Blog Update!
For those of you not following me on Facebook, as of the Summer of 2019 I've moved to Central WA, to a tiny mountain town of less than 1,000 people.

I will be covering my exploits here in the Cascades, as I try to further reduce my impact on the environment. With the same attitude, just at a higher altitude!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Keeping Chickens Book Giveaway

Today's book giveaway is the wonderfully pictographic book by Ashley English. As part of the Homemade Living series from Lark Books, this book is a great way to start your library of homesteading books or add to it.

Keeping Chickens with Ashley English includes detailed information from selecting a breed to where to get them, housing options, feeding, health, hatching and raising chicks and recipes. This book also includes profiles of people who have taken on the chicken-rearing challenge as well as two projects with exploded woodworking illustrations and photos: a simple nesting box and a mobile chicken tractor.

How to enter
If you are interested in entering the random drawing for this book, please add your name to the comments of this post. You have until midnight PST this Tuesday, October 11th to enter. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. Good luck!


Unknown said...

Hey, Crunchy. Looks like a great book. Hope I win! -Amanda Baker

Lee Borden said...

We will be adding laying hens to our little farm within a few months, so this book would be a big help. Thanks for offering it!

smasters70 said...
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smasters70 said...

Would love to have information from a reliable source before obtaining laying hens for my family's personal egg consumption.

pamela noto said...

We are looking at getting 3 little chicks... one for each of my kids.... so this book could be helpful!

Your Vegan Friend said...

We plan on adding laying hens to our small farm in the spring. This would be a great help! - Leah McDermott

Tris said...

We've just started getting into chickens, hooray for chickens :) - Tris Bolstridge

Caron said...

Oh I have been wanting this book for a while now. I would love to get chickens...working up the courage to do it. Thanks so much for offering it!

Unknown said...

Moving out to a farm soon and planning on chickens in the spring, could sure use this book :)

Annette said...

What a great book. Thank you for the chance to win!

Julia Ward said...

Wow...we'll be moving in a few months and I was going to see about getting a few laying hens. How perfect. I'd love to win this book!!! Julia

Erin Edwards said...

My students are reading Flipped & are wanting a chicken keeping book for our classroom library. This would be perfect:)

Joyce Hesselberth said...

I can't decide if I want chickens, or beehives. Maybe both? This book might just help me decide.

dandelionlady said...

Just got a small flock of 5! I'd love to read what she has to say! What a wonderful reference book.

Annie Jones said...

Please enter me into the drawing.

swiggett said...

I'd be very interested in this book. No chickens yet, but I sure would like to have some!

Becca said...

I just fell even more in love with our 4 hens when I thought I couldn't love them more---they began laying EGGS!
My family would love this book~especially my 6 year old!

Laura said...

Hi! I love me some chicken keeping books! :) Thanks!

lisa said...

Funny, we can have chickens in San Diego, but not goats? Probably because San Diegan Chickens lay fried eggs...

Sandy said...

My son and I are building a we just need the chickens (and a good how to book!)...Sandy Wilson

Stacey said...

I am dreaming of the day that I can have chickens in my backyard...soon, very soon it will happen. Stacey Lindsay

Brad K. said...

For those considering chickens, Bantam chickens eat less.

But if you are looking for meat or eggs, it takes a couple-three Bantams to make up a regular sized chicken.

Don't ask me how I know.

Crunchy, please do *not* add me to the list; I have a chicken book. Save that good looking book for someone starting out!

Anna @ Blue Dirt said...

There's never enough chicken books!

brande wijn said...

yay more chicken books! please enter me in drawing :)

Emily Wilkins said...

Count me in! I've just starting thinking about getting chickens and I'd like to get some more information about how it's done.

Emilyplays said...

We have 5 month old chickens and I am continually checking this book out from the library! It would be lovely to have a copy for keeps!

Aeryca said...

Always been interested in adding a chicken coop to my backyard garden. I'm also a book worm! Hope I win! - Erica Stokes @ Jujube Botanicals

Anna M said...

We are hoping to have chickens as soon as we move. Idaho Falls allows six which would be great to supply our eggs as we go through 2-3 dozen a week.

The Wrights said...


The Wrights said...

Would love to have this book!

Anonymous said...

Count me in please!

-Britt T.


Dawnee said...

Yes, please! Thank you!

Valerie said...

we are currently still looking for our new home where we can have chickens (not our current city sadly) but would love to have this book so we are READY! -Valerie Drehfal

AngMonday said...

Urban Homesteading is my next sustainability goal! Thanks for hosting the giveaway! - Angie Monday

Jen the Ecoventurer said...

I've been thinking about getting chickens for some time now, but I'm just not sure if I would know how to care for them properly. A book like this would be a big help, thanks for telling us about it.

craftydabbler said...

I am hoping to get chickens this coming spring. This would be a great help.

Maine Mom said...

Oooooooh I would love this book!

Katie B said...

I would like to enter the drawing.


Mary Ellen said...

I would love to have this book as I'm planning on a few hens next spring. Thanks for your offer!

Evans said...

We have had chickens for about a year and they are so much fun.

Rainy Day Gardener said...

Fun drawing! I'm very interested in learning to keep chickens!

Carrie Miller said...

Perfect timing! I've been wanting to have chickens but need the education first! This would be fabulous to win!

Erica/Northwest Edible Life said...

Hey, I love books! Count me in. :)

Free Range Mama said...

Would love a good book! Thanks!

Kara said...

Cool! I have her bee book, but would love to read the chicken version!

nicole aka gidget said...

I'm dreaming of raising chickens someday, so I'd love to win this book. :)

The Haphazard Countryman said...

I follow Ashley's blog and I have chickens. This book would be the perfect item to finish the trio!

Len said...

Ok, I have to jump in. Roll the dice!

Jen said...

We began our little urban farm in our backyard this past spring...including chickens! We love our chickens, they bring us so much joy. The book would be great! Jennifer Cook

Jen said...
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Anonymous said...

My mom just got me a chicken coop for my birthday! Help!

DeeAnn said...

We love our chickens and always need more knowledge of how to keep them (and us) happy.

evervescence said...

Enter me: Kadee Humphrey
Thanks! :)

Valorie said...

I really enjoy your writing. I'm glad I found you! -Valorie Stricklin

Angie Lavezzo said...

I love this series, but don't have this book! Fingers crossed- (email)

Gwendolyn B. said...

Having your own chickens in your backyard is becoming more and more popular. I'd love to consider it while perusing this book. Thanks for the giveaway!

geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com

Mel said...

I would love the book!

victoria said...

We just added 4 little chickies to our family. We'd love to have the book!

Anonymous said...

I am getting chickens this spring and I NEED this bood

Tori said...

I love learning about urban chickens... hoping to enter that world of homesteading in the next 5 years :) Thanks CC! - Tori Michel

Shannon said...

Thank you for including me. I would love to have chickens someday. =)
tiredwkids at live dot com

Cynthia in Denver said...

Oh Oh Oh OH!!! We FINALLY got our chickens last week!!! All the information I can gather would be very helpful please!
Our three new little girls:
Mary - New Hampshire Red
Annabelle and Lucy ... Americaunas.

Tammy Klick said...

We would love to get some chickens too - just gotta convince the township where we live. Tammy Klick

Amy O said...

looks like a great book. We just got space and plan on getting chickens in the spring

SurprisingWoman said...

I have four chickens, only one has been laying all summer. I had one that would lay every once in a while but i have three moulting now. Oy.

I could use the extra info.


Beth said...

Looks like a good book. We just got our first homegrown eggs last week - got the chicks in May. Having chickens helps me feel more connected - to my farming grandparents, to our little piece of urban land, and to our food. Thanks for the chance to win!

Linda said...

Oooo, pick me! I just talked my husband into letting me get chickens next spring!

Unknown said...

I've added this book to my amazon wishlist, but of course I hope I win it LOL

I just inherited chickens from my neighbors that moved to a fancy neighborhood - I've never kept chickens before, and hubby only helped his Grandma when he was a kid.

PS: I hope veggie chips are healthy for chickens - they sure liked them ^_^

Erin said...

Darn, I'm Canadian. :-(

Anonymous said...

Hi been looking for a book about chickens, looks like a great book with colorful pictures !


Anke said...

Looks like a wonderful book! I would be thrilled if I was lucky enough to win it...

Katrina said...

I keep looking at this book. My husband isn't on board with the idea of keeping chickens, yet, but I'm still working on him. I think this book would help in pushing him in the right direction.

Thanks for offering it!

Jamie said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win! -Jamie Brown

Maria said...

We have four hens - but I would love to read the book! Thank you for the chance!

Carol Miller said...

Raising chickens has always been something I have been interested in, a guide would be great. Thanks for the offer,Carol

Dollwood Farms said...

I would love to win, thanks for the chance. I love reading about everyone's chickens and have been thinking a lot about it.

brittany said...

Hoping to have some chickens next spring. would love the book.
brittany levinson

Tawney said...

I would love to start my own small flock!
Tawney Peterson

Carrie said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity.

Carrie said...

What a great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity!

Jamie said...

I have the canning book already and this is the next on my wishlist for AMAZON,thanks
we have been raising hens and chicks but I need to know lots more

Anonymous said...

Would love to have this book as we are just starting to look into getting some backyard chickens here in town- and it seems so overwhelming to us! Thanks for the offer- Vicki Kennah

Anonymous said...

Looks like an interesting book!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win the book.

Cesar Diaz said...

Looks like a great book

Drew said...

This would be a fantastic reference!

Kim said...

This would be an awesome book to have!

Joanie said...

Won a coop and getting my new chicks early 2012. Would love to get this book!

Kelly said...

We are hoping to get some chickens soon, would love this book. :)

The Nurturing Pirate said...

I would love to have chickens one day and this book would certainly help in that endeavor.

April's Homemaking said...

Wonderful Giveaway! I love chickens, and am very interested in this book- thanks for the opportunity! ~April

Jen said...

I would love to have chickens! This book might push me over the edge!

Melissa Carr said...

I would love to be entered in your giveaway! We've had chickens for a year, but I still have LOTS to learn!

Lukey Here said...

We are looking at adding laying hens to our backyard, this would be a perfect book to help us get going.

Jeanette said...

Would love to win this book!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great book!

Andi said...

I would love a shot at this book! Thank you!

Lydia said...
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Lydia said...

Would love to win this book! Awesome giveaway!

Dina Johnson said...

This would be great! Then maybe my husband would be more informed about chickens and let me get some!

Thanks for this opportunity and good luck to everybody1!!

tonya said...

Since we will be embarking on keeping chickens when we move to our new house (finally, no HOA!), I would love to win :)

Autumn said...

looks like a good book to add to my reference library

Nichole said...

Would love a copy of this book!

KAS said...

I would love to win a copy of this book!

Leslie said...

pick me, pick me! pleeeeeezzzzzzzz.

Prairiemom said...

Oh! Pick me! All I want is 3 chickens. Gonna name them Nugget, alfredo, and Cordon Bleu. 'Cause we are nutty like that.

Loves.Nature said...

I would love to win this book, I never had chickens, but always wanted some. Been living in back in the country for 6 years, hopefully next year I can get a coop built and get some pretty living yard ornaments and fresh egg layers.

Carmi Quillts said...

I would love to have a source of answers for my chicken questions. We currently have 11 laying hens, 1 rooster and 3 3-month old pullets. We constantly have questions. Please enter my name for this giveaway.

ethang said...
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Ethan Crawford said...


Sue said...

great giveaway

Christine F. said...

We are constantly tinkering around with the chicken coop setup so this book would be great. Thanks for the chance!

Robj98168 said...

Hope I win this clucking book.

Jenette said...

I so need a chicken book. Relying on my mom is NOT working. I wont get into details but she basically told me to put a hole in the egg my chicken was hatching ... bad idea!

Sarah @ pão e queijo said...

I would love to win this book, my family and I are trying to buy local and even better if we can do it ourselves!

sarahepardee at gmail dot com

Renee M. said...

I have a spot ready for chickens, just need the ideas for a coop and a run. My daughter is getting a coop for her birthday and knows next to nothing about keeping chickens, Needless to say both of us would benefit from this resource. Hope to win!!!

Panamamama said...

Sounds like a neat book! I have 2 girls and my mom is wanting some. I am always on the net looking up info and a book would be helpful!