Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Friday, August 31, 2007

DivaCup vs. Tampons

The blog title should hopefully scare away any squeamish readers.

Anyway, I'm back from vacation and my first day at work I was greeted with a sign in the women's room with something regarding a plea taped to the mirror. It was begging for better disposal of tampons so that the next person who uses the stall doesn't have to "deal" with the non-flushed item. I'm not sure exactly how one needs to "deal" with it besides flushing again, but what do I know.

My response? I added a note suggesting using the DivaCup instead with the URL to their website.

Don't forget! Tomorrow I'm announcing the new Challenge!


QT said...

I am pretty sure my BF, who is a plumber, would be cringing at the fact that anyone is flushingtampons....

Anonymous said...

LOL, my mom never told me not to flush tampons. I found out the hard way. The toilet backed up, badly, while I was cramping, badly, and very sick with the flu. It was really embarassing when Roto Rooter announced the blockage was tampons caught in the tree roots, especially since this announcement was made to me and my boss. (I lived in a company-owned house at my jobsite.)

Thanks to the Keeper and Diva Cup, this is no longer an issue. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I Googled "Diva Cup" and came up with your blog. All my coworkers are now convinced I'm a nut because I'm sitting here lauging my arse off. Thanks for providing me some seriously useful insight, so to speak, on the DC.

Kim said...

Does it work well? I've heard of it, but I've never actually met anyone who has used one.

Debby Brown said...

I visited a church restroom once with a posted plea not to flush tampons. They added a photocopy of their most recent plumber's bill under the sign. It was quite effective.

Anonymous said...

I didn't participate in the Divacup challenge, but I did just receive the Divacup I ordered. I can't wait to never have the need to flush or throw away a tampon! Thanks for helping me get the gusto to try it by blogging about it.

Anonymous said...

The DivaCup changed my life.


The End.

Anonymous said...

Divacup. Best thing that's happened to women in years. Can't thank you enough for introducing it to me. I went to Spain for vacation recently and was so thankful not to have to deal with tampons and flushing/not flushing in the countryside. But what to do with all those leftover tampons?

Margretta de Vries said...

I found your site while looking for something else, but with the DivaCup challenge, I have to add my two cents! After feeling dissatisfied with tampons, and since I hate pads, I looked for alternatives. I took a huge chance on the DivaCup, but I LOVE it, and it only took the first day of my first period to convert me! I have friends and coworkers who think I am crazy, but I keep trying to do my best to convert them. Any recommendations? :)

Margretta de Vries said...

I forgot to mention that I've been using mine for two years now... Just think how much money I've saved! :)

Anonymous said...

I just started reading your blog and I am really enjoying it. I LOVE the Diva cup. My sister recommended it and it is the best thing. It is some much less messy and so much more comfortable. It can take a bit to figure out how to get it positioned but it is sooooo worth it! BTW I am currently discussing the "family clothes" with my husband.....he seems squeamish. lol