Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Non-Toxic Avenger book giveaway

I got a box delivered yesterday full of copies of my book, The Non-Toxic Avenger: What you don't know can hurt you, which won't be available until end of November 2011 from New Society Publishers and I thought to myself, why not do a book giveaway now before it's released? I'm always doing book giveaways, so why not my own? So, I've decided to do the first (I'm sure of several) book giveaway for a signed copy of my new book!

Ze Book Description!
"Most of us turn a blind eye to the startling array of chemicals lurking in everything from shampoo to baby bottles to the money in our wallets, choosing to believe that government agencies ensure the safety of the products we wear, use, ingest, and breathe in daily. Yet the standards for product safety in North America lag far behind those of other countries. We frequently hear that a substance we've relied on for years turns out to have serious effects on our health, the environment, or both.

After coming to terms with the fact that the autism and cancer which had impacted her family were most likely the result of environmental toxins, author Deanna Duke undertook a mission to dramatically reduce her family's chemical exposure. She committed to drastically reducing the levels of all known chemicals in both her home and work environments, using the help of body burden testing to see what effect, if any, she was able to have on the level of toxins in her body.

Follow Deanna's journey as she uncovers how insidious and invasive environmental toxins are. Learn about your day-to-day chemical exposure, the implications for your health, and what you can do about it. And find out whether the author's quest is mission impossible, or whether she is ultimately able to improve her family's health by taking steps towards leading a chemical-free life."

Ze Rules!
If you are interested in entering the random drawing for my book, please add your name to the comments of this post. You get bonus points for liking the Crunchy Chicken on Facebook. Just let me know if you're a fan of the page in your comments.

You have until midnight PST next Tuesday, November 8th, to enter. And, now for the legal mumbo jumbo: This giveaway is open to U.S. residents, 18+ only. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Winner will be selected Wednesday, November 9th and will have 7 days to respond.

Ze Book Excerpts!
And, just to whet your whistle, here are some excerpts from the book/blogs that I've posted over the past year:

Good luck!!


Crafty Farmer said...

Pick ME!!!! :) Of course, I follow you on FB...that's how I found out about this give-away!!! YAY!

Beth @ North Park Homestead said...

Should I be afraid to read this? Is this one of those issues where you're just better off as an ostrich??? Ignorance is bliss? Probably not, please add me to the list.

Congrats on the pending release!

Anonymous said...

Me! Please pick me!! I also follow you on facebook. Mary Larsen

BluElf said...

Add me!! So excited about your book! Much congrats on the pending release. :) I also like Crunchy Chicken on FB, Susan Isla.

Rachel said...

Sign me up! I like you on Facebook of course, and even more importantly, I love you in real life! Good luck with book sales! Can't wait to read it.

montessoridiva said...

Pick me please! We are freezing our buns and I need a book :)

fragmentaerie said...

I want ze book and I also follow you on ze facebook.

Delora said...

I'm excited to read your book, so of course would love to get it for free.

Delora said...

I'm a fan on facebook

mybeadifullife said...

I would love to enter! my email is I do not have a facebook.

Anonymous said...

Yes please! FB fan to boot!

sarah sobel said...

Pick me! I'm a FB fan too!

sarah sp said...

Pick me! I'm a FB fan too!

Anna said...

Pick me! I follow you on FB as well.

Kitty said...

One of these days I'm going to win. Also follow you on Facebook.

Julie said...

Like you on facebook. Love you here! Please pick me!

Bucky said...

Of all of your giveaways, this is the one that I really want to win.

Hannah R said...

I really like your info and I hope I win the book. I also follow you on Fb.

K said...

As a Canadian, I have a question: why only US residents? You aren't a corporation that has to abide by certain laws, and the postage isn't that much higher. Since I will be able to buy your book here when it comes out, as will those in other countries, why limit the give-away?

I've noticed this on your last few give-aways, but it seems those on other blogs are not limited.

Just call me a curious Canadian.

Kim L said...

sounds like a book I need to read. like you on Facebook!

Donna said...

Thank You for doing a giveaway of your new book! I would love to win a copy of it, I read every post you make to your blog and enjoy your writting style so I know I will enjoy you book also. I do follow you on facebook and twitter - Can't get too much Crunchy Chicken!!

Roz said...

I would love to win a copy of your book...I've been wondering when it would be available! I will go find you on FB right now...been meaning to do that, honestly!!

Jessica said...

Awesome book!

Jessica said...

I follow you on Facebook.

Daryl at Vermont Cottage said...

I would love to win! I like you on Facebook as well :).

kindred spirit said...

Here I am! Would love to read your new book...and I love chickens and want a few of my own to add to suburbia life...and yes I am a big fan on face book.


Heather said...

You know I am on your facebook page lol, I am far from quiet. And I would love a copy of your book. It would help to have someone else's views on the topic of toxins.

Kate said...

Please put my name in the hat! I'd love to have my own copy of your book. Congrats on having the finished product in your hands!

Lisa said...

Like many others I found this giveaway on FB first so you know I like you there. I also like that you've published this book (and that a second is in the works) AND I congratulate you for all!! Crunchy FTW!

swiggett said...

Would so love to win this! Also follow you on FB. Fun times!

ASBloom said...

Me! Me! Pick me! Congrats on the book Deanna. Can't wait to read it!

brittany said...

I would love a copy of the book. Already pre-ordered but will give one away as a gift if I win!
Brittany Levinson, and I am a fan on facebook

Tris said...

you bet I'm a fb fan!!

BERNIE said...

With a grandchild born 3 mos. premature and seemingly overcoming every medical obstacle that can be thrown at him, I would love to read your book. Especially interested in any Autism links.
Please enter me into the drawing.
Bernie Paquette
FYi, My blog of short stories:

Tara said...

I would like to be in zee drawing, please. I am also zee Facebook fan. :)

Rachel said...

Oooooo! I'd love to add your book to my shelf (will do so anyways even if I don't win). Already a fan on FB.

Jennifer @ Fast, Cheap, and Good said...

Would love to win a copy!

I also follow you on Facebook.

Good luck with the book!

Megan said...

I would love to win a copy, and I already follow you on FB!

Angela said...

I'm interested! I do follow you on FB. :)

SurprisingWoman said...

I can't imagine the excitement of holding your own book. How amazing would that be???

I would love to win. I am a FB fan too, have been for a while.

Brenda Kidman

Leslie Richman said...

I would love a copy of your book! (and I'm a FB fan).
Thanks! :)

JessE @ LoveLifeFromScratch said...

Sounds like a great book! I would love to own a signed copy ;)

Natalie A said...

I would love to win!

Katie said...

Oh oh! Me, me! I want a book!

Newbienotscared said...

Just recently, my boyfriend and I decided that we were going to only eat food that we could make from scratch ourselves. It has been a challenge, (lots of bread and butter, haha) but also a great way for us to spend time together. I have never felt better. Looking for homemade cheese recipes I found you! And can't wait to read more. I will buy your book anyways, but a free copy would be icing :).

Newbienotscared said...

My boyfriend and I just recently decided that we would only eat what we could make ourselves from scratch. (Needless to say, it's been a lot of bread and butter, haha) But, I have never felt better and it has ended up being a great way to spend time together. While looking for homemade cheese recipes, I found you! I'll buy a book anyway, but a signed giveaway would be icing :)

Dogs or Dollars said...

I'd love to to have a copy. And I've already shown my Crunchy Chicken love on the FB.

Miss Kris said...

I would love to win a signed copy of your book! I'm a FB fan, too!

Sarah C said...

I'm very interested. Thanks!

Color Me Green said...

I'd love to read it. I wanted to add it to my library request list but saw it's not in the Brooklyn public library system yet.

koadtoad said...

Sign me up, also! Thanks for the opportunity!

Judy T said...

Oh, I'd love this one! Too bad I'm not on Facebook :(

Kristijoy said...

I'm, and an fan.

Robb & Nancy said...

I'd love this book. And, yes, I am a fan on facebook!

Robj98168 said...

Me! I am a whore for a signed book... I also follow you on FB

Dea-chan said...

Would love to win a copy!

Jen the Ecoventurer said...

Congratulations on your book! You must feel great now that it is ready to hit the shelves. I am looking forward to reading it.

p.s. I follow you on FB too!

Anonymous said...

I would love a copy! and yes, I'm a fan on FB! :)

Jamie D said...

Jamie Darragh and I am a FB fan and enjoy reading your posts so I'm definitely looking forward to reading your book!

silver said...

may the most random choice win! and/or me!

Victoria said...

I have been following for years!! pick me!

Unknown said...

Pick me! I've been following you for a long time, both here and on Facebook!

Bee Girl said...

Congrats on your book! I'd love to win one!!! And, of course, I'm a fb follower :-)

Brad K. said...

Yes, please, I would like a copy!

Tata said...

Would love to win & yep I liked you on FB :-)

Brittany Thomas said...

I like you on FB

Nana Sadie said...

I'd love a copy! I have 4 grandchildren, all with disabilities (three autistic and one congenital illness) and I'm all about getting the toxics out of our lives!
(and yes, I like you on Facebook! You betcha!)

Paul Glowiak said...

I like both you and your personal pages on FB. I would LOVE one of your signed books, I feel what you write about should be a must read for everyone!

dzgrrly said...

Would LOVE a signed copy of your book! And I (Dawn E Scire) follow you on FB. :)
dawnzig (at)
hotmail (dot) com

Emily Wilkins said...

Coolness! I'd love to win!

Emily Wilkins said...

Oh, and I also like Crunchy Chicken on Facebook.

Mitty said...

I am looking forward to reading your book! Hope I win it!

Keely said...

Would love a copy!

Keely said...

PS- liked on FB!

Robin said...

Please consider me, I am very excited about this book! And of course I've already liked you on FB.

kelly said...

Yes please!

kelly said...

Yes please! I'm excited to check it out!

Erica/Northwest Edible Life said...

Heck yeah I want your book.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I just started eating organically this year. So although we try to not put toxic substances in our bodies, I would love to know alternatives to putting them ON our bodies. Congrats on the pending release of your book.

Also...I just became a fan on your FB page. :o) I'm on there as Karla Holm Baker.

Jen said...

Congrats on your book! Would love to win it!! Jennifer Cook

lori said...

Would really love to read your book! I follow you on facebook.

lori said...

Would really love to read your book. i follow you on facebook.

Jen BK said...

Congratulations. I see that someone else has expressed the same fear I have....that perhaps I shouldn't read it as it will start me on some new campaign for detoxing our house. I will not be an ostrich....give me knowledge.

Ecodea said...

Too bad its US only :(

Adrienne S. said...

Yeah! What I really want to do is give this book to friends after I read it. I have some friends who I love dearly but they are willfully clueless in these matters. So count me in- and I'm a fan on FB too!

Nerd Extraordinaire said...

I went to like you on FB and found the super sweet periodic table of storing produce. VERY COOL!

Caron said...

I would love to read this. I am so curious how you managed it with children...always challenging. I also liked you on facebook. Thanks!

Prairiemom said...

I'll throw my name in too. If I win this one, I will donate the one I pre-ordered to someone who would use it. You know I follow you on FB too!

Jessica said...

I would LOVE to have a copy of your new book. I wandered over here from a link to your 'easy cheeses to make' post from Ree (pioneer woman). For the last couple of years, I have been on a journey towards understanding and ridding our lives of as much toxin as I can. Golly, it's hard. I really knew I loved you when I read your post about how hard it was to get rid of your 'beauty' horde. SO me. So please send me a book! xo

Jessica said...

Also, I will be liking you on FB.

Grace said...

Me! Me! Me! (Dancing around like I have to use the facilities.) Me!

JJ said...

I so NEED this book! *keeping fingers crossed that I win a copy*

Anonymous said...

I so NEED this book! *please, please, please let me win a copy*

JJ said...

oh my said my first attempt to enter had an "error" when i signed in on my google id jj. so i tried again as "anonymous" which zipped through. then BOTH attempts posted. hope this doesn't disqualify me. sorry for the double entry. *darn google error!*

Sandy said...

I like you on facebook, I really like you! If you don't pick me, I'll buy the book anyway, but PICK ME! LOL!

Annette said...

A perfect book!! Thank you for giving us a shot at it before it comes out. =)

Annette said...

thank you for allowing us a chance for a signed copy before the official release. This looks like a must have!

Mama Mama Quite Contrary said...

Looking forward to reading it! I also follow on facebook.

Kim said...

As a ridiculously poor graduate student, I'd love to WIN a copy! Thanks for the chance!

Kim said...

Also... I'm already a fan on FB!

Jenette said...

I would love a copy

Jenette said...

I am also a fan on FB

Anne Magee said...

Just found your site via Pinterest! Looks like a great book...just "liked" your site on FB, too! Anne Magee

Andrea S in MT said...

Oh, Crunchy Chicken, I am anxiously awaiting reading your book! I was so excited when you announced you were writing it!

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hope I win! We are trying to be parents and slowly changing lifestyle one junk filled product at a time, this would be a wonderful resource. Love your blog.

emmer said...

pick me! pick me! pick me! i've literally done everything i know to do over the past many years to reduce toxins in our lives and need to find out what i've missed and what difference i can still make. please, please, plese, pick me!

Carissa said...

Oh, I would LOVE to read your book!!

Runningirish said...

Please me! I love your blog= book will be amazing!

tess said...


Grace said...

Love your blog and FB posts! AND... I teach environmental policy at WWU and would love to use your book in my class!

Sara@hedgehogmtn;com said...

I am a mom of 6, struggling to find all the "answers" I'd love to win your would make my life easier!


Kathy said...

Oh yeah, of course I want this! Also a follower on Facebook.

Amy O said...

the book looks great, I love your posts on FB, thanks!

Zev said...

I don't have facebook, but would love to be included in your drawing. :)

nicole aka gidget said...

I'd love to win a copy!

Laura said...

I'd love to read this book! I liked you on fb :)

Laura said...

I would love to win a copy of this book! I liked you on fb :)

CoffeeGoddess3 said...

I would love a free copy of the book I'm planning on buying! Who wouldn't??? I follow you on FB. Darcie Patricia Olson

Keri said...

I would love to win this book! Thank you for your generosity! =)

Keri said...

I 'liked' you on Facebook! =)

Krissa said...

I would love to win!

Jen said...

Please enter me in the drawing.

Dulcie said...

count me in.

Dulcie said...

count me in!

Sarah @ pão e queijo said...

I am in the process of reducing chemicals and leading a more natural/ healthier lifestyle... this book would be a great help!

sarahepardee at gmail com

Sarah @ pão e queijo said...

I am a fan of Crunchy Chicken on Fb (as pão e queijo blog).

sarahepardee at gmail dot com

Kristina said...

Sounds like a compelling read!

Melissa said...

On a similar journey for myself and my family. Would love to hear your story! said...

am now a FB fan. Would love to get your book!

Dawn said...

Wow - this books covers so many things I've wondered about. Fan on Facebook...

Casey said...

Congrats on the book! I'd love to win a copy...

Rhonda J. Smith said...

I would love to receive this book. I follow you on Facebook.

Andrea said...

I'd love a chance to read your book! Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to read your book! And you know I'm a FB fan too. ;)

L said...

Been a follower of your blog for years now and would love to read your book! I'm also a fan on FB

Sisy said...

Hi! I'd love to win! I just followed your blog & "liked" you on FB (S.l. Stivers-Menz).

Although I haven't followed your blog for years, we click. I googled (literally) "is autism the mother's fault?" and BAM! one of your posts came up.


Dora Renee Wilkerson said...

I would love to be added to your contest. I just found your blog through Grow & Resist on Facebook, great site you have!

Dora Renee Wilkerson

Anonymous said...

I want to read your book! Congrats on having a book published!

Anonymous said...

I need this book. My daughter was very recently diagnosed with benign focal epilepsy and I have made it my mission to green my daughter's world as best as humanly possible. ldavis345 @ / bohohippiemom

Anonymous said...

Ah, I also follow you on facebook. ldavis345 @

theologista said...

pick me please!

Jamie said...

can't wait to read it. pick me! pick me!

Jamie said...

And I just "liked" you on FB!

jewels444 said...

Add me too! Great article, and if I don't win your book give away I'm definitely buying it. :)

The Nurturing Pirate said...

I would love to win your book Crunchy!

Judy Schwartz Haley | CoffeeJitters.Net said...

pick me! pick me! and of course i follow you on FB

Amy in Tacoma said...

I'm interested!

Laura said...

I'm a FB follower. Enter me, pls. :)

Shannon Hays said...

I'm a FB follower and I comment on your posts several times a week -- I'm totally engaged with what you're doing!

Lisa Zahn said...

I'd love to win your book! I follow you on FB, too, of course... :)

Unknown said...

I'd like a chance to win! And I too follow you on Facebook.

-- Michael Hardy

Kara B. said...

Sounds like a great book for my Amazon Wishlist! And am a fan on Facebook. Thanks for the opportunity - hope you get a lot of love here from LA~
kara bartelt said...

Pick me! I've only recently discovered your blog but I'm really interested in reading your new book!
Angela Krattiger

Krista said...

I would love to be added to the drawing! I have followed you on FB for a while. :-)