Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pioneer Week Poll

I was listening to an interview on our local NPR radio station yesterday morning about the history of the fur trade and how it helped shape America and it got me to thinking that we haven't had a Pioneer Week this summer as promised, mostly because I was out of town the time period we previously discussed.

So, what think ye? Anyone interested in participating in another Pioneer Week in mid-August (say, the 21st through the 27th)? The basic premise is to try to live as close to the pioneer ways as possible by using minimal electricity, water, making homemade meals from scratch, keeping off of electronic entertainment, buying nothing non-essential, etc.

You can read the original "rules" from the last Pioneer Week and all the posts for it here.

1. Answer with one of the following (or your own version):
a. I'm interested!
b. I'd just like to read along and see how others fare
c. No, thanks

2. If you are interested in participating, tell me which week in August works best for you.

For inspiration, make sure you check out Frontier House from PBS.

Photo by Debbie Henderson


Robj98168 said...

I'm interested!
As long as you realize that I adhere to the gentlemanly tradition of eating at the saloon. As did most pioneer single gents.
Anyweek is fine for me.
And no, I am not looking for Nasty Nellie Olson

Krista said...

Currently in an apartment in Germany and August 27th I get on a plane to fly back across the big blue ocean, but I am interested!

Lucy said...

Sounds fun! I am interested, and that week works for me!

Miranda said...

Of course I'm in! Any week in August would work.

Maria said...

I would like to give this a try.....I need to get the family on board, though!!!! Thank you!

Adrienne said...

It's still likely to be in the 90s here at that time, and I'm not turning off the a/c. So I'll just read along, unless we have some sort of unexpected cool snap.

CC said...

Yes! Aug 21-27 works great!

Sarah said...

I have that week off but the kids are already back in school so the timing is perfect. Plus, I just started reading the Little House books to them...

Unknown said...

I'd love to read about it. I don't think I'd get Hubby to join in, especially in August. But, we're doing half of that now for financial reasons!

Courtney said...

Funny, I went to look at the rules, and most of the requirements are things we already do. :) So, I'm totally in.

Any week works for me.

Farmer's Daughter said...

I'm interested! The week you mentioned is good, since it's the last week of my vacation from work :)

Unknown said...

I'm interested. My only thing that week is a big 70th. birthday party for my mom but I'm making the food for than anyway.

That would be a good week to try and eat almost entirely out of the garden. :)

Can I still use my washing machine for my baboo's diapers though? I can't see myself washing them by hand in the backyard pond. The fish might rebel.

Unknown said...

Totally in! My kids are going to love this... tee hee. That week works just fine with me!

Sarah C said...

I'm interested, but will have to just read along and see how others fare this time.

Getting home late every day requires me to use my very non-pioneer like crockpot daily to feed my family. Boo!

Lisa Nelsen-Woods said...

Along with the fur trade thing. I didn't realize how tobacco farming was such a big part of the founding of America until I went to Colonel Williamsburg.

My local Renaissance Festival is going on that week and I'm sure I'll pay them a visit. Using their porta pottys is as far as I go with the whole, no indoor plumbing/outhouse thing. I will wear a bonnet though.

Ashley said...

I gave it some thought and...I'm interested. The week you picked works as I'm back to work then (Hey! I'll have some place to walk to!) and it give me some time to find an alternative to some things deemed essential (like alarm clock... I use my phone for an alarm and I'd LOVE to not use the phone for a week).

I don't know how well I'd do with cooking from scratch, but just cooking in general (like, real food) is a big deal as we almost never do it. I may have to start there.

Michelle said...

I'm in - but it'd have to be the 21-27, as I'm returning from two weeks in London on the 20th :)

Tree Huggin Momma said...

I would love to with the simple disclaimer - I have to go to work and therefore use a computer, also I cannot control what DH and the girls do during the day while I am at work....

Dea-chan said...

I'll see if I can convince the guy...

But would love to try! Especially as we have listed August as a Spend Nothing (except for groceries) Month.

Anonymous said...

Definitely in for Pioneer Week! I'm excited about it. I think my son and husband will be into it, too. Yay!