Mission: Sustainable

One of the many projects I've worked on is the environmental makeover reality show, Mission: Sustainable. In 2009/2010, we filmed a pilot episode where I was one of the cast members as well as the show's Personal Care Consultant.

You can watch the pilot episode right here:

Mission: Sustainable from Rose Thornton on Vimeo.


  1. This was so great, I really hope it gets picked up soon. I love how the lady seemed a little hesitant to take up all the changes at first, and then totally embraced them for the sake of her children by the end. Everyone wants a bright healthy future for their children. I really think this is what is needed to appeal to people. Great job.

  2. This is such a great idea! Did the show make it? Still looking for a home to makeover? Come out to mine! I am in Beautiful Austin Texas just bought a house and would love some help improving our sustainability.

  3. How is the show coming along? I would LOVE to watch something like this, or even sign up for it. We found out that myself and my daughter react to so many additives and contaminants in our food supply that we're better off trying to grow our own - without any chemicals or pesticides or additives, of course. ;-) It's been a real challenge to find information about how to do this with our limitations.

  4. The show is still tied up in production. It should be getting presented to networks soon. At least, that's the latest I've heard.

  5. AWESOME! I cannot imagine that someone would not pick this up. You've all done a great job with this pilot. I especially like the food expert's awareness of factory farming and the conditions of farm-raised seafood. This is something most people are not aware of and won't hear anywhere else.

    I wish you luck in getting this on air. I will post this on my blog and FB to get the word out.

    Thanks for all you do!
