Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

LunaPads giveaway

Consider yourselves lucky. Since I'm uber-busy this week working hard on preparing my seminar for the Eugene Home, Garden and Living show in Oregon next weekend, I don't have time to write on all the burning topics that are totally stuck in my craw.

So, in the meantime, in honor of my seminar topic (in which I'm planning on covering alternative menstrual care products), I'm doing a giveaway of cloth menstrual pads to hopefully encourage one lucky winner to give this sustainable alternative a whirl.

Now, this is no ordinary sample of cloth pads, but a whole get-you-hooked-up kit which will contain these lovely items from LunaPads:

1. Waterproof carry case (for cloth pad transport)
2. Five (5) Maxi pads (with 3 liners each for a total of 15 liners)
3. Five (5) Mini pads (with 3 liners each for a total of 15 liners)

The LunaPad includes 2 parts: a pad with wings that fasten around the gusset of your underwear with a sewn-on plastic snap, and a liner that is worn on top of the pad and held in place with ric-rac bands. This design allows you to change liners quickly and easily without having to change your whole pad. Watch this video to see how Lunapads are worn.

To enter to win this LunaPads SuperChicken Set, just add your name to the comments of this post. You have until Friday, January 15th, at midnight PST to sign up. I'll announce the winner this weekend.

Good luck!


Joelle said...

Oooo nice. Thanks for a super-cool giveaway! My e-mail is joelled at gmail dot com if I win.

Sparkless said...

I want to win. Add me.

DK said...

Keep meaning to make myself something like this but never get around to it...

Anonymous said...

I have had the privilege of sharing the pads with poor girls in Kenya, courtesy your donation.unfortunately i did not even remain with a sample to show around so people could make their own.many still believe no reusable pads exist on earth. Wish i could win. My email is: Eric Ochanji, Kisumu Kenya.

Crunchy Chicken said...

Eric - Are you still working with Barb? I can try to coordinate with her about getting out more donations.

Nonie said...

I would LOVE this.

Celeste said...

I have been interested in these for a long time - what a great giveaway!

Robj98168 said...

Please dont enter me in this- Still don't need menstraul products even if my coworkers say I am on the rag.

Marino said...

I'm mad keen to win this giveaway. Since I made my new year's resolution to ditch plastic from my life I've been thinking about what I'm gonna do for periods.

Carrie at Rhubarbsky said...

Me please!
rhubarbsky (at)gmail (dot) com

Ashley said...

I was just thinking about your Divacup challenge the other day... Sign me up!

Glenda said...

Throwing my name into the hat for this one!

Kerry said...

Oh this would be awesome. I have hadto give up on the causes terrible cramps - worse than birthing cramps.

dirtwitch at eastlink dot ca

Cat J B said...

Ooh, I would LOVE to win this you ship to Australia? :)

Unknown said...

Oh wow! I've been meaning to make some, but it'd be nice to save the time, too!

koolchicken said...

I would love to win this, I could split them up with my Mum and sister. Maybe if she doesn't have to spend anything on them my sister will give them a try.

Kimberly said...

I actually have some cloth pads that I made by hand, and they're great!

owlfan said...

I'd love to win this, especially the mini pads as I use the Diva cup too.

In the chance that I don't win, I'd love to find a link where I can make some pads myself.

Unknown said...

My friend and I were just discussing this! angelajiniel at gmail dot com. Thanks!

Lori-Grace said...

Luna Pads are Lovely! Currently I use the Diva cup, and some home-made cotton pads (made by some etsy sellers) But, I would be happy to have the Luna Pads to LOOOOVE.

Tree Huggin Momma said...

I would love some Luna Pads. My 11 yo should be getting her period in the next year or so (according to the ped) and I would love to have these for her. I was thinking about hooking her up with a menstrual cup, but I don't know that she will go for it. I am willing to buy one for her to try, but having these might be a nice alternative. So nice of you to do so many give aways.

Joanna said...

I've bought cloth pads from sellers on Etsy, but haven't splurged on LunaPads yet! This would be great! Thanks for the giveaway!

(joshandjoanna at gmail)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win these. I use the diva cup because of reading you. :) - Tina
tnt10037 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Leslie said...

I have never tried cloth pads but have been wanting to! Count me in!

norapinephrine said...

Me please! I tried a diva cup a few times, but I think it gave me cramps so I went back to disposables, which I really hate. Also, I think someone in my family told me that my aunts and cousins in Egypt had been using towels for pads before disposables, so I'm a bit surprised that the Kenyan women knew nothing of reusables.

Lisa said...

This is such a great give-away! Thank you! Maybe my 8 millionth try at one of these give-aways will be the charm ... ? ;)

JenHarper said...

I'd like to try them. Please put me in the contest.

Brady Balouga said...

This is a great giveaway!

shabadeux said...

What a great giveaway! I love cloth pads, they are great stuff. shabadeux at gmail dot com

All of Us said...

I am a Diva Cup girl myself but I know some non-Divas that I have failed to convert that could use these. Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! Please enter me! ritabelle73 at yahoo dot com

DramaMama said...

I was just talking about trying to find some to buy, but I'll take a chance at winning! Everyone knows that despite what I say, I won't get around to making them!

AP said...

Please enter me as well. And good luck preparing your presentation!

Kate said...

Very cool! Something I have been meaning to check out (I have not fallen in love with my Diva Cup yet!)

Judy T said...

Yeah, My teenage daughter would love this. She has yet to fall in love with her diva cup but would give these a whirl. Thanks for the great give away.

KiraAJ said...

awesome! my bestie and i were just talkin about these a couple days ago! kirajacobs43558 at gmail dot com

Sarah said...

I was reading about how to make these yourself in Amanda Blake Soule's book. I just don't have sewing skills. Thanks for the giveaway. I'd like to try them

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway, please add me to the potential list of winners!

katmoget said...

So comfy. And no worries about adhesives in all the wrong places!

Keri said...

coool! i've been meaning to switch to cloth pads to use along with the diva cup on heavy days for a while but haven't gotten around to it. hope i win so i can be forced to switch! =)

TP said...

Please add me.
tseyfer at hotmail dot com

Lisa Z said...

okay, count me in! I could use an "update" to my stash...

Leanne said...

I'd love the luna's!

The Mom said...

I would love these. Thanks for the offer.

Unknown said...

I would appreciate being included also. MY email is .. Kind regards Joanne Carter

Katie @ said...

I would love to have these - and share these. All the women in my family are "diva girls" thanks to your challenges.

Lyndsay said...

Very cool. I keep eyeballing these, but since I have been pregnant, it is low on the priority list. Since the baby is due next month - pads are in order! my email is


sara l said...

I would love love love these.

Katy said...

I LOVE my luna pads and have been wanting to get some to pass on to my sister.

Add me please!!!

Nicki said...

I already use these and love them. However, my sister has been considering them and I would love to give these to her.

Radioactive Duck said...

LunaPads rock. Who wouldn't say yes to free LunaPads?

Jennifer Liane said...

I've been meaning to buy a set of these and haven't got around to it yet, so count me in.

Luschka said...

I'd be happy to give this a whirl!

Unknown said...

I want to try. I love my Diva Cup.

Maria said...

I woke up this morning with my wonderful "friend" and here you are with this giveaway! I would love to give these a try.

MichelleB said...

This is a perfectly timed giveaway for me. I am giving birth next month and since I'm going to cloth diaper, I figure it is time I make the switch to cloth pads too. I would love to have this stash to get me through those post-partum days!

theleezookeeper said...

I would love to give these a try!!! I'm still adjusting to using the Diva and think these would be just awesome! Thanks Crunchy for being just the inspiration I needed. My email is

Tegan said...

This looks interesting... sign me up!


Color Me Green said...

I'd love to try out LunaPads!

Moade said...

I would to win these and be able to wear them.

Jordan said...

I've been wanting to try to make some of these, but my sewing skills are non-existent. Sign me up, please!

CitricSugar said...

Please enter me. I am having so much trouble with the DivaCup.... Many some day I'll get it working for me but until then, I am encouraged by the idea of something soft.

Anonymous said...

Ooh! MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME! Me please, that is! I can't use the Diva cup or any of its sisters.

Elisabeth said...

Cool! I've never seen reusable pads. Enter me, please. -Elisabeth S.

Jenny said...

Oh I would love to win this!! I have been making my own for several months and can't come up with something that I am content with. Thanks for the chance to win these!

amandaginn said...


christy said...

great giveaway! thanks.

swiggett said...

Wonderful! I'd love to try those. Right now I just use a DivaCup.
esrliverman (at) gmail (dot) com

Mia said...

Oh Goody! I've wanted to give these a try.

Bev said...

Love Luna pads.

Anonymous said...

Count me in!! Love to try them. Here's wishing me luck!!!

Colleen said...

super prize! Please add me to your list.

Elizabeth said...

I love these things! Wish I'd had the courage to use them earlier in life.

Unknown said...

I would love to win these...I've been meaning to get some!

Sarah said...

I'd love to give them a try. Please sign me up! Thanks.

Linz said...

I have a set of cloth pads and love them. But I'd love to be signed up for the giveaway so I can hook by sister as well! :) Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Would like to try these. Thanks to allergies, there is only one brand of pads on the market that I can use and the Diva cup just isn't my thing.


Unknown said...

pick me!connie bonnie at gmail dot com

Becca said...

ohhh awesome!
I need to try some of those...

Surviving and thriving on pennies said...

Once again thanks for giving me the opportunity to maybe win something. Ive never tried these but always wanted to. Just another challenge to add to my tab.
survivingandthrivingonpennies at

Carla said...

Ooo, I could use some of these.

MaddyG said...

I'd love to win these! But if I don't, it will just motivate me that much more to make my own. ; )

Jenette said...

Enter me please!
For those who can sew here are some patterns if you want to try:
Here is one I tried that is on line
Several here
Mixed results but ok if you are short on fabric
Great page with several patterns hand how to choose fabrics
Pocket style
Pocket style 2
Pocket style 3

Paige said...

I love lunapads, I've been using and recommending them for 8 years. I could use NEW ones, YES!

Kristen said...

I'd love to try these, whether or not I get lucky and win some here!!

Erin said...

Sweet, I would love a new batch! Thanks!

Tanya said...

I have one but would love to have a set!

eve talks back said...

I wanna win! What a beautiful giveaway! My name is Kristen + my e-mail is

therese said...

omg! i'd LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win this!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to give them a try.

Thanks! Selina

Taylor L B said...

I already have three of them, but a big set like that would be awesome :)

luke and pamela said...

yes! i've been wanting to make the switch!

Anonymous said...

Yes please! ;)

katie said...

Oh pick me!

Billie said...

This sounds nice. I am totally ready to switch over to something like this once my current disposable stock is used up!

Katie said...

Hmmm. I'm willing to try them...

botswana16(at)hotmail dot com

The Budget Mommy: said...

I would love this!

thebudgetmommy (at) gmail (dot) com

Micah Mae said...

Oh add me! My name is Micah. :)

Alexis said...

Oh, yes please!

Anonymous said...

I've made some pads for myself, but they didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped. These would be great!
-Melanie in AZ

Dawn said...

I have heard good things about Luna pads.

bcsbethany said...

I'm not going to be preggos forever... Would like to have this in a few months!

bcsbethany at

Alilcrunchi (Sara) said...

WOW how kewl!!!! That would be so awesome!

Allie said...

Cool giveaway! I'm at if I win.

Valarie Cozart said...

Oh My! I would love to win this!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Farmer's Daughter said...

How did you know I've been in the market for Luna Pads? Seriously, I've been checking them out online. You converted me to the diva cup, and I planned to get some luna pads but getting pregnant took much shorter than I thought it would, so I haven't had the need...
Since the baby's coming soon, though, I'd love to win!

Anonymous said...

I have actually been looking at this exact kit!!! Please enter me into the drawing for this super giveaway, please!

lisa said...

Please enter me! Thank you!

Amanda Jo said...

Oh Oh Oh! Pick me :)

Robin said...

These are great pads. I'd love to win some.

Amy Estrada said...

Awesome giveaway! I use my Diva cup, but need something for after the baby is here! (March) Thanks for the opportunity!!!

Clementine said...

Oooh! Yes!

InfamousQBert said...

i'm excited! please pick me!

T said...

pick me!


Diana Rambles said...

This is awesome! I would love to win!

Kim said...

Holy moly! This just might be one of the most awesome give-aways EVER!

Add me please and thank you!

Unknown said...

Awesome! I would love to have these!

eladnarra said...

Add me too, please~

I've been meaning to start using my DivaCup again (I stopped after getting an infection--turns out castile soap is a nono). Sadly the batting I bought to make pads is languishing... but perhaps now I've been reminded I can make some. ^_^

Maria Elena Rodriguez said...

Count me in! rodriguezme08 at Thanks!

Amber said...

OOo! I would love this!

Unknown said...

i would love to try some lunapads!!
my email is x.jennifer at :)

Melodie Ramos said...

Lunapads are the best!

Renee said...

Wow, 123 comments already! Free really brings us out of the woodwork! Add me, Renee, please!

Melissa Anderson said...

I dare you to convert me!

Val said...

Great Giveaway. Tons of stuff!

dorkyval44 at gmail dot com

Elizabeth said...

Yes please!

e.murray219 [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

Great give-away! Sign me up ;-)

Kristijoy said...

sign me up

Eh, Another Blog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KLund said...

Count me in

Lisa said...

Oh, add me to the list please! I'm a new cloth pad user and love them!!

Eileen said...

Very cool! Please count me in. e_d_simon at hotmail dot com Thanks!

Tricia Shore said...

Here's some madness for ya....I thought my periods were over; change of life and all. Incredibly, I've started having them again at age 46 and all the paper products give me an insane rash on my nether regions! Life is so unfair. :-)

Emily said...

I've been wanting to try these!

alaskanwombat at gmail dot com

Patty said...

What a great giveaway! I would love to try these!

JessTrev said...

Sign me UP. And will you tell the folks at LunaPad that I think they should all come in black? Obviously for lazy practical reasons. :)

Dren said...

Awesome giveaway, especially since my nursing "get out of periods free" card is soon to expire. :)

munchkinmama at gmail dot com

camelfam said...

Sweet! I've always wanted to try these. I don't have my period back since I'm still nursing but when I do I'd love to be prepared :)

Anonymous said...

Add me to the list!

Melissa said...

Would love an opportunity to try these!

Ellen said...

I'd love to try these! My old ones (can't even remember the name) are falling apart and I actually bought yucky disposables last month! I'd love to get back on the wagon!

Jessica said...

I would love to win these!


Morgan said...

Hey JessTrev,
We do have an all black fabric option at Lunapads for all you lazy practical folk out there ;) Of course there are lots of women who prefer fanciful patterns and the like so we've got them covered to! We try to have a little something for everyone.

Donna said...

oooh, add me! add me!!

julieb said...

Yes, please! I make my own from left over diaper supplies. I hand them out to my girlfriends when we meet for coffee. Many a diva convert in my circle of friends - thanks to you!

Anonymous said...

Please add me to the drawing, Thank you!!! Kaye C

Anonymous said...

Count me in too!


Anonymous said...



emycohen at yahoo dot com

auntjone said...

Add me to the list:
auntjone12 at yahoo dot com

Chris said...

I would love to use these!

Wendy said...

Wow. There certainly are a lot of participants in your give-a-way, but I figure, what the heck. Can't win, if I don't enter, right? ;)

KatieB said...

Awesome giveaway. I love the Lunapads blog, and read it often.

Lisa said...

I'd love to win
Lisa Tebben

Anonymous said...

Oh more moonpads...who doesn't want that!

knittingwoman said...

Oh, I hope those of us in Canada can enter this:) I would love to have more pads for my daughter who is 13 and has only used cloth pads for the past 2 years since she started menstruating. At 50, I am hoping that I won't need my cloth pads for much longer, have been using cloth for 20 1/2 years:)

Frugal Pursuit said...

I could really use these. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I would love to try these

Emily said...

Yay Lunapads! I could use some more :-)