Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Depletion and Abundance lending library

Sharon, the fine author of our next upcoming book club, Depletion and Abundance, has kindly offered three books for a giveaway.

Since a lot of you either can't afford to buy the book, it isn't in your budget or you don't have access to it through your local libraries, Sharon thought it would be fun for some of you to be able to read it with the rest of us rather than just following along with the discussion posts. This got me to thinking... rather than just give the books away, what about trying out an online book lending library for these books?

So, here's the deal, people. If you aren't able to buy or borrow the book and are interested in "winning" one of three copies to read, participating in the discussion posts and then returning to me for further lending, sign up in the comments to this post.

The three book recipients will be chosen at random on Friday, October 3rd, at 6:00 pm PST. What you need to agree to when signing up is sending the book back when you are done. This should be a fairly minimal cost (unless you live abroad) since you can send it USPS via media mail for rather cheap. Then I can run the lending library "giveaway" again for those who don't have access to the book.

If you're interested in borrowing the book, sign up!


Anonymous said...

Sign me up please/

LatigoLiz said...

Sing me up, too, please. KCLS doesn’t have it available.

knutty knitter said...

I'd like to sign up but I do live rather far off. I'll leave that decision up to you - and don't feel bad if you decide not to include me.

viv in new zealand

ps. I feel a bit isolated down here sometimes - specially when people talk of meeting up. A teleport system would be useful I feel. Still, its very interesting to talk to you lot and I wouldn't miss it for anything.

viv in nz

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! I live in France and have gotten into the habit of exchanging books with a few friends interested in these issues. That way, we don't all have to buy all the books.

I'm thinking of extending this to DVD's as well. They are pretty easy to mail around. We are also starting a group to do film screenings together. Then you don't have to watch something scary like "End of Suburbia" all by yourself.

Viv in NZ : do you have a group of people near you that you could go in on buying books together?

Corinne in Paris

P.S. Crunchy - do NOT include me in the lending lottery. I'll get my brother to bring me a copy from the U.S. when he comes!

Anonymous said...

sign me up please

Anonymous said...

Please sign me up!

Tara said...

What a great idea. It's not at our library yet.

Anonymous said...

Sign me up please!

Anonymous said...

Please put my name in for consideration. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Could you please add me to the lending library list :) Thank you.

Farmer's Daughter said...

Sign me up, please! I ordered the book used through Amazon, then found got notice that used copies were no longer available... Kind of annoying.

So I like your idea even better!

Anonymous said...

I would be very interested in "borrowing" the book. What a nice idea!

J said...

I would definitely be interested in borrowing this book!

Nancy said...

I'd love to sign up too. Thanks!

Pam said...

Borrowing the book would be great. I think it is a great way to read and save. I lucked out when our local NPR station read most of Animal, Vegetable... on line.

Chile said...

Oooo, add me to the drawing please!

anajz said...

Could you please add my name to the drawing? Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up please

Anonymous said...

Sign me up as well, please!

Rebecca M.

Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) said...

Sign me up!

Green Bean said...

How generous! I actually just bought the book yesterday. I *may* do a giveaway when I'm done.

Anonymous said...

Don't sign me up . . . I have a copy (and am planning to lend it around to family when I'm done). Just wanted to weigh in and say what a great idea and how great of Sharon to donate the copies.

:o) said...

Great idea, sign me up!!!

Spot-On said...

sign me up! great idea!

Pen of Jen said...

sign me up! Good Idea!

Anonymous said...

Please sign me up

The Thinker said...

Sign me up, please. This is the first I've seen your blog. Aren't you on BYC?

Anonymous said...

Sign me up! Thanks! Great idea!

EcoBurban said...

Sign me up, my library doesn't have the book! Great idea and thanks, Sharon!

Anonymous said...

Great idea! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Count me in.

Carla said...

I am interested in borrowing this book. It is not available through my library yet.

Cool idea!

Sarah said...

please sign me up!

Anonymous said...

sign me up as well(:

Anonymous said...

What a great idea!

mechiko said...

Sign me up please!

Anonymous said...

I have been a lurker for along while and have just recently started participating in your blog. I would love to be added to the lending library as I am reading The Omnivores Dilema without the benefit of the discussion group and is not nearly as fun! Please ad me. Thanks.

christine (sorry, I can't find my blogger info)

Anonymous said...

what a great idea! Please sign me up.

kassie said...

sign me up please, i'd love to read it

Melissa Anderson said...

Please sign me up!
I have a suggestion. Instead of sending the book back to you, we should send it to the next person on the list. We could email you when we are finished and you tell us who to send it to :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Crunchy,

please sign me up. I'm a lurker no more!

Anonymous said...

Hi Crunchy,

Well, I guess you'd like my email, since you can't contact me from my blog....

--Sled Dog Skippy

Anonymous said...

Another great idea Crunchy! Please count me in! Debbie C in MA

Annette said...

What a fabulous idea! Thanks for signing me up.

Surly said...

Sign me up. My local library doesn't list it.

Monice said...

Sign me up too, please.


Jeana said...

I would love to. Thanks for the opportunity, Sharon!

Erika said...

I've ordered a copy to purchase, as I usually lend out my books, almost as a way of opening the eyes of others - I gush about my favorite books/great books on my favorite topics, and my friends and family usually want to borrow them, then they find out more about the topic(s)... That said, Once I'm done, I wouldn't mind my copy making its way to other folks. I've also got many more books I'm willing to lend out, I'll try to update the list on my blog... Perhaps Crunchy could keep this list as the "order," and when I finish reading, I can ask her who to mail it to, then the next person can do the same... or whatever...


Anonymous said...

I already loaned one extra copy but still have another. If anyone lives here in Australia, I'd be happy to loan it to you!

Unknown said...

Please sign me up. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Sign me up please. Thanks Crunchy!

kathirynne said...

I love this idea!

Please add me to the list!

Genevieve said...

Great idea! I would really like to read this book but it isn't available through my library. And, in general, I don't buy books without prereading them first.