Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Big Dipper Waxworks Giveaway

If you are like me, you worry about the nasty toxins found in conventional candles. Not only are many candles made overseas chock full of lead in their wicks, the candle itself is made from paraffin, which is a petroleum product.

A few weeks ago, I was contacted by a local beeswax candle maker, Big Dipper Waxworks, and they sent me some samples of their products. Since I love beeswax based candles so much, I asked if they were interested in doing a reader giveaway and they were.

Here's some more information about beeswax, Big Dipper candles and the scandalous lack of regulations and ingredients disclosure (my emphasis):
Beeswax is 100% natural and a renewable resource that actually cleans the air by emitting purifying negative ions.

Most candles are made with paraffin, a petroleum by-product, which is not natural and is unhealthy to burn. To prepare it for candle making, it is chemically bleached and hardened, then artificially scented. Burning paraffin emits harmful, black soot and pollutes the air.

Currently, there are no regulations in the U.S. on disclosing ingredients on candle labels. You may find candles labeled "beeswax" that are made with paraffin, or other candle waxes, and contain as little as 1% beeswax. We are very proud to say that we use 100% beeswax in all of our candles, with the exception of a select few that are a blend of 50% beeswax and 50% soy wax, and are noted as such.

So, here I offer to one lucky winner, The Botanical Collection Gift Set. This is a collection of three candles, blended from beeswax and pure essential oils. Absolutely no fragrance or synthetic scents are used. Included in this set is one 2.1 oz. square glass each of Lavender and Frankincense, Grapefruit and Fennel, and Clary Sage and Ylang Ylang candles. Each candle will burn for 15 hours. Perfect for if you want to recreate Carnal Earth Hour.

If you are interested in entering this random drawing, add your name to the comments of this post by midnight PST, Friday, June 4th. I will announce the winner over the weekend. Good luck!

Blah, blah statement: I was in no way compensated for this post by the company outside of samples received.


Amy in Tacoma said...

I'd love to win these!

Sparkless said...

I'm a beeswax candle lover too. Add my name in the draw!

Michelle said...

yay! (:

cindy24 said...

They look great. Thanks!

LatigoLiz said...

Enter me up!

Danika Carter said...

Oh, I LOVE Big Dipper! I used to sell them years ago when I worked at a gallery in CA. They are great candles!

Jenn said...

Sounds lovely, I'd love to share them with my mom, she is really into candles!

hippychick said...

I love beeswax candles!

Sukhi Brar said...

Yay I love, love, love them!
Could you please add me to the draw? Thank you! :)

Bucky said...

Mmmmmmm ... scented candles.

KristaR said...

Great giveaway! I would love to win.

Celia said...

Yay Beeswax!

shabadeux said...

Ooo these look fab! I like!

Sandy said...

Oh, me, please! My hubby and I could use a little romance...

Lise said...

I'd love a chance to win! Thanks!

Amy said...

I have been wanting to find a supplier of quality beeswax candles!

amyallen76 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'd love these! Please add me to the list!

Jonalynn said...

I would love some nontoxic candles. Please...sign me up!

mishie1305 said...

OOOOHHHH I want one!!! or 3 :D

Jessica said...

Those look lovely. Add my name, please!

Billie said...

I would definitely be interested!

Jan_B said...

LOVE Big Dipper Waxworks - great products and a hometown company, too. Please count me in!

kelly said...

Sounds awesome!

Wendy said...

I'd love to try these!!!

Gigi said...

Sounds fantastic... I'd love a chance to win this prize!

Emily said...

Woo-hoo beeswax candles!

Anna JJ said...

Yes, please!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win these!

That Library Girl said...

I'd like to enter. I want to find a good safe candle company.

Karly said...

This is so awesome! I love candles.

Goodness said...

Looks like I found your blog at the perfect time.

Keeping my fingers crossed.

curlie girlie said...

I'd love to win these! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anna @ Blue Dirt said...

Yay for bees! Sign me up.

swiggett said...

Wow- sounds awesome! Please add my name to the drawing. Thanks!

Jennie said...

OOooooh.. put my name in!
I've gotten to the point where I don't even buy candles because of the labeling issue.

Unknown said...

I love candles and just recently found out about the toxicity of traditional paraffin candles and I would love to receive these beeswax candles. Thanks!!

Liz said...

Sign me up! Thanks.

Mrs. F said...

Thank you for the chance to try these out!

Theresa said...

I've been looking far and wide for some good beeswax candles - these look awesome! Please add me into the draw, thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Love me some beeswax - and those scent combinations sound wonderful. Thank you for looking out for us.

Jennifer said...

Sure sign me up.

Anonymous said...

I have never tried a beeswax candle, so I would love these!

Lola said...

Please add me... It seems like EVERYTHING that is sold in regular stores is made out of nasty stuff :( What has happened to us?

Angela said...

Very cool -- please add me to the list. ^_^

Rebecca MacLary said...

I'd love these-been meaning to try scented beeswax candles! I stopped burning paraffin and just haven't gotten around to replacing them with beeswax!

Katherine Vargas said...

I ahrdly ever had candles in my house b/c of all the bad stuff in them, so I would love to have these. Thank you for the opportunity!

:o) said...

Great giveaway!!! My family would love these candles...I've bookmarked their site.

Jenette said...

Sign me up :)

Jennifer said...

these look great! thanks!

lizo said...

I love freebies, especially wholesome ones! :) Liz O'D

Wahlman Farm said...

I want to try beeswax candles. I hate the black soot from other types.

DM said...

I'm in!

Julie said...

Those scents sound wonderful. Thanks for doing the giveaway!

Oldnovice said...

I'd love to have this.

Robb & Nancy said...

These sound great. I love candles!

Laura said...

*throws name in hat* :) Thanks Big Dipper and Crunchy!

Elisabeth said...

Ooh, yes, please! I need a break from making my own.

therese said...

Unless you think sending these overseas is completely unethical - and if you do, I agree - count me in ;)

emerzim said...

Sounds perfectly lovely.

Kim said...

OH! I LOVE Big Dipper's candles! But they are so expensive (at least up here) that I really can't justify buying them most of the time (so I just go candle-less.) I'd love to win these!

Thanks so much for the chance!

Unknown said...

Oh want!

Jim Smith II said...

I'm in. Thanks CC!

Farmerlady2 said...

Those would look lovely in my home!

Erin said...

I love them , sign me up!

Unknown said...

Sign me up!

There are 100% beeswax candles sold at a farmer's market near me that are made with local wax too. I've been meaning to try a few out, but they aren't scented. Those fragrances sound awesome!

Anonymous said...

I love beeswax!

katie said...

I want these!

Joules said...

add me to the draw - thanks!

JMH said...

If I win, I can say that this is none of your beeswax.

Surviving and thriving on pennies said...

Candles are the only way I can make my house smell good so sign me up! I LOOOOOVE candles. Thanks Crunchy!

emily in edmonds said...

here's another hopeful for the drawing...

Kelly Robinson said...

I had no idea that candles could be toxic to breathe. Thanks for the info AND the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Those sound heavenly!

DK said...

Those sound awesome. I miss having beeswax available all the time. I also miss having beehives in the backyard. Yet another thing my future dream home will have to have.

Veronica said...

These are so cute! Hope I win!

sam said...

They sound wonderful. Please add my name.

Sam said...

I'm interested too!

CodyGirlScout said...

I love beeswax candles!!!

Kim said...

add my name to the list!

Melissa Anderson said...

I would love to win!

Stephanie said...

I would love to win.

Amy said...

Enter me, please!

Robj98168 said...

Sign me up. I need to get amorous with candlelight.

Steph said...

I love candles!! Add my name to the drawing, please!

Dea-chan said...

It's this kind of thing that always makes me wish I was your only reader... :-P

Pretty please with sugar on time I'd like to win!

Hippy Goodwife said...

They sound heavenly! I would love to have them.

Lisa Nelsen-Woods said...

I had a bad experience with beeswax candles. The candle maker said they had bad wicks and that's why they wouldn't stay lit. I'd like to try the beeswax candle thing again.

dc said...

Yummy! I'm leaving for a week so if I win and don't immediately respond, know that I will eventually!

Raylene P said...

Throwing my name in!

Rachael said...

They look like fun; I'd be so excited to win :)

Tracy said...

Ooh, grapefruit and fennel sounds like such a lovely combination! I'd love to win :)

P.S. Stop by our booth (GladRags) at the Green Festival this weekend and say hi!

Sophia said...

Enter me! I love the sound of these!

JenHarper said...

Whoo-hoo! I have some of their candles and I love them. Count me in!

Brynne said...

Hope I win!!

SolDucky said...

Awesome! I had no idea about false beeswax claims. Crazy and good to know!
soluckyducky at {gmail} dot {com}

Christine F. said...

Thanks for the chance! I really miss burning candles :)

Carla said...

What a great giveaway! Sign me up!!!

Super Angie said...

The candles sound great!!! Wahoo!!!

Gayle said...

Thanks!I am watching labels more and more. Gayle

Carrie in Texas said...

Would love to win them! :)

Sherrie said...

The candles look great - I always have beeswax ones on the go. I love your blog, but having to click through from Reader drives me crazy! Thanks for all of the great info. :)

Sarah said...

Very interested, thanks!

Carole in VT said...

This company looks awesome!

Amani said...

I love Big Dipper!

Kaitlin said...

These are awesome!

Gram said...

Love beeswax candles!

Maria said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Laura W. said...

I'd love to win!

ashley said...

I would love to have these in my new apartment!

Ashley said...

Yay! I love candles!