Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pea patch pic o' the day

My daughter and I walked over to the Ballard Pea Patch last week after dinner and took a bunch of photos of what we found. There was a lot of really cool stuff growing there, so I thought I'd post some of the shots.

Several of them had fun signs, so I'll start with this one. Can you spot what's growing in this picture (click to make it larger)?

First one who answers correctly wins nothing but the pride of being an excellent gardener!


  1. Quite a lot in that picture! Definitely some nasturtium, maybe a rhubarb back there? A thistle, maybe globe? I see a mint of some sort, picture isn't clear enough for more than that. Not sure about the variegated guy at the bottom; can't get proper perspective on size for some reason, could be sage. Also a variegated thyme, maybe lemon? Too yellow looking for silver I think.

  2. Did you at least water the poor dears?

  3. I'm seeing artichoke, sage, peas, thyme, nasturtiums and some sort of squash. Cute sign!

  4. Oh and oregano and blueberries!

  5. hah... love the photo and the sign. as for what's growing? not a clue. looks like some sort of squash like plant in the back. *L*

  6. Nasturtiums, artichokes, oregano, tomato plant, squash, I think the variegated guy is sage

  7. I see an artichoke! I love the ballard pea patch, I miss it, and all community gardens. I've thought about offering space to people who have none, but in this area there just aren't many people who don't have space for a small garden. That's good, right?

    I used to take my kids to the ballard patch quite frequently, and I admit we sometimes tole some raspberries. They were dropping all over the ground! What was I to do???

  8. I see variegated sage, a mint maybe, and thyme, then behind the sign looks like rhubarb with nasturtium. Over on the right, artichoke with some sort of brassica behind it, maybe broccoli, kale or piracicaba. Peas on the left. Way in back? Straggly lookin' stuff? Maybe potatoes in real trouble? Can't really tell.

  9. the lizard in the bottom right corner???
