Friday, April 15, 2011

Top 25 Eco-Friendly Moms

This week has been awfully stressful. As I mentioned earlier, my husband has been sick. Monday we went into his cancer clinic to make sure he still had some white blood cells left, otherwise they were going to admit him to the hospital. His bloodwork came back normal (well, normal for someone with a bone marrow cancer), but he still wasn't faring well by Wednesday.

So, he went in for a chest x-ray. And, after six days of having fevers hovering around 103, they were able to determine he has pneumonia. For most people, this is a problem, but for him, having a new immune system (that is suppressed) and cancer makes it that much more worrisome. At this point, he's on three antibiotics and hopefully things will turn around soon.

Needless to say, my ability to concentrate on anything non-essential has been low. Which is why you're seeing this random post on the Top 25 Eco-Friendly Moms "contest". I can't say I like these personality contests, it kind of reminds me of high school. But, that doesn't mean I'm not one to get sucked up in it all, just like the best of them. And, honestly, I need the diversion.

That said, can you pretty please go vote for me to be in the Top 25 Eco-Friendly Moms? You can vote daily through April 17th.

So go vote for your favorites! And, I guarantee you'll find some new blogs to read.


  1. Overwhelmed.

    When reality assaults us,
    Giving more than we can take
    Like the utter devastation
    Of tsunami and of quake
    When admitting in the horror
    Opens up the very heart
    I suspect that, just to save itself,
    The brain shuts down a part.


    digital cuttlefish

  2. Sorry to hear of your husbands trying health issues...~~HUGS~~

  3. Love and prayers to you Deanna - and your babies and man. <3
    It's so exhausting and draining. Thankfully they know what it is. When my dad was sick (he had lung cancer and beat it, but it was a long, tough time), I always felt better having something to attack rather than waiting and not knowing.

    As far as blogs on the Top 25 - here here, you always get my vote!

  4. Good heavens, Deanna. I had no idea! Hugs for you and your family.

    Of course I voted for you!

  5. So sorry for you and your husband. I know how frustrated and exhausted you must be. My mother was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 1994 at the age of 44 and given 3 - 5 years. Aside from her and her father (interesting considering that it is not supposed to be a hereditary cancer), I'd never even heard of anyone else having mm.

    Peace to you, and hope. My mother still works full time and lives on her own overseas. She has a terrible time with bronchial infections, but other than that she is doing remarkably well for someone who was supposed to die more than 10 years ago.

    Peace, love, and health to your family! Sending you a little of my mom's juju.

  6. I hope your husband is better soon.

  7. I hope your husband is feeling better. Not a fun week at all.

    I'm glad you found a diversion in the Moms Circle contest. It really does feel like high school-doesn't it. And that's not a place I want to go back to! You are doing great-I keep voting for you and all the other awesome eco-mamas!!

    I hope next week is much better.

  8. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Deanna. And I will go vote!

  9. Healing vibes to you all Ms D. And I voted.

  10. I'm voting for you. I would have voted for you anyway, even if you hadn't asked so nicely, because you rock:) Best wishes to you and your family.

  11. Prayers for your husband...and you. I just voted for you, hope you win!

  12. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. There have been at least 4 cases of cancer in my family and extended family and I know how hard it can be. You, your family and husband are in my thoughts and prayers.

  13. Seventh place! Not bad. Congrats. We'll be better organized next year.

  14. will definitely vote and hope to encourage others to do so. May your husband quickly recover from the pneumonia...and return to working his way back to health.

  15. Hope your husband kicks the infection soon.
