Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Cloth wipes - uppin' the ante with prizes!

Don't forget to wipe!Do you need one last push to doing the Cloth Wipe Challenge? Would some potential prizes help you make the leap to the best wipe you've ever had?

Well, for those people who sign up for the Cloth Wipe Challenge and complete the two weeks (and want to continue), one lucky winner, who shall be randomly selected, will receive their choice of:

Wallypop's Fun & FunkyThree dozen Wallypop Toilet Wipes - Basic Style in the color(s) of your choice (you can choose three different styles if you like - make sure you check out the wild animal print!)

If you are doing just #1, I can throw in a brand new plastic (machine-washable) mesh bag you can hang on your TP holder.

Now. What are you waiting for again?

[For a great look at how another reader has implemented using cloth wipes, check out this Capturing Today's post.]


Anonymous said...

Sorry Crunchy. Can't do it, prize or no prize. I will continue to use 100% recycled TP, but that is as far as I can comfortably go. Kudos to all of you!

Ashley // Our Little Apartment said...

I'm IN!! Little apartment and all. :)

#1 and at home.

(how would you do it away from home!?)

Tammi said...

Would it be cheating to be part of the challenge if I already use cloth and have been for the last couple of months? :)

#1 and #2 here at home for me and my boys, can't talk the hubby into it. Haha.

Anonymous said...

Great idea! My boys and I are in. I ordered my wipes from wallypop and thegoodmama, and I am making my boys' bathroom wipes this weekend. My husband is thinking about it.

Crunchy Chicken said...

mama bear - I'll add you as a participant/sponsor, but I'm afraid the prizes are only open to newbies.

Trina said...

Go ahead and add me as a participant/sponsor too. I'm in the same boat as mama bear.

Chile said...

So, since I've been using wipes for #1 since June, the only way I can enter the contest is to now start using them for #2? Hm, I'll have the think about this and get back to you...especially since MIL just showed up for the weekend. She already thinks I'm a bit off my rocker...

Anonymous said...

I am going to take this on in a real way before the end of the year. I saw your challenge and thought it would be a great introduction. But, after more than a week of stomach distress and the runs, I have decided that now isn't the time.

I can't get over how much taboo thinking there is over this topic. I used cloth diapers for both my children 30 some years ago, so it doesn't seem like such an incredible leap.

Coach Paulette said...

Thanks for the link, Crunchy! I too am a little surprised at how much people balk at doing this. It is really no different than cloth diapering - and not anywhere near as messy as that can get! I wouldn't trade the comfort factor for the world!

Olive said...

i love wallypop!!!

Sara said...

Yay for Wallypop wipes! That's what we use here too.

Darlene said...

I'm in. I thought I was only in on #1, but decided what the heck. Usually takes 4 yards of tp to wipe after #2, but only used 2 wipes that I wet. WAY better.
No smell, minor mess. What the heck, if after trying it, you don't like using it or don't want to clean it, you can toss that one or two wipe(s) and go back to tp for #2's. I use sinlge layer of flannel, so used two for a thicker wipe. Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Anonymous said...

already use cloth wipes, as an ofshoot from using cloth diapers. It just semed the logical next step. But I'm going to enjoy reading about other people taking the challenge.