Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Nontoxic mineral makeup giveaway

I've been really disappointed in trying to find a decent line of makeup that doesn't have parabens, toxins and other nasties in it. I've also been really disappointed by all the mineral makeup and organic makeup lines that purport themselves to being all-natural and good for you.

Yet, when you look up their ingredient lists they are just as nasty and sometimes worse than drugstore brands like Cover Girl and Revlon. Take, for example, Physicians Formula Organic blush and bronzers. If you look them up on Skin Deep they rank not so fairly. Same story with popular mineral lines who claim they are good for you, but use the same preservatives.

Another issue with mineral makeups is how they are processed. You will want to avoid mineral nanoparticles. That smooth coverage is due in part to pulverizing or "micronizing" the minerals into microscopic or even nanoparticle size.

"Research shows that when some molecules are dramatically reduced in size to the level of a nanoparticle, they can have very different and very toxic properties than that same molecule would have in its conventional size," says Jane Houlihan, research director of The Environmental Working Group.

"Minerals like zinc and titanium are safe when applied to healthy skin but in a micronized nanoparticle form, there remains a concern, particularly when applied to damaged skin, or when inhaled," says Houlihan.

In other words, let the buyer beware even if it says "organic" or "mineral" on the packaging, there may be other chemicals or inherent issues lurking within.

It is by happenstance that I noticed the makeup that is carried at my local co-op. It is a local company called, Gabriel Cosmetics, Inc., and as soon as I got home I looked up the ingredients in their products on their website. I really couldn't find anything wrong with their ingredient line-up and went back to the co-op to buy some to try out. So far, I've been extremely impressed.

In fact, I'm so excited about my discovery that I would like to share it with you guys. So, I'm offering a $50 giveaway of Gabriel products (either the Color or Zuzu Luxe lines). If you would like to enter this giveaway, add your name to the comments of this post and tell me what makeup you currently use. You have until midnight PST Saturday, March 20th, to enter.

Good luck!

Related books:
Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry
Toxic Beauty: How Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Endanger Your Health


Kim said...

Holy cow! What an awesome giveaway!

Last year I stupidly bought a bunch of the Physicians' Formula Organic wear stuff...Only to have it occur to me to look it on up skin deep only after I'd been using it a few weeks.

It was sad...

Thanks for the chance!!

Julie Artz said...

I've been wearing "Beauty without Cruelty," Burt's Bees, and Juice, and I'm fairly happy with them, although Juice stopped making the gorgeous SPF 15 tinted moisturizer that I really loved. I would love, love, love to try something new because I have sensitive skin and can't wear most of the chemical-laden stuff anyway!

Stephanie said...

That sounds amazing!

Sara M said...

Awesome giveaway! I would love a chance to try these products!

I currently use a combination of 100% Pure and Everyday Minerals.


Catherine said...

I'd love some good quality make-up. I threw out all my old clinique stuff, but haven't been able to justify buying all new stuff yet - all I use now is Bare Minerals blush, but I'm really in need of other products!

Shannon said...

I don't use makeup very often, and when I do it's from the drug store. I keep thinking I should replace things with more natural products when I run out, but I've been using the same eye shadow for 4 years, and it's barely gone.

Cara said...

Ut Oh, I'm using a 'mineral' makeup from CVS, and I'd bet that it's one with 'nasties' in it. Thanks for the heads up, I'll just go bare until I find something better.

Chelle said...

I also use Bare Minerals. I never knew about Skin Deep!

Michelle said...

I use Everyday Minerals. I don't know if I want to know if it is bad for me. Is that bad? I am tired of searching and thinking I have solved one issue only to find out there is yet another reason it is bad for me. Thanks for doing the research - if I win, I will try it!

Tigerlily said...

I would love to enter as long as it's available in Canada. Currently I use almay products. I have been interested in switching to a more environmentally friendly product but find that they are expensive and don't want to spend the money on a product I may not like.

Leigh said...

Awesome! I rarely use makeup but when I do it has been Bare Minerals. Yikes! I'd love to switch!

Nik McIver said...

See and check out their new Natural Concept range of Makeup.All women wants to look and feel beautiful, so why should mums-to-be be any different? Natural Concepts is especially created for pregnant and breastfeeding mums and women who tries to minimize their exposure to toxic chemicals. This easy to use range is the 100% Australia made safe and natural alternative in cosmetic and skin care, also perfect for sensitive skins. See if you would like to stock this range in your store!

Anna @ Blue Dirt said...

I would love to win, I've seen this make up sold at a store in my hometown, but never looked it up. I sell Christina's Natural Qualities at my store, mineral makeup with out the yuk at half the price. Nice brushes too. Pretty small business with a website that needs improvement, but I love the quality with transparency of ingredients.

Jennifer said...

I don't wear makeup that often, but when I do it is usually bare minerals. I would love an alternative!

Sparrow said...

wow--thanks so much! I have been looking for non toxic foundation. Right now I wear nothing. :( just a little bit of concealer is all (cover girl or something).

Linz said...

I usually only wear mascara, but have never found a natural one. I'd love to try theirs.

Jo Ehrlich said...

Jane Iredale, very good so far. Cosmetics database stuff looks ok too. Excellent quality!

Anonymous said...

Oh, sigh - I just switched to Physician's Formula Organic line in an effort to make a step up and away from toxins on my face.


The Nurturing Pirate said...

Right now I'm using Honeybee. I think I may have looked them up on Skin Deep, but can't remember how they faired. And "use" might be a rather liberal term; I have been technically "out" of mascara for the past *3 MONTHS*! To a fair-skinned (blonde eyelashed) girl like me, this is a catastrophe. Yet apparently not enough of one to actually motivate me to order more. Thus, I would LOVE to win this give away.

Glenda said...

I only wear makeup when I have to attend a business meeting, or when we're going out somewhere and I want to put on some makeup to bring out my eyes (they get lost behind glasses). I use a hodgepodge of drugstore brands, including the P.F. Organics blush (eek!).

maria elena said...

When I wear makeup, which is very rarely, I usually just curl my eyelashes and use Benefit's Benetint for my cheeks and Arbonne's bronzer. They're probably not the best choices, but since I only use them sparingly, I figure it's okay. And I'm basically just waiting until they run out. I used to buy Gabriel's mascara, and I loved it!

Maria Elena

Jennifer said...

I've got the physicians formula stuff. Thanks for this recommendation. If I don't win I'll check them out.

Sylvia said...

All of my makeup is ancient. Probably just as dangerous from their age as from their ingredients! It's a mix, from covergirl to mac to sephora... I'd love something new, and actually good for me!

Jenn said...

I don't use any. I've looked at Zuzu but can't justify the expense (who wants to look at fat-middle-aged me anyway?) but it would be nice to have mascara that won't give me a stye.

Unknown said...

I went to skin deep and I didn't realize how bad Avon make up is. I would love to win some new nontoxic mineral makeup.

Rachel said...

I would love to try some makeup! I bought the Mary Kay Mineral stuff, but haven't researched it at all. Thanks!

Mama Mama Quite Contrary said...

This sounds wonderful. I've never worn makeup but recently decided I needed a major intervention! (Three children four and under will do that to a woman.) I've been so overwhelmed by the task of trying to find safe cosmetics.

Sara said...

I still use some of the regular drug store crap, but I also use Gabriel! Their pressed powder is my very favourite. I love it.

Amanda said...

Hadn't read about the Mineral Makeup problem yet. Thanks for the information. It makes a lot of sense!

What a fabulous giveaway!

susitravl said...

I am not good with makeup - I just wear Cover Girl foundation/powder and Clinique Eye Makeup.

Unknown said...

I don't wear a lot, but what I do wear is Everyday Minerals. It's not terrible, but I'd love to try something better. Sometimes I worry if it makes my asthma worse.

i cant decide said...

I use Meow Cosmetics. I have a ton of Everyday Minerals blush samples which I am also using up.

All of Us said...

I don't wear make-up too often but I use Bare Essentials when I do. I would love to try this new product.

Kate said...

Wow! Please count me in. This isn't a topic I've really thought about all that much, and you've certainly given me food for thought. I currently use Prescriptives, but not all that much. Generally just foundation, and lipstick every once in a while.

Indigo, madder, marigold said...

I honestly don't use a lot of makeup and admit to buying cheap Walgreens stuff when I "need" it. I would absolutely love to try the good stuff.

kirst306 said...

Thanks for the info about make-up. Mine is definitely not good for the earth or my skin and I need to change that sooner than later.

Kate said...

I just tried Emani. It's a pressed mineral powder that my local health food store carries.

Lee said...

Ummmm...I use the maybe dodgy logic that if I only wear makeup 1/10th of the tim, it is only going to load me up with 1/10th of the toxic nasties it would if I wore it all the time.

Mountain Walker said...

Wow. I'd like to try some awesome make up. EVERYTHING breaks me out. So my family and friends are just being tortured with my lack of make up.
Count me in!

E.B. said...

I wear so little make-up it's kind of sad how long it lasts me. Once I find something by happenstance that I like, I'll buy it again. So, I have some Clinique, Almay, Revlon, Maybelline... basically whatever's cheap and easy at the drug store. It's hard to shop seriously with a toddler in tow.

CitricSugar said...

I pick certain products that I've screened from Gabriel, Korres and Bare Escentuals. It's so tough to find good stuff...

DiElla said...

Pick me, please!

Nicole Bergman said...

Great giveaway!

I currently use Jane Iredale makeup. My cousin gave it to me as a gift for Christmas and I love it!

Katie ~ Simple Organic said...

Thanks for a great giveaway! I rarely wear make-up, but am feeling in the mood to wear it a little more often these days. Right now I use Aromaleigh, a small woman-owned mineral make-up company out of South Carolina. I like it a lot, but I've never looked it up in Skin Deep.

Tree Huggin Momma said...

I don't often wear makeup. I have some mineral powder and bronzer that I have had for more than 10 years and probably should ditch juts for that reason alone. You have inspired me to go through my makeup and check it out on skin deep. If I won the makeup, it wouldn't be for me, but for my preteen. Its hard to be a preteen and not be allowed to wear makeup, but I just don't like what is in it. Not that a beautiful girl like her needs make (But mom you have to say I'm pretty your my mom)!

Amy in Tacoma said...

Awesome is right! I wear just blush, mascara and lipstick.

Kerryanne Cummins said...

My mom uses Bare Naturale by Loreal and I would like to enter for my mom!

Gail LaCroix said...

I've been wanting to switch to something that is better for my skin and environment. Since I've been unemployed for nearing 2 years I've been using up what I have and what is given to me. Some of it is Mary Kay Mineral Powder and the other is from various cosmetic firms.

Thanks for the info on the makeup --I will be sure to check into it. And also, thanks for the chance to win.

KatieB said...

Thanks for hosting another great giveaway. I currently use cover girl and almay. My green changes have been in other areas, I have yet to revamp my makeup.

Tara said...

Wow. I'm really becoming afraid to use anything on my skin! (My SIL uses plain water on her face and no-poos her hair -- looks so great and healthy! I really need to take the plunge.)

Currently, I use Clinique products but don't really like them all that much. Something better and safe would be great!

Mom23wFA said...

I was using physician's formula, but stopped when I found out how bad it was.

Tracy said...

I haven't worn make up since my last job -- which sort of "required" it -- but I loved the Zuzu foundation I used to have!

MaddyG said...

I'm a bit disgusted by the amount of toxic stuff I rub on! Yuck! I've worn all kinds of cheapo makeup. Probably the only non-harmful cosmetic I own is my Badger lip balm. Hopefully, I'll win this thing and change my ways! ; )

Sharlene said...

Great giveaway! I cuurently use Bare Essentials but I am always willing to try something new and healthy!

Paige said...

I'd love to win this! I've been meaning to ask you, have you tried "Tates, the natural miracle shampoo"? I have and I love it, everything about it except the cost. If you're still on the hunt for a lovely shampoo (and they have a conditioner) I would suggest you try their stuff out.

Carrie at Rhubarbsky said...

I don't use a ton of makeup, but when I do, it's a simple powder and some lip balm (burt's bees. . . I'm addicted).
I'd love to win something and try something new!
rhubarbsky at gmail dot com

Elisabeth said...

Sign me up, please!

I just started using Jane Iredale. My dad's girlfriend works at a dermatologist's and gives it to me for free. It rates 0-4 on Skin Deep. Previously, I used Aubrey Organics.

Linda W said...

Ugh. I totally forgot about the Skin Deep website, I used it when looking for sunscreens. So....I have the Physician's Formula organic blush/bronzer, and eyeshadow (can't remember if the eyeshadow is organic or not) so now I'm disappointed and am kicking myself for not remembering that website. $12 or however much each cost (on sale) is a lot for me to spend on a single item of makeup. Previously I had been using Burt's Bees blush.

I also have old mascara and eyeliner that I can't even remember which brands they are, probably Revlon or something. I was phasing out my old stuff and thought Physician's Formula was a good pick. I guess the cardboard packaging with the artistic leaves drawn on it fooled me.

I would love the chance to try for your giveaway. Thanks!

mudnessa said...

I am currently using Physicians Formula Organic Wear, it works well and I just am tired of looking for the "perfect" product. I don't use it everyday and have just basically given up. Would love to have a good product I can truly be happy with on all fronts.

flutter said...

I actually don't currently wear makeup, but I'd like to have something safe to wear when I dress up!

Surviving and thriving on pennies said...

Seriously I really do not know why I must enter these things, I never win! But the frugal girl in me just starts typing away. Damn hands! I have been looking for new make up all week and came across Gabriel too at Whole Foods and New Seasons. I wanted to buy some mascara but its in a plastic tube. I seriously cannot find a local company who sells it. Frustrating. But I did get recommendations to buy Gabriel by each sales person. They say its the best out of the all natural products. Would love to win something and save myself some money. The frugal girl in me says NO WAY you gonna spend $20 on some powder but the green in me says its worth it. Crunchy Chicken make my life easier and let me win!

Jen said...

I use Mark Lees foundation (that's a local company in Pensacola, FL), and Aveda and Body Shop. Of course, lately, with the nasty germs visiting my house, I haven't worn any!

maritza said...

Great Giveaway! Here at Simple Green Mami I'm currently using Honey Bee gardens mascara and eyeliner and love them! (I think they rate a 1 on Skin Deep) but am looking for a foundation and concealer. I bought Dr.Hauschka foundation and found that it doesn't rate well:(

Emily said...

Thanks for this fantastic giveaway!

I've been trying out a lot of smaller mineral makeup companies lately - Sassy Minerals, Alima Pure, The All Natural Face, and others are currently in my cabinet. I'm having fun experimenting with them!

Shari said...

I'd love a chance to win. I have been wearing nothing because I don't want to buy anything toxic and haven't made the time to do the research. And, it's always hard to make an investment when you don't know if the product is even going to work. Thanks for doing the leg work for us!!

Jenette said...

I want to enter. What makeup do I currently use? What ever I find in the bathroom. I don't use it very often but what I have is Mary k, Avon, and gifts.

Shell said...

I use Avon products now. I'm not sure I even want to look them up...

Katie said...

I'm not a brand follower when it comes to makeup. I really cut back on wearing any because of all the junk in them. I've been using a few Burt's Bees and Juice products but really am in the search of something better. Thank you for this giveaway and mention of this brand. My fingers are crossed.

Anonymous said...

I'm in the UK, so I'm not entering the giveaway.
I just thought I'd mention Lily Lolo, a UK company who are becoming better known. I can't find anything bad in their products- no fillers, no parabens, no nano-particles and they're much cheaper than most other 'good' MMU available here. I'm not on their payroll(!), it's just that I wanted to wear more make up for years, but was too scared of looking orange, or putting chemicals on my skin. MMU has been the answer. They do ship to the States.


Brittany said...

I've been using the Physicians' Formula stuff. Am a little upset to see the skin deep review on it though!

I need a new foundation for sure. The stuff I have is now too light as I've caught a bit of sun. Will be looking out for alternatives!

Kristin said...

I was rudely awakened to the reality of what I'd been putting on my face when I became pregnant. I now use Gabriel but it's pretty pricey! Thanks so much for a chance to win!

Leslie said...

I suppose my Bare Minerals are on the "nasty" list. I would be willing to buy Gabriel if I can find it at my local Outpost.

Carla said...

Awesome giveaway. I currently use Loreal Bare Naturale and am honestly, scared to look it up.

Kimberly Michelle said...

i use mostly covergirl, some Victoria's Secret, and miscellaneous makeups.
Recently I bought Physician's Formula Organic pressed powder and while it still has some ingredients I object to it's better than the conventional pressed powder.
But i would love to win these.

Heather said...

what a great giveaway! i don't wear makeup that often anymore because i haven't found something safe, this would be a great start!

Unknown said...

I'm using a mix of Dr Hauschka and Lavera. Not thrilled with either product but like that Dr Hauschka makes some attempts to practice sustainable harvesting for the plants they use.

Kayleigh said...

I haven't been wearing makeup much at all lately, but in that rare moment that I do it's something from my hod-podge of drug store brands that I've had for 3 years & E.L.F. I've been looking for some good, new makeup.

Prairiemom said...

Sign me up! I have been using affordable mineral makeup for over a year now and have managed to transition completely away from my old toxic stuff. I can't believe how much better my skin looks now!

swiggett said...

I'd love to try this! I don't usually wear make-up b/c I've yet to find some that doesn't feel heavy or oily, or downright disgusting after a few hours of wear. If I feel I must, I have some old samples of Clinque mascara that I use, and a random sampling of lip glosses that I've collected over the years. Some Aveda, some Revlon.

Billie said...

I don't use anything right now because it all seems to make my skin break out and it seems very intimidating to try to find something safe.

I make my own moisturizer from bulk oils that I buy - at least I know THAT is safe!

norapinephrine said...

I wear MAC and I just bought Physician's Formula Organic Wear Mascara. I'm glad that MAC is involved with AIDS charity.I only recently started worrying about the chemicals in makeup though, so I picked up the Organic mascara with a good dose of skepticism. Thanks for letting us know about Gabriel's!

Luisa said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
Right now I haven't made the make up switch yet I'm using MAC make up. Please forgive me I don't know what's in it and I'm afraid to find out but eventually I will. I have been washing my face with honey if that redeems in any way.

Laura Kaeding said...

I've been using hand me down make up. I'm sure it's bad for my skin, but I hate to see it go to waste. I also have been using Mary Kay, which I'm sure isn'tmuch better. For mascara, I bought a tube of Suncoat from GreenCricket, and it's alright. I would love the chance to use some makeup that's actually good for my skin. Thanks!!

Farmerlady2 said...

I would love to try this makeup!

Diane said...

Count me in. Don't use much make-up, but when I do it's Cover Girl.

Katy said...

So yeah count me as one of the evil people who has yet to try to tackle this whole make-up thing. I Where Elizabeth Arden foundation and powder everyday because my mom used to work for them. There are so many bad products out there, I have just avoided even thinking about what is in the stuff and I just keep using what I get for free.

I'd love to try something new if I got picked, but will also probably which once my current stash runs out. I'm not going to pay retail for department stroe make-up!

Ashley said...

Everyday Minerals-- I'm not an everyday makeup wearer, but I do like this stuff. Most of the store bought "natural/organic" stuff I tried either felt icky or wasn't so nice when I looked them up on Skin Deep.

Maria said...

I use Mary Kay (and have been for over two years) and have done no reasearch on this, so I guess I need to look into it. I am also very willing to change to something that is better for me...

Castle said...

I would love that. I used Cover Girl "Clean" Makeup diluted with hand cream because I'm too poor to buy more.

cpcable said...

This is, indeed, a fantastic give away! I too have been frustrated by my search to find a decent non-toxic make-up. And the brands that I want to try are always sooooo expensive! It makes it hard to take the plunge, spend the money, and give it a shot.

Lisa Nelsen-Woods said...

Greening my health and beauty stuff is this year's New Year's Resolution. I switched my foundation to Bare Escentuals. I haven't switched my lipstick. I'm currently trying to use up the wear like iron forumla Revlon lipstick I bought for a show because I didn't have time during the show to reapply lip color. I'm a little scared to check it on Skin Deep.

Marie Jones said...

I use a little mascara because of my light/white eyelashes and a bit of foundation to cover rosacea. I had been using L'Oreal and recently switched to Physicians Formula Organic. (And I thought I was doing a good thing!) The mascara flakes off and irritates my eyes. I was thinking of switching back to save myself from the red eye. Why does going natural & looking good have to be so hard?

Veronica said...

I'm so glad there are people like you doing all the hard work for me!

Anonymous said...

I use a number of brands, including Bare Escentuals, Jane Iredale, Korres, and Tarte. I honestly didn't know that even those brands ranked where they did on Skin Deep. Sad.

StumptownMom said...

Great give-away. Thanks.
I've been using the Physician's Formula stuff 'cause it's easy to find. But - ugh!

Ash said...

Love your blog! Such a help to those of us who want to be eco-friendly, but just don't know where to start.

I currently use a mix of Avon and Clinique makeup, but would love to replace it with something a little better for me and the maybe even the planet. Thanks for the chance.

Tessa said...

For a face and handcream I use coconut oil mixed with lavender oil, I make this myself and it is lovely.
I have make up from Olay, Marks and Spencer, Max Factor and Rimmel. Not sure what's in them or even if they all say on the label
Count me in please!

Kristen said...

Very exciting!! I don't use much makeup, but some solid products like these would be amazing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing the give away, and would love to be the recipient.

I don't use makeup every day because I don't like the stuff I have from the drug store, but I do use a moisurizer with SPF.

I've been wanting to get some mineral makeup but have felt leery of the stuff at Walgreens, lol, and too cheap to buy the good stuff for $35.

I'm 43, and so really need to start wearing more because I go into shock every morning when I look at my face.

Mary said...

Crap! I'm currently using Physicians' Formula Organic wear after reading about it here a little while back.

Maddie said...

This is a great blog in general. I must admit I love mascara, eye liner and lipstick but I really struggle with finding good stuff that is truly body & earth friendly. I'm going to give Gabriel Cosmetics a try. Thanks a lot for this great giveaway.

Lisa Z said...

I have been concerned about mineral makeup so this is good info. to have. I don't wear much, maybe a little Clinique very rarely but would love to try this stuff. Thanks!

Brittany Thomas said...

I use 100% Pure Cosmetics. Nothing yucky in them and it's not mineral. (I personally don't like mineral... not that it's bad or anything I'm just in love with the traditional feel of makeup)

Karina said...

I currently use Cover Girl, but only because A) I'm working on converting to organic/natural products and B) I had to throw out full packages of anything for no reason.

Thanks for all of the tips and tricks to help me go organic the right way!

Julie said...

I like everyday minerals because the cost is reasonable and there is no bismuth in it. I am allergic to that. Hope I win.

Amy Rose said...

Well, I don't really have one of anything that I use. It's a hodge podge of *gasp* makeup because. Well. You know. It's cheap, and I'm young. I checked out the site, and it sounds great, but yikes! My budget won't budge on this one..

Amy Rose said...

Whoops, i meant to say "drug store" makeup, but I somehow I missed that. Lol..

Cynthia in Denver said...

Dying to try something that doesn't make me break out! or adversely effect my health if I have clear skin!
Please count me in!

Anonymous said...

I use bare minerals right now and I love it! It feels so natural. :)

Brande said...

I currently use:
-Covergirl foundation (Had to go conventional due to budget limitations. The lowest skin deep rating I could find was a 3, so that's the one I use.)
-Alima Eyeshadow [natural, mineral, online]
-PureMineralsSource Eyeshadow [from Etsy]
-Honeybee Gardens mascara and eyeliner.

I don't have too many gripes about the products I use. Obviously I wish my foundation wasn't Covergirl, but I really don't have the money to test out all the natural products I'd need to. Alima has great customer service and beautiful products, but very few "bright" eyeshadows, which is why I buy some from PureMineralSource. And my Honeybee Gardens products are great, except that the mascara is NOT waterproof. So if there's a chance I'll be crying or in the rain I might go au naturel on the lashes. lol

Unknown said...

I currently use Bare Essentuals and I am very disappointed with it. Does not look natural.

Jenny said...

I too use Physicians' Formula (when I rarely wear make up) but only because it's affordable & easy for me to find. I do wish there was something else out there. Thanks for the heads up!

Cavegal said...

What a great giveaway! Yes I would like to ditch my physicians formula organic wear. All I use is the bronzer, mascara, a little eye shadow and some lip color. I avoid foundation.

On a separate note, I pulled the plug on my refrigerator today!! I am totally excited about it!!

Jenny said...

when I do wear make-up, it is Mary Kay. I don't wear it often, and I keep meaning to look it up to see how bad it is. Probably horrible.
Anyhow...thanks for the chance to win!

koolchicken said...

This is a great giveaway. I like the stuff I use now, but really want to try their gluten free lip products!

I use mixology makeup, you can buy it from their website or on Etsy. And I have some mineral makeup from Costco that I use.

Anonymous said...

I would love to try some healthy make-up - I keep meaning to take everything in our house and check on the EWG website, but with job, kids, internship, attempts at gardening - that one keeps sliding to the bottom of the list - Carole (

Kai said...

Have you looked into Almay Pure Blends? I've been absolutely shocked by how much I like it for a drugstore brand after using Dr. Hauschka for some time. There is a bit of a data gap on Skin Deep, but overall most of the ingredient lists seem to be fairly innocuous and they do have decent ratings.

Crunchy Chicken said...

Kai - After a cursory glance at the ingredients in Almay Pure Blends (from the listings on since the ingredients aren't listed on the Almay site) and cross-checking on Skin Deep for individual ingredients, it looks pretty good!

I'll keep my eyes peeled for them in the store. It also looks like the packaging is supposed to be more environmentally friendly, too.

Christine F. said...

My every day makeup is simply "kiss my face" lip balm or "kiss my face" lip gloss. It is organic and doesn't seem to have any nasties in the ingredients so I never thought to look it up on Skin Deep. I think I will. On occasions when I feel I need to get a bit fancier I throw on a bit of really cheap eye shadow that is full of crap I'm sure and I cover my bags with Clinique city wear cover up.

Thanks for the chance :)

Unknown said...

I'm trying to use up all of my conventional makeup (mostly Mary Kay that a friend gave me when she quit selling it), but it's been 5 long years and I still have a boatload of it! I worry how much more toxic it's becoming, sitting in my bathroom cupboard all this time. I hope I win!!

Anonymous said...

I am currently using Bare Minerals Foundation but I would love to find a small, independently owned mineral makeup company to get hooked on. Thank you for the opportunity :)

Scout said...

Sign me up for this one!! I have tended to use Body Shop make-up, including their mineral stuff, but also tried Dr. Hauschka products. Got sucked into that one before I found them in the Skin Deep database ... was very find sad/annoyed to see that their products don't rate very well (although, to be honest, I didn't like them much anyway). At least I like my Suncoat mascara.

Mitty said...

Wow! What a great giveaway! I currently use Cover Girl, Mary Kay, and Maybelline cosmetics, and have had no luck finding anything healthier. I have found a great night creme from Avalon Organics, but when I went to recycle the container, I discovered it was number 7 plastic, even tho' they claim they meet EU standards for organics. How do they get away with that?

Sukhi Brar said...

Yay! My two favorite things: make-up and giveaways!! :)

I had never heard of skin deep until you mentioned it here but I'll be consulting it next time I purchase make-up...thanks so much for that tip! Up until now I have mostly been using Clinique and Physician's Formula but I'm looking to switch over to products that are more environmentally friendly.

*Fingers crossed* that I win this one! :)

Miss Kris said...

I use Kiss My Face tinted moisturizer, MAC powder and a variety of eye makeup from Sephora. I'm sure all of my makeup is full of toxic crap so I would love to try nontoxic mineral makeup! I shop at Madison Market and was surprised to see that they do not carry Gabriel Cosmetics. I may have to ask about that next time I'm there.

Maggie said...

I worked as a makeup artist for years and loved it. The gratis cosmetics were great, who wouldn't like free makeup on a monthly basis! Not to mention it was one of the largest prestige companies, so the products I used are nothing I would ever be able to justify buying. Since then, I have watched several friends deal with cancer, including my dad, and honestly it is terrifying to think about what we put on our skin. I haven't worn anything except mascara and blush since I was in cosmetics, I haven't found anything I feel safe using (I even use high quality olive oil for my cleanser/moisturizer now!). I was under the impression that there are debates regarding the safety of pigments and talc in mineral powder, but since it just settles into fine lines adding 10 years to my face, I didn't bother with my own research. So here I am, a woman who loves to play with makeup, but a bit lost with where to go for safe cosmetics, especially without breaking the bank! I would love to continue to hear about non-toxic and earth friendly lines that come out. Thank you for addressing this subject! I care about the safety of products and how earth friendly they are, I am more than happy going without makeup, but man I LOVE to dress up!!! It's wonderful that you realize that we can have an environmental conscience, care about our health, and enjoy being super girly at the same time!

Maggie said...

ps. I use Bobbi Brown pale pink powder blush (awesome color!!!) and since I ran out of Bobbi Brown mascara I have been using the new drugstore Stiletto macara (I can't remember if it's maybelline or revlon, etc) but it works very well, especially for about $7!!! I unfortunately know nothing on the safety...