Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday Confessional - Week 2

Buy Nothing Sunday ConfessionalForgive me people, for I have spent. It has been one week since my last confessional.

This month is just not going as well as April. At least it seems that way. Anyway, I have broken several commandments:

1. No new clothes - I bought new shoes for both kids, plus Emma got some new underwear and they each got a pair of new pajamas. I could have purchased the latter second-hand, but I didn't have time to go to multiple stores and both of them have been growing like weeds lately. I don't do used shoes or undies.

2. No eating out - We went out for coffee four times this week post-clinic visits. I can at least say that no disposables were used and we supported local coffee houses that do food composting so I don't feel too bad about it.

3. Other sundries - I bought some ibuprofen and some red vines for the kids.

How did last week fare for your pocketbooks?


Anonymous said...

I think you did well. After all the children do grow and need new things now and then. I also feel it is important for you to spend time as a couple and a cup of coffee is very well deserved I am most sure.

I haven't done well. I picked up one of the lay bys I made in July and ate out twice. Once was with my parents and since my dad has Alzheimers I am determined to spend quality time with him. My dh and I had dinner together on Friday night. Both elder kids work in the same bistro and the third was at youth group. Instead of driving back home we had a very rare meal together. That way we saved about 25 km of driving too.

On the home front I have been using up like crazy. I am delaying my grocery shop for a few days until all the veges etc have been used. I have made a huge batch of tomato relish as well.

Have a good week everyone.


Gretchen said...

I admit that I have gotten things that I do not need, coulda saved some money. BUT I bought all at Goodwill or Resale shops. I don't know how to rate that for shopping... I'm not adding to the waste pile, but I"m also not decreasing my consumerism. Hmmm... I bought (all secondhand) 2 bike helmets, one board game, 1 purse, 4 school uniform shirts, 4 baby outfits, 2 stuffed animals, 2 pairs of shoes. All this cost me $35.

Adrienne said...

We are doing incredible, although it might not look it. We're spending less money, desiring less stuff, and enjoying each other's company more.

This week we got Starbucks on our way to a local Christian bookstore that was closing. Place is HUGE! Husband and I work at churches, so we bought about $90 worth of books, DVDs, and teaching curriculum, but it will all get used (and it's a tax write off).

Friday night we went over to friends house for dinner; we always eat homemade food there. Well, not this time! They wanted to order in, so we spent $20 on our half of a Chinese food order for the opening of the Olympics. We are allowing ourselves 3 or 4 times eating out this month, and this is #1.

Anonymous said...

I did better than expected...the only shopping I had was at the warehouse club. We were out of nearly everything. I went there solo and stuck to my list and I used coupons for a lot of it. Still it was a big bill. My big thing there is the packaging - I mean 8 boxes of penne for $8, but those 8 boxes are packed into another outerbox. All the extra packaging bugs me a little - since most of it isn't corugated cardboard so tougher for recycling - not that plastic shrinkwrap is easier - just takes up less space in the end.

Anonymous said...

I bought a bathing suit this week. I talked about it with my husband because I felt bad signing up for a challenge and then going out and buying something a few days later. However, both of my suits lost their elasticity. I take the boys swimming at the YMCA every week during the school year and swim suits are a seasonable thing. If I waited, I didn't know what I would find. As it turns out, I had the best shopping trip ever. Not only did I find a suit that fit me and was modest (I go swimming with my boys, no need to hang stuff out for them), but it was only $12 from $80!!! So, I feel good about the purchase, now that I have confessed. Course, if Crunchy is confessing redvines, I have to swedish fish to my list. I did buy some compost to help my late season spinach, but I believe that doesn't count. (I am making my own, but needed just one bag more)
Oh, and I know I will have to buy a wedding present for my sister next week. I am putting it off until I feel I can go into the store, buy the gift, and walk out witout looking at all the GREAT DEALS there are at the end summer.

Anonymous said...

I bought a new replacement strap for a pair of swim goggles that broke last year. Yeah, I probably could have made one, maybe I could have scrounged one, but I was at the only store in the area that carries real replacement straps and it was 20% off, plus now I have my good goggles useable.
Otherwise it was all food and canning supplies.

Unknown said...

We did great! Other than the basic food and two trips to the Farmer's Market, we haven't bought anything new.

My hubby and daughter both got me a book for my birthday and we did eat out that one day, but I was prepared for these in advance of the challenge. We also only ate out one day, and that was our preplanned meal for my birthday.

School is back in session, but we did all our back to school shopping before August 1st. We did have to buy a jump drive for the kiddo to have for AP English - this was something we didn't foresee while on the school shopping trip!

All in all, this challenge is going great!

Unknown said...

I got a good one. On holiday Monday past, my boys and I were driving up to check out a park nearby that I hadn't been to, a reclaimed military airport. There was an aerospace museum there, much to my surprise. Decided it was serendipity and we spent the morning there, even though it was no-spend month, it seemed like a great idea, and it is volunteer run and looked like they could use more visitors. Here's the big one, though - on the way out, I bought a poster for my husband (early Christmas shopping, so....mmm... ok) and then.... I actually gave in to pestering and bought my children each a bouncy ball. Costing $2 each. BAD idea. First of all, it was plastic crap, stuff I do not want to fill up my house with. Secondly, I have now bought myself a big hassle in any future trips to places with gift shops. Thirdly, they played with them in the car a bit, then the two-year-old lost his at the park within the hour. And, damningly, finally, the 7 year old gave it to me to put in my purse, and hasn't asked for it back yet, one week later. $4 seems to have purchased me a lesson worth reflecting on...

Eileen said...

I have sinned,spent, I did buy a cute 1950's needle threader at a second hand store and 5 yards of fabric to back an applique quilt I have done and that was it. We were in the mountains at 10,000 feet for the week, not many stores up there ! Even with these purchases I have cut back my spending 99%.

ib mommy said...

I bought an ear wax removal kit because I went swimming and the water smooshed all the wax in my head. I was completely deaf in my right ear and upon reflection think maybe I should have waited until after the visit with my mom to unstuff it!

Also, one spatula and dinner out but my mom paid for both. Does that count?

Anonymous said...

We did great, with just a couple of exceptions. I did buy a bit of junk food -- m&m's and wafer cookies -- for our trip to the river. I also bought a new frisbee for the dog, since she tore the other one apart. Besides that, NO extra spending.

We probably would have broken our eating out pact, but my Mom treated us to go out to eat once -- does that count?


Rachel said...

I did so-so. I bought new shoes for my son and coffee a couple times. Oh and we ate out last night. Not great, not awful. Hopefully I'll do better this coming week.

steffington said...

My family went out to eat 2-3 times again and I really couldn't argue with them (they are vicious when it comes to that). At least I tried to pick not-so-expensive food.

Then I bought a shirt from The Aquarium and defended it with the hope that I will one day be working there.

jewishfarmer said...

I was bad - which is sort of surprising, actually, since I'm not normally much of a shopper. But Linens N Things is going out of business, and when I drove past the 70% sign, it just called to me. I figured there wouldn't be anything left, but there were flannel down comforters - given that we're going to be heating the house with wood only this year, the $27 bucks was irresistable. As were the new tablecloths (mine are so thin you can see through them) for when the table is fully extended (we seat 10 - 16 surprisingly often, which is funny). And I went to Goodwill too, and bought clothes, although obviously used ones And ate out. Oh, and if I could have found a cheap sale bathing suit in my oldest son's size, I would have bought one, because I don't have one for next year.

I'm really, really bad ;-).
And I'm still going to eat out while I'm on vacation week-after-next. So I'm worse.


Maggie said...

This week I didn't do too great. I bought my daughter some new clothes. I was going to go to my local consignment, but I was at Target and they had some really cute items for $4! I would have spent close to that at the consignment so I decided to take the easy way out and buy where I was already. We also bought a couple items at the local farmer's market and a used book store. Next week will be better.

Anonymous said...

I didn't buy anything, too many bills to pay last week, I have to look up what Red Vines are. I've been an ex-pat too long I guess.

cindy24 said...

This week was not great. Gave kids $40 for camp trip to Disneyland to cover lunch and toy. Spent $10 at thrift store while dropping off items - $5.00 for huge multidrawer plastic bin unit to organize kids craft stuff , $3 vintage cake server, $2 kids wooden puzzle. Also, spent $12 on used travel guide for Burkina Faso. I will spend nothing on kids back to school because of all the clothes we received from friends. I have big bags going out to others. I will have to hit up target for the school supplies that are dirt cheap. Bringing school donations on a trip. If snacks count I probably spent $20 on diet coke - that has to be a challenge by itself. Switching to cash has made me so much more aware of my purchases.

Anonymous said...

i'll admit, i still forget that i'm doing the challenge until i see your sunday confessional posts.
in the past week i rented two dvd's for a course i'm taking. i had to write a paper on them, and i needed to do an in-depth analysis of several scenes, which would have been impossible had i not rented them. plus, they were taken out of the library already... i also went out for dinner last night again. now, it wouldn't have been a problem had i let the guy pay for me, like he was trying to do. but it was a first date, and i'm just not that kinda gal. so i paid for myself.
that's it. not too bad, eh...

Anonymous said...

i feel good about the week! our washer-dryer recently died; as mentioned last week it was 25, beyond our capacity to fix this time, and more expensive to repair professionally than replace. we spent a little extra to get energy star on the new one last sunday.

we also bought a rubber plug for the bathtub drain and new cover for the broken mechanism; this solves the broken bathtub mechanism problem with least waste and expense, in addition to being very pretty, yay!

tuesday i left home without a needed pencil. it isn't possible to pick up one gosh-darned pencil; i had to buy a pack of 6.

we've been working on eating in more, but it is hard in san francisco with a busy job and social life! this week i was treated to sushi monday night, bought tea tuesday afternoon, was taken out to dinner tuesday, and took myself to thai food saturday at the end of my six day work week.

on the plus side, i attended a bridal shower this week and not only didn't buy the gift, but didn't buy any of the ingredients! i made her a lovely body scrub with sesame oil, sea salt, white tea, and lavender oil. packed it in a sweet reused canning jar, wrapped it in paper from the re-used stock, and decorated it with lavender from the garden. i think she was particularly moved that the gift was handmade, too. yay!

this morning i got up early and trudged over the home of friends who were having a yardsale. got a heavy bag of clothes for an extremely small amount of money, saving myself much future shopping.

now i'm about to dig into a pile of cooking for today's picnic so my husband can't suggest we just hit the store on the way there.

day 10 & i still have managed not to tell him about this, *grin*.

Anonymous said...

Seems I do better restricting spending when I have not pledged to Not Spend! Me who said that there was no spare money anyway! Ha!
My boss gave me some Birthday money early - she said she knew payday was a bit too far away. So, it was a relief to get a few gallons of gas and some groceries. As a thank you I gave her a 2009 mini calendar with her favorite type of dog breed on it which I purchased for $8 at Petsmart. Also picked up breakfast Monday morning through a drive-thru and dinner at KFC on Tuesday evening. Bought a $15 phone card for my go-phone on Wednesday - I had it on the list for purchase next month. I got a long distance call that ate up forty minutes. I didn't want to be totally out of minutes, so made the emergency purchase. This week I also purchased several more herbal supplements to help with health symptoms. Playing juggle the bills (again) so that's where I got the bulk of the money to spend this week. Going to be one day late with the last half of homeowners insurance. Sheesh, I need to start with that post-peak income stream NOW.
Oh, RC, red vines are red licorce stips.

Sonnjea said...

Honestly, I committed to the buy nothing challenge and promptly began hemorrhaging money... I can't even list everything I bought this week, but I'm going to do better next week.


Anonymous said...

We did really good this week-except for the rummaghe sale I hit on Friday. Ending up spending $30 but found some great books for future reading. I also found a unopened Candyland game and a never used tin of card games for kids. great finds for my niece for her b-day. Also found some craft stuff for my own least it was all garage sale and not totally new...

Anonymous said...

Red Licorice strips.
My computer keyboard is cheap, the keys are stiff.

Eb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eb said...

Did great again this week! In July I had made plans to go out to breakfasts twice and ice cream once. Each time it was a cheap date with nothing to throw away - even the ice cream place served one little scoop in a glass dish with a real spoon. I decided to keep these plans when I started the contest. And I didn't buy anything this week other than that. It feels great.

mudnessa said...

just a few meals out for the past week. three at the most i believe. all but the eating out is pretty easy for us.

i am currently putting together a new computer through dell, my laptop died, had a friend try and fix it but it still gets blue screen of death so we've done all we can with it and it is 6 years old so new laptop time i guess. but i am spending an extra $2 to get a "recycling kit" and have them plant a tree for me, hehehe, make the guilt a bit less.

oh and i went and got mani-pedi's with my mom, she paid and asked out of the blue and its not something we have EVER done before so i couldnt say no. she also bought me a frozen yogurt and a starbucks.

...e... said...

it's sudden food for me, i find. i resisted for the most part though, except last sunday when i bought myself a picic for one. i also resisted several different yarns, a cordless vacuum and the continuing cell phone saga. i did eat a $5 lunch with my team on friday, but that's a profesional expense and i resisted a much more expensive+gas dinner last night. i find i get hungry and think: get food! but i resisted for the most part; i'm happy. gotta buy groceries,though.

nicole said...

Well, not as bad as I thought - but not good either. Lots of shoes for the girls and a birthday outfit for my little one. All new. I do try to shop our thrift stores, but with the exception of jeans and the occasional tshirt, things seem to arrive at our local shop already well on their way out...At least they are being worn to within an inch of their life...

Also, lunch out with my little girl (part of the birthday outfit shopping trip).

And batteries. And blank dvds. Oh, and coat hangers (I don't do much in the way of drycleaning anymore so I had to actuallly go buy some of these).

Coming up this week- bday presents for friends (she's getting homemade, her kids- not), bday goodies for my little one, bras for me (tho I don't really consider those optional). Hopefully that'll be it. Though there's always something else it seems (sigh...)

...e... said...

damn! soon as i posted that, here comes a out of print pattern i could still buy via paypal. sorry.

Anonymous said...

I bought a dental irrigator on Tuesday when I was at the dentist's. It cost $90. If it helps my periodontitis (as my dentist and hygenist both assure me it will), it'll be worth every penny, and I'll feel no remorse for having bought it.

Other than this rather major gadget purchase, I haven't bought a thing since 8/1.

Teri said...

I feel I did terrible.

On Monday, when our a/c went out for the third time this summer (live in San Antonio)- we ordered pizza.

I went grocery shopping and did very well sticking to my list.

Yesterday, I bought 3 curtain rods. I have been looking resale for over a year, and I found some yesterday on sale and solid wood. So- I caved.

Thus far, the greatest benefit has been the fact that my kids and I are thinking about everything we buy. When we made our grocery list-we discussed every item and if it wa a need or not.

Harper said...

Not so good this week. Brought lunches from home but on Friday realized I wasn't feeling like I was taking a break either eating at my desk or the building's break room. So I went out for lunch that day -- worse yet I did fast food. And I went out for ice cream.

I also bought the supplies to make my mom's holiday gift. I could have waited until September but didn't.

cashley550 said...

I have sinned... but I also refrained and that was great. I wanted a new glass iced tea maker but I refrained... new compost crock but I refrained.... I did however purchase a bottle of coconut body oil and a $5.00 pair of sunglasses.(I ate out several times also but I'll have to confess that every week as I travel for my job)

Anonymous said...

Didn't buy any things, but did go out--went out for coffee 4 times, went out for dinner once, and brought bagels over to my sister's once. (But I think buying bagels at a bagel shop is less wasteful than buying them at a grocery store.)

Annarchy said...

This is a lot harder than I anticipated. I HAD to take the girls to the's part of summer, part of living in Missoula, part of being a kid. And eating fair food is part of the fair. We did go on free admission day though, and limited the rides. Then a good friend AND client opened a new business and I HAD to buy something; that was practically a business expense, as I found them the space and negotiated their lease. But what I did buy was a cloth bag for my groceries and two soy candles. I'm going to a wedding next weekend but I'm making their gift.

Anonymous said...

I fail at not eating out. Twice I went to lunch with a coworker (two restaurants) and the shop owner *gave me food* without me asking, because I was sitting there not eating.

And we had guests twice and ate at restaurants once each visit :(

Also, I bought gasoline because my boys went on a trip yesterday and I wanted to make sure they didn't run out halfway through Iowa because of not paying attention.

Anonymous said...

I have been terrible!

Last Sunday, after I wrote my first confession, I went with a friend to do a seemingly free activity - walk over the brooklyn bridge. But we ended up getting dinner and then cheesecake.

Then wednesday, coworkers decided to go for impromptu after work drinks, and I had to join- bought only one drink though. There was a problem with the train and I got home late- so we ordered out.

Yesterday, we went out for an ice cream sundae. We shared, but it was in a disposable cup.

And today, I was at a Big Box Store, where I am rarely found, so I got some canning jars, lids, a whisk, tongs and a citrus reamer. All are things I had long planned to get.

I also had a sip of the fiance's soda (yuck) and bought a bag of pretzels.

On the other hand, I've gotten much much better at bringing my lunch.

I realize that all of my major problems are with not eating out. I don't really have much of an issue with not buying stuff I guess, though it is very tempting sometimes!

Kim said...

Last week was perfect except the eating out. And it wasn't local/organic/composting eating out, either. It was Dunkin' Donuts and McDonald's. In my defense, I was babysitting kids whose mother told them I'd take them to McD's, and my husband isn't doing the challenge and brought me the Dunkin Donuts...

but otherwise, doing very well!

Jen said...

We all cheated, except my dad. I had to buy 2 bras, because being pregnant it was, um, time. And I just couldn't buy them used, because it's hard enough to fit those when the selection is fantastic. Hubby bought sunscreen (we were out, and it's August in FL) and some cases for gold coins that we decided not to sell and thus needed to store more adequately. Mom bought greeting cards. These were all fantastic opportunities for me to make a big pain out of myself and lecture on the whole point being to find other ways of doing things that don't use up more resources, and I was sufficiently annoying, I think, to ward off future purchases. And, we bought the new tires ($$$ ouch) and school supplies (total less than $10) we had planned, and I know this isn't a confession, but I did buy some plants and seeds for my fall crops. We have managed to eat out only at locally-owned places, which was our goal. Next week should be better.


JessTrev said...

Pretty good except for eating out (some celebrations, it was in order and I knew they were coming) -- and I ordered some reusable bottles for some family members who admired them (as a late birthday present). Eating out is definitely my Achilles consumption heel.

Bobbi said...

I bought a Starbuck's latte on Monday but that was after spending an hour with a financial-type person trying to figure out what to do with my mother's money. I manage all her paperwork for her. At least I'm learning more about it myself. I treated myself because it was hard work. Then I bought coffee because we were out and life is not good without my caffeine. But the Starbucks was next door to the financial place so I didn't have to drive more.

Over the weekend I had to buy trellises to keep up my tomato plants and some fertilizer. I'm experimenting with a container garden and I can't let the stuff die just because I should have bought them in July when I started the veggies.

Then I took my mom out to see Brideshead Revisited. She's in assisted living so even though the lead guy was cute and the accents were all British, I was really doing it for my mom. Really.

But I controlled myself on Saturday at the library. I only borrowed books and didnt' go downstairs to the book sale in the basement. What a temptation! And I ordered 'Who Killed the Electric Car?' from another branch.

Oh, and I almost bought soda at the garden/hardware store because it was so hot but I actually thought of you guys and decided to hurry home and remember to bring my reusable bottle every time I go out.

Good week all! Bobbi from SoCal

Wendy said...

I completely blew it this week! I bought a knit purse at the Farmer's Market for my duaghter. It was a completely unneccessary item, and something I could have made her myself.

And we ate pizza on Thursday.

I'd punish myself, but I'd have to buy a "disicple", because I don't have one, and then, I'd have to flagellate myself for the purchase! Seems too drastic ;).

Professor Elaine Lewinnek said...

I'm glad to read other's confessions, because I was feeling badly about buying my daughter new shoes and also one dinner out. My husband joked that he was honoring buy-nothing month by ordering a small beer, instead of his usual large.

Even with a husband who mocks the idea of buy-nothing, we've been doing pretty well. I haven't told many people about buy-nothing, but people have been showering us with free stuff this month -- and we've also managed to pass on some of our stuff to others who wanted it. Today we got 25 free drought-tolerant plants from a friend who was thinning her garden -- plus free dirt from another neighbor. It feels pretty good.

Why are people confessing to buying used stuff? I thought that was permitted, and I've actually spent $7 on used things (kids' clothes, a nifty wooden train-set, one book for me). Guess I should go check the rules.

Anonymous said...

We ate out once. My middle daughter won free passes to a local water park in the library reading contest. We weren't allowed to bring in outside food to the water park so we had to buy lunch there.
My youngest daughter had a birthday today. I bought her some Hannah Montana gear at Target. While I was there I bought some new swim noodles and goggles. Hey, they were on clearance. Must stay out of Target.

Anonymous said...

It's too bad I didn't sighn up, if I had I'de be doing great. I didn't want to sign on to anything I didn't feel I could be completly commited to, having just moved from NY to HI I need a lot of things. Despite this I have spent no money since Thursday, and even then I only bought food (real food not snacks). I kinda feel good about that, even though I could really use a fryimg pan (the handle on mine broke) and I'll end up spending a lot on stuff in the coming week. But in my own defense I really think I could use a table and chairs (eating standing up has lost it's zip) and I'll be getting my first ever computer. I've always borrowed, even now, so it would be nice to have one where I didn't have to worry about saving stuff to someone elses. I can't wait for the next buy nothing challange though, I plan to give it my all.

My said...

I did okay with the challenge. When I signed up I stated the things that I was already committed to before I agreed to the challenge. I went out the dinner on Saturday night for a friend's going away party, and so far that is it. I did eat take out once this week, but it was purchased by someone else. Other than that, I have been cooking all week.

Cami's Kitchen said...

this is really bad..
i was at a dance practice and everyone went and got mcdonalds for lunch. it was awful and I felt awful about it. I will try not to be such a crazed spender this week

Anonymous said...

At least we are all honest with each other!
Coffee and cakey things are the killer. Everything else, pretty good. Although have been buying gardening supplies- which is allowed, I think. Planted raspberries and broadbeans and ordered seeds for spring planting...
On the up side, Starbucks have completely pulled out of the state in which I live (and has closed down most of it's Australian stores, actually) so that's one big evil temptation that I'm now saved from. Phew.

EcoBurban said...

I too bought undies and socks and new shoes for each of the boys. Everything else I bought in preparation for back to school was from the thrift store and boy, oh boy did I score BIG. Only spent $31 and got nine shirts and three pairs of pants!!

No eating out, no impulse purchases. I did renew all three older boys anti-virus software for their school laptops, does that count? I had to do it, school required, and downloaded it versus buying a hard copy, so no waste, no consuming!!

Adrienne said...

Doing well here! Grocery store, farmer's market, pet supply store, all necessities. My only frivolous spending was a few dollars in the vending machine... sometimes I don't bring enough food for lunch and I am *hungry* while stuck at work. So I probably spent $3 on packets of nuts last week. Bah.

maryann said...

So far so good, one pizza to go is the only thing I have to confess.

Anonymous said...

1. No new clothes - Nothing here

2. No eating out - Not so great this week. We've been in the process of moving and taking stepdaughter to the airport 3 hours away. We did take food to the airport but for the littles while she was at the gate we bought two drinks at Sbux. Oops.

3. Other- The hubby bought a (cheap) wireless router. Does that go on my tab? Other than that the focus has been on getting rid of things, not obtaining more.

For my part, I used a 20% off coupon to buy three gifts- my son's birthday and a gift for each child for the winter holidays. I guess it could be seen as a dual expense (or a bad mommy moment) because they were a planned purchase for educational/school reasons.

'tis all.

Anonymous said...

My family is at the beach for a week, so I'm not sure I even want to get in to all the confessions I'll need to make.

We've been getting take out or going out to eat every night and following it up with ice cream, though we do make our own breakfast and lunch.

We also bought some puzzles and playing cards since it was raining and the house we rented didn't have any.

So far that's it, but I know it's only going to get worse as the week goes on. Next Sunday's confessional is going to be terrible.

Ellen said...

I made a major purchase. A (reconditioned!) Vitamix. I am trying the raw foods route and it's been 3 weeks, so I decided I was committed enough to warrant a good blender. (it's gross chewing your almond milk...blah.) Hopefully, it will serve me for years to come.

Chile said...

Ate out once with MIL when we ended up far from home cruising the thrift stores. Bought nothing new, although something new ordered last month arrived this week. And MIL paid for tram tickets on a group outing, so I'm free and clear on that one, too.

Anonymous said...

We went out to eat three times. Ack!
I bought 2 rolls of masking tape to price things for our garage sale.

Julie Artz said...

I'm so glad that there's an exemption for canning supplies, otherwise I'd be sunk! I did, however, resist the urge to buy a cool new flexible silicon funnel to go with the canning stuff, and stuck to lids and jars.

I also bought some plants for the yard. Sigh. I really didn't need them, but they were on sale, they were the varieties that we wanted, and hey, do I get some points for carbon-offset????

Week after next is the big second-hand "Just Between Friends" sale in our area, so I'm pretty sure my confessional list is going to be long on the 24th.

Vanessa said...

We did well with the exception of eating out. Nothing new for the house, no new clothes, no other financial fumbles, but we broke down and ate out because we really love this restaurant. We paid cash though.

Anonymous said...

Paint and the Container Store.

Oh, also, a bottle of pinot grigio.

Lord, have mercy.

Oldnovice said...

Again, I've lost site of the goal. Is the goal to save $$, stop using resources, or simply cut down on consumerism?

I also renewed my virus/firewall software and we ate at a casino buffet (but we ate EVERYTHING we put on our plate). I'm disgusted when I see how much food people put on their plates at buffets, just to waste most of it.

Next week, I'm traveling 1000 miles by train and will treat a bunch of people to dinner/drinks at a restaurant as well as spend at a Renaissance Fair, as well as at Farmer's Markets and probably more. Won't be online for next week's confession, so that was it.

Jenette said...

I fell off the wagon! I got a $200 gift card to target. I spent $150 of it ... CA baby soap, crayons, cloth diaper and stainless steel PBA-free thermos. Not too terrible but ... The worst part ... I stopped a taco bell for a quick lunch for my self and daughter after shopping :(

knutty knitter said...

For the first time in 3 months we ate out...local restaurant though. Hubby got a contract so we celebrated.

Only other thing was a polar fleece for eldest who badly needed it (new) and two 2nd hand winter jackets for them too. Also badly needed - they will insist on growing :)

viv in nz

Anonymous said...

I confessing, then putting this week behind me.

I bought rugs, sheets, and a few others things to freshen up my apartment (bad roommate moving out, new roommate moving in). In the same trip, I also bought new sunscreen, though I don't feel as bad about that.

I ate out 3x! However, they were meals paid for by DBF and they were all at local restaurants who do their part in providing local and organic food from scratch. end: rationalization.

Finally, I bought a [used] text book online for classes coming up - a necessity, but I could've waited until September 1st.

But, it's tuesday already and I haven't bought anything yet. I determined to get through this month one week at a time.

lauren said...

Doing well, except for eating out. A couple of transgressions there. I have been preoccupied with the start of the school year and a death in the family, so I may be forgetting something.