Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Crunchy Chicken turns one

This blog has seen a lot over the last year. It went from constantly pooping all over itself and spitting up, to eating solids and standing up.

Yeah, I know. That is a fairly nutty analogy, but that's probably why you read this blog. It's a mixed bag of commentary, suggestions, activism and good old-fashioned hornswoggling you into doing things you weren't really planning on.

Hoy hay mucho que celebrar! As such, I've decided to embark on a few days of giveaways.

SoyabellaYou see, over the year, I've received samples of stuff or bought things to try out that didn't work out. So, in the spirit of reuse, I'm giving away some very lightly used items that I don't use or need.

Today's giveaway: Soyabella Automatic Soymilk Maker and Coffee Grinder (retail $140)

So, how does one enter today's giveaway? No math tests or, really, any brain cells at all are required. Just enter your name in the comments to be entered in a random drawing. The drawing ends Friday 6:00 p.m. PST. I'll announce the winner on Sunday.

Thursday's giveaway: A little something, something I recently reviewed

Friday's giveaway: Books! You know you want them!

Thanks to all you readers out there. You make my day shiny and bright. Well, most of you anyway...

[Update: There's nothing wrong with the soymilk maker, I just found that I don't drink enough to warrant the time spent making it. It also makes pretty much any other kind of nut milk you want. And soup. And it doubles as a floor wax. And a dessert topping.]


P~ said...

First post, that must be lucky right? Congrats on a year, I guess I've been reading you since near the beginning, I started just before the low impact challenge.
Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Love the nutty analogy.;-) And the challenges. And the book discussions. And the rants. And the comments. Heck, you get the idea...

Linz said...

Yay for you! I love your site and when discussing unconventional ideas with my husband I'll often use you as a knowledgeable and wise resource. It sounds something like, "Well she did it, why couldn't we?" ;) Congrats again.

jlpicard2 said...

Do you have to enter on every day, or only once for all 3 giveaways?

Anonymous said...

Happy "Birthday"!

eva said...

I'm a long-time lurker, big-time fan, and first-time commenter. Congrats on the year! Keep being the nutty blogger we love so much!

Melissa Anderson said...

I think I'd have a better chance with a math test. But I'll enter anyway, because I did win last time, and I'm sure it's because you felt sorry for me, and I'm your favorite reader! :)
Happy 1 year blog birthday!

just ducky said...

Did the soymilk maker not work out for you? I'll have to check the archives and see what you thought of it...

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe you have only been doing this for one year! So much has happened, and so much good has been done.

Thanks for a great year of sharing your life and green adventureds with us! :)


Allie said...

Happy Birthday!

Unknown said...

cool - I didn't even know there was such a thing as an automatic soymilk maker. If I win, I can add that to my repertoire :-) Congratulations on the blogiversary - it neatly coincides with my son't first birthday.

Katie said...

Happy One Year! Thanks for all the food for thought!

emily said...

I can't believe you've only been at it a year. You're blog is such a wonderful read.
I love it.

equa yona(Big Bear) said...

Huzza! One year and going strong!
I was just thinking last night in my bleary pre sleep meanderings that I should let you know how much I enjoy your writing and your blog. EXCELLENT!!
I really wouldn't use the kitchen gizmo so if you pull my name, draw again. Thanks for the great blog.

ST said...

Yeah! one year!

And soy milk maker... sounds like fun!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the anniversary!

Cave-Woman said...

Yea for year-olds!

Keep writing! I'd love to see your "terrible twos". (:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your blog, although I thought it had been more than a year. Anyway what an acheivement to be such a well known, popular blog in really, such a short time. I have blog envy! I've been wanting a soy milk maker, so enter me. I too am a long time reader since before low impact week. Keep up the great work. Cindy in FL

Jenn said...

Happy Birthday!

I hope a year from now I'm still reading your nutty-ness and living my life even greener.

(Please leave me out of the goal is to get rid of my mess...not add to it!)

Anonymous said...

Happy One Year Post! I've only been reading along for a month or so....but really enjoy your blog! You've inspired me to make quite a few changes in our home (including a switch to cloth wipes!). Keep the great tips coming and please enter me in your draw! Thanks Crunchy :-)

Greenpa said...

Me! Me! Pick me! How many names can I enter??

Oddly enough, this soymilk maker is something I've thought about acquiring- not that I eat the stuff; but I'm pretty sure this gizmo can be adapted to make milk out of other stuff; and that's what I want to play with...

And, yeah, Congrats! You're always a hoot, with or without hooters. :-)

Debby Brown said...

Happy Birthday! I've enjoyed your first year.

MissAnna said...

I will leave the soy maker thing to someone else--just wanted to say congrats on one year! Considering the number of other blogs I've seen reference yours, you've gained an impressive following since you first began. Thanks for all your hard work!

Anonymous said...

I love your site Crunchy. I'm a very new reader. I am very excited about the opportunity for your freebies. I used to grab every free thing I could get my hands on, but in an attempt to live a more earth-friendly lifestyle, I have limited myself to things that I truly need or can really use. Most freebies are not really free when it comes to the environmental costs involved. Green freebies is a win win.


Anonymous said...

I cant wait till Thursday's giveaway, I am pretty sure you don't want to have that morning sand blasted feeling :) and my husband loves that kind of shower :D

Anonymous said...

What was wrong with the soymilk maker?

Anonymous said...

Ohh, fingers crossed...

Anonymous said...

Happy 1 Year. Love the blog.

Heather said...

Happy blog Birthday!
What a year it has been. I think this is my first comment (!), but I've been reading you since near the beginning, and I feel like I glean something from the Crunchmeister (be it fact or humor) every day. It's my favorite blog!
Thanks for all you've given and shared with us, and here's to many more years!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Just found you via The Cleaner Plate Club. Looking forward to lots of interesting posts. Well, I am off to read all the archives!

Fanny said...

Happy Birthday Crunchy! So glad you're in my life.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Crunchy! Wonderful blog you have. Interesting analogy... not sure I'm agreeing with it, but ok... I guess it hasn't been a ballet movement or anything.

Anyway, please include me in your splendid drawing. I'm growing soy this year, and hoping to make some milk. This would be a dream come true.... or at least half a dream, the soy beans do have to materialize from the ground to make it work!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Has it only been one year? Soymilk maker! Sign me up! I drink enough of the stuff. Well, I've been drinking hemp milk mostly, but I want to try to make somethin' somethin! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the first year! Keep on ranting.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!

And what an intensely cute kitchen gizmo you're giving away.

Claire said...

I just discovered your blog three weeks ago, and am now the proud owner of a Diva Cup (which I love, by the way! and which I can't stop talking about to all friends and family--yikes)! And yesterday afternoon was spent cutting up an old flannel sheet with pinking shears for wipes the old-fashioned way (my kids and husband are still in disbelief that we're actually going to try the tp free lifestyle).
Thanks for the ideas and the laughs! Happy Birthday!

The Simpleton said...

Happy blogoversary! If I don't win, I'll continue to make soymilk the old-fashioned way, with boiling water and a blender (ouch!)

Anonymous said...

Just want to say happy birthday! I will have to take myself out of the soymilk maker contest, as lovely as it looks :) Don't want to get into an argument with my husband about another kitchen device that gets used once a year... However if you are giving away a carbonator (or is it called fizzy maker?), I will put myself right into the contest :)

Anonymous said...

happy blogiversary to you! will that thing make almond milk?

Crunchy Chicken said...

Karen - Yes, it makes almond milk.

Wendy said...

Happy Blogoversary! I can't believe you've only been blogging for a year?!? You've done so much in this one year. Amazing! I have to thank you for the inspiration you've given me to "do better." Thanks to you, I use a DivaCup (and now cloth pads), am freezing my buns off this winter, and have stopped all of the thoughtless waste of food in my kitchen. You're a credit to the "green" movement, and I'm really looking forward to what you have in store for us in Year Two ;).

Anonymous said...

Ooooo! Must have soy milk maker! Pick me!

Congratulations on your one year anniversary. I, too, thought you had been doing this much longer than a year. Wow, you have covered a lot of ground!

Three Cheers for our Crunchy! (bwok-a-bwok-a-bwooaak!)

(Those were chicken noise cheers, by the way.)

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!

Can't believe you've only been doing it for a year!

Maeve said...

I don't want entered in the drawing, but I did want to say congrats on your anniversary of blogging, and to say thanks for sharing so much with your readers. Your impact on inspiring people to do crazy-seeming things goes farther than is apparent if one only looks at the comments you get on your blog. I don't often comment on blogs, but well, anniversaries are special occasions. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! count me in for this contest... :)

caress said...

i'm in.

Ashley // Our Little Apartment said...

What!? Only a year! That's amazing. I would have thought you were a VETERN at this. (Which you are by now.)

I, too, LOVE your site. My life is honestly different because of it. It actually inspired me to create my own humble blog about my environmental actions and challenges as a 20-something.

THANK YOU! (And I totally wanna be entered for prrriiizes. Yay Freecycle!)

Anonymous said...

Only a year? Kudos and thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Crunchy. You're a great read. Keep up the good work.

lauren said...

congrats on the blogiversary. your blog is so wonderful and informative. i would've guessed you had been at this much longer!

Melanie said...

Congrats on your first year! Here's hoping for many more filled with excellent and funny posts.

Anonymous said...

happy bday :) It's the main blog I've been reading, maybe even since the beginning!

Fresh and Feisty said...

Thanks! Glad you're here.

Brande said...

K, name entered!

Thanks for an awesomely informative and always fun blog. :-)

Kimberly Gische said...

This is also a good way to see how large your readership is. I'm in the SF Bay Area and got the link from a friend who's in Seattle. I've only been reading for a week or so and have enjoyed it so far and learned much. Keep up the interesting posts.

JessTrev said...

Happy Year anniversary! I've only been reading since about November but am so grateful, love yr blog. Thanks for writing and creating community. Don't need the soymilk maker, you gotta give it to GreenPa.

Anonymous said...

Oh, a soymilk maker! My hubby loves gadgets & we use lots of soymilk.

Congrats on your anniversary; I'm loving your book clubs


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on one year!

I'm in for the soymilk maker.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being there for us, Crunchy! Happy birthday!

christy said...

i appreciate your wacky perspective! and your exciting giveaways. :) count me in for the soymilk maker!

Mrs. Erickson said...

Just found your blog today. Happy One Year!! Sign me up for the giveaway. How fun.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Crunchy Chicken! Love the challenges. I'm crunchier for having known you!

melpaco said...

Love your blog. I linked to your post from No Impact Man months ago and have been reading it ever since. Put me in for the drawing please, and thanks for blogging. I find myself looking forward to seeing it each day. You must be doing something right, the diva cup does not gross me out as much as the first time I read about it, so I can see a future when I might be ready to try it. Happy 1st anniversary. Keep up the good work, please. melpaco

Kate said...

Congrats! I admire your consistency and blogging skills. . . and what a great idea to have giveaways!

Pen of Jen said...

Congrats on the year!

Catherine said...

Awesome like a possum. The last box of Silk soymilk I bought was suspiciously thick and nasty so I'm trying a nut milk recipe this week. Except the cookbook author calls it mylk.

Anonymous said...

Hiya, just tossin' my cloth wipe into the ring.

Clare K. R. Miller said...

Wow, congratulations!

cindy24 said...

Congrats. Love your blog. Have tons of frozen pumpkin and avocado puree in my freezer now. Life is good. Soymilk maker would be good because I now want to make my own tofu.

Lesley said...

Congratulations!!! The first year is always the hardest. I look forward to your blog each day. :)

Anonymous said...

Hooray and happy blog birthday! And I very much admire your get-right-in-there activism like the pads for african girls. eowyn -at- bigpanda *dot* com

Anonymous said...

Wow! A whole year of blogging. Good work! I'm soooo glad I found your blog from No Impact Man's blog this past summer. Hoping for many more crunchy goodness in year #2.

Oh, and please don't enter me in the drawing. I already have a soy milk maker. I just wanted to say congrats!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you have only been at this one year! I really enjoy your blog - great work - and look forward to reading on in the year ahead! Thanks,


Re said...

wow a year already? awesome! The blog is still fresh and exciting as when you began. Keep up the really great work

Here's to another year!

Anonymous said...

*Congratulations* again on your blogiversary! I would love to win a soymilk maker :) I'm lactose intolerant and can't drink regular dairy milk. I love soymilk, but it's still so expensive. *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Randa said...

Happy Anniversary! I discovered you just recently through Green as a Thistle. I'm slowly working my way through your posts...slowly, because each one provides so much food for thought. Thank you for keeping such an interesting and thoughtful blog!

Sweetpeas said...

Count me in!!

Chile said...

Congrats on keeping up this crazy blogging thing for a year, Crunchy Chicken! Might as well throw my name in the hat.

dustydawn555 said...

Happy one year. Put my name in..

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I've never tried to make soymilk at home (pretty new to your site as well as homemade, homegrown, but I'm trying thanks to you!) Us ewbies are still trying to get a hang of the basics and I appriciate all the help I can get!

Anonymous said...

Happy one year old! Thanks for the giveaways! Count me in for this one.

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

LOL love the analogy. :)

no need to enter me in the giveaway, but i did want to say congratulations and happy blogiversary!! :)

Coach Paulette said...

We'd like to use this at our house!

FreetobeaChild said...

Happy anniversary! I love your blog and read it every day. Thanks for all the laughs and good ideas! I'd love the soymilk maker! Thanks for the chance,
:-) Lise

Kerry said...

Happy Birthday.

M family and I would LOVE a soy/nut milk maker. Please enter me!

mothersong said...

Well, I never win anything, so that is a moot point. But I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you how much I enjoy your blog, and how informative it's been for me.

Congrats on your first year, it's been great for the rest of us!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogthday and thanks for such inspirational postings!

Sue in the
Western Great Basin

mamalove said...

What a great blog. Congrats on a year!

Sarah said...

Congratulations! I'm really enjoying your blog. Even if you do insist on inserting cuts so I can't see everything in my feed reader.

mom23 said...

I've linked to your blog today. THANK YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

I really need another kitchen gadget! count me in :-p

mommyto4 said...

Thanks for having such an awesome blog. Makes me remember I'm not alone in my strange endeavors. :-)

Anonymous said...

Great giveaways! Excitement abounds! LOVE your blog. L.O.V.E.

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Yay for Crunchiness! Don't know what we'd all do without you. :)

MamaFeelgood said...

Fantastic! One year is a big milestone!

Bill Rosemurgy said...

Thanks for the site! Thanks for the giveaways!

Heather said...

Happy BlogBirthDay Crunchy! Thanks for keeping it up despite what has turned out to be a very hard year.

I'd love to win a soymilk maker. I'd really like to make my own tofu, and buying one (even used) is really outside the budget right now.

MKD said...

This sounds really neat! Happy Blog-iversary too!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the Birthday. Keep up the great work

Sue said...

Happy Happy Birthday

MikeandCharlsie said...

Sounds interesting!

Jessica said...

Almost missed this one! Thanks so much for your wonderful blog. I have been so inspired by you and feel blessed to be able to observe your amazing journey as activist, mama and wife!