Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Homegrown & Handmade book giveaway

I received a couple of review copies the other day of the book, Homegrown and Handmade: A Practical Guide to More Self-Reliant Living, by Deborah Nieman and so far, I've been really enjoying reading it. It's one of those "books for wiser living" recommended by Mother Earth News.

Deborah Niemann is a homesteader, writer, and self-sufficiency expert who presents regularly on topics including soapmaking, bread baking, cheesemaking, composting, and homeschooling. She and her family raise sheep, pigs, cattle, goats, chickens, and turkeys for meat, eggs, and dairy products, while an organic garden and orchard provides fruit and vegetables.

So, in other words, she knows what she's talking about based on her extensive experience. She also writes the blog, Antiquity Oaks, if you'd like to see more of her writing online (she has the cutest baby goats).

Anyway, from the book description, Homegrown and Handmade shows you how making things from scratch and growing at least some of your own food can help you eliminate artificial ingredients from your diet, reduce your carbon footprint, and create a more authentic life. Whether your goal is to increase your self-reliance or become a full-fledged homesteader, this book can get you started by helping you:

* Take control of your food supply from seed to plate
* Raise small and medium livestock for fun, food, and fiber
* Rediscover traditional skills to meet your family's needs

This guide to food and fiber from scratch shows that attitude and knowledge is more important than acreage.

How to enter this giveaway
If you are interested in entering the random drawing for this book, please add your name to the comments of this post. You get bonus points for liking the Crunchy Chicken on Facebook. Just let me know if you're a fan of the page in your comments.

You have until midnight PST this Tuesday, October 25th to enter. And, now for the legal mumbo jumbo: This giveaway is open to U.S. residents, 18+ only. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Winner will be selected Wednesday, October 26th and will have 7 days to respond.

Good luck!


Letty Smith said...

Or do I post here?!

Karla S. said...

This sounds like a terrific book...definitely interested in picking up a copy (whether I win it or not!) Oh, and I am a fan of Crunchy Chicken on FB!

Unknown said...

awesome giveaway! either way I'll be getting this one! Also a long time fan of the Crunchy Chicken on Facebook :)

KAS said...

this looks really interesting 1 would love to win it!

Jill @ The Prairie Homestead said...

Sign me up! Really enjoying your blog. ;)

Jill @ The Prairie Homestead said...

I like you on FB too.

Karen C said...

Karen Parker

And I have been a Facebook fan since I found out about you. Awesome information.

Missy said...

This sounds like a book that I NEED!!

I also follow you on FB.

Lizzie Bordello said...

Count me in on the giveaway!

Lizzie Bordello said...

I also follow Crunchy Chicken on Facebook.

Sonya said...

Yay books! Excitedly trying to collect all the knowledge I can to improve my diet and surroundings.

Nancy H. said...

Awesome giveaway! Also a fan on FB! Nancy Schoonover Helton

rosalei said...

I'm a fan on facebook, and I'd love a copy of this book! It sounds fascinating.

Artful Gathering said...

I'd love the chance to win this book. I'm going over to her blog next. Thanks

Laura F. said...

I am a fan on FB, and would love a chance to read this book! Thanks...

steph said...

Very cool, I hope I win!

Emily Wilkins said...

Sounds like a great book!

Emily Wilkins said...

I'm also a fan of Crunchy Chicken on Facebook!

Kitty said...

Ooh, really interested in getting this book. It's right up my alley. And I'm a FB fan and have an RSS feed on my Yahoo page.

Free Range Mama said...

I am interested in the book! thanks for the opportunity. I am also a facebook fan.
Leona said...

i have been doing lots of info gathering to start homesteading when we move to a new state. this book would be a great guild for my family. im also a fan on facebook.:)

Unknown said...

Add me, please! I am also a Facebook fan.
crystalsdesign at gmail d0t com

Alyssa Lee said...

This sounds great! I've never heard of this book but it's definitely up my alley as I try to not only be more green but learn how to do things by myself. Thanks for the chance! And I'm most definitely a fan on Facebook. :)

Kate said...

Sounds like a great book; I'd love to win this. Thanks for the giveaway and for pointing out the author's blog. Will definitely be checking that out.

Evans said...

Looks like a really interesting read. I also can't wait to start reading your posts on facebook.

The Mom said...

That looks like a fantastic book! I'd love to win.

Terra said...

Looks very cool - would love a copy!

Annie Jones said...

I would love to have this book! And I "Like" you on Facebook!

Michelle said...

I hereby toss my name into the virtual hat! (and I'll run, not walk, to my local library and see if anyone in Western Mass has a copy I can request....)

Brynne said...

I have been eyeing this book in Mother Earth News....hope i get picked! Great blog.

Maria said...

Sounds like a great book!

Maria said...

I'm a fan on FB. :)

Brad K. said...

Me! Me! I want one!

- - Thanks!

Plain Jain said...

OOOO I want one! And as always, a big fan of CC n FB! :)

Jen the Ecoventurer said...

This book sounds interesting! I am also a FB fan of Crunchy Chicken.

Katrina said...

The book sounds great! I would love to win.

Katrina said...

I like on FB as well.

Midnight Raven said...

I already liked you on Facebook...which brought me here to the giveaway!
Great blog -xo

Amy McPherson Sirk said...

I am already a fan on FB. Please add my name. My local library has nothing on urban homesteading and books are simply not in the budget.

Valri said...

I like you here and on FB! Sounds like a good book.

Frugal Pursuit said...

Definitely something I am interested in reading. Thank you for the offer.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great book :)

KatieB said...

I'm interested in your book and a FB follower.

Yart said...

Please add me into the drawing...

I also follow you on facebook.

Tiffany said...

Sounds like a great book. I follow you on FB. Thanks for offering this giveaway!

Stephanie said...

This book sounds right up my alley!

Stephanie said...

Oh also, I am a fan of your facebook fan page as of yesterday.

Anna @ Blue Dirt said...

Would love to win!!

pjbrown said...

I want this book

pjbrown said...

I really want this book

Heather said...

I saw this book this past week and have been looking for a copy! Would love to win!

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! Hope I win!

Richard Wyman said...

I would love to read this and am a facebook fan

Anonymous said...

Fan of Crunchy Chicken on Facebook! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

sounds like a good book.
lisa.otis6 at gmail dot com

dandelionlady said...

that looks like a nifty book!

Carrie at Rhubarbsky said...

Looks like a good one. Thanks! Also, following you on FB. :)

Lydia said...

Looks like a great book! And, I'm a fan on facebook :-)!

Angie H-P said...

would love to win the book. And I'm a FB fan!

Anna said...

Cool book! I am a Crunchy fan in all her forms!

Megan said...

Sounds great! Would love to read this book for some guidance. I am a fan on facebook already!

Unknown said...

Like you on FB!!

Unknown said...

Would love a copy of this book.

Amy said...

would love to get this! I am totally a fan of your facebook page as well

Elaine said...

Looks like a great book! Count me in and I'm already a fan of FB:))

Prairiemom said...

One of these times it is going to be me! ;-) also a FB fan.

PocketsoftheFuture said...

A fan here and a fan on FB. Nice looking book. Thank you.

Rachel S said...

Dig it! Trying to convince Dan to live on a commune... not going over super well. Fan of you on FB. Fan of you in real life.

Holly said...

That book sounds great. Thank you for having this giveaway!

Kathleen said...

Sounds like a good book. I'm a FB fan too!

Rainy Day Gardener said...

Sounds like a great book, thanks for pointing out her blog too! I'm a fan on the blog and facebook. Thanks!

brittany said...

Brittany Levinson is a fan on Facebook!

Lisa K. said...

I would love to have a chance to win this!

Liz McCollum said...

Yes please, and I am a facebook fan :)

Julie said...

I would love this book! Fan on fb. Found you through another blog a couple a weeks ago and am trying trying to get my library to get your book. Now I have another suggestion for them with this book.

Bee Girl said...

Looks like a great book! fb fan already ;-)

Tena said...

Thanks for the chance!

email_ourlittlehouse at yahoo dot com

swiggett said...

Sounds like a fabulous resource! Would love to win this giveaway.

Also like you on FB.

Mitty said...

I've not run across this book. It sounds excellent. Count me in, please.

Sue said...

I see a new hobby in my future-cheesemaking, oh boy!

Robb & Nancy said...

Sounds like a great book! I am a fan on facebook also

Amy in Tacoma said...

Add me! I'm already a fan on FB.

Beth said...

Sounds like a great book. I am a recentfan of yours on FB...trying to learn more of how to become more self sufficient

Kristi said...

Sign me up too, please! (fb fan, too)

Renee G said...

Would love to have a copy of this.

Anonymous said...

This book looks amazing! I'm with Karla S - I will have to check it out whether I win or not! PS - am a FB fan as well. Thanks!

Sandy said...

This would be perfect for me! I am in my first year of homesteading and so far have produced 12 green beans and 2 tomatoes lol! I plan to get some laying hens in the spring and possibly dairy goats the following year. I liked you on Facebook immediately after I found you on Sharon Astyk's blog roll.

gehl said...

Wow! Looks like a great, informative book. I'm a fan of Crunchy Chicken.

LB said...

This looks to be a terrific read! Will either ask my local public library to get a copy or else donate my won copy to the local public library!

Domestic Diva said...

This sounds great. Thanks for the chance.

lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

Abra said...

Yay! I would love a chance at the book :) I'm a fan on facebook, too.

Laura Grant said...

This book sounds like it belongs on my shelf!

trisha m. said...

would love to read this book while freezin' my buns off this winter. love you on fb too

Me said...

I'd love this book!

The Haphazard Countryman said...

This book would be great. I'm resisting Facebook though.

Adrienne @Oribella Outpost said...

This book sounds really great! I follow you already on FB.

Paul Glowiak said...

I already follow you on FB, and would like a copy of the book nice and crunchy.

mamabotanica said...

I'm a fan and I love books about homesteading! Dog ear the corner of my entry please (my grandma's secret for raffles :)

Moon said...

totally a fan on facebook...and would love to have this book as I would like to put some of these practices to use while living in city

jean said...

am very interested in this book! i'm a big fan of the Crunchy Chicken on FB!

Suzy said...

Book is on my library list, but would love to win a copy

Spike said...

Looks like an AWESOME book! I never win anything, so I'll be back to buy it later! (:

Your blog is awesome, by the way.... I 'Liked' you on Facebook.

sglesner said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sglesner said...

That book sounds wonderful!

Heidi said...

of course i like you on facebook :) and i like antiquity oaks too!

Bernadette said...

What a shame - I follow your blog and like you on facebook but live in Australia :(

Robj98168 said...

Just the thing to read while I am under the covers freezing my *ss off!

Forever More said...

Debra Martin
Love you on FB!

Unknown said...

I am a fan of the Crunchy Chicken on FB and would love a copy of this book! Wish I'd been able to catch Deborah at Literary Life bookstore the other day here in Grand Rapids, but was too busy moving. My husband, daughter and I just bought a little 3 acre farm and plan to get goats, chickens, ducks and to grow some of our own food. This book would be so helpful :)

Angela said...

I'm interested in the book -- and am a fan on Facebook. :)

Tudi Arneill said...

I've just discovered your site and liked you on FB. As director of a nature center in Colorado, we help people learn to live lightly. Your blog will be helepful to follow. The book would be added to our library, if I win it! Thanks,Tudi

L said...

I liked your page on Facebook and this book would be wonderful to go through.

Drew said...

That looks like a great book. I'd love to read it to see what I'm missing.

Hi, I'm Peach! said...

I'd love to win this book! I am a fan on FB under the name Peach Belle and also under my FB page i'd rather be barefoot. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

great book ! something i would like to have

The Nurturing Pirate said...

This sounds like a very informative read! Would love to add it to my reading list.

Grace said...

Looks like a good book with useful, practical information. Thanks for the giveaway.

Grace said...

I liked you on FB.

Sarah C said...

very interested - thanks!

astara said...

I just found you on FB (Like!) and am now following your blog.... congrats on "authentic living"....

valentineOmine said...

What a great website! Thanks for giving away the Homegrown & Handmade book! I hope I win one! Carey Eggett-Valentine

Timon said...

ooooh! sounds like a wonderful book!! Also "Like"-ed you on Facebook!!

Veronica said...

Sounds like an awesome book I would love to win! I am also a Facebook fan!

Truffula said...

We're making more and more ourselves - hooray for how-to books like this!

Sojourner said...

I am a Facebook Fan!

Nikiah said...

Not sure if you post to Canada but I would love to win a copy!! Thanks!

Jenn, Pint-sized Pioneering said...

I'm a fan of Crunchy Chicken on fb, too! :)

Jennifer B. said...

Fan on FB and this book looks great!

Ellen George said...

Count me in, I'd love to read it! I also like you on FB :)

Amy Estrada said...

I love the books you recommend! Thanks for the opportunity. (FB Fan here too!)

Unknown said...

already a facebook fan!

"C" said...

I recently became a fan on FB and I love your blog! Would love to read the book!

"C" said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gardenchicken said...

Oh that book sounds great. I am already a fan of Crunchy Chicken. Sounds like a great book I may need to find!

Karlin said...

This book looks fantastic! Can't wait to read it. I am one of your FaceBook friends.


Marie H said...

Sounds like a great book. I'll have to add it to my wish list if I don't win.

Catcoco said...

I would love to win this... and I am a fan of the Crunchy Chicken's Facebook page.

Kay Pere said...

"Homegrown & Handmade"
For lifestyle there's no better way!
That's how I live and why I say,
"Sure hope I win this giveaway!!!"

(FB friend of Crunchy Chicken)

BluElf said...

Great giveaway! I'm definitely interested! Thank you for your blog posts and I liked Crunchy Chicken on FB a while back and enjoy the posts there as well! :)

HariDecisis said...

I'm a Crunchy Chicken fan!