Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Friday giveaway - books!

Today wraps up the giveaway bonanza celebrating this blog's first anniversary. You can still enter to win the Soyabella Soy and Nutmilk Machine and the Evolve Roadrunner Showerhead. All the giveaway contests (including today's) ends at 6:00 pm PST, Friday, 3/7.

Today's giveaway is a couple books.

The first book is What to Eat (publish date 4/17/07), written by the nutritionist Marion Nestle who has received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the James Beard Foundation and teaches nutrition at NYU.

In What to Eat, Nestle explains that the increasing confusion among the general public about what to eat comes from two sources: experts who fail to create a holistic view by isolating food components and health issues, and a food industry that markets items on the basis of profits alone.

She suggests that, often, research findings are deliberately obscure to placate special interests. Nestle says that simple, common-sense guidelines available decades ago still hold true: consume fewer calories, exercise more, eat more fruits and vegetables and, for today's consumers, less junk food.

This book makes for great companion reading to In Defense of Food.

Simple ProsperityThe second book is written by one of the authors of Affluenza. In David Wann's new book, Simple Prosperity (publish date: 12/26/07), he shows us how we can overcome affluenza to recapture a more abundant and sustainable lifestyle without sacrificing everything you love.

This book will give you the courage to trim down all the excess and make significant changes to your lifestyle to make room for the things you really value. If you enjoyed reading Affluenza, then this book makes for a great follow-up on how to implement the ideas presented in the first book.

There will be two drawings in today's giveaway. One for Simple Prosperity and one for What to Eat.

And, for those who have not been following along, to participate in the giveaway, just enter your name in the comments for this post to be entered in a random drawing. If there is a book you don't want, make sure you also include that in your comment. The drawing ends Friday 6:00 p.m. PST. I'll announce the winners for all the giveaways on Sunday.

Good luck to you all and here's to another year of eco-craziness!


Anonymous said...

Wow, I don't think I've ever been the first to comment on a Crunchy post! I'm honored! And thanks for givin away these great tools.

Please, if you would, enter me into the Simple Prosperity drawing? I've been wanting to read it since it came out. Thanks!

Paula Hewitt said...

I'd love to be in the draw (id prefer the simple prosperity) - not sure you want to mail to Australia though - so you can leave me out if you want. I do enjoy your posts- thanks!

TheDisturbedOne said...

We all like books. I enjoy the blog a lot Crunchy. Keep doing what you do. :)

Laurie said...

Please sign me up for the Simple Prosperity drawing! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for almost the whole year, and even made your peach vanilla jam last weekend-delicious. I would love to have the chance to win one of these books (if you're willing to post to NZ).

Burbanmom said...

Oooh, gonna be totally greedy and put my name in for either book. They both sound great and just finished Affluenza and I'm halfway through Omnivore's Dilemma.

Anonymous said...

I'd really like to be in the draw for any of these books! Thanks for making it another interesting week!

Anonymous said...

Thanks again, Crunchy! Your blog is the first thing I pull up in the morning. Kinda like my coffee, if I actually drank coffee, that is!


Sarah said...

Please add me to the drawing for "Simple Prosperity". I'd love to read this book :) Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Would you please add me to the drawing for either book--I'm a big fan of Marion Nestle, and I've gotten a lot out of Affluenza, so I'm curious to see what else they have to say.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Crunchy! Please put me in the drawing for either book. They're both on my "to read" list.

Anonymous said...

De-lurking to get added to the drawing, please. Both are on my wish list. Thanks.

Deb G said...

I'd like to read either book too. Congratulations on your blog being a year old!

BerryBird said...

I'd be interested in either book, Crunchy. Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

Oooh - I haven't read either of those yet! I feel so greedy entering all three (4?) draws!

Anonymous said...

Not to be greedy... but enter me in the soy/nut milk machine lottery too please!

Phyllis Sommer said...

congrats on your one year! i love books:-)

Anonymous said...

I love Simple Prosperity, it's one of the best books I've read in a long time, I even purchased it, which is a rarity. Take care Fam Crunch.

Anonymous said...

I would love Simple Prosperity. I have really enjoyed Affluenza. I was lucky to find it used.
Cindy in FL

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and congrats on becoming such an eco-phenomenon this past year. Love to you all.

Anonymous said...

Hi. I just read your whole blog in the past three days after learning about it from Green as a Thistle blog that I also read in a couple of days. Both of you ladies are inspiring. I'd like to be added to the book draw. Thanks.

mommyto4 said...

Oooo. . oooo. . sign me up! I'd prefer "Simple Prosperity", but either would be interesting to read. Thanks a bunch!

Unknown said...

Wow - I'd love either book. Please sign me up for the draw!

Debby Brown said...

another year of eco-craziness. well put.

Jennifer said...

I would love to win one of those books... I've been following along in the book clubs, and think they would be GREAT reads!

mamalove said...

I would either book!

Melissa said...

I'd love either book!

Anonymous said...

sign me up for the simple prosperity drawing please.

Anonymous said...

Please sign me up for the book drawings. Thanks!!

just ducky said...

Is it possible to ask to be in the drawing for the Simple Prosperity book and not the other one? I haven't read Simple Prosperity and I wouldn't want to take any "chances" away from people in the other book drawing... Does that make sense or am I not caffeinated enough to type? Oh bother...

Jason C said...

Count me in!


hmd said...

Both books sound like GREAT reads. Please enter my name for both. Congratulations on the 1 year anniversary. I love your blog!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I can't resist entering this one. I'm devouring so many of the books on your site lately and these ones will surely be on the list. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Sounds good! Happy Birthday Crunchy Chicken!

Anonymous said...

Books! Yea! My favorite! I'm in!

And how's Mr. Crunch doing? You haven't said much about him lately. I hope he's doing well.

jlpicard2 said...

I wouldn't mind reading either...

Anonymous said...

They both sounds like great books :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Books! Count me in.

Chile said...

I'd love the Simple Prosperity book. As much as I like Marion Nestle, I don't need to read that one. Already aware of those issues. :)

Hey, did you make a Blogaversary Cake this week? Take it out to dinner? Buy it some pretty jewelry?

Color Me Green said...

I'd love either of those books!

Fanny said...

Simple Prosperity sounds great! Sign me up!

Kate said...

I can't resist! Both of those books look amazing.

Jenn said...

Okay...throw my name in the hat for this one...


Anonymous said...

I'd love to get any of these books!


Theresa said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! Thanks for all you do to encourage and entertain us Crunchy!

I would like to be entered for either book too - they both look very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Ooh! These are already on my "to-read" list. :)

Anonymous said...

I love to ready your blog every day!

Simple Prosperity preferred please.

MamaFeelgood said...

I love all the books you've been recommending. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity! I'd love the Simple Prosperity book (haven't read that one yet!).

Thank you for the drawing!

kitchentablecreative [at]

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to read Simple Prosperity but can't get it through our library system. Please enter me in the drawing.

Anonymous said...

Everything in moderation - I've been put on a book buying diet, but if I were to enter a giveaway, that is different....right :). I would love to read both books, especially after following your postings.
I really enjoy your blog and the discourse you draw from your readers.Thanks for sharing!

Deanna said...

I've been enjoying your blog the past few weeks and would love to be included in the drawing.


Anonymous said...

I'd be happy to win either book! Thanks for doing the giveaways.

Bill Rosemurgy said...

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Both sound fabulous!! Hope I win, hope I win, hope I win!

I love your blog, Chrunchy!

Pen of Jen said...

Oh I think that these would be great books.

Christy said...

Both those books look great! I started reading Simple Prosperity but had to return it to the library. I'd love to finish it.

Randa said...

I'd be thrilled to read either book. I'm actually reading In Defense of Food right now, so it would be interesting to see what What to Eat says. And Simple Prosperity sounds GREAT. Thanks for putting my name in; appreciate your generosity in doing these draws!

Anonymous said...

Count me in! :) Thanks!


Glenda said...

I'd enjoy either book! Thanks for the give-away, and the blog of course =).


Claire said...

Both books sound wonderful--count me in! And thank you!

Anonymous said...

I would take either book. I just finished In Defense of Food!

Anonymous said...

I would love to read either book. Thanks!

Mrs. Erickson said...

sign me up, I love books :)

Katie said...

Count me in for the drawing too!

Anonymous said...

They both sound like interesting books... I've added them to my reading list regardless of the giveaway!

Jill said...

Okay, I'm a former lurker.... What to Eat is a great book, but since I have read it, I would pass on that.

This is such a great blog! I was surprised to hear that you have only been going for a year, b/c I feel like I've been reading it nearly that long! Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement!

Jenna said...

I would love either book... the second sounds a little more interesting to me, but the first one was published on my birthday! But I still think I would prefer Simply Prosperity. Thanks for the give-away!

MKD said...

I'd love either book! But I think I'd most appreciate "Simple Prosperity!"

Thanks for the Great blog & give away!

laurel said...

Even if I don't win, I want to check out the Simple Prosperity book. I am really enjoying Affluenza.

Sue said...

wow these books look great. i cant wait to read them

Anonymous said...

Both of them sound great, sign me up :)

Unknown said...

Awesome Giveaways!!! LOVE BOOKS!!! (pick me, pick me, pick me) is the annoying chant working yet?

emerzim said...

These books sound great. I'm glad I found your blog. And not just for the giveaways, I promise.

Brandie said...

These books both sound fabulous! Please count me in =)

JennAMom said...

I would love to read either of those! Thanks!

cheflovesbeer said...

Could you sign me up for Simple Prosperity please? thank you.

Melissa Anderson said...

Melissa "pick me, pick me" Anderson!!!

feather nester said...

Would love to be in this draw, too! Thanks for your generosity! I'm loving your blog.

Anonymous said...

I'd love either!!

May said...

They both look fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Yes, please. I would love a book.

Congratulations on one whole year writing a wonderful, inspirational blog!

Lesley said...

I would love either book. They're both on my to-read list. :) Thanks for the giveaway!!

mom23 said...

I've been hearing about "What to Eat" and had bumped it up on my reading list. I would love be entered for it; if I have choice. And I promise to recycle it via passing it along to another reader if I win! And if I don't have a choice, I would surely benefit from Simple Prosperity too and would be so grateful.

Anonymous said...

I would love to read these!
Thank you for giving them away,

Anonymous said...

I would love to win either one of the books. Looking forward to see who wins!


Anonymous said...

I'd love to read either book. Love your blog - have gone to cloth TP (part time) and just bought a diva cup - all thanks to you!

Lisa M.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to read either!


Jessica said...

I would love to enter your drawing! THanks so much for your awesome blog!

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

i'd love a chance to win either book. thanks so much for another great giveaway. :)

pixie niki said...

Found your blog last week while I was looking for homemade butter instructions. I love your tutorial (the butter came out perfect). I have been reading your blog daily ever since and find it to be so informative!

Mary said...

Such generosity! Both books would be a welcome addition to my library. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Me love-y books! It's my biggest challenge in simplifying, actually... maybe I shouldn't tell you that, though. Thanks for the great contests this week, Crunchy!

Amber said...

Congratulations on your one year anniversary Crunchy!

I'd love to win either book!


Jenette said...

I just love your blog, the range of emotions and the crazy things you try and share with us all. Your friends must love you to death :)
I am not ready for a new book but I did want to share a great article I read the other day debating local and organic ... Eating Better Than Organic ... Its great I live on the west coast and can get both most of the time but not always.

Our Lovely Life said...

Those books sound great! I'd love either of them! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Cool books!

melpaco said...

count me in for this one too, thanks. Melpaco

Anna Banana said...

Happy blogiversary, Crunchy! Please draw my name for either book. Thanks...

Anonymous said...

Oooh, fun! Happy blogoversary! I love books, please include me in the drawing. sfchilds at hotmail dot com

livin life said...

I'd like to be entered for both books! I love your blog, I just found it about a week ago, but I went back and started reading at the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Hi, If it's still going on, please sign me up for the Soyabelle Soy Milk Machine. I practically live off of Edensoy, so I'd definitely put it to good use:)