Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Earth Hour hanky panky

Every year I complain a little (okay, a lot) about Earth Hour and what it means and all that. Last year I caved in at the last minute and felt compelled to participate for a variety of reasons. It didn't go very well, mostly because the kids kept getting up and couldn't figure out why it was dark, but anyway, the point being that I have issues with Earth Hour.

This Saturday is Earth Hour 2010 from 8:30pm to 9:30pm your local time. In spite of all the corporate greenwashing sponsorship, how can we turn Earth Hour around? I've got an idea. This year I propose that, in order to spice things up and make it more personally meaningful, we spend the hour not just with the lights off, but that the hour is spent doing some hanky panky with your favorite partner.

Now, I know for many of you, it is difficult to get your significant (or not so significant) other to play along with your environmentally or eco-friendly green shenanigans. But, if you propose the Earth Hour as a Carnal Hour and sweeten the pot with some of your honey, I bet they'll be plenty of takers out there.

They shouldn't be too hard to convince. Sometimes all it takes is a little motivation! And, unless contraception is an issue, what could be more environmentally friendly than a little lovin'? With the lights off?

Anyway, not to be a total killjoy, but if you are planning on lighting candles to improve the mood, make sure you avoid paraffin and choose soy or beeswax instead. Don't make me repeat last year's admonishments. We, personally, have so many books piled up in our bedroom, lighting candles would be a serious fire hazard. Which isn't environmentally friendly. So, let the sparks fly, just not in that way.

Are you planning on participating in Earth Hour, in any fashion?


Laura said...

Carnal Hour! Flipping brilliant. I'm in! It'll be a moonlit date night for me and mine.
And for any singletons out there, don't forget you can make a romantic date night with yourself. ;) Then there is definitely no birth control required! :D

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think we will.... To my son, it will be like camping!

Lisa Under the Redwoods said...

Just Remember:

It is not economical to go to bed early to save the candles if the result is twins.
--Ancient Chinese Proverb


Greenpa said...

lol. Ah, the Raunchy Chicken strikes again!

You failed to add admonishments about NOT adding to the population problem this way, however. Irresponsible, I must say!

How about spending Earth Hour outside- lying down, watching the sky? Kids could participate, too. Lots to see and learn about stars, the Moon, and weather. Maybe a meteor, to two.

Of course, since it's dark, there's really nothing to stop hand from wandering around a bit, too...

Farmer's Daughter said...

For a second I thought that was you in the photo.

Darn it, I can't participate in this one! Perhaps an hour of sleep would be even more exciting in my house :) Now if only the baby would cooperate...

Ivy said...

Aw, but what about us single folk?

(Actually, I'll be at a big ole pagan ritual during that time anyway. So, frolicking by candlelight, woohoo!)

Chelle said...

I always wonder why Earth Hour is in late March instead of on Earth Day in April? Anyone know?

Nicole Bergman said...

Haha! I had suggested to my husband that we invite people over for Earth Hour and maybe do a board game night or something. He just kinda rolled his eyes. Getting him in the sack is not a bad idea though- maybe then he'll get a bit more excited about environmental things ;)

Oldnovice said...

I knew about the earth hour before this post and wondered how I was to get my hub to honor it.

I totally love Crunchy's idea and I'm past reproductive age, so it's all just for fun these days.

Thanks, woman! I'm in trouble if he says, "No", but will try.

Robj98168 said...

Godammit! Earth hour again???? LOL carnal earth hour at that. How am I supposed to get sexy without my computer??? *BLUSH*
Anyway don't know if I will or will not participate

Erika said...

LisaUndertheRedwoods - HILARIOUS!

I've been debating on participating in the whole earth hour thang anyway... Hubby throws a fit (when, really, it's not much different than normal conditions - just ixne the computer, police scanner, and hallway light... (all together now: "You have a lame weekend night!")... But I probably will participate, perhaps with EHHP instead of just EH... depends on how into county shenanigans hubby gets by 8:30 (some folks 'round here do get into some hIlArIoUs trouble)...


ruchi said...

I'm sold!

Susie Buetow said...

Love your post! Thanks for the spin! I'm now your newest follower!!

Stop in and say HI to me at Scraps of Life!