Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Low Impact Week Begins Today!

Low Impact Week: June 1 - 7, 2007Holy crap! I guess this means that I'll be doing all those things I said I'll be doing and then some.

The hardest part will be remembering to do them. I find that habits are so ingrained that I'll forget to huck the bucket under the water stream when I turn on the shower. Or I'll absent-mindedly grab a paper towel in the bathroom at work after washing my hands.

One thing I'm adding that I didn't mention in my goal post or, rather, my post about my goals, was that I'm going to go shopping for produce at a farmer's market this weekend.

Also, make sure you check out other people's Low Impact Week goals by visiting the websites and blogs listed on the right.

How are you all feeling on this auspicious day?


Anonymous said...

I know the "holy crap" feeling. I woke up and thought, "Nope, someone must have messed with the calendar." The whole rain barrel issue has me was behind!

Umm ...I also moved my blog to wordpress. My internet connection was too slow for blogger!

Phelan said...

Farmer markets are great. Just keep an eye out on for those honey pushers.

Crunchy Chicken said...

What's wrong with the honey pushers?

Phelan said...

They will get you every time. Oh, did you miss that post? I was trying to buy only a large bear for my honey needs and ended up with a half gallon of the sticky stuff.

You might want to change your low impact blog links so it will take them to their home pages. Some people don't go further then to read the main entry on the posts you have linked.

Oldnovice said...

I was disappointed that the folks at my farmer's market didn't yet have honey to offer. My honey container is so old and has been nuked so many times that it's caved in on 3 of 4 sides. Of course that's an indicator that we don't use enough honey routinely to support the current size, but there's a little voice in my head that always encourages me to buy the larger size because we should be eating more honey.
Yeah, I know...what a dumbass!

Frisky said...

i remembered first thing this morning. it's hard to take an efficient shower when you're groggy, but i zipped through, and had plenty of time to WALK to work.
at my market, there's a very aggressive maple syrup guy. watch out!

P~ said...

How am I feeling??? well hot and sweaty at the moment, I just got off the bike from my 5.5 mile climb to work. Oh yeah, feelin' alive!! But really, I had my Holy Crap moment last night when I thought about everything to remember. Should be fun. I would like to encourage all of us to try to make some time to comment here and there on each others blogs, for support, and to share what's going on. We're bound to have some similar experiences and can maybe pass on some useful advice.
Have fun all!

Anonymous said...

Been trying to figure out what new thing to do, for Low Impact Week. We already do a lot of what you listed, and I don't think DH wants to keep the tv off, but we might be able to, since the few shows we watch have ended their seasons. But that isn't a real change then, for us. Hmm.

We started a much bigger veggie garden this year than we've ever had, so that's an ongoing project.

Maybe this will be the week I try making a solar cooker. I've read about them but never tried it. Not sure what sorts of things you can cook in one.

Saw the comments on honey and trying to use more of it. I have a little info that might make it easier. Will look it up and post it in my journal - if not today (Friday), then Sunday night or on Monday.

Anonymous said...

I was concerned about forgetting too so here's what I did last night. I made a header for each room in the house. Then I moved each item on my long list of things to do to the appropriate room. Printed this off this morning (on the back of a used sheet, of course) and taped the appropriate list up in each room. I think this will really help remind us of what we planned to do.

Christy said...

It is hard to get a new habit going. I still leave my cloth bags in the car half the time when I go to the store. I've started just refusing bags and juggling everything out to the car if I forget my bags. Someday I'm sure it will be a habit. The bucket for the shower I've had no problem remembering the last couple of days. DH thinks I'm crazy.

Wendy Bredhold said...

I already absentmindedly used a paper towel in the bathroom here at work. But I brought two cloth napkins with me so next time I'll take one in there with me, I suppose. I had to drive to work today because - get this - I remembered I have to attend a Sustainable Communities meeting downtown on my lunch hour. So I guess the bus ride to work will have to wait til Monday. I'm not feeling so great about my first day because it hasn't been that different yet!

Crunchy Chicken said...

So far, things are going okay. I took a water-reduced shower, collected the warm up water in a bucket and didn't use the A/C in my car on the way in.

Unfortunately, I had to use the dryer this morning and I need to drive over to Microsoft in a few minutes. Hopefully I can get one of our hybrid fleet vehicles...

oopuy said...

Yeah Low Impact Week! let's go!

Skulleigh said...

I meant to do my list up before it started, and I ran out of month unexpectedly!

So I whipped one up today, and posted it on my blog at LJ. My week will "officially" start after work today and go to after work next Friday.

vwsista said...

I didn't have a bucket but I used my big soup pot and it was about 3/4 of the way full from warming up the shower.

We walked to take my daughter to school today, too, and will be leaving shortly to walk and pick her up. The weather is just gorgeous today!

Oh, and I stopped at a garage sale and picked up a photo cutter. Something I've been wanting for a few years but I knew that if I waited long enough I'd find one used! Score!

Have fun everyone!

Hannah said...

I'm so pleased to find this and will post about it and my goals tomorrow. Because I am coming to the party a little late, I may do my preparing and thinking early this week and get started a little late.... Thanks so much for lighting the fire!

Anonymous said...

I woke up with the "holy crap" feeling when I realized I didn't do the scorecard for last week. :(
Trying to get a house ready to sell has sucked all of my time and brain cells.
Is it to late to still post my list of what I'm planning to do? I have that much done.

Sally said...

Hey! It's June 1st. Time to kick in all those good ideas & impulses. I just installed 2 more CFLs and didn't drive my son to school this a.m., though he was woke up in a bad mood and was pretty insistent in his demand-- hopefully our walk helped work off the mood! And, I'll be off to the farmer's market tomorrow a.m.-- usually it's over long before I really wake up (and smell my new Fair-Trade coffee), but tomorrow will be different. Hooray for Low Impact Week, and congrats, CC, for all those co-sponsors!

Anonymous said...

I've decided to join you for Low Impact Week, and I'm feeling excited!

Crunchy Chicken said...

Whew! As of right now there are 50 people blogging about their Low Impact Week goals.

Congratulations for trying and good luck with your efforts this week!!!

Debbie said...

I'm an unofficial participant, since I didn't let you know about it in advance, but what the heck.

I used the bucket-in-the-(very short)-shower thing and used part of the water to flush with. I had intended to bike to work, but we had thunderstorms and tornado watches going on, so I drove to work, but I plan not to use the car at all this weekend. I unplugged my microwave last night and I think everything else that could be was already unplugged. And I remembered to bring my coffee cup with me, but bought my dinner from a street vendor at the art festival going on a block from my office. So an okay if kinda boring start, I think.

Rites of Passage

Anonymous said...

I called and requested to be removed from 3 catalogs this morning. I am going to shoot for 3 a day. This one is great because it will have a lasting impact.

The tv was not on until 8:30 pm.

Anonymous said...

Nice work at getting this organized and circulated! 50 people!! That ain't no small hilled potatoes! or something.... ; )