Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pioneer Week Dinners

Since it's Pioneer Week, I've been making our dinners from scratch. Some meals have been easier than others, but I've been making a lot of homemade food. So, I thought I'd share what I've been up to.

Sunday night we had grilled wild salmon, roasted fennel and green beans (from our CSA box that I picked up on Sunday) and potatoes from the back yard. For dessert, we had the chocolate cake my husband made and the mint chocolate ice cream he made from fresh mint. Monday was leftovers.

Tuesday night I made pizzas using the pizza sauce I made over the weekend. The yeast must have been loving the warmer weather because, although I didn't do anything different, it turned into the pizza that almost ate Seattle. At least we have leftovers for Thursday. Accompanying the pizza was a salad of cucumbers, onions, green pepper, and tomatoes from our CSA box.

Yesterday, I made some raspberry syrup for drinks for dinner (just add two tablespoons of syrup to sparkling water).

Last night I made the most amazing Swiss Chard. And I'm not generally a huge fan of it since it, inevitably ends up tasting like, well, Swiss Chard. But this recipe is different. This went really well with pasta and the arugula pesto I made Sunday (the arugula from the CSA box).

To round it all out I also made some Speedy No Knead Bread that is super easy to make and comes out perfect every time.

Tomorrow night is leftover pizza and sugar snap pea salad from our garden and the CSA box.

And, I must admit that I was happy to put away the tent. Two nights sleeping on the ground with the cold and moisture was enough for me. Particularly, the raccoon visit at 4:30 am.


  1. Maybe it's because I live in a very shall we say red neck area(WV) but alot of the younger guys still know how to do these things. Although I live in town and you don't see it so much now but they know! Now the women here that's a different story. They couldn't live without what todays society has become accustomed to as normal! And would die if forced to cook a meal from scratch or mend a shirt! Funny, huh?

    Kim in WV

  2. Well you are doing a lot better at the cooking/eating department than me. Maybe it is because my fridge chose to act up, or maybe because I am lazy, but eating at local restaurants seems to be my forte this week. Except for the nights I make Cheese sandwiches. Of course I had leftover ribs one night, and mac and cheese another night.

  3. Can you please post the recipe for the raspberry syrup? It sounds really good.


  4. I have spent a lot of time camping. I am no fan of raccoons. However,I sleep outside or under a tarp depending on weather. Imagine waking up under your tarp and finding a skunk messing with your gear!

    You sure do not want the skunk to spray in the confines of your tarp.

  5. I've been wanting to make the no-knead bread for a couple of years now, but I get hung up on the pot used to cook it. I have a large stockpot I use for pasta (on the stovetop), but it's made of stainless steel and the lid has a plastic handle. Do you think it would survive in the oven? Can I cover the pot with foil instead of the plastic-handled lid and call it good? Could I use the liner from my crock pot? Or a large glass bowl? Am I overthinking this? I just can't bring myself to purchase a new pot just to make this bread. I really am that cheap!

  6. Susan - I know what you mean. I tried using our stainless steel All-Clad pot with lid and it failed miserably.

    You really do need the cast iron with lid for this to work well.
