Friday, August 8, 2014

Cold Antler Farm book giveaway

Last winter I went on a reading frenzy, reading through all of Jenna Woginrich's books on homesteading, raising animals and her transition from web designer to full-time writer and homesteader. Jenna has a wonderful style of writing that makes you feel a part of her life. I read them all back-to-back, still looking for more.

So, when I found out that she has a new book out (as of June 2014), Cold Antler Farm: A Memoir of Growing Food and Celebrating Life on a Scrappy Six-Acre Homestead, I thought it would be great to share her writing with one lucky reader.

“Few writers can put into words the epiphanies that break upon a mind and spirit communing with a piece of earth. Home, barn, and garden converge in the quietness of agrarian labor to provide transcendent thoughts about living, loving, and learning. Jenna is a master.”
Joel Salatin, farmer, Polyface Farm, and author

I have not yet read her latest book, but here's what it's about:

Leave a comment to enter.
Cold Antler Farm is a collection of essays on raising food on a small homestead , while honoring the natural cycle of the "lost" holidays of the agricultural calendar.

Author Jenna Woginrich runs her own one-woman farm and is well known for her essays on the mud and mess and the grime and passion that accompany homesteading. In Cold Antler Farm, she draws our attention to the flow and cycle not of the calendar year, but of the ancient agricultural year: holidays,  celebrations, seasonal touchstones, and astronomical events that mark sacred turning points in the seasons. 

Amidst the holidays of the equinoxes, May Day, Hallowmas, and Yule, we learn the life stories of her beloved animals and crops--chicken, pig, lamb, apples, basil, tomatoes. May apple blossoms are sweet fruit for rambunctious sheep in June. And come September, the harvest draws together neighbors for cider making under the waning summer sun. The living beings she is tending fuel one another--and the community--day to day, season by season.

How to enter this giveaway
If you are interested in entering the random drawing for this book, please add your name to the comments of this post. You get bonus points for liking the Crunchy Chicken on Facebook. Just let me know if you're a fan of the page in your comments. If you want an extra entry, go vote in this poll on what you love about homesteading and leave a comment here saying you voted!

You have until midnight PST this Tuesday, August 12th to enter. And, now for the legal mumbo jumbo: This giveaway is open to U.S. residents, 18+ only. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Winner will be selected Wednesday, August 13th and will have 7 days to respond. Warning: there be affiliate links in this blog post to help support giveaways such as this.

Now, that was easy, wasn't it!


  1. I'd love to enter to win this book. I really liked Made from Scratch!

    I'm also a fan on Facebook.

  2. I love the page and I voted :-)

  3. I do like your page and took the survey, actually I love your page. Thanks for the chance to win the book!

  4. This book sounds lovely!

    (I took the survey too)

  5. I'd love to win this book! I'm a fan on Facebook.

  6. I took the survey too. (I left the previous comment as well.)

  7. This sounds lovely - would be perfect for my Winter reading list. :)

  8. Oh, and I like Crunchy Chicken on Facebook.

  9. This sounds like a book I would really enjoy!
    I also follow you on Facebook as Pudyqat Peacock
    CalifKitties {at} Aol {dot} com

  10. This book sounds great. I avoid Facebook like the plague.

  11. I also took your poll.

  12. What an interesting sounding author! I will have to check out her other books.

    Page liked (those brownies today look awesome!!)

  13. I'd love to read this book and am a bit embarrassed to say that, while I follow her online, I've not read her published works! This would be a great treat!

    (I also follow you on Facebook)

  14. Glad to see you back and blogging. I've been a fan for years and am also a fan of your facebook page - although I prefer the blog, to be honest ;).

    I'm a huge fan of Jenna's as well, and I'm incredibly impressed with her prolific blogging and the fact that she keeps churning out her books while also maintaining her homestead. I wish I had her energy :).

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Ah, got it.
    My name is Alke.

    I live in the Netherlands, that would maybe disqualify me for this contest. I would love to read the ebook though ;-)

  17. I would love to win. I'm not sure if this is what I have to do, but pick me! LOL! Deb C in Western MA

  18. I would LOVE to win this book!

  19. I'm already a facebook fan. I enjoy reading about farming life and would like to read this book.

  20. I love Jenna! I have read two of her books. I follow her blog. She is amazing and inspiring! I really would love to win this contest! I already follow you on Facebook and I took the survey! Fingers crossed!

  21. I'd love to enter to win this book!

    I just found your page on Facebook and clicked the link to your blog. I love it so far.

    Where I live it is nearly impossible to "homestead" per say but I lov etrying to integrate aspects of it into my daily life where I can.

  22. I'm entering to win!! And I'm a fan on FB.
    Ps sorry about the beans, they looked really good.

  23. Looks like an interesting book. I am a fan on facebook as well. Thanks!

  24. Am a fan on FB and took your survey. Look forward for a chance to win. Vicki Kler

  25. I think this book sounds really interesting.

  26. I loved her first book! (At least, I think it was her first?)

    Also a fan on facebook. :)

  27. i love your blog & just liked you on facebook....
