Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Buy Nothing Challenge - August Edition

Batten down your wallets, it's that time again!

Y'all have had three whole months to wallow in your decadent, consumeristic lives and now it's time for a kick in the pants. Yes, folks, it's another edition of the Buy Nothing Challenge. If you missed out on it last time you can check out all the previous posts on how much fun (or withdrawals) everyone had.

We had over 225 people participating in April, so let's see how many we can get to sign up for the August edition. I'll be hosting the weekly Sunday Confessional again where you can attempt to justify your wanton purchases. So, just think about having to confess to the world why you couldn't contain your credit card.

Here are the rules (plus a new one), in case you forgot 'em...

  • No new clothes
  • No new gadgets
  • No new furniture or housewares
  • No salon services (except haircuts)
  • No new makeup
  • No new tools
  • No whatever the hell else people buy
  • No eating out (yes, this one is new!)
Once more, I'm only giving you one day to prepare so you don't run off and stockpile like crazy. You should be focusing on whether or not what you are buying is a necessity or something frivolous. Food, medications and other essentials are okay.

If you must absolutely acquire something non-edible or not essential to growing your own food, preserving or storing food for the off-season or for your survival, then you must borrow, barter, or buy it used (please note: canning equipment and supplies like sugar, pectin and jars are okay). If you end up buying something new, then spill your sins at the Sunday Confessional.

Since a lot of you are probably in buying back-to-school supplies mode, try to stick to what's on your supply list. If you have young kids who don't know any better, buy their back to school clothes at a thrift or consignment store. Feel free to torture older kids with it, too. No, really, it will be fun!

Those who participated last time took about a week to get into no-spending mode, but then were amazed out how much they saved. They were also amazed at how much they buy stuff they don't need.

If you want to sign up for the challenge, leave a comment on this post and I'll add you to the sidebar under the list of participants. For those of you who stumble upon this later, you can still join. If you want to put the graphic up on your blog, just paste the following code:

<a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Buy Nothing Challenge - August 2008" /></a>

Remember folks, there's safety in numbers.


Robj98168 said...

Like I told CHile- I am all challenged out. So I am going to respectfully "wimp" out of this one!

Crunchy Chicken said...

Well, Rob, I know the DivaCup Challenge really threw you for a loop so I understand you'd want to sit out on this one.

That and I'm sure your roommate is probably sick of all your challenges.

steffington said...

I would love to take the challenge, but I am going on a "family vacation" and I will be forced to eat out or risk alienation.

Feel free to add me to your list though.

Samantha said...

Count me in, but I'm afraid I shall have to buy some housewares, a plate at the very least. Seeing as we just moved, and except for a very few things (half of which was stolen, mind you) we were able to bring with us in the car, all of our stuff is 3000 miles away, in storage, and will probably remain there for the next four months, until we have enough spare money to have it moved. Now, we had brought two plates (two people, two plates), but one of them broke yesterday, so it will have to be replaced.

But aside from that, this challenge should be super easy, seeing as we really have no money to spend, heh.

Gretchen said...

hmm I would like to participate in this one. I have alreday committed to taking my children to a movie but I hope for that to be my only confessional. As for school supplies, I already combed over what we had left from last year and (to my children's disappointed faces) made them take about half their list from the on-hand supply. That ALONE made me fume at the wastefulness of schools and their leftover supplies at the end of the year. But I bought all my extra needed school stuff already so I got in under the deadline of August 1. I am starting to love the look of an empty fridge & pantry - it means I'm actually using what I've bought and not purchasing more than I need!

Jenn said...

I can't do it - I will have to be buying more mason jars (amazingly - did you see the pictures on Flickr of my kitchen?), sugar and Pomona's Pectin for all the upcoming canning projects as neighborhood figs, Concord grapes, and quince ripen in August.

Plus all my tomatoes -- I'm going to be buying stock in Kerr & Ball this year. Even with the solar dehydrator (sundried tomatoes packed in olive oil with rosemary, garlic and basil? yum).

I have yet to fully plan on how I'm going to make up all the goodies to use my 'maters when they are ripe. There's just so much stone fruit goodness going around -- I'm going to miss my swim again and hope I'm not dragging my @ss at work tomorrow.

lauren said...

I was JUST thinking about how I had done so well in April, but had slipped this summer. I was going to impose a no spending August by myself.

But now, of course, I'll join the challenge. Thanks, for a place to repent!

Robj98168 said...

darn it womman I told you THATS DEVO CUP NOT DIVA and you are right- Martin is tired of me being all challenged. Or as he says- Why the F do I got to suffer for you to be a g*damn tree hugger???
To which I simply give him a one finger salute. Just my way of saying I am number 1!

Anonymous said...

I'm in :) I failed last time because my dad died and I went a bit loopy buying stuff I didn't need - understandable in the circumstances, though. Not exactly sure how I'll go on not eating out - have visiting friends and my husband's birthday - but I will try!

Burbanmom said...

I'm in. But no eating out? ::whining:: Really???

Anonymous said...

Count me in. This one will be surprisingly easy. Being unemployed really helps.

My only exception to the buy nothing plan will be school supplies and uniforms. No way around that. And the traditional first day of school ice cream blowout at the local Amy's Creamery (it's a Texas thing). But I have a gift card to use for that, so not sure if it counts.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm in. My cash supply is zip this month, anyway, so this challenge should be easy!
Deann - now "Young Snowbird," with a blog in the works. You make blogging so cool, Crunchy!

Anonymous said...

This is when the gift cards from Christmas and Birthdays come in handy! We will try, we will definatly evaluate and curch our spending again! We are going to a family reunion in MA for a week, and as part of our schooling, we were going to visit Plimouth Plantation and the MayflowerII. I mean, we cannot travel all that way without gathering some colonial history...(yes, lame excuse to justify)

Anonymous said...

I'm in. Not eating out is gonna be HARD. How about drinking out? How 'bout supporting your local immigrant communities by eating their lovely spicy food which I can't possibly duplicate at home?? What about the poor immigrants?? They could be refugees, y'know... it's the right thing to do...right? :)

Kim said...

I'm in. And this time, I'm NOT going to tell my friends about it. Because last time, they just bought everything for me, in a gesture of friendship and kindness.

Anonymous said...

Hi there- I've been lurking for ages, but I'm ready to put my hand up and jump in...although I have already arranged to layby the childrens Christmas pressies on Saturday and I'll be devastated if my smart-shopping-super-organised moment is abandoned. So I'll commit from the 2nd. Actually, there's a whole Northern/Southern hemisphere time differential issue at play here, so I may just scrape in :)

ib mommy said...

Said the 15 year old fashion queen when her mother suggested shopping at a consignment store.... "Yeah, right, you crazy old woman".

I was gonna say I'm in except back to school stuff and canning jars but I just checked my U-pick farm and the tomatoes are ready so if I buy the jars today I'm going to convince myself I'm in the clear for those!

Anonymous said...

I know I will fail once or twice and have some things I am paying off. I need a decent iron so I will continue with that. The only eating out is a function for my son at school and his work meals (I cannot feed him a steak for $4 (aus) so I will deny him that treat once in a while).

So here goes it is time to tighten the belt.


Anonymous said...

All right - Sign me up again!
Maybe by the end of this challenge I'll figure out how to log on and not forget my password....

EcoBurban said...

I am in as always!! And, I plan on torturing my kids with thrift store clothing - it's really not that bad. They are middle school students, but I found Platos Closet which is geared toward teens, so that ought to make do. The only new things I will buy are the school supplies - used pencils and notebooks ain't cutting it! WOOT! Bring on the challenge!

just ducky said...

Quick tip on getting older kids (especially girls) to shop at the second-hand or thrift it "vintage" hot! I had my daughter borrow her grandmother's black patent clutch for last year's Homecoming (so I wouldn't have to buy one) and she was thrilled to tell EVERYONE she was using a vintage clutch!

Anonymous said...

Count me in!!

And JennConspiracy, please send me all the delicious food you are making. THANKS.

Linz said...

I'm in, but will buying a used home count too much against me? It's not new. :) The only other pre-meditated sin of mine will be paint for the home because it is a bank owned home and desperately needs a loving coat of new paint.

Anonymous said...

Count me in. I just joined Chile's challenge too. I'll be challenged out by September.

maryann said...

Sign me up but expect to see me 'confessing' each week. Baby due in December and I've been trying to get what I need a little at a time each month, August was plans for the crib mattress and whatever else I can scoop up off the clearance shelves. You'll probably see a pizza to go a few times also.

Adrienne said...

I'll do it, with one exception that I'm planning to buy canning supplies mid-month.

statia said...

This sounds awesome, and definitely something I'm up for, except I'll hit up the next one. It's a birthday month. So I know I'll fail miserably. I've already got a spa day with my name on it.

Anonymous said...

I'm in, again! I actually had fun with this one back in April. My friends had fun rolling their eyes at me, too, I think.

We don't have to worry about back-to-school clothes (we homeschool), but we do buy most of the kids' clothes at the consignment store. My oldest daughter likes it because she can put together her own 'look', and she isn't wearing what everyone else is.

I will have to make an exception for school supplies. When all the kids are back in school and the stores clearance the school supplies at 75% off, that's when the homeschoolers swoop in and stock up.

kate said...

I'm out too. I have the experience to buy only what I need, and sometimes that has to include things I would not ordinarily buy. It's easy for me, not being attracted by most purchases, and fuming about most of the rest, and happy to have a nice time with friends with take out food stuff and some adventure.

I get your point, Crunchy, and I get that we can all be in different places.


Lisa Zahn said...

I'm in! We've been stockpiling so much and our wallets really need a break. Thanks, Crunchy!

Adrienne said...

Wewere going to do our own 'buy nothing August', so imagine my surprise when I came upon this post! We're in... but husband requires a $20 fast food stipend and we've agreed on eating out 'only 3-4 times'. If I didn't give him that we'd be buying tons of other stuff. Wish us luck!!

Unknown said...

I want to be a part of this challenge! Jennifer at Veg*n Cooking is also hosting a Quit Now Challenge for August.

I've started a new "green" blog to help me with my green challenges and to collect all the tips I get from other green bloggers:
greeneonion dot blogspot dot com.

Thanks Crunchy!

Wendy said...

I'm in! I loved the April "Buy Nothing" Challenge, and I was actually going to impose a "no eating out" order for August anyway ;). So, it works, because misery does love company.

But for the record, we will be remodeling a bedroom in August, but it's something that's been in the plans for the last two years. The remodel is necessary to add insulation to walls where there is none (and, again, I'm left to wonder about the wisdom of the people who built our house in Maine with no insulation :) and much needed storage space to my house so that I have room for all of the jars of homemade goodness.

So, in a way, the remodel is part of the "Independence Days" challenge, as it's to help us make our house more efficient - more insulation = less need to heat ;).

Anonymous said...

This will be my first challenge. I'm looking forward to it! And maybe I can drag boy into it, too. Fantastic idea!

jewishfarmer said...

I'm in, except that for *TWO YEARS* we've had our tenth anniversary trip scheduled - the first time we've ever been away from the kids for 3 whole days, and I'm going to eat out, and maybe even buy a trashy novel to take with me.

So there. Mock away. I will confess my sins, but I'm going to enjoy them.

Oh, and I'd better buy my new stove today, no?


camp mom said...

I think we can handle this agian. We already have stuff for school. Clothes included...platos closet visit already out of the way. Canning stuffs been bought at store going out of buisness sale. The family vacation is camping-we would eat regardless of wheteher we were at home or place to eat out in the middle of a wilderness area anyway...used borrowed or not at all is kind getting to be the norm here anyway. So yeah count us in agian.

Unknown said...

i am gonna do this cause we have been eating out WAY to much but i will have to buy 3 gifts for my daughter her birthday is the 12th she will be 8 so other then then her gifts i am gonna do this last time i did horrible and want to redeem myself this time lol

Maeve said...

I'll be there in spirit, but am not signing up. We've got a lot of things going on in August, and these are things we've looked forward to for months (since late winter or longer, actually). So there will be a lot of driving, eating out, buying "just because" things (not many of those, but we did budget a little bit for that), topped off with school shopping for those things I wasn't able to find at thrifty sorts of places.

We'll be trying to keep our expenses as little as possible though.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, what kind of trashy novel do you like? I can probably send you a good one.

I couldn't do April, but since you exempted food storage stuff & food, I'm in. EXCEPT that this Saturday is our big garage sale and I reserve the right to trade unneeded crap for someone else's unneeded crap.

My boyfriend is going to be so excited about the no-restaurants challenge. Lunches are going to be hard, though.

Anonymous said...

I am all over it! I even had one last Target run, just to get an innertube for my kids rickshaw thingy. I need to STAY OUT OF TARGET, too much tempting stuff. I want for nothing! Thanks for doing this challenge, Crunchy!

Anderson Family said...

I'm in. My husband's been whinning about it already. The no eating out will be a challenge. I might actually have to plan my meals this month.

Katy said...

Okay, I'm not sure how I'm going to work the not eating out thing, and I will have to make a trip to the store for some back to school shorts and pants. I think my daughter grew a good 6 inches this summer.

Still, I'm in. I think this will be the first challenging challenge I've done. I hope I don't have to do too much confessing though.

cindy24 said...

sign me up again. I did pretty good in April and then slide some in June. I usually put everything on credit cards and pay it at the end of the month. I have switched to cash because it makes so more aware of how much is going out for food, etc. For back to school clothes I am going make the girls go through there closet and just find things they don't wear. We get lots of clothes from others. Oh, and today I will have to purchase my Niger tickets to visit my niece who is in Peace Corps. Thanks for the challenge.

Anonymous said...

I'm in! I've felt my resolve slipping against the consumer wave sometimes since the Compact. The eating out is the biggest area we need to cut back. I'm looking forward to this challenge. :)

Ellen said...

Count me in! I was so good in April and May and some of June...and went a little crazy in July!!

Kristin said...

I'm definitely in. This couldn't be better timing. We just got back from a week-long family vacation, on which we over-shot our budget. We're recovering, but this will make it much faster and it will feel good to be "good" after allowing ourselves free reign on vacation.

Thanks for doing this!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I was just thinking about how the earlier Buy Nothing Challenge lingers in the way I make purchases. I'm in as long as canning, garden and food storage stuff is exempt. I'll probably have to confess after our August 1 daytrip, but maybe not . . .

Kay's Spot said...

Confoundit Crunchy! I love your challenges, and am jumping in again. But my consumerism happy neighbors think I have gone WAY off the deep end on this one!

Count me in. I love to challenge my neighbors to rethink the status quo!!

Anonymous said...

oh, ow! but ok, i'm in! april was a great learning experience and now would be a great time for me to save money.

rebecca said...

We are pretty good about this most of the time, but it will do us good to take the challenge. Maybe we will complete our house projects that we already have the stuff for.

ruchi said...

It's a good thing your legion of Crunchy fans are not buying in August, because it will take about 100 people to counter-balance all the shopping I will be doing when my non-consumer year ends on Aug 3rd!!!!!!!! Mwahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

If you need me I will be doing a little dance in my new underwear.

Sonnjea said...

I'm in. And just for the record, I'm relatively new to the wonder that is Crunchy, so I wasn't around for the Deva Cup challenge -- but I'm taking that challenge starting this month also.

Anonymous said...

Count me in! It won't be perfect, but it will be close. I've done most of the school shopping already.

Jenette said...

Ok ... I am going to try this one again. I did get some wonderful baby shower gifts and birthday gifts used last time. And thanks for the reminder about thrift or consignment store for school clothes ... we don't have many around and with the pregnancy brain I have forgot about them :) Hopefully I get the last few essentials for the baby (due Aug 22).

Anonymous said...

I'm in. I will have to pay the deductible part of our insurance for our new roof going in as well as some new windows we are installing in Aug. but those are necessities.

Other than that, we are living pretty frugally and I don't even like eating in restaurants anymore since I've changed my diet. The food I make is way better. I spend some real money on high quality food but it still works out to be less than what we used to spend on going out to eat. My husband who loves to go to restaurants gets to do that sev'l times a month for lunch through his job so his fix is taken care of for free otherwise he comes home for lunch everyday on his bike (works a mile away).

We have been preserving lots of food in different ways that we are growing or get from the farmer's market or our coop a lot lately and will keep doing so in August, too but I am running out of jars and some other supplies that I need to get.

We are also going to put up a small greenhouse that we have been gathering or storing materials for for a long time. May have to buy some things for that project - but that would fall under growing our own food so doesn't count, right?

Brett said...

Jennifer (of Veg*n Cooking) and I are gonna sign up for this challenge. We will have to make a few exceptions, however. One: we are going out to eat on the 1st; we've been planning that for over a month. Two: we will likely be purchasing canning supplies later this month as we have no feasible means of borrowing what we'll need. Three: Jennifer's birthday is this month, so it is likely that we'll be asked to join someone for a meal and/or receive gifts/money in the mail. We cannot expect everyone who knows us to participate vicariously via our demands, so we won't. Other than that, I think we can fully comply. It's a great challenge.

Jill said...

I'm in! I got a Diva Cup 2 years ago and I love it, so I won't need to buy one of those. I realized that I'm already doing alot of good things, I've never used the heater in my tiny apartment (I live in Austin, I do use the AC and fan tho, I'm a wimp that way) I read about your blog over on Carolyn Baker's site, btw :)


Teri said...

I'm in, I think. I've never done one of your challenges- but I am a happy diva user due to your first diva challenge.

One question though, what if you have been saving for months for your organic nursery's Aug tree sale for trees you really need in your tree-less back yard? Is that a sin?

And, my kids are way upset that cereal is not a need but a want.

Carley said...

Alright, I'm in!

Anonymous said...

I'm finally ready to quit lurking and actually join one of your challenges. I will likely have to buy some canning supplies and maybe a new pair of jeans (you can see daylight through my current pair in some inappropriate places!), but other than those, I'm in. Between this and Chile's discretionary food challenge, I should save a good chunk of money in August!

Lisa said...

Delurking to join in the fun. I'm in the middle of moving so this should be interesting...

Harper said...

I've been on a buy nothing spree since June 1. I fell down a bit in July (I was helpless to resist a small solar power charger for all my gizmos and a Bod-i-Bag - a totally cool sleeping bag/liner that you can wear as a jacket during the day made to order by a small [one-man] business) so I'm in for the August challenge -- maybe I need that public-ish accounting to stay straight. I'll tell you right now that the no eating out rule will be my nemesis but eating lunch out almost every day is bad in so many ways - money, gas, health.

Mary said...

Count me in! I do have a wedding to attend, but it shouldn't mean any spending except for gas.

Spot-On said...

I'm in, but, won't be able to do the eating out thing. DH birthday on Aug 1st and honestly we eat out at local family owned restaurants so I think that's ok. Chain restaurants just aren't our thing anyway.

Spot-On said...

Oh and gardening supplies, forgot gardening supplies. I grow veggies so have to have those for my 'stock'.

Anonymous said...

I'm in! We're probably going to have to get new shoes for the kiddos, but we'll do our best to thrift clothes for them for the start of school. We might need some more school supplies, too.

Maria said...

I need this challenge to get me jump started on budget control -- the eating out though will be the toughie.........

I will be having to get school supplies and uniforms for my oldest - she grows to fast - but that is the only t hings I forsee......

Anonymous said...

We are in. We have a few of our own rules, though. 1. We are painting and re-doing our son's room. We have already bought the paint, and have most supplies, but if we NEED to buy anything, it's ok. 2. Ditto for our yard. We are planning on building some beds and re-mulching some large areas, so we will be buying a few trailer loads of mulch. 3. We belong to a swimming club, and will allow ourselves beer and burgers at the club a couple of times, but no other eating out! That will be tough, but great for the budget!


Erica said...

I'm in. We're pretty frugal anway so I doubt it'll be hard. A lot of the time, I even cut my own hair and my daughter's hair too...

mudnessa said...

oh come on you post about all this hair stuff and now you want me to not buy things . . . ugh. i would love to do the challenge but i think my husband might kill me. mostly with the eating out. i really dont like to eat out and whenever he asks what i want to do i say i dont know but it doesnt work.

not having much extra money and having rent going up will definitely help this go better for sure. also my new wine kick since i am the only driver so when we do go out i cant drink. im plotting excuses so i dont have to say im doing another one of crunchys challenges.

oh and i got an earful last night because i was soaking my menstrual shot glass (great name that some one suggested to me) on the kitchen counter. better let that die down before i mention crunchy again, haha.

Unknown said...

I'm in, without really thinking about it much. But August is going to be an extremely lean month, so it is good timing. I thought we would go into debt this summer by now, but a little work trickled in here and there, and we have broken even so far! Yay! Like another poster said, this is an excellent nudge for me, being several months since the last buy-nothing challenge. I found last time, the times that I "slipped", I really questioned why, and learned from that, so I'm signing up even thought I'm not sure I'll be able to do it. Especially the eating out. Does take-out from the grocery store count when you're in a pinch? Or is it every conscience for themselves? My goal is to do a bit better every buy-nothing adventure.

Anonymous said...

i'm in! i did decently in april, but not as well as i'd hoped, so it'd be cool to try again. i just found out today that i no longer have a job (hooray for the corporate world!) and so i'll need to crack down like a mofo... perfect timing :)

Anonymous said...

The Rev. Billy would be proud, Crunchy! Sign me up...and change-a-lujah!

(Amusingly, the word verification for this post was "uzzfd", which sounded in my mind like "you iz f'd". Not the best omen in the world, but whatever.)

Carolyn said...

I wanna join, however we must buy clothes for my two boys for school. I've bought all the tops, now they need pants, shoes and undies. And the necessary school supplies. Oh and I will buy fabric because I'm learning to sew and that is for the greater good.

Unknown said...

We only eat at our local restaurant- mostly organic, employs local people, buys as much local produce as possible, run by young couple with 2 small kids, seriously considering going all non-GMO, lots of good live music. Usually 4 of us carpool.

Why wouldn't we want to support this lovely restaurant? Not every night but maybe twice a month.

Kristijoy said...

I'm in.
Eating out may be impossible to avoid. Does it include workplace food? I usually bring lunch and whatnot, but buy my morning coffee (and support my non-profit science museum where I work)'cause I have yet to find a travel mug I like, that is *easy-to-clean* the lid and can take on my bicycle.(anyone know of anything? this IS somthing I would buy new...)

Other than that it should be cake. I rarely buy new things. I already borrow barter buy used and freecycle, upcycleed or handmade out of used and scrapped materials...
unless it's somthing have to purchase somthing new if I can't find it old, or it's for sanitary issues. Which I don;t foresee in August unless the underpants gnomes come and visit or somthing.

My said...

I will join too. I am confessing right now that my sister is getting married in August and I need to buy a gift. I also need to buy a parking pass and supplies for school. And I will eat out once this month for a going away party I already committed to. Other than that I'm in the challenge.

JuliaO said...

I am so there--I accept this challenge! Not eating out will be by far the hardest. But this challenge is calling my name!

A Lady said...

Oh what the hell. I'm in.

scifichick said...

Sign me up! I did the one in April, and it was really fun. And I'm looking forward to not spending any money. July has been very challenging with paying for vacation and summer camp.

Anonymous said...

Count us in...but I don't think I'll want to give up buying an afternoon coffee a couple of times a week.

Unknown said...

Gotta give it a try. I think we will participate in the "buy almost nothing" challenge - modest vacation planned next weekend, back to school clothes and supplies for three kids ... just the basics.

kathirynne said...

kI am definitely in! My youngest son is getting braces in October, so we're pinching our pennies until they squeal until then.

Anonymous said...

I'm in! I'd been thinking about doing a no-eating-out month anyway. And I guess it's a good thing we ordered the dehydrator today :-)

Anonymous said...

I am in over at Xanga----I've made a decision vewry recently that every spare cent is going to be used towards getting out of this horrible rental house, and this seems like a fascinating way to start :). Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Okay, been lurking and reading and decided to have a slow year, so this is a good way to get started. I have committed to a movie on the weekend already, so I will do that, and if my boss comes to town, I will have to eat out with her, but other than that, I am golden. I NEED to do this to kick off my slow year!


Anonymous said...

Ok. My first challenge. I guess I should do it since I am *kinda* between jobs anyway.

Let's DO it!!


Laura Kaeding said...

Sign me up, Crunchy!

JessTrev said...

I'm in - with the up front acknowledgement that family serenity may ride on meals out that I am preconfessing. Already got the kid's back to school clothes at a 2nd hand store.

Anonymous said...

Count me in. I'm going on vacation in early September though, so I have a feeling there will be some last minute rushing around for 3oz bottles to fill...

My SO is still on the fense, but I think he can be persuaded.

Tina Cardone said...

I'm in again. My yucca is in desperate need of a new pot, but its pulling CO2 out of the air so its justified. And this plant is like my child, he's just growing up so fast. Nearly as tall as I am!

Debbie said...

I had already committed to myself to do this, so I'm definitely in. I do have a couple of exceptions for a couple of commitments I have already made, but otherwise it's pretty much groceries and gas only.

cashley550 said...

I'm in... I think I'll be at the confessional at least 2xweek as I have a standing date with my dearest mommy that I take her to lunch. I'll give up all other eating out except that. She will cook for me sometimes as our date so I'll encourage it. I'm so excited to see if I can do this!

Rachel said...

This will be my first challenge here (first comment, too - whoo-hoo).

No money to spend = easy. :)

Chile said...

I'll make a good effort, but I'll show up faithfully for the confessionals, right alongside half the other folks signing up.

Off to make a list of the new tools we need to buy by tomorrow night... ;-)

Lisa said...

Count me in for this challenge...I am in need of something to make me really think about the stuff i seem to buying this summer....just worthless stuff as i walk through the store :(

Bobbi said...

Do books at the library book sale count? Sigh, oh well. Sign me up. First comment, first challenge, new reader. Bobbi

Anonymous said...

oooh. I get in on the ground floor of a challenge! Sign me up. I may even extend it to not buying gas and take the bus to work. But then again I do live in Phoenix and Friday is supposed to be 110, kinda sucks to be walking to bus stops...

knutty knitter said...

I'm in though I will have to get new bicycles (2nd hand) for hubby and eldest shortly and a few new clothes for kids - I think they've both sprouted about 5 inches and they don't have an unholed pair of trousers between them (some mended several times!)
We don't eat out more than twice a year (birthdays) anyhow so I don't think that should count as I'm not giving up anything. Same goes for makeup (I don't have any). We cut all our own hair....

For the rest I'll call in :)

viv in nz

Anonymous said...

I'm in. Except my b-day is Sunday. I will hit the dreaded 39. I am pretty sure that we will eat out. Otherwise, we have our school supplies and stocked up on thrift store clothing already. I think I have enough canning jars for apple season but that isn't until Sept anyway. Sounds great! Can't wait

Marimoy said...

This one is a bit hard for me as I am starting classes this month and going on a trip so buying food at my fave restaurant there is inevitable.

Anonymous said...

I am in but I am likely to have to confess a few things necessary to get the semester started (e.g., some printer ink to print my syllabi, and the books necessary for one of the classes I just found out that I am teaching)

I guess those Chicago Hardy Fig trees I have been lusting after will wait a bit longer.

Connie said...

Vacation Time! Woo Hoo. Therefore I respectfully decline to participate in August.

Pat said...

I'm in! I've never participated in anything like this before, so it should be fun. I'm a little scared of the no eating out part, though...

Eileen said...

I am in with a few exceptions, we are leaving on vacation, soo a few things will have to be bought. But I will challenge myself to only NEEDED things like gas and food. No " oh that's cute I want it", is beer a necessity ? I say yes it is in a food group! Also August is the month for canning here and I will only buy the necessities for that project.
Last month I recorded everything I spent a penny on so this month will be real interesting.
I love your site, have been reading it daily for several weeks now. When I was raising my children The Tightwad Gazette was about the only resource. Now the internet is full of great stuff, mostly the same stuff that we were talking about 25+ years ago, but the humor has improved.

Anna Banana said...

Sign me up, though I expect I'll be confessing some as I am flying out of here next week.

Joanna said...

Okay I'm in. Last time I joined late and didn't **quite** make a month, but I'll drop my spending to beautifully slim standards. And this time I'll keep it off!

The no eating out thing I can do- if I cant I will have to answer to you and Chile- too daunting! But I'm sure gonna try to not spend anything!

Lisa S. said...

Safety in numbers, eh? Ok, I'm in. I can already hear the whining about not eating out. I'm going to have to put some thought into "emergency meals"--you know the kind you need when the thought of cooking and cleaning for one more effing meal makes you want to scream. That's really the only reason we ever go out to eat (and we don't eat out more than several times a month). This IS going to be a challenge. ;)

ChelseaL said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ChelseaL said...

Count me in too! This is my first time to this blog. But, I'm so excited! My husband is going to love this as well!

Anonymous said...

Add me to the challenge. I have in fact been doing this for a while. I had to take out a loan for some had-to-be-done house repairs, so until that sucker is paid off, it is Buy Nothing Every Damn Month. This just gives me a reason to think I'm doing it by choice. ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm in. I've played along at home for some challenges but haven't officially signed up for any, this is my first.

Not buying anything will be somewhat easy because like a lot of folks I don't have much money to spend. But somehow every month I always manage to buy a few books (used, mostly reference books) and make a couple of trips to Goodwill. And I buy food & coffee while at work several times a week, and order pizza too often. I'm giving up all that for August.

Since I don't buy much that generates garbage, the bulk of my trash is empty cigarette packs & butts. I'm going to work in August towards quitting - taper off the smoking for 2 weeks & then see if I can finally quit. Thanks for the challenge - maybe I can quit this time.

Robin said...

I'm in. I was too late to the game to join in April and have been mentally playing along ever since. Having watched Pretty in Pink about three hundred too many times in high school, I've always preferred thrift store clothes anyway...

Anonymous said...

I am in on the "Buy Nothing Challenge" I will do my best! Does that include coffee from coffee shops?

Unknown said...

An idea whose time has least at my house. Count me in too!

Hannah said...

I'm in! I spent too much this month, even if most of it was thrifty, so this will provide some balance :o)

Pattie said...

My commitment is not buying any books for myself in August. Since books are my drug of choice, that's a big deal for me. :) Limiting spending in this economy is always a good idea, so I'm all for not buying frivolous things for myself, and using what I already have. :-)

Anonymous said...

i'm in... i love a challenge... besides i just finished my semi annual "tack fix ":)

Innstyle Montana


Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for awhile now and I promised myself I would play the next time you posted one of these but what a time for you to do it.
We are trying to fix all of the stuff that was destroyed in our yard when a drunk driver ramped his truck in our yard going about 60 miles an hour.
This is definitely going to be a challenge!

A. Brown said...

I can do the no new clothes for me, hubby, and baby1, but we don't even know what baby2 is yet! We should be getting most everything hand-me-down so I won't need much. Would buying things with gift cards from the baby shower count towards spending?

New gadgets, no problem.
New furniture, no problem.
Salon services? Psh, like I have time for that.
New makeup, no problem.
No new tools, uhm, I think I can convince the husband of that.
No eating out, well we're already going 75% for Chile's challenge... why not the whole enchilada!

The only thing I can forsee buying is a few craft items, but I won't buy anything not on my list. Fair nuff?

I'm glad I get to participate this time!

Anonymous said...

Okay after much prodding by my friends I am in!

Maggie said...

Okay, I'm in. We are trying to save for a move and hopefully this will help keep me focused on the big picture. I'm not sure how I will do with my daughter's clothing for school but I will check consignment first for sure:)

Anonymous said...

Definitely count me in! Just came across your blog and love it! Love the challenge! Look forward to reading everyone's sins on Sunday! = )

Anonymous said...

How fortunate to stumble upon your blog the night before I begin what I've been calling my Financial Fast. I'm in, mostly because I was already planning on doing it! Earlier this week I did my major grocery shopping, took the dog to the vet and filled the car up with gas. It seems weird to be looking forward to not spending money, but honestly, I've been so excited about this.

Vanessa said...

I'm not sure how this will turn out, but count me in!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in! This is one of those things that is coming along at exactly the right place and time for me!

Anonymous said...

Count me in. We are now VERY broke again as we just purchased a new car (I know - but its my dream car and I will likely have it longer than my old car which I had for 12 years). It sucks to be generous! We gave my old car to my husband's ex since she couldn't get a car loan to buy herself a car.

This shouldn't be a problem to not buy anything this month because I HAVE NO MONEY! Like most other months *sigh* I just have to say that I will not be responsible for my husband's expenditures!

angie said...

I will participate! I will buy nothing!

MJ said...

sign me up! this challenge rocks!

Anonymous said...

I'm in this month. There are three things though:
1) I'm taking Darling Boyfriend out to dinner, as he just graduated Medical School.
2) I'm going camping this weekend and am in need of two hobo-pie makers.
3) I need to pay a deposit on my hiking trip to Peru.

I'm in desperate need of this - thanks :)

Anonymous said...

I'll try my best, but there are a few pre-planned vacations that might get in the way. Also, I'm a college student and still live with my family, so I'm pretty much at their mercy in terms of occasionally going out to dinner.

Anonymous said...

I'm in. This is my first challenge and my first comment. We homeschool year round so no back to school supplies or clothes for us.


LeahBear said...

Add me to the list! I'm interested to see how hard it is for me to stay away from Target and Amazon for a month.

I'm going to have to wait until August 11th to really get into it though. We're going on vacation for a week, and contrary to my husband's beliefs, margaritas and hushpuppies are *not* essential. :)

Oldnovice said...

I'm in, but the banner had to go below the political banners because this IS an election year.

Sweetly Single said...

count me in

nicole said...

Ok, I'm going to try this again. I've got a number of pre-scheduled things happening that will each violate many of the rules, but aside from those things I will pledge to be MUCH more mindful this month.

(a bit of a cop-out I know, but it's pretty much all I've got right now).


Anonymous said...

Count me in!


Oldnovice said...

It was just this morning that I signed on to this thing and on the VERY FIRST DAY (also first day home from a short trip out of town)
I put some cut-up bread from the loaf I'd baked in the solar oven that went moldy during our short vacation into the solar oven to make bread crumbs ... I took a nap.

By the time I woke up it was WAY too late to cook supper, so my husband went out to get something. This NEVER happens here. We NEVER eat out or get take-out. Heh. It's almost as though a part of me was saying, "Break the rules!"

That's my confession (I already forgot where to go if confessions are necessary). Day ONE! SHEESH!

Anonymous said...

Count me in...I am new to your post and ready for a challenge!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I getting in a little late! I've never done this before so wish me luck!

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I just found this site & am so excited, since I've been compulsively binge shopping lately. I've got the kids clothes bought for school, so we're good to go. We've got a family vacation planned the week of the 16th & I'll try to "limit" the eating out - I may have to confess, but I'll give it a go! Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

I am a total stranger, but I want to sign up for the challenge! I need to stop spending...

Think I can do it??? HOPE SO!

Anonymous said...

im in, but its going to be tough!

Unknown said...

I will give it a go, but it will be difficult because I am always buying things.

Margo said...

Sign me up! I'm supposed to b doing it regardless (set myself a year long one) but it's now August and I've well and truly fallen off the wagon. Starting anew today!

...e... said...

i thought i'd signed up but apparently i forgot even that! here's me.

Jen said...

We're in! I got my husband and my parents to go in on it (actually, that was easy, they were pretty enthusiastic), so by extension my son is in, too. Although at three, I don't think he grasps it.

There were some questions about whether this includes eating out and paying for services such as car washes, oil changes, tickets to plays.

We decided eating out is okay, because we do it so rarely anyway and it's a combo of paying for a service thus supporting local people (we eat at local places) and buying food. And we decided supporting the community theatre was okay, because we're not actually buying any junk. Plus, the Seussical is in town. And no new clothes for school of course, but we are obligated to buy the items on the school supply list.

Um, and we decided that an oil change new tires on our car was a necessity for safety's sake (we just took a long car trip to move). I know that sounds like a lot of qualifications but it's 4 people's worth. And since I'm so late posting, now I have to go over to the confessional and post. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm in, first timer. I hope already established layby doesn't count.

Anonymous said...

I am going to join this challenge. I am in the process of painting the inside of my house. I have waited 3 years to do this, so will continue to buy paints and rollers without guilt (with glee, actually).

Eb said...

Would you add me to your Buy Nothing Challenge list?

Vicki McLeod said...

I'm in. I've added your blog to my listings, so hopefully some of the greener Mallorquins will also be in....

love your blog, hope you're fella is out of the hospital now.

Julie Artz said...

We soooo need to buy nothing this month, so count ChezArtz in! I will have a few plants to confess on Sunday though--it's so hard not to buy herbs when they're on sale for 50 cents at the end of the season!

And thanks for giving us amnesty on canning supplies, because I've got jam on the brain. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

I'm in. We totally need those little plastic bracelets to wear to remind us though!

Anonymous said...

Count me in. Better late than never I guess. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm in, a few days late. But this will mean fully transitioning my daughter from plastic diapers to cloth, so I just purchased some cloth-diaper covers and liners. I think that falls under the same exception as the diva-cup: it saves buying in the long run, so it may be allowable.

But here's my question: what about services? I can't easily cancel electricity or water or garbage pick-up (though I can try to scale back on using electricity and water, of course). Some of my monthly service-bills are more optional, though. I could cancel netflix, or the twice-a-month lawn-mowing service that is a luxury -- and I'll probably think of others. Are those services allowable things like haircuts? They don't use many environmental resources, and they make me happy. Hmm.

Is the buy-nothing idea that I should also cancel services like my daughter's daycare? Daycare is my biggest expense, after mortgage, but it's not something I can easily forego, given the requirements of my job and my personal sanity.

Anonymous said...

I'm in, starting tomorrow. I missed it, and we're already being bad today, so I'm going to start, better late than never.
Does buying a necessary vehicle count? Because we really don't have much of a choice in the matter.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting a late start due to a family vacation when this was announced. It shouldn't be too hard to accomplish, I'm at the "replace only as necessary" stage in my purchases lately. Of course there are a few school supplies that I haven't pick up yet and that no eating out is going to cause great family drama, but I'll give it my best.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I'm in...I need the discipline of this. I don't think it should be too hard, I've already implemented it to a degree in an effort to pay down some bills. However, let's just forget that little visit I made to Dollar General last night (for 1 item-came home with several!)--it won't happen again.
I even need to be more diligent in buying food and stop buying
things I do not need. I'll work on that too.
(bracing myself)

Anonymous said...

I'm in. Fortunately the expenses relating to sending the kid off to college were all incurred last month. I don't think I could spend any more money this month even if I wanted to. It's just not there!

Janet said...

I'm joining for the first time. I still have to pay for a wedding present I agreed to buy with my aunt and mom, but other than that, so far so good..should be an interesting month. -Janet

Anonymous said...

i'm new, joining in this month-i read a lot but haven't posted until now. we are re-using many school supplies from last year anyway:) my 15 year old actually likes getting his clothes second hand, first, then if we can't find anything we buy new (pretty rare even then). LOL
the only thing that will be a little hard is not eating out, we eat out a couple times a month.

Cami's Kitchen said...

i hope its not too late to sign up!
I just finished shopping for all my school things so I am ready to dedicate myself to this little challenge! I am all aboard! :]

Pat said...

Ate out 3 times, bought 2 new outfits for the grandbaby for $1.97each at JCP, and the biggest victory of all was going in Target and only buying necessities, shampoo, soap, and coffee filters.

Anonymous said...

I actually decided to do this and posted about it, but didn't know you hosted this as an ongoing challenge. Cool!

So count me in :) Link

Added yer graphic. Thanks!

Wendy said...

Oooh, I want to join..a little late though! I don't have credit cards - if I can't pay cash, I don't buy it, but this will be so fun and challenging! I'm starting right now (since I just got back from a shopping trip :)

Sarah said...

I'm also a little late but I'm in and will do my best for the last half of the month!

Unknown said...

I think I need this type of challenge, would love to join, even though I'm halfway through already.

Melanie J. said...

I'm in. I'm late, but I'm so in, and I'll extend it to September. I've just spent the last week trying to justify a new purse (hasn't been purchased), when we barely make ends meet. Thank you for this.

Allie said...

I'm late on this, but I don't mind doing it through September if you're extending it.

I need a new bra and need to replace a couple of my many-years-old tank tops, so I'll probably buy those during this challenge (w/ saved gift certificates), but otherwise, school supplies (books, etc) are it for me.

Anonymous said...

Hi from Sydney, Australia! I am too late for August, but would love to give it a go on the next round - can you let me know when it's happening?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for such an important blog about shopping. This is a very needed info about shopping sites.

Anonymous said...

If you do this again, I want to play!!!

Anonymous said...

Funny that I stumbled on this - I started this on my own this month and November 1st was the hardest!!!!!!!!!!! I will def do it with you all next time :)