Friday, February 18, 2011

Paleo Blueberry Almond Smoothie

I was getting a little tired of the Paleo Spinach Coconut Smoothie I was making and decided to branch out a bit. I ended up altering a recipe from the book, Clean, and adapted it a little based on some things I was reading from Mark Sisson's site, Mark's Daily Apple. Since I started eating more of this "paleo diet" thing, I've already noticed a change in my body. It's almost kind of freaky how quickly your body changes.

I also started following Mark's strength exercises (he has a free e-book explaining them as well as a bunch of YouTube videos) in addition to my 30 minute daily walk. The strength exercises are great in that you don't need any equipment, just your own body weight and he breaks them down in the videos showing you how to progress from easy versions to hard for those of us wimps out there.

In any case, here's the smoothie o' the day. The cardamom is what makes this takes good, but if you don't like the taste of cardamom, you can substitute cinnamon. Make sure all your ingredients are organic!

Paleo Blueberry Almond Smoothie

1/4 cup almond butter (preferably fresh)
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 cup coconut milk (I use So Delicious Original)
1/2 cup ice
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 - 2 teaspoons agave syrup

Place all of the above in a blender or Vitamix and blend until smooth!

Note: Argh! There be affiliate links in this post. Consider yerself warned.


  1. Hi!
    Thanks for mentioning the results of the Paleo/Primal way of living. I'm the only person in my social circle who's jumped in (about 3 months ago, yes, just before Christmas!) so despite all of the people in Mark's online community I've been feeling a little alone. It's so good to hear from someone I "know" and trust who's doing the same thing!

    I have to agree - the results are almost frighteningly good (mentally and physically)! Thank you so much for your blog in general and for these two smoothie recipies :D

    All the best, Amy xXxXx

  2. I didn't know cavemen had smoothies. Awesome.

  3. I'm intrigued - what kind of changes?

  4. @Amy - Glad to meet another paleo-peep!

    @Elizabeth - I just don't have the masticatory muscles like an australopithecine. And, really, when you think about it, blenders are just glorified rocks being smashed together.

    As for the changes, I've become noticeably leaner over the last few weeks. It's like the fat is melting off. It's kind of creepy. I'm never hungry, and my muscles are showing more.

  5. Tried this today and it was yummy. Thanks for the recipe. I also ordered Mark's book from the library and hope to start reading it soon.
