Sunday, January 10, 2010

Good Earth - good living

As many of you may recall, the Mission: Sustainable TV team (cast members and production staff) will be heading down to Eugene, OR on January 22-24 to attend the Good Earth Home, Garden & Living Show, America's 1st sustainable home and garden show. We'll be premiering the pilot episode of the Mission: Sustainable green makeover reality show that I'm a cast member/personal care consultant on and we'll be hosting a (ginormous) booth where participants in the home show can come and film their green living tips to be broadcast on the Mission: Sustainable website.

In addition to airing the pilot episode over the three-day weekend, we'll be doing panel discussions with the cast and crew and seminars from the cast members. That means that on Saturday and Sunday I'll be doing a seminar (3:00 pm on Saturday and 1:00 pm on Sunday). My topic is, can you guess it, Fringe Green Theater. If I'm going to be doing a presentation to a large audience, which I'm not exactly fond of doing, it's going to have to be something that I'm interested in and think is fun.

The topics I'm planning on covering, depending on the crowd, will range anywhere from cloth wipes, menstrual care, urine as fertilizer, human waste composting, alternative deodorants and sustainable sex toys. I'm planning on making it less lecture and more stand-up, which, hopefully, will be a riot. It will be filmed, so if I totally rock it (which is what I'm shooting for :), I'll post the video here sometime in the future.

If you guys are at all interested in helping support the green makeover show and cover the expenses of the trip to the home show (as well as cover some of the costs for our Seattle green carpet gala extravaganza premiere on February 11th - more about that in a later post), you can donate your nickels and dimes here. You can check out the donation page for more information about both events.

And, if you live in the Eugene area, make sure you come check out the show!

Here's a sneak peak at the commercial for the Good Earth Home, Garden and Living Show:


  1. Good luck! Hope you do rock it! Sounds like a great range of interesting topics you are going to cover. Have fun with it all...

  2. I would very much like to see that in video! Hope you post it :)

    Will Mission: Sustainable be available to watch online?

  3. I really want to see that video!

  4. Hmmmm... Might have to go down to Eugene and Heckle You!LOL the Verification word is COuth...something which I fail at--- a lot

  5. Crunchella does stand-up! Sounds like a hoot. Break a drumstick!
