Thursday, May 19, 2011

Salad days and then some

We are well into eating salad every day and I thought I'd share some pictures from around our urban farm that I took this week.

Our first hoop house is going gangbusters. It's growing spinach, two types of lettuce, carrots, broccoli and sugar snap peas:

Our garlic is getting huge. I wish this picture really showed not only how tall they are but how much girth they've got going on:

Our annual herbs are growing nicely. In this shot there's Italian flat leaf parsley, cilantro, dill and oregano (in the background):

Our cherry tree is pretty much done with its blossoms and we have a nice crop of tiny fruit coming along:

The columnar apples are still blossoming:

My potato experiment is going wild. I've already hilled it a couple times. These potatoes (I have two going) are being raised in grow bags and hilled with a mix of soil and straw:

Finally, our strawberry bed is in bloom:

How are things growing in your yard?


  1. As soon as I get the house cleaned up (folks are coming tomorrow) I'm posting mid-month meanderings. This year is slow, at best, but things are coming along! A bit puny- but this heat should perk things up.

  2. Our garden looks rather similar - although yours looks considerably tidier ;)

    Some things - including most of our lettuce and salad - seem to be dragging their heels this year but our potatoes, tomatoes and courgettes (zucchini) are going crazy. Can't wait until they start producing :)

  3. I just put broccoli out last weekend, which seems to be thriving. All the seeds I planted last month for spinach, kale, chard and carrots are growing slowly. We have had over a week of grey, rainy days and expect it through the weekend. Looking forward to some sun for ALL of us!

  4. Since we are in the metro Atlanta area, our winter/spring crops are on the way out. Still getting lettuces, strawberries, and sugar snaps, but all the radishes are up and out and beans and tomatoes are flowering. Some pears forming on our new tree. Apples...not so much...not sure why. Our peach tree is again loaded. Potatoes going like mad and just planted our sweet potatoes (using wire cages and burlap bags on all potatoes). Going great guns and have not had to purchase produce in a couple of months!

  5. It's been very much cooler (colder, even) here than usual- my lettuce is doing well but everything else is sloooow going.

  6. Peas and salad leaves going well, everything else plodding along. The UK has had a very dry spring, which has affected growth.
    The cut and come again salad (loose leaved lettuce and mixed leaves) has been fantastic- we've eaten it almost every day either as salad or in sandwiches and it's been wonderful. I even managed to succession sow and the new patch is ready to be picked just as the first patch is becoming fit for the chickens!

  7. I have a Bunny. I can explain how my garden is going better if I tell you what I have lost. 6 yellow squash, 6 acorn squash, 3 tomato, 2 cherry tomato, 6 cucumber, 3 pickles and 6 zucchini. I went to the green house today, bought all new stuff, and I will be trying it again. Destructive little beast.

  8. hey, I think you just identified the mystery plant that's growing in our back yard. Planted it a few years ago but forgot what it was...looks just like your oregano. many thanks!!

  9. Well - the grass and dandelions are doing well . . .

    Since spring seems to have gotten lost on its way to the Atlantic coast of Canada nothing has been planted yet - still waiting for the rain to let up so we can till the garden. I think we have had one sunny day so far this month . . .

    I did notice yesterday, while cleaning out my container pots, that some lettuce has self seeded itself and tiny leaves have appeared. Hope they survive the frost and 5C temps (40F) that are forecast for this weekend.

  10. I too have lettuce ready to eat as well as cilantro and a wee bit of basil. The peas are growing like gang-busters but no flowers yet. Sigh! Need flowers before I get the peas. Everything else is pretty far behind.

  11. I have no complaints thus far. It is cooler this year (we are in Tacoma), as everyone says, but the winter veggies continue to produce and the summer ones are blooming everywhere. It'll be nice to pull that first pea off the vine!
