Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

CC in the National Post

National PostHappy Birthday to me!

I've got a few exciting things to announce today.

First, one of my blog posts was picked up in the column Sense and Sustainability in The National Post:

The Green Gender Gap: Peak oil response is a case of he said, she said.

It is based on my blog post, Peak Oil - instinctual reactions.

Second, and much more exciting news, my husband came home from the hospital last night! We pretty much begged to have him released early and so they set it up so he can get his treatments from home instead of doing it in-patient.

So, hopefully we can keep him out as he recovers from his stem cell transplant.



ruchi said...

Oh yay!!! I'm so glad your husband is home!! Hooray! Hope he recovers quickly.

Cactus Jack Splash said...

Hey, I nominated your blog for this award!

Just go to her website and follow the instructions.
I hope everyone enjoys your site as much as I do.

Sam said...

So glad your husband is home. Hope he recovers quickly with as little pain as possible.

Green Bean said...

Yeah! I'm so happy to hear about your husband. :) Having a post in the National Post is awesome as well, of course, but nothing beats having your husband home. Happy birthday!

knittinandnoodlin said...

Yay! I'm glad your husband is back home!

Grats on the post getting picked up!

Anonymous said...

Happy news - I'm glad he's home! Best wishes for a speedy recovery. And the article is great too.

Sonnjea said...

Great news! I hope he recovers quickly.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to a one-of-a-kind gal! The gal who taught me to piss in a bucket! Hope your day is amazing! Great news about Mr. Crunchy, he has definitely been in my prayers. JenK
P.S. Congrats about the new legis. in Seattle re: plastic bags and take-out containers. Would like to know more. Hopefully, other cities will use this as a model!

maryann said...

Happy Birthday, I'm so glad hear you're husband is home, that is very exciting news. Wishing you the best in his recovery, may you continue to receive good news.
Oh, and congrats on the the National Post.

noradawn said...

Happy Birthday, Crunchy! What great gifts you're receiving this year!

Glenda said...

A birthday, a hubby home from the hospital, and a blog post picked up in The National Post -- fantastic!!

Happy Birthday!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad to hear about your hubby - I know your thankful he's home!

Happy Birthday and congrats on your blog!

EcoBurban said...

Welcome home and best wishes for Mr. Crunchy! Could you have wished for a better present? Nah, didn't think so!

Greenpa said...

:-) yeah, me too! Happy Birthday. Fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful birthday present to have your husband home from the hospital. Hope his recovery goes well.


Farmer's Daughter said...

Congrats on the good news!

Theresa said...

Hooray Hooray! Welcome home Mr. Crunchy and Happy Birthday to you Crunchy C! Have a happy happy day!

Theresa said...

Oh neat! - It's the Green As a Thistle person who wrote your National Post story!

Vanessa said...

Happy Birthday to you, congratulations on your husband coming home from the hospital, look at you getting all famous, oh heck, congratulations on all of it! That's fantastic! :)

Robj98168 said...

YES! I am so glad Mr. Chicken is home. Really makes my day!

MissAnna said...

Happy Birthday and congrats on everything! Exciting news all around!

Unknown said...

Happy to hear hubby is home. Home is so much better than hospital. But whatever works in your situation is okay.
Happy summer birthday!

Burbanmom said...

Yay!!! Happy Day, Happy Day!!!

Anonymous said...

Haha, you are quick on the uptake, Crunchy! I was just going to write a post and link to that story so you and Sharon could see I mentioned ya :)

I totally owe you for that, by the way -- and all the names you gave me to help research the article. Keep giving me inspiration!

Vanessa (aka Thistle)

Anonymous said...


Kim said...

Oh, what a fantastic birthday present having the hubby home! I'm happy for you.

Hope you had a great birthday with your family!

Connie said...

Congratulations on the publishing, Happy Birthday and a big high five on Mr. Chunchy being at home!

Jenn said...


Clare K. R. Miller said...

Happy birthday and congratulations! It's so nice of them to work that out for you and your husband!

mudnessa said...

glad the hubby is home. what a great day for you guys.

ruchi said...

Oh and happy birthday!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday and Happiness to all the Crunchies.

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful! Enjoy your birthday.

JessTrev said...

Yeah! Happy husband-home and birthday!

Carolyn said...

Happy Birthday!!! I'm so happy for you and your family. You are such an inspiration, you have no idea!

Anonymous said...

What a great birthday present to you. Hope all is well in the Crunchyhold.

Anonymous said...

What a great birthday present to have your husband home. I hope his recovery is smooth.

jewishfarmer said...

Happy Birthday! And Happy Home!

I'm so glad you are all back together again.


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday and you could not have asked for a better present than having your husband back home. Hope he recovers quickly. I think you are awesome, keep up the good work.

Mindful Momma said...

Great news on both fronts - but especially about your husband.

Anonymous said...

Hey Crunchy! I am sure Mr. Crunchy is also thrilled to be back home! What great news!

naturewitch said...

Happy birthday to you for yesterday!!!

And so great to hear Mr Crunchy is home again. Hope it all goes really well.

love and light

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are like totally famous now! Great news about the Hubby, too.

Anonymous said...

Great news about the husband! Keeping my fingers crossed that the rest of his recovery is uneventful.