma this summer either, containers on the patio seem like a better option for this year!

Robb & Nancy said...

I miss my garden and am trying to learn how to garden in containers - great timing for such a book!

Rachel said...

I would love to enter. That book would be perfect for us now that we live in a town house!

Linda said...

Cool book ... sign me up!

Anonymous said...

Doubt I'll win, but enter me anyway. Sounds like a useful book.
Cindy in FL

House Sparrows Academy said...

I'd love to enter! My students and I could really benefit from learning how to use all of our limited available space.

Keep on crunchin'

lace said...

This would be a great gift for my father. With winter approaching (okay it's really already here. brrr) I'd love to be able to grow more things inside to get that fresh taste. I haven't sprouts in a long time and would love to have some again.

Sylvia said...

Whee! I'm in. One square inch sounds like enough of a challenge for my black thumb! Although you did inspire me to make yogurt. :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great book. Count me in.

Jennifer G.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like it would be a great addition to our gardening/sustainability library. Thanks for offering it up for give away!

Robj98168 said...

Please enter me- would be a good companion book to Square foot gardening by mel bartholemew.

Fresh and Feisty said...

This book sounds wonderful!

Jenn said...

Count me in for this give away. Sounds like a great book.

Christy said...

This sounds like a great book!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a wonderful book--perhaps it'll give me some tips for my little town house? Please enter me in the drawing.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure this book would be right up my alley, as I am a brand-new gardener with a tiny lot. Luckily I'm in Florida so I have a much longer growing season, which will hopefully offset that problem.

Becky F.

CuriousNomad said...

I have this book on reserve at the library, but expect to like it enough to buy a copy to have on hand. I would love to win it!

just ducky said...

Count me in please! My places are getting smaller and smaller...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great book! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Oh, me! Pick me! :D

Meg said...

I'd like to be entered. Thank you.

yogainthegarden said...

Enter me please. This book sounds great!

owlfan said...

This book sounds very useful. I have a decent sized yard, but LOTS of trees, so very little sun. I would like to grow more than just herbs on my deck.

Anonymous said...

what an awesome concept! Enter me :)

Anonymous said...

I'm overwhelmed by the gardening books out there. What is the best -- most practical how-to -- gardening book you've read?

Sally said...

I live in a small space, so this book sounds perfect for me!

Anonymous said...

Sounds great. I have a very brown thumb, so starting with a small space would be a great strategy...

Anonymous said...

Pleeeeease! I have a large yard, but most of it is blocked by giant sun-blocking oak trees.

Anonymous said...

I just have a balcony but I would like to figure out what to do with it!

We had a few tomatoes this year and that is it.

Anonymous said...

This book sounds fantastic! I dream of a yard. I once actually kept a plant alive when I planted it in the ground. I need a bit of help with this container gardening idea, though. Anything in a pot seems to die.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the kind of gardening I can actually handle! Thanks for the chance.

Lindy said...

Please enter me in your book contest.

Lindy in AZ

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