Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Chickens in Your Backyard: book giveaway

Welcome to day two of green book week, where I'm giving away a green book a day. If you didn't see yesterday's post, there's still time to enter the drawing for The Green Teen.

Today's giveaway is for Chickens In Your Backyard: A Beginner's Guide.

If you have ever thought of getting chickens as pets, egg layers or meat, this is one fantastic book to start with. I've read quite a few books on raising chickens and this one was one of my favorites with easy to digest information and enough details to get you started without being completely overwhelmed.

Since it focuses on backyard chickens (rather than starting your own poultry farm), it takes into consideration your space limits and other issues you might run into. From the back cover:
Your backyard can be the source of the best eggs and meat you've ever tasted. The answer is chickens - endearing birds that require but a modest outlay of time, space and food.

As they learned to raise chickens, Gail and Rick Luttmann came to realize the need for a comprehensive but clear and nontechnical guide. Their book covers all the basics in a light and entertaining style, from housing and feeding through incubating, bringing up chicks, butchering, and raising chickens for show.

Throughout the book, the Luttmanns express their wonder at the personalities of chickens - the role of brash protector played by roosters, and the instinctive motherliness of the hens. Given some freedom and attention, these birds can become much more than the egg-and-meat machines of commercial hatcheries and broiler factories. Chickens provide backyard farmers with enjoyable pastime, as well as a supply of good food.

If you want to enter the random drawing to win this book, add your name to the comments of this post. You have until Friday, October 2nd, at 6:00 pm PST to enter. The winner will be drawn and announced on Saturday. Good luck!


Nonie said...

Oh, heck yes! Nonie Veccia. I'd love the book :) Thanks for the great give-away!

Unknown said...

Hi this is Eve, I would love to have this book!

Stacy said...

I'd love this book!

Anna said...

Hi, my name is Anna D and I'm a chicken bookaholic.

Kim said...

I would LOVE.LOVE.LOVE to have this one! Thanks for the chance!

Manda said...

I would love this book! But I'm in New Zealand, if that's not OK just remove my comment so it doesn't muck up the results. Thanks! Amanda

SV said...

How timely! I would love to win this book for my lovely friend Nora who just yesterday mused about raising chickens. She's a Santa Cruz mountain mom, she even has a bee hive! Of course, I hope she raises chickens so I can steal the eggs!

Dawn said...

I would love to have this book. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I am super interested in having a few chickens soon... Sign Me Up! Selina

Kimberly Gische said...

My husband and I have been talking about trying this for a while but just haven't gotten over the hump to try it. This would make a great gift to give him for the winter holidays! Please enter me in the drawing!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a fabulous book. Sign me up! And thanks for your giveaways.

Jude said...

Add this soggy (and saggy) old hen to the list! Thanks for the give-aways, and for putting that 'mental' in environmental.

Brynne said...

I'm buying a house, and we're closing soon. Raising chickens is one of the things i plan on doing next spring. This book would be super helpful! Please add me to the list, Thanks!

Unknown said...

I would love to have this book.

Jessica said...

I've thought it might be fun to have chickens. Add me to the list.-- Jessica

Mrs. Money said...

I am DYING to get chickens and my hubby is reluctant. If I won, he could read the book!

Anonymous said...

Nadia P here and I've been eying the Eglu ( for a while now. I'd love to have this book before making the chicken leap!

Sonja said...

Ooooo, this would put me well on my way of annoying my neighbors even more! We have been talking off and on about this, add me too.

pigbook1 said...

I might buy it anyways, but winning is always good. Can you stop enabling my book buying habit? (I am getting good at using the library too)

Michelle said...

I already have chickens, so I won't request the book - but thanks for offering it! Around here, the Farmers Supply reported a dramatic increase in the number of chicks ordered last May (they do one huge order of chicks that all come in together). We've had fresh eggs for about 10 days now, and they're AMAZING. No ticks in the yard, either!

Deb said...

Man do I ever want our own chickens! Please count me in :)

Mellisa Nicholson said...

I am currently reading 'Farm City' by Novella Carpenter and she has totally inspired me to start raising chickens in my backyard. I would love to win the book...but if not it is on my list for Christmas! Thanks

Rachel Koniar said...

sign me up!

Missy said...

I would love to have this book!

Kay's Spot said...

Ohh! I have a whole slew of folks in my neck of the subs to share this book with. There are many of us interested in this idea. While I raised chickens on a farm growing up, this backyard process is quite different! And frankly, I'd approach it differently than I did 30yrs ago.

Unknown said...

ooh, I so want chickens! I would love to have a copy of this book.

christy said...

i have been pondering backyard chickens for a while now. does this book have a chapter on how to get the husband on board?

Tony R. said...

We too are looking forward to getting chickens soon...thanks for the give away! Tony R.

Anonymous said...

I do have chickens in my backyard and I love them! I'd like this book for my daughter...maybe it would convince her she needs them too.

Lee in KY

Michelle said...

I so want chickens, but being Type A, feel I need directions - this book would be PERFECT!

Lisa Z said...

I'd love this book--I can always use more info. and perspectives on my hen-keeping. Thanks for the drawing!

Sareen said...

what a great read. Count me in.

710 East Myrtle Avenue said...

My neighbors have chickens and I've been considering of raising them, too, in my suburban backyard. Would love to have this book. Thanks for a great give-away!

@licorous said...

I grew up in a rural area w/ chickens & I love that the chicks have followed me to the city!

Kristi said...

Please sign me up! My younger son and I would love to raise chickens!

Sparkless said...

Add me! I love chicken.

Green Bean said...

Pick me, pick me!! We're getting chickens in 3 weeks.

MKD said...

We already have 3 chickens in our backyard, but having a book that nots from the library to reference would be really helpful. YAY! sign me up!

Environmental Soul said...


Unknown said...

I can use this for sage wisdom for my two hens.

Amy Estrada said...

I would love this! We are house hunting, and when we get one I hope to get chickens. =)

Leeann said...

chickens! Sign me up. :)

Allie said...

Put me on the list please!

Jenette said...

I would like this book. Some day I will get chickens in my backyard :)

Rosa said...


I learned that one of our neighbors used to be a chicken farmer & he said he'd slaughter chickens for me if I had them, so now all I have to do is convince my partner on the practicalities!

Anonymous said...

Cluck yes, count me in!!

diana from CO

Mommy T said...

I've wondered about the logistics of keeping chickens in the suburbs, but this book makes it sound like it's not too hard - very intriguing!

*~*Laura*~* said...

ME TOO! my names Laura Philllips and I would love the chance to win this book! my parents are starting to raise chickens and the neighbors are wanting to get involved.. this book would be great to help them all along the way! Thanks for the fun book giveaways!

Indoor Kitty said...

Check out last night's episode of Letterman. Felicity Huffman tells an adorable story about their new pet chickens, the awesome chicken house that her husband, William H. Macy, built, and the star tours bus that goes by their house.

Heather said...

Maybe this book can convince my hubby that we NEED chickens! I'm in :-)

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the chance to win this one Crunchy! Hope you are feeling better soon!

Chile said...

Our dogs want us to have chickens (so they can eat eggs) so enter me, please.

What kind of weird word verification is this? "ungunmen"

Unknown said...

Count me in on this one. I just found out that we can have chickens a couple of weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Crunchy! Roz Graham here, hope you draw my name.I DO enjoy your blog.

dee dee said...

I want to give this book to my friends Thom & Dan who are about to build a chicken house in their tiny yard in our little town. I have already promised them my kitchen scraps for the birds and would love to give them a book that will help them raise the birds the right way.

Anonymous said...

This is so cool....we have been researching about keeping chickens and I would love to have this book.

NancySD. in Renton,WA

Jenell said...

Give-aways are exciting--less stressful than e-bay and less addictive than gambling. It's a random act of kindness. So, thanks. Deanna, you rock!

My family and I are buying our first house, and I can't wait to raise a few chickens! Woo-hoo!

Jen said...

Ooh! I really want chickens. This book is just what I need!

OlsztynBudry Family said...

My dream is to have chickens in our backyard!

Dusty Utah said...

If I had this book, I could return my friend's copy! Robert Askin

Bham Meg said...

Ooooh! I'd love this one, I'm actually probably going to make the leap this spring and get chickens. BaGOCK! @:> Pick me!

Carla said...

I'm definitely in on this one - some nice laying hens are on my wish list, now that I'm retired...I'm so envious of Green Bean - she's getting her chickens..!
Thanks for this opportunity, Crunch...

Anonymous said...

I have dreams of having my own backyard flock one day. Sign me up, please! :)

lace said...

yay! I've been wanting chickens for a while now but currently can't have any farm animals in city limits. I'd love to share chickens with a friend who lives outside the city but haven't asked anyone if they'd like to share chickens yet. I'd like to know more before I start an adventure like this.

Hannah said...

Please add my name, too! We've been trying to figure out how to make chickens work in our backyard, to this could be the perfect impetus.

esp said...

Ooohhh...add me to the list! Chickens are on the plan here...hopefully soon!

May said...

This sounds like a great resource!! Will definitely have to get my hands on it one way or another :)

Meg said...

I'd love this book! Chickens--woohoo!

Luci said...

Have had chickens for two years and always learning something new.

Farmer's Daughter said...

I'd love to win this book! I just wrote a post yesterday that was (partially) about how I want to get chickens in the spring!!!

AmazinAlison said...

I recently said that a few hens would complete my family. I was only partially kidding, so please count me in!

Unknown said...

I would love to have chickens in my backyard (and this book) Thanks for the giveaway

Frugal Pursuit said...

Here is hoping I can read about chickens in the backyard even if I cannot actually own them in my town!

Unknown said...

I would love to be able to give this book to my grandmother. She just lost the last batch of chicks she got and is trying to figure out how to keep them.

LizKnits said...

Add me into the pool for the drawing. I love those chickens and could learn some more.

Anonymous said...

Oh please let it be me! Please add my name to the pile. :)

Renee said...

DH thinks I'm crazy to want chickens, but he'll come around. If only I had some info, maybe in book form, to give him... oo, pick me!

Liz said...

Add me also--i'm crossing my fingers! Just brought home a new hen and her 4 chicks 2 days ago, i need advice!

Roxi Phillips said...

I'm raising a few hens... they're 21 weeks old... should have eggs soon!!! I'd love to read this book. Your blog is on my "read daily" list. Thanks so much for your inspiration!

Roxi Phillips said...

I'm raising a few hens... they're 21 weeks old... should have eggs soon!!! I'd love to read this book. Your blog is on my "read daily" list. Thanks so much for your inspiration!

Sarah Smiles said...

OMG I've wanted to raise chickens in my backyard for so long but am pretty intimidated... maybe this book can help me get over that!

Unknown said...

Sign me up! Just watched Mad City Chickens, and it stoked my wish for some hens even more... you can move the farm girl to the city, but you can't make her like store-bought eggs. :-)

Anonymous said...

I am considering getting some silky chickens :) I would LOVE this book!

Summer said...

I definitely need this book!

Erin T. said...

Peeps! Sign me up please! Thanks
-Erin T

All of Us said...

This would be great! Thank you

Liz said...

*wiping tears of happiness from my eyes* I have always, always wanted my own chickens and haven't been able to do so for various reasons. I've done my research, but this book seems a lot more coherant and what I need! So happy for this giveaway!Please enter me :-)

Sweetpeas said...

Great timing! We visited some friends who have chickens last week and now my kids think we need some!

LittleIslandGreen said...

I would love to read this book, backyard chickens are a wonderful addition to the garden! Can anyone say... chicken TV?!? Much better then the telley any day.

Anonymous said...

This would be a great addition to our little homestead ;)

Andrea said...

Hoping to have backyard chickens next spring, so I'm planning on reading everything I can!

Keely said...

would love to read it!

Jennie said...

add my name to the drawing please!

Jenn K said...

I wish I could have chickens. My dad is getting egg chickens this coming spring and I would like to give the book to him. Count me in!

Notwasted said...

I'd love this book!

Susan said...

I'm always in need of good chicken advice! Thanks!

Ash said...

Ashley Fancher. We have been talking about doing this for awhile, so this would be a great help.

kassie said...

kassie. yes.

ramy09 said...

Name: Chickens

Comment: it's very nice book about chickens


Christine F. said...

we've been raising our chicks since June but have been basically winging it so this book would be perfect for filling in the gaps.


Carla said...

I need this book, bad.

peanutspansy said...

Pick me! Pick me! (Arm raised, squirming out of my seat...hee hee)

Jenna said...

I've always been intimidated by the idea of raising chooks but my boys love it when we visit friends who do. Maybe this book could help me!
mountaingoats at hotmail dot com

Maureen said...

Pick me Pick me!!!

Shellyg8r said...

I have a black thumb!


C22arole said...

Hi - keeping our own chickens is our goal for next year - I'd love this book!

Thanks for your continuing insights and great posts.

Nick said...

Sign me up! The name is Nick.

Katrien said...

I never win one of these, but trying doesn't hurt. Thanks!

Joyful Learner said...

I need this book to get started! Pick me!

Diana said...

My mother raised chickens as a child. I've always thought it would be fun but didn't know if it would be feasible.

Leigh said...

Count me in!

Rachel said...

wonder what my city ordinances are?

StephCat said...

I want chickens!

Jess said...

I'd love to get this book!

Renee Unplugged - said...

I'd love this book - to help convince my husband that we should have chickens!

Robj98168 said...

I dram of a backyard with three hens named Laverne and shirley (after my two aunts) and of course a chikcen named Crunchy

Laura said...

Cluck Cluck!
Translation: Please enter me to win this book!

LittleEagle said...

We've talked about raising chickens and there are several roosters in the neighborhood.