Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Transition Handbook: book giveaway

Welcome to day three of green book week, where I'm giving away a green book a day. If you didn't see the previous posts, there's still time to enter the drawing for The Green Teen and Chickens in Your Backyard.

Today's giveaway is for The Transition Handbook: From Oil Dependency to Local Resilience, by the Founder of the Transition Movement, Rob Hopkins. Now, before you get all wrapped up in the peak oil/oil dependency stuff, let it be known that this book is an excellent reference for how to create a more local economy.

For those of you interested in supporting local businesses, farms, and basically having independence from the larger economy as a whole, you will be interested in this book, and what it has to say as well. Some of the reviews (this one from Library Journal) include:
Meant to be a guide and motivator, the handbook discusses how several U.K. towns are preparing for the twin threats of climate change and peak oil. Hopkins, a teacher of permaculture and natural building and a cofounder of the Transition Network, urges a community response—local sustainability made fun—in which groups grapple with issues like food, transportation, energy, building materials, and waste and even develop their own local currency.

So, if you want to learn how to respond to a low carbon future by thinking globally while acting locally, this book is for you!

To enter the random drawing to win this book, add your name to the comments of this post. You have until Friday, October 2nd, at 6:00 pm PST to enter. The winner will be drawn and announced on Saturday. Bonne chance!


Anonymous said...

Merci! Enter Moi.

diana from CO

underbelly said...

oooooh. I would love to read this.

CitricSugar said...

There is a new Walmart in town. That's three. I'd love to have this book.

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE this!! <3

Summer said...

Oh, I would love to win this! Or either of the others. :)

Erin T. said...

Sounds interesting. Please sign me up!
Erin T.

Scout said...

Would love to win this one :)

All of Us said...

Another neat book. Thank you!

DiElla said...

Sign me up.

Deoxy144 said...

I'm in!

DK said...

Sign me up, too.
Dan in MD

Wade said...

I have been wanting this book. Wade from AR.

Anonymous said...

Count me in for this one too please. Thanks for all these giveaway opportunities!

Anonymous said...

Oops forgot to leave my name - Nadia P :)

Lisa said...

Thank you, Crunchy. Please add me to this list of interested peeps.

Liz said...

Yay for Crunchy :-) Please enter me, this book sounds fabby. said...

I would like to give this book to my friend Barry who is working tirelessly to find a way for our little town to become greener - including alternative energy sources.
thank you.

Julie said...

I really NEED this book, as I am in a budding Transition Town initiative and I could use this as my inspirational bedtime reading.

Anna said...

I was considering joining TT as a "muller" but didn't have the book to start off. This would be ab-fab!


Hannah said...

Please include me, too!

Anonymous said...

This is one book I keep checking out from the library over and over. :)

Environmental Soul said...

Chelsey L-R

Greenpa said...

" let it be known that this book is an excellent reference"

!! good to hear.

Sign me up!

Jen said...

sounds fabulous. sign me up.

Aimee said...

I'd like to be entered, please.

LynnieBee said...

Count me in for this one :)

Tadj said...

This book looks great! Enter me!

esp said...

Looks good! Sign me up!

Amy in Tacoma said...

I'm interested!

Amy in Tacoma

Keely said...

Count me in for this one!

Laura said...

I would really like to read this book.

Jennie said...

Add my name to the drawing please!

stephanie said...

this looks great! i would love to read this one...

stephanie in toronto. :)

Kay's Spot said...

I currently live in one of those formerly small towns. In the past 10 years the population has quadrupled, subdivisions replaced centry old farms (grrrr - but thats another story) and big-box stores are movin' on in right and left, Mom & Pop stores are going belly up!

Sign me up for this book. I'm interested!!

Sparkless said...

Count me in too!!! I love books!

Lisa Z said...

I would love to know more about the Transition movement, so winning the book would be great. Thanks, Crunchy!

J said...


Q said...

I have been looking at(Also known as coveting) this book to buy it for a while now. It looks incredibly interesting.

Sadraki said...

I'd be interested! I'm always looking for more green books to read.

Unknown said...

me too please!

Dusty Utah said...

This book sounds great, too. I'm glad I started following the blog. Robert Askin

Spice said...

Hey Crunch
Sign me up!

kassie said...


Lynne said...

THIS is the one I want -- like CitricSugar, we are full of Walmarts (and cars since my suburb opted out of the regional public transportation system). Something has to be done, and I can't think of a better place to start than southeast Michigan!

kelly said...

this sounds great!

Jenna said...

I think my partner and I would really enjoying reading this one! I'm so glad i found your blog!
mountaingoats at hotmail dot com

Jeanna said...

I think this is a book I need to read. Please enter me in the drawing.


Laurie in Mpls. said...

Please add me to the list! Local small business owner. ;)

owlfan said...

This looks like a book I need to read.

BarbCohen said...

Enter me. Ineed all the gardening help I can get!

Nick said...

Sign me up! The name is Nick.

Michelle said...

If it's not too late, I'd like to enter for this one! Great book, Crunchy!

Rev. Peter Doodes said...

I have it and it is fantastic!



to see what has been achieved in the UK recently, the lessons learnt by them apply in any situation.

Jenny said...

I would be very interested in reading this book.

Rachel said...

Sounds like a good one too.

StephCat said...

sounds interesting.

Sareen said...

Count me in!

Johanna said...

I would love to win this, as the hold list for this at my library is huge!


Dawn said...

this books sounds great.