Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Fall Book Club: Depletion and Abundance

There's just nothing quite like curling up with a good book when fall is in the air. And, because it seems rather unanimous to begin a new book, I'll be hosting a new book club starting in October.

We'll be reading none other than our very own Sharon Astyk's first book, Depletion and Abundance: Life on the New Home Front. Since this is a new book don't expect to find it in your library yet, although it doesn't hurt to ask or make a request for it. There are some used copies floating around, but not enough to satisfy all you voracious readers out there.

What's this book about you ask? From the publisher:

Climate change, peak oil and economic instability aren't just future social problems - they jeopardize our homes and families right now. Our once-abundant food supply is being threatened by toxic chemical agriculture, rising food prices and crop shortages brought on by climate change. Funding for education and health care is strained to the limit, and safe and affordable housing is disappearing.

Depletion and Abundance explains how we are living beyond our means with or without a peak oil/climate change crisis and that, either way, we must learn to place our families and local communities at the center of our thinking once again. The author presents strategies to create stronger homes, better health and a richer family life and to:

  • live comfortably with an uncertain energy supply
  • prepare children for a hotter, lower energy, less secure world
  • survive and thrive in an economy in crisis, and
  • maintain a kitchen garden to supply basic food needs.

    Most importantly, readers will discover that depletion can lead to abundance, and the anxiety of these uncertain times can be turned into a gift of hope and action.

  • As per usual, book club posts will be on every other Tuesday starting October 14th. I know a lot of you already own the book and have started reading it, but many of us haven't yet so I'll start out slow. I'm sure Sharon will be weighing in on the comments to our questions so this should be a most exciting book club this time around! I'm very excited to read this book and I hope you all enjoy it as well.

    If my poll software were working, I'd be running a poll right now, but they are all out of commission at the moment, so you'll have to let me know in the comments if you are interested in this book club, if you plan on reading it as well or if you are going to just follow along by reading the discussion posts, but not the book.


    Anonymous said...

    Perfect timing! I'm on page sixty-one and bought three copies. For once I'm organized and all prepared! Now if only my pantry and garden looked as comforting as my bookshelf...

    Keely said...

    Just got the book, so this is great for me. I have been a lurker on your site, but will try to come out of my shell to join in the discussion.

    Anonymous said...

    Perfect. I just email Sharon about the excellence of the index.


    Anonymous said...

    I'm in . . . and I noticed the index too, always a plus in my opinion. I'm debating whether to gift this book to my sister-in-laws this winter so I'll be very interested in reading everyone's comments.

    Anonymous said...

    I just ordered a copy. Normally I check books out from the library, but I just couldn't wait. I'm excited to participate in the discussion.

    Anonymous said...

    Hello! I just found your blog, and so far I love it...and I am way excited to go back through to read past posts. Like you, I am a big, big fan of reusable menstrual products (as seen here, so I wanted to say thank you for making your voice heard about them. I also wanted to add your blog to my blog roll, and I always feel compelled to ask permission before I do that.

    So, please stop by my way sometime to see if you think you might like to share some of my readers :) Thanks!


    Theresa said...

    I am about a third of the way through this book so far, and I'm just loving it. It's like a manifesto for a new way of living - can't wait to participate in the discussion!

    Maeve said...

    I'll be "reading the posts & comments". My library doesn't have this book yet.

    Anonymous said...

    Requested it at the library for future readers...If my local bookstore can order it, I'll get it. Otherwise, I'll read the comments and posts.

    Kelly Simmons said...

    if you need another reco for your book club, consider a first time author being compared to Anita Shreve:


    Standing Still
    by Kelly Simmons

    just trying to get the word out!

    knutty knitter said...

    Can't afford a book at present but will happily read what you lot think of it.

    viv in nz

    rosiegirl said...

    I just got the book. I started reading it last night, but had to stop so I could at least get a couple of hours sleep before I had to go to work. I'm looking forward to the discussion.

    Farmer's Daughter said...

    I'll be reading along, as I have time...

    I just ordered a used copy and can't wait to get started :)

    Anonymous said...

    I will have to break down and actually read this one, which also means I will have to buy one. I will go see what Sharon has directly for sale.

    Anonymous said...

    Im excited to read this book too. I just found your blog not long ago and have been rumaging through your archives and you inspired me to read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle and Im going to read Affluenza whenever I can get my hands on it. Also unrelated to this topic but I just wanted to let you know that I found you diva cup challenge when I was researching the cup online and you inspired me to get one even though I didnt participate in the challenge and I love it!

    Anonymous said...

    I'm in! I should get my copy of the book today or tomorrow.

    Anonymous said...

    I've started to read it, and I plan to join in the discussion here, especially if it's not all gushing praise.

    I think Sharon's work is fantastic, which is not to say I don't have significant quibbles with it sometimes!


    Anonymous said...

    I just got the book and am ready to read. Count me in.

    Anonymous said...

    I just got the book too. What day does it begin? The 9th is a Thursday, but I believe you said we begin on a Tuesday. Look forward to it!

    Michelle said...

    Just got my copy today in the mail!
    I have to finish the Omnivore's Dilehma first though..

    Anonymous said...

    after putting it off and putting it off, i finally ordered the book. it should arrive in just a couple of days and i look forward to getting right in to it. it helps to know that sharon is a woman who admits she's scared but has decided to do more than sit in the dark wringing her hands.

    Anonymous said...

    after putting it off and putting it off, i finally ordered the book. it should arrive in just a couple of days and i look forward to getting right in to it. it helps to know that sharon is a woman who admits she's scared but has decided to do more than sit in the dark wringing her hands.