Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sunday Confessional - Week 3

Buy Nothing Sunday ConfessionalOooh boy, I've been a bad, bad girl. It has been one week since my last spending confessional.

Let's see, where do I start with the shopping debauchery?

Eating out - Well, I didn't go out to coffee at all with the hubby this week since I was back at work, but we did go out to dinner Friday evening. That was totally my fault. He was content to eat at home, but after 6 weeks of cooking dinner I couldn't take it anymore.

Buying clothes - What can I say? There were several online sales at two places that sell clothes for tall women. Since the stuff I bought was waaaay over 50% off and it's so hard for me to find quality clothes that fit my six-foot frame I spent. But, hell, I got pants for $9.99 that actually have a 36 inch inseam. For that I are excited!

That's it! How did you do last week with the Buy Nothing Challenge?


Robj98168 said...

since you are buying pants I am sitting in th living room with the A/C on! Your trouser is my justification. To be perfectly honest with you I know that is for the REALLY GROSS SWEATY BUTT-CRACK CHALLENGE OK I gave in and sat in air conditioned comfort in the living room tonight. We are having our annual dog days of summer heat spell this weekend. The A/C was already on when I came home from work, and I left it on. Wuss that I am. I had to work, was tired and sweaty, it felt good!

TDP said...

My spending sins continue to be centered on food that is bad for me, cheap food like hot dogs, soda, slice of pizza and frozen yogurt. Still, the little costs add up. I'll try harder this week.

Anonymous said...

Oh Lordy- can you create a whole new area for people who have performed SO badly this week that they shouldn't be able to post with the serious, grown up 'spend nothing' participants? Cos I dont feel worthy to even BE here.
OK, the new lot of cloth nappies are at least environmental. And the organic baby teething doll is kind of necessary because I dont want my baby chewing dodgey plastic. However the ebay poster saying 'Keep Calm and Carry on!'is probably something I could have done without. And then I logged on to Amazon and it was all over...

Anonymous said...

Your Crunchiness I believe that being unclothed would be a great sin. It sounds like you bought frugally.

My sins multiplied this week. I bought yarn to make things for the school fete. I have masses of the stuff but none was right for my mindless projects. I am watching the Olympics while I work away. I probably over bought on groceries as I have a hard time walking away from reduced meats etc. My major sin was huge. Our computer was old and three weeks after a $300 repair it failed again. So in a fit of desperation I bought my first ever laptop. I am loving it. Then I compounded my sin by buying a new cordless phone to replace the one that stopped working.

I alos ate out with my parents.


knutty knitter said...

Can I have some of your height?? I'm under 5 ft and also have problems with clothes :)

Confession time. Did not too badly this week. Only got one helping of fries/chips and cooked the rest myself. Bought a candy bar at the petrol station. I think that's it.

I refuse to feel too guilty as its been a bad week with half the family off school with a fluey sort of cold thing thats doing the rounds. I'm now waiting for the other half to get it too :)

viv in (raining, wet, miserable) nz

Anonymous said...

Well the CTDaffodil did better this week than last.

Cabot cheese bars were on sale 5/$10 so I stocked up. It is our favorite cheddar for now.
Dr. Co-pays and Rxs were the other expenses for the week. And I was doing really well until it was close to lunch time and since we were near Ikea and I wanted to look at a new sofa from the catalog...found the sofa, didn't like it - consoled myself and the kids with a box of cinnamon buns. So it was a cheaper day at Ikea than I thought it would be.

Need new curtains for the bathroom - so off to Goodwill to find some this week - or something to make into curtains. I've decided I'm not hitting the regular stores for a while. After sorting through the 3 bags of handmedowns I got for the youngest kid - the project for the week is to sort through ALL of his clothes and pass at least 3 bags on to someone else.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad I did my daughter's back to school shopping before this challenge began!

I was a good girl in the spending department this week. One small trip to the Farmer's Market for veggies and one used tire to replace the flat tire I had on Tuesday! That's it! No eating out, no clothes, no junk!

I'm feeling so virtuous!

Bobbi said...

I tend to shop in cycles and the latest binge was late spring. So I feel guilty for not having much shopping to feel guilty about.

My husband and I did go out to dinner Thursday at a new-to-us Middle Eastern sort of restaurant. It was delicious and we'll go back. We brought home leftovers and had lunch the following day. That's frugal, right?

The youngest goes back to school before the month is out so I'll have to go to Staples soon. The oldest goes back to school too but not till Sept.

Oh, and I bought a pineapple from who knows where, definitely not within 100 miles of LA, for a fruit salad I brought to a dinner party. But I bought local and organic fruits too. And I won't cover up, I didn't make it to any farmers' markets this week. These purchases were at our Big Chain market.

Is there no absolution for a sinner like me?

Anna Banana said...

Spent $369 on the family cell phone bill so am making them all eat what they can scrounge in the cabinets. No more texting!

Anonymous said...

My husband decided this would be a good time to start redecorating the bedroom, so I spent £60 this week on paint and brushes and stuff. But, I am planning on Freecycling a lot of stuff out of our bedroom.

Anonymous said...

I just got back from a family vacation. We ate out almost every night, as I predicted. But other than that, I did pretty well. Other than eating dinner out and getting ice cream at our favorite place, I only bought a hat because I was getting really sunburned on the beach, and a sweatshirt. It was a bad week challenge wise, but I bought a lot less than my family.

Chile said...

A meal out yesterday due to a long day out. No new purchases other than one thing not worth mentioning. Oh, and I signed up for a Wilderness First Aid class, but I see that as a reasonable expense.

Anonymous said...

I was good and didn't spend anything except on food, canning supplies, and garden amendments -- though I thought about it a few times -- now if the LinensN'things clearance had started all bets would have been off.

Lisa said...

I have to admit that i did buy memory and fan for my laptop because two large parts of my computers memory got "fried". DH took them out and then he went to his job and bought some to replace it. It has just been too hot here and since we dont have A/C(not usually required in OR) my computer got too hot i quess.

Cactus Jack Splash said...

I managed to go spending free this week if you don't count buying gas to go to work...pretty good for me.

Anonymous said...

i bought a new hoodie this week, my first really npn-essential item of the challenge. it was one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen, and made in seattle and organically grown cotton and there was only one in my size. how much i adore it makes me understand how much i could love everything if i waited to buy only what i truly love, which is neat!

eating out is hit and miss; it's amazing how social it is to eat. i've moved more of it into sharing at home, but still eating out more than i'd like.

loving this challenge.

...e... said...

ogodogodogod i am going straight to hell, do not pass go, already spent the $200. car ac died and i'm in fla so i wasted $70 bucks on a fix that didn't. lunch out every day during teacher prep week, during which i also bought 2 teacher planners (1 for a spare because i panicked when i had to go to three stores to find one.) then a flat tire on thurday night's open house, which turned into saturday's $130 repair bill (maintenance:replaced serpentine belt i was going to wait til sept for, but i was there waiting anyway...) all too much for me so i blew $20 on a consolation delivery pizza weekend feast. some more art supplies for school last night and today i ordered a hand vacuum from amazon, in an attempt to keep the kitchen cleaner this year. freefall. straight to hell. school opens tomorrow and we're getting a hurricane on tuesday. look! over there! michaelphelps!

Anonymous said...

I'm not officially on the challenge, but feel like confessing anyway. [g]

Errands ran late friday, purchased bagel and cream cheese snack.
Major splurge at farmers mkt yesterday! good healthy stuff, right?
New memory for laptop, to better run schoolwork software, but it didn't register so will be returned/exchanged.
It's exciting to still have money in my pocket at the end of the week!
I do need to do some shopping, sadly. Need another laundry line, white glue and glass for making a solar oven. Which feels justifiable!

I second the where do you get tall clothes? although my inseam is only 34" of my 6'...

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! I made it in and out of Target without buying a thing!!!! My siblings and I decided to go in together to get my sister a KitchenAid mixer that will last her forever (please don't tell me planned obsolescence has made it way to $400 mixers yet!!) We found a refurbished one online for half the price. So, I think I did pretty well for buying a wedding present in the midst of a buy nothing challenge.

the big winner was planning for the 11 hours on the road with 4 children. In the past I've bought new coloring books, treats, and $1 Store goodies to help us. This time it was blank paper, water bottles instead of juice boxes, no new toys (the temptation was GREAT), and four books on tape. Guess what, it was a fine trip and I saved probably $30!

Anonymous said...

ok, three things to report on my end. 1 - i bought file folders to start a filing system at my place. the whole keeping piles of receipts and papers in my closet thing, just was not working... 2 - a good friend of mine just finished her undergrad so we went out and celebrated. i ate at home before joining up with them, but i drank :P and 3 - i had another dinner date. we had dinner and wine at a jazz club, but we went early and avoided the cover charge, and then ended up spending the rest of the night walking around toronto. again, he insisted on paying which would have been great for the challenge but not so great for my ego...

Anonymous said...

In a weird fit of entitlement/stress spending that probably had to do with the end of summer semester and my upcoming b-day, I blew a total of $30 yesterday on seedlings and a new carry-on bag. I could have done without all of it. But I chose to spend anyway.

Must get a grip on these sporadic "nah, I'm just going to buy it" spazz-outs I have. I frustrate me.

steffington said...

My friends and I went to McDonald's because we had a few BOGO coupons, so really, I think it was worth it.

We also bought some iron-on paper for the reusable shopping bags we're making.

cindy24 said...

I did pretty good on the not buying things. The buying snacks...not so good. $20 for kids lunch on field trip because I couldn't seem to make it. One dinner at 7-11 (that should be a whole other confessional) while carting kids around and running late. Too many diet cokes. I resisted the $300 IKEA kitchen cabinet that would go perfect in a wasted space in my kitchen. I fear going into IKEA. I have to buy some presents this week for 4 birthdays next weekend.

JessTrev said...

Pretty good week - nothing bought except for a dinner out with my best friend from high school! And the place rocked - it was sustainable seafood (FRIED OYSTERS) with biodegradable tableware, corn plastic cups etc and the guys clearing up were all over our remains when I was hesitating by the various recycling bins to make sure that all of the recyclables went in the right place. I was way impressed (it's a takeout joint) - TackleBox in Georgetown, DC if anyone's on vacay. ;)

Anonymous said...

No stuff again, but again, can't give up going for coffee--4 times this week, again. Also went out to dinner last night (with a gift certificate and money from our change jar, but still!) and took a friend out for beer for her birthday.

I think I'm happy not buying things, but I would be very sad not ever getting out of the apartment.

Anonymous said...

Forgive me crunchy, for I have sinned this week, twice by eating in restaurants. I offer as excuse, er, explanation! that my daughter is leaving tomorrow for college and she wanted to eat dim sum at Honey Court and Indian food at Naan n Curry before she moves to the land of well-done beef and tater tots. Oh, and I purchased 3 yards of fabric and a zipper, but that was just so I could make a duvet cover from two other pieces of fabric that I already owned.
I will do penance this week by eating all the zucchini from the garden (fertilized with golden showers)that are piling up in the frig.

TheNormalMiddle said...

I really screwed up this week. I bought an expensive automatic label maker for myself. I wanted to label the cabinets in my science classroom at school, so kids/subs/me/etc could find things easier.

I spent too much $$$ on it, but I must tell you I am in organizing heaven and well, I'm labeling EVERYTHING I can find.

Teri said...

I feel horrible.

We ate out on Friday, because no one felt like cooking. I bought ice cream today, which a declared to be an absolute luxury.

And then, I too logged on to Amazon.

But- books are forever, so they can't count. right?

Anonymous said...

Forgive me father. Here is the tally: $115 at Toys R Us 2 weeks ago. $20 at Scrapbook Heaven. 2 grilled cheese's from Jack in the Box (no bag, no napkins), and my Gramps had just died and I didn't feel like cooking! One Obama, Oh-Eight, Oh-Yah shirt, size 5T. I've done good for a reformed mall rat! Thanks, Crunchy.

Crunchy Chicken said...

Jam, curiousalexa and other tall chickens - I buy work clothes from Eddie Bauer since almost all their clothes (pants, sweaters, shirts, etc.) all come in tall.

Places like J Crew have decent quality tall clothes but they are expensive and have a limited selection. Same deal with Banana Republic. I believe The Gap and Old Navy also have tall sizes but I can't say the quality is too great.

Victoria's Secret has a lot of pant and jean selections in tall and extra long, but the quality can be someone sketchy - some things are well made and some things aren't. If you like more shapeless versus fitted clothes, J Jill has some, but I'm not too fond of the styles they sell. I think that's pretty much it!

If you wear a size 12+ shoe, then Zappos is the place to try out since you can return shoes for free.

...e... - you totally cracked me up!

Crunchy Chicken said...

Also, if you are looking for sportswear, Athleta totally rocks. Their stuff is expensive, but you can catch their sales and get a good deal. The quality is quite good.

Anonymous said...

We ate out once this week.

I have had the worst luck trying to find an outfit for a summer wedding. Everything in my closet is for the opposite season.
My new purchases were a skirt for $20, shoes for $19 and two tops and a skirt for my youngest for $12 for school. In my defense of buying new clothes, most of my and my children's wardrobes are used and I was needing to find something ASAP. I also bought the wedding gift new, a $40 crockpot. I also bought a greeting card and 2 rolls of wrapping paper.
My used purchases were a dress at a consignment store for $24, a shirt & earrings for $5 and a blouse for $3.50. Oh, also a clothes drying rack for 50 cents and a nightstand for my bedroom for $5 (the footstool wasn't cutting it anymore).

cashley550 said...

I was bad also this week... I was out of town for my job so I at out three meals a day. I also hit a whole foods store that was way better then ours and I got carried away to the tune of $130 for personal care products that I didn't really "need"... I'm trying but it seems so hard this month.

maryann said...

Okay, I've sinned. Bought a new kitchen faucet, although I'll justify it by explaining that more water was leaking out of the handles at the base on the old one than was coming out the spout. Ok, so it wasn't that bad, but it was leaking at the handles and needed replacing. Also spent $73 at the garden center, buy 1 get 1 free season, couldn't resist. Spent $20 on a haircut, first one in about 7 months and splurged on a pizza out Saturday night. Not a great week but the faucet and haircut were overdue

Lily said...

Parts for car tune up (hey it helps with gas milage & life of car)
Gas for cars (gotta get to work)
Groceries, milk, fresh produce & fruits

The bad:
Date night. In justification we don't see each other often, and I don't regret it. Movie & dinner out. Plus we split our plates in half & brought home for another meal.

Anonymous said...

Although I was a good girl the second week and had nothing to confess last Sunday... I must confess this Sunday (or Monday as the case may be).

My husband suggested Five Guys on Wednesday for supper and I didn't even think of the Challenge when I said yes. All I could think of was that I wouldn't have to cook anything and I was tired.

And then to my big purchase. I too must provide an excuse... I wear glasses. Several months ago, the fat cat jumped up on the couch next to me and I heard a little crunch. That was my glasses that I had set next to me. She broke the hinge for one of the arms. So for the last several months, I have been without glasses because I need to wait the one year in order to get an eye exam and replace said broken glasses UNDER insurance. Only a mad person with more money than brains would purchase a pair of glass without insurance. As soon as my one year was up (Aug 11)... I was in at the eye doctor getting my exam and picking out my new glasses. I spent a good pile of cash to get super light rimless glasses with flexible arms, bridge and improved hinge. Hopefully this will either keep them on my nose or should I put them down - they won't break quite as easily. Do glasses that you need for seeing properly and driving count?

Jill said...

My sins are as follows:
I am planning a cross country move in the next 6 months and am selling anything and everything on ebay in an effort to declutter and to bring in some cash too. So I've spent money on listing items on ebay.

2 weeks ago I took my car in for a 5000 mile checkup, my state inspection had expired 2 years ago (woops!) and I needed a new engine filter, they told me that would affect mileage so I didn't hesitate to replace it. I told them to just knock the bugs out of the AC filter, I never use it anyway.

I also got some peanut m&m's from the vending machine at work, pms related.

I want to do better!

Carley said...

This week wasn't very good, I ate out three times, I think. Three is better than five, but it is still three. I have a social action committee meeting tonight, and they're meeting at a coffee shop, so I plan to mess up this week early on!

mudnessa said...

i ate out a bit, but i have cut WAY back from what we use to do. husband has lost 6 pounds in the last three weeks and now he is all about eating healthy at home again. just have to keep it up this time. cooking is such a chore sometimes, especially in the heat when you arent putting on the ac.

i did breakdown and go to starbucks yesterday, totally unneccesary since i was just going to come home and make my own coffee, but they have new cups that are 15% less plastic than before and 45% less carbon emissions to make . . . oh but they are #5 now, they use to be 1 or 2 . . . now i cant even recycle them curbside . . . well guess i really need to remember my own mug now.

i did buy one things, burts bees herbal blemish stick, i was out and i dont wanna be pimply faced.

Sarah said...

My confession:

Since I started the challenge, just this past Friday the 15th I bought fast food 3 times.

Nothing more, which is pretty good, but still not perfect.

I will fight this week to buy nothing!

Annarchy said...

Dear friend got married...had to buy a gift. I made the gift, though, and used a gift bag and tissue I already had. Bought a binder, sheet protectors, watercolor paper, and a bottle of Italian honey. The binder, etc. was for the personl cookbook I made them.

Eb said...

No buying this week. Looking good.

Anonymous said...

UGH! August is turning out to be "Renovate the Apartment" month. I went to Target for various things.

And I went out for Thai food.


Anonymous said...

I went over budget ($10) but got a $6 rebate check, putting me back in budget. :)

Allie said...

I'm golden this week. Not even junk food.

Anonymous said...

here is my week 4 confession since Crunchy is busy and I'm heading towards no service soon....

we had a good no shopping week, not even a trip to the grocery store...until this past weekend. Its AgFair season in New England and we blew it there....good news was the kids won ribbons for their veggies they entered so it was fine and it was part of our staycation plan for the summer!