Thursday, January 7, 2010

No Impact Man book giveaway

I'm sure most of you, by now, have heard of No Impact Man, aka Colin Beavan. He's been writing his blog, No Impact Man, for about three years now. I know a lot of you have found my blog via his (back before he ex-communicated me from his blog roll about 4 months ago - I must have pissed him off somehow) since the content on our blogs started off in a similar fashion: sharing with the world the things we do to help reduce our impact on the planet.

Colin and his family spent a year trying to live "no impact", well, as much as one can while living in Greenwich Village, Manhattan. They reduced their consumption considerably in the process and last year a documentary about their trials and travails came out as well as his book, No Impact Man, all titled after his blog. Here's the description of the book from the publisher:
A guilty liberal finally snaps, swears off plastic, goes organic, becomes a bicycle nut, turns off his power, and generally becomes a tree-hugging lunatic who tries to save the polar bears and the rest of the planet from environmental catastrophe while dragging his baby daughter and Prada-wearing, Four Seasons–loving wife along for the ride. And that’s just the beginning. Bill McKibben meets Bill Bryson in this seriously engaging look at one man’s decision to put his money where his mouth is and go off the grid for one year—while still living in New York City—to see if it’s possible to make no net impact on the environment. In other words, no trash, no toxins in the water, no elevators, no subway, no products in packaging, no air-conditioning, no television...

What would it be like to try to live a no-impact lifestyle? Is it possible? Could it catch on? Is living this way more satisfying or less satisfying? Harder or easier? Is it worthwhile or senseless? Are we all doomed or can our culture reduce the barriers to sustainable living so it becomes as easy as falling off a log? These are the questions at the heart of this whole mad endeavor, via which Colin Beavan hopes to explain to the rest of us how we can realistically live a more "eco-effective" and by turns more content life in an age of inconvenient truths.

For the last year or so, Colin has also been running the No Impact Project, which helps to educate folks on how to live a lower impact lifestyle. The project will also soon release a free curriculum for secondary students for educators to instruct kids on such topics as consumption, energy, food, transportation and water. It's pretty cool, so if you have kids or are a teacher, make sure you check it out.

Anyway, the book is a recap of his year-long attempt to lower the family's carbon footprint. The most entertaining parts are definitely the resulting conflict with his wife, Michelle, who ends up really providing a counter-weight that represents how most of America feels about making these changes. For those of you struggling with partners or kids about the changes you are trying to make, you can certainly relate.

If you are a fan of Colin's or are just hearing about him, then now is your chance to win his book! If you are interesting in entering the book giveaway, add your name to the comments of this post. You have until midnight Friday, 1/8, PST to enter. I'll announce the winner this weekend.

Good luck!

Related posts:
Eco-stunt or eco-sincerity?
Seattle premiere of No Impact Man
No Impact Man


  1. Oh, pick me, pick me!

    PS - You can find me at amber [at] strocel [dot] com when I win. ;)

  2. ID LOVEEEEEE THAT BOOK!!!!! Pick Laura!! please please please!!!

  3. He removed you from his blogroll?


    Screw him. Don't want his book. And how "no impact" is it to print a book with ink and paper? Why not an e-book instead?

    And how "green" are all those greenbacks he's stuffing into his pockets?


    And he doesn't like our favorite Crunchy Chicken?

    Who needs him and his greener-than-thou attitude.

    Removed CC from his blogroll?

    I'd like to show him a some impact.

  4. Wow - I'm kinda torn because as much as I'd like to read his book, I kinda get what Bucky's saying. I think this is the same guy in the documentary but we couldn't make it to the Greenwood Senior Center (and do you lose cool points once you're seeing movies at the Senior Center with a donation of canned food?). But if I won the book, I would read it and pass it along to our public library system so there is that.

    Sorry about the blogroll dis. That sucks.

  5. I don't know- he removed You from his blogroll I agree with Bucky "WTF"
    But okay sign me up if I win I will give hime one more JUST one more chance.

    Busy LOL'ing at Bucky's comments

  6. (Don't enter me in the giveaway.)

    I stumbled across the book at the library back in November and thoroughly enjoyed it. I agree with you, Crunchy, that the parts in which he and his wife try to "meet in the middle" are pretty entertaining. I definitely related to her POV in most of those situations more than his, and did find myself thinking "if she could do 'x' then I could strive to get somewhere near that".

    Bucky, e-books aren't nearly as accessible to everyone as books printed on paper. He addresses in his book how it was printed, so that it'd be as green as possible. Great job at judging before reading, though! How in the world is making an income off a book different than, say, sitting in an office and collecting a paycheck. Good grief.

  7. I have a hard time believing his removal of you from the blogroll was truly personal. He just doesn't seem to be that vindictive.

    I think his message is worth passing on, and after rereading the book, that is what I would do.

    I also believe that part of what he makes clear is that there are no "perfect" choices. The book was made with recycled paper at least, and is available in electronic format.

  8. Please count me in ! I would love to read his book.
    I'm heading to his blog to ask him why he removed you from his blogroll though ;o)

  9. Well, since I am not buying any books this year (part of the give it up for 2010 thing I have got going on) winning this one for free would be a real treat!

  10. Me too please - he got me into this blog stuff to start with. Not that I'm very good at it but it is nice to know there is a group of us out there :)

    viv in nz

  11. My husband and I are very different when it comes to environmental issues. I would love to see how he and his wife resolve these issues.

  12. I'll be interested to see what his curriculum is. I'm teaching an environmental science class, so it would definitely be useful.

    Oh, and pick me! I'm always looking for books to assign my ES kids for a reading assignment!

  13. I'd love to read the book that brought me to you!

  14. uh, Glenda, I was just joshing around, you know, because he removed Crunchy from his blogroll.

    Which is totally unacceptable.

    I actually admire what Mr. No Impact has done.

    But one doesn't dis the Crunchy Chicken without consequence.

  15. Yay! Thanks for the chance to win and good for you for not holding a grudge.

  16. Trying to read a book a week in 2010, and this one sounds like a good one!

  17. I would love to read the book. Thanks!

  18. OUUU, I have been WAITING to read his book!! (very strange that he deleted you.... but very cool that you're giving away his book).

    Canada hasn't been as forthright with having his book available.... and I really would love to read it!

    Lisa (EcoYogini)

  19. I also have to wonder what's up with unblogrolling (is that a word?) you...

    However, I'd been following his blog, and would still be interested in reading the book.

    Vern Myers

  20. I've heard of him, but have not read the book nor even much of his blog. Please count me in for the giveaway. I'd like to read the book to find out more about his story. And thanks for your generosity!

  21. Ohhhh I want to read this book...
    Here's hoping he comes to his senses and adds CC back to his blogroll!

  22. This book is on my to read list for 2010. So this would be the motivation I need to read it, otherwise I will have to go to the library and hope they have a copy. Ahh the Library, need to get reaquainted with the system. I miss the old paper card catalogs and don't really like the current computer system, although it probably saves trees...
    Please and Thank you!

  23. I would like to read this book.

  24. I need that book. I am stuck at home recovering from surgery and I need all the brain stim I can get. p.s. love your site!

  25. Back when I began my "summer experiment" when I tried to lived as eco-friendly as possible, I didn't know about No Impact Man. I only learned of him when I finished my project and was reading about his book in the New Yorker. It would have been great to have his book back in the summer to "guide' me through the process of adopting eco-behaviors. I would love to have this book. Also, always love your thoughts an comments on your blog.

  26. I would love to win a copy of this book!

  27. Sounds interesting to me. Thanks for the opportunity!

  28. I'd love to read this book. Sadly, I think it will be nearly forever before my library gets a copy, so this is my best chance.

  29. Yes, I would like to read the book.

    I am sure that taking you off his blog roll was unintentional, and his apology is In The Mail. Maybe he had an intern update the site, and mistook Chrunchy Chicken from a KFC wannabe. It could happen!

  30. I'd love to get a copy of this.. will probably end up buying it soon, but WINNING it? That would be fun!

  31. Yeah,not sure how he can be no impact and write a book on paper....

  32. I've been reading him since his blog first started, I'd like a chance at the book!

    Good point on No impact but writing on paper. It is a bit funny, lol.

  33. I'd love to win this book as I haven't read it yet! :)

  34. I would love to read this book. Never heard of this guy, but he does sound fascinating! Thanks for the opportunity...

  35. I would like to enter the contest too!

  36. I'd be curious to read it. Thanks!
    rhubarbsky at gmail dot com

  37. I used to read No Impact Man all the time when he was in the midst of his experiment. I'd love to read the book. Thanks for the chance to win!

  38. oh thanks for a shot at this. I have to admit - I've never read all of the comments for a giveaway before. I'm highly intrigued, humored, and nodding.

    makingthishome at gmail dot com

  39. Sounds interesting and maybe guilt-inducing.

  40. Just stumbled upon this blog today. Happy I did! Keep up the good work. We can all do a little to help a lot.

  41. Oh I would love to win that! Then pass it around to a couple friends who would enjoy it as they are trying to do the same, then to my husband who will rail against the whole thing because he likes stuff...

  42. Please enter me in the drawing. This is on my reading list for this year. And of course, I'll gladly pass it around to others.
    Thanks for being so generous!

  43. Ooh, I would love to win this! *crossing fingers and toes*

  44. A blog roll is just that. A roll through some wonderful blogs to share with other what all is out there ... I found CC through his blogroll initially ... and others through CC's blog! and so on and so forth.

    Gentle people ... gentle.

    I enjoyed following his experiment, and would like to read further details.

  45. Yes please, this would be perfect for my husband-- he is trying--he just doesn't have a grasp of the big picture. Happy New Year & thanks for the chance to win.

  46. I would love to win this book and will pass it on when done! Thanks for the chance to win this!

  47. I would love to read this book, especially since, as eco yogini said, it's not the most available here in canada. :)

  48. I've been following his blog for quite awhile and would LOVE to read the book. I do hope there's a good reason (or simply an accident) that you are no longer on his blogroll.

  49. Completely and totally want the book.

    ~Just Ducky

  50. Pick me please! I had to give my library copy back.

  51. I don't really know anything about this guy, but the book sounds interesting.

  52. I've been wanting to read his book ever since I heard it was coming out, but with 5 children still at home and a husband that has been layed off for almost 2 years money has been tight for ANYthing extra.

    I've always been curious about how he went about his everyday day low-impact life, but couldn't find much of that on his blog. I am hoping the book has a lot of detail-so this would be great to have.

  53. I just found your blog a few days ago, and I love your posts! Thanks for hosting this giveaway - pick me!

  54. Oh, I'd love to win...been looking to track this down for a while!

    Thanks for the chance!!

    (But totally not cool about the ex-communication! I either learned about you from him, or vice-versa. Can't recall at this point, but I'm sure it was one way or the other!)

  55. I've been meaning to pick the book up. Put me in the drawing, please!

  56. Count me in - Colin's was the 1st blog I found, which led me to you, which led me to Sharon, . . .

    So the blogroll thing is kinda important! But a quick scroll thru the offending blogroll shows he really hasn't kept up with it - there are plenty of inactive blogs still listed, and he has Sharon's link going to her very old, now defunct page. Hopefully Colin will do an update with a nudge or two from us!

  57. Oh, enter me please!

  58. I've been trying to get this from my local library system, but they don't have a single copy in the entire county!

    So, in short, I would love to win. :)

  59. This sounds like a interesting book even though it has created so much controversy on this blog. Thanks for the chance


  60. Oh! Pick me! *waves hand like impatient kid*

    I put myself on a spending fast for the year so I can't justify going to town and buying the book.

  61. i don't know if i'm too late for this (I'm on north european time), but if not, count me in!

  62. My husband and I are VERY interested in reading this book! I'm curious to see what all the controversy is about ;P

    3eskimopies @
