Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Do It Gorgeously review and book giveaway

I recently received a review copy of Do It Gorgeously: How to Make Less Toxic, Less Expensive, and More Beautiful Products a few weeks ago and have been thoroughly going through it and plan on using many of the suggestions in the book. I've already mentioned one knock-off recipe I created from what I read, the Homemade Diaper Cream recipe.

I've also tried author Sophie Uliano's recipe for tile and grout cleaner - a mix of baking soda, borax, table salt and essential oils. Since I don't have a child in diapers, I can't test the diaper cream and it will be a few years before I'll be needing it myself, I hope. My success with the tile cleaner was less than spectacular. It didn't clean any more than using plain water but, then again, I have some serious tile cleaning to undertake. She claims that this recipe is "better than all the brand-name scouring powders", to wit I would heartily disagree.

Anyway, this book shows you how to "make nearly everything you would otherwise purchase: From the kitchen to the nursery, from your medicine cabinet to your makeup drawer, you'll be astounded by how easy and inexpensive it is to make safe and eco-friendly products for your family". While these alternatives may be cheap, I wonder how many of these substitutes are as effective? I only wish the author had better tested how these homemade concoctions compared with the store-bought, toxic versions.

The chapters in this book cover:
  • Homemade beauty products
  • Baby and toddler
  • Frugalista (covering clothing)
  • DIY in the Kitchen and around the Home
  • Gardening
  • Being Thrifty around the House
  • DIY Dog and Cat
  • DIY Mind/Body/Spirit

I found this book to be super inspiring and it will get you excited to start all sorts of new projects around the house, but there still remains the issue of whether some of the suggestions are worth the time and (minimal) expense. But, you'll need to check that out for yourself. All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed reading and going through her book (all the dog-ears prove it!) and I'm sure you will too.

Book giveaway
If you are interested in winning a copy of this book (U.S. residents only), please enter your name in the comments of this post by Friday, June 25th at midnight PST. I will do a random drawing and announce the winner this weekend.

Good luck!


Susan b said...

Sounds interesting. I'm 'in'. Thanks-Susan of B

Shari said...

Count me in!

Shila said...

Well her recipe sounds like a good start for tile cleaner. I would also add 1-2 tbsp oxy-clean powder, and enough liquid soap to make it come together as a paste instead of water. This should give an effective scouring, bleaching and cleansing. You will need to use more elbow grease to lift up the grime but the oxy bleach should help with the discoloring and its eco-friendly since it's basically powdered hydrogen peroxide. And it does not harm the waterways as far as I know. I use salt, baking soda, liquid soap and a tiny bit of oxy clean as a soft scrub replacement. it works but its not the same as the commercial stuff. It requires more elbow grease! But it does work after you scrub the heck out of it.

mudnessa said...

I'd love to win a copy of the book

deb said...

Ooh! Ooh! Add my name to the drawing for the book!! Debbie B

Lola said...

I want the book! Lola R

Claire Carbary said...

Sign me up! I'm loving the other homemade recipes for beauty products on this blog like the body scrub! :)

mechiko said...

I'm all over it! I love making my own stuff... true, it doesn't always do the job as easily as the toxic stuff, but who couldn't use a little extra elbow grease in their life?

Amy in Tacoma said...

I'd love a copy of her book.

Anna said...

Yes, please! I was looking for a new DIY resource, and this sounds like a good start!

Danika Carter said...

I'm In!

@Shila, I wouldn't add Oxyclean, it has phthalates, so it's neither natural nor safe.

KristaR said...

Count me in!

crabapple3 at gmail dot com

contessa20 said...

Sounds interesting; I'm in!

Kim A. said...

I'm so in!

S.Eckert said...

Me, please!

Beckie said...

Sign me up. Thanks Crunchy!

Robin said...

I am getting married in 6 weeks, and we are moving in to our first home together. I have already told him that I want to start fresh, and do everything as environmentally friendly as possible! This book will certainly help us.

Heather said...

Definitely would be a good read! Count me in!

AP said...

Add me to that drawing list, please!

Deoxy144 said...

Count me in!

simply_complicated said...

i'd love to have a closer look-see on that book, if i'm the winner! thanks!

Kristen said...

Please add me! Kristen

Liz said...

Sounds interesting!

shabadeux said...

I make a lot of my own cleaners and some of my own bath products. This book would be interesting!

hippychick said...

please enter me! Thanks!

Anne said...

I'd like to check it out.

Melissa Anderson said...

Count me in!

curlie girlie said...

I'd love to try this out!

Jenette said...

Sign me up! :)

Nic, SD said...

Oooh. Want! Nic from South Dakota.

Tree Huggin Momma said...

I'm always game for a book give away!

Tree Huggin Momma said...

I don't have tile to clean so I can't say for a tile cleaner, but for a tub, and bathroom floor cleaner, I keep it simple. Baking Soda and a lemon. Cut lemon in half dip in a bowl of baking soda scrub tub with lemon half (repeat dipping in BS as necessary), then clean floor and lastly clean toilet. I can do my entire bathroom on a single lemon. Any remaining BS gets tossed in the toilet and flushed, the lemons are composted.

Rebecca said...

Well Count me in! Rebecca D - I found your blog while looking for soap recipes - thanks for that!

Robb & Nancy said...

I'd like a copy of the book - to have all these recipes in one place!

Jenn said...

I enjoy your blog. Count me in for the book drawing.

Mary H said...

I love a book giveaway!

Susan in the Gables said...

Thanks Crunchy - Wish us luck! I love the idea too, but always looking for real life post- application reviews. If you find a website or facebook app - please post. I love the baking soda vinegar in marble shower (with a very un crunchy motor toothbrush). Wonder if it is harmful for marble. And what the heck is a PH balanced cleaner anyway - that I can actually recognize to buy or make?

lizo said...

I'm in... Liz O'Donoghue

oneshabbychick said...

Great! Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a good book!

Julie said...

Thanks for the offer!

swiggett said...

Sounds like a handy book to have! I would love to win a copy.

Shila said...

@ Danika we usually get the baby unscented version so no phthalates for us :~).

The Nurturing Pirate said...

Ooh, all of the recipes I've been digging around for in the far reaches of the internet - all in one place! How convenient!

Lise said...

I'd love to test out some of the recipes! Thanks for the chance.

Dea-chan said...

Ooh I'd be interested! I'm living so hand-to-mouth that saving a little bit on cleansers is a good thing!

Caroline said...

I am always down for testing these sorts of things out. said...

Sounds like a great book, I'd love to be entered! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Veronica said...

This looks interesting, I'd love to check it out.

Sarah said...

Looks like the kind of book I need!

Shannon Drew said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shannon Drew said...

I'd like a copy of the book! I'm using a lot of homemade cleaning products at home, but would like to branch out and explore other homemade items....

Tara said...

Sounds like a great book. I'd love to win a copy. Thanks for the giveaway!

Ashley said...

I really do like her books. Whenever I come across someone interested in taking steps or even learning about living a greener life, I usually hand them my copy of "Gorgeously Green"... and then spent the next few weeks praying that they return it.


Michelle said...

Just saw this at the library today but would love a copy of my own. Count me in please.

Melissa said...

I'm willing to give those recipes a try.

Allie said...

I'm interested. Thanks for doing another giveaway!

Kelly said...

yes please!

Cara said...

I'm definitely interested! Thanks :)

Kitrina said...

I'd love to be entered, I just started looking for greener alternatives, but I'm on a tight budget, so this book would be great :)

:o) said...

I'm in!

Thanks Crunchy ♥

DK said...

Put my name in, too, please!

Katherine Vargas said...

Thanks for the opportunity! Sounds like a good book to have.

Dirt Worshipper said...

This would be great. I'm trying to reduce my "clutter" under the sink!

Goodness said...

I'm intrigued.

Round Belly said...

Awesome. That is my kind of book.

Gayle Jones said...

i already make a lot of my own stuff, but am always looking for more. Gayle J.

ThiftedBliss said...

I would love to win this book! Karen from ct

Scout said...

Would *love* to win this book :)

Jenn said...

Oh Oh Pick Me!

::crosses fingers::

Jennifer M


PamG said...

I totally NEED this book...just ask my husband! Thanks!!

Frodannah said...

I'm really interested in making more of my own products! I would love to read this book!

Anonymous said...

i would love her book! thanks!


marlo dot rice at yahoo dot com

Jonalynn said...

I'd like to check it out!

dc said...

Yes, please throw my name in the drawing.

Anonymous said...

Please include me in the drawing for the book!:) We homeschool and I include in my son's school work, learning about the environment and ways to become more green. We have also replaced about half of the toxic cleaners in our home (so far) with alternative green versions, and have put in a solar water heater. I would love the opportunity to try out all the recipes in the book and report back on their effectiveness.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Count me in! I'm very intrigued, and am going to see if I can request this book through inter-library loan if I don't win!

Michelle Peacock said...

Yay for giveaways!

Unknown said...

pick me, me, me - Thank you for being so generous! I have been following your blog for a while and just started blogging myself!

Elizabeth B said...

Ooh, this sounds intriguing! I would love a copy. :)

Susan said...

this sounds like a cool book, please count me in :)

Nickolay said...

What a awesome sounding book. Thanks for the chance


MankyCat said...

Definitely interested! Michelle S.

Carissa said...

I'd love a copy of the book! I'm currently working on homemade alternatives to toiletries...

Carissa said...

I'd love a copy of the book! I'm currently working on homemade alternatives to toiletries...

Lynda said...

I would love this book...Lynda R

Miranda Ward said...

This book looks great

Miranda Allen

Sarah said...

Me please!

Miss Kris said...

Oh! I would love that book!